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Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci

03-16-2022 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Isn’t this the same dude that was running around town trying to convince people he was buying the Dodgers 10 years ago?

I wish I could find the article. He somehow convinces this guy to write the profile. It was funny to read. You could tell the journalist knew he was full of **** but wrote the piece trying to be as respectful as possible.
You are thinking of a different L.A. poker playing I-talian. Josh Maciello..
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-16-2022 , 09:29 PM
Ah, you are right. My apologies to Nick and the thread.

Not the first time I have been wrong.

Hopefully no harm done. Mods, delete if possible.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-16-2022 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Ah, you are right. My apologies to Nick and the thread.

Not the first time I have been wrong.

Hopefully no harm done. Mods, delete if possible.
Believe me you don't have to apologize to Nick. He should be apologizing himself for being a POS scammer scumbag.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-16-2022 , 10:06 PM
that's a legit lol
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-17-2022 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Ah, you are right. My apologies to Nick and the thread.

Not the first time I have been wrong.
Oh boy, do you have a go-fund me for the future laible suit?
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Nick, did you really manage to suka people into paying ~$40K for real estate courses that are worth about $29.95 ? If so, that makes you one of the greatest con man whose not an orange colored cry baby from new york city.
I'm more curious about stuff like this. I don't think he's cheating wrt: poker but over the last couple years I've heard numerous stories like this that paint him out to be a pretty big scumag. For me even his vibes/demeanor sometimes seem really scummy. Like if it wasn't his stream he wouldn't be able to resist berating other players, dealers, etc. (I think early on he used to do this a lot from what I remember).

Have there been confirmed stories (such as being a felon, scamming people, etc) brought up in this thread, or others that people know about? I think that's more of an issue that deserves attention than him possibly cheating. Bc to be fair I think he's actually been running and playing really well the last couple months.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by drexah
I'm more curious about stuff like this. I don't think he's cheating wrt: poker but over the last couple years I've heard numerous stories like this that paint him out to be a pretty big scumag. For me even his vibes/demeanor sometimes seem really scummy. Like if it wasn't his stream he wouldn't be able to resist berating other players, dealers, etc. (I think early on he used to do this a lot from what I remember).

Have there been confirmed stories (such as being a felon, scamming people, etc) brought up in this thread, or others that people know about? I think that's more of an issue that deserves attention than him possibly cheating. Bc to be fair I think he's actually been running and playing really well the last couple months.
I saw Nick Vertucci at a grocery store in Los Angeles a couple years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 05:11 AM
I had an encounter with him January of 2010. I sat next to Nick in a 5k 6max event, we got along, mentioned to him that my friend and I were doing a horseback trail/beach riding excursion. He laughed said he might be interested, we exchanged numbers and I busted a few levels later. I text him that night telling him the price/time and he says why the hell not, and so it was set.

Next day comes and the van comes to pick us up, he seemed excited said he hadn't ridden a horse in years, we had that in common so I guess we were a little nervous. I tried to joke around a bit telling him that the professionals ride with both legs on one side, and I hope to be that good one day. Few people laughed but I thought it was funny and thats all that matters lol. So we get to the horses, everyone gets on, and we are off. The 1st 10 min is a slow beach walk, and I'm behind Nick, and my friend behind me. I was snapping pics and videos to send to friends (this is before snapchat) and then out of nowhere Nick swings his legs to one side, and starts riding side saddle. I took a 8-10 second video of this, we had some laughs, and I put my phone away. We finish the trail and are back at the hotel bar in about 90 minutes.

This is the part that I will never forget and has truly stopped me from befriending strangers, or at least made me more wary. I pull out my phone and start showing some pictures, I told him I would text him photos of him because as he put it "my friends won't believe I did this". I get to the video of him riding side saddle. My friend and I start laughing our asses off, as you can imagine how hilarious this looks. He gets red almost immediately. "Delete that **** right now" "That is the gayest thing ever I don't know why I did it" At first I thought he was kidding, but he reassured me, "If you don't delete that I will break your phone" and he grabbed at my phone. I told him to relax, and what was the big deal. He said he was "big online" and that if the video got out people would talk ****. Looking like he was about to cry, I took my phone, deleted the video in front of him, he made sure it was fully deleted, then said "I knew something was ****ed up about you guys" and walked away.

I had only occasionally thought about that night, until I saw this thread talking about dealings with him. I would randomly google his name, and see him doing well in life, and was some what happy for him getting his **** together. Now reading and hearing about him again prompted me to tell this story, and at least give another perspective of Nick Vertucci..
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
… and then out of nowhere Nick swings his legs to one side, and starts riding side saddle.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
I had an encounter with him January of 2010. I sat next to Nick in a 5k 6max event, we got along, mentioned to him that my friend and I were doing a horseback trail/beach riding excursion. He laughed said he might be interested, we exchanged numbers and I busted a few levels later. I text him that night telling him the price/time and he says why the hell not, and so it was set.

Next day comes and the van comes to pick us up, he seemed excited said he hadn't ridden a horse in years, we had that in common so I guess we were a little nervous. I tried to joke around a bit telling him that the professionals ride with both legs on one side, and I hope to be that good one day. Few people laughed but I thought it was funny and thats all that matters lol. So we get to the horses, everyone gets on, and we are off. The 1st 10 min is a slow beach walk, and I'm behind Nick, and my friend behind me. I was snapping pics and videos to send to friends (this is before snapchat) and then out of nowhere Nick swings his legs to one side, and starts riding side saddle. I took a 8-10 second video of this, we had some laughs, and I put my phone away. We finish the trail and are back at the hotel bar in about 90 minutes.

This is the part that I will never forget and has truly stopped me from befriending strangers, or at least made me more wary. I pull out my phone and start showing some pictures, I told him I would text him photos of him because as he put it "my friends won't believe I did this". I get to the video of him riding side saddle. My friend and I start laughing our asses off, as you can imagine how hilarious this looks. He gets red almost immediately. "Delete that **** right now" "That is the gayest thing ever I don't know why I did it" At first I thought he was kidding, but he reassured me, "If you don't delete that I will break your phone" and he grabbed at my phone. I told him to relax, and what was the big deal. He said he was "big online" and that if the video got out people would talk ****. Looking like he was about to cry, I took my phone, deleted the video in front of him, he made sure it was fully deleted, then said "I knew something was ****ed up about you guys" and walked away.

I had only occasionally thought about that night, until I saw this thread talking about dealings with him. I would randomly google his name, and see him doing well in life, and was some what happy for him getting his **** together. Now reading and hearing about him again prompted me to tell this story, and at least give another perspective of Nick Vertucci..
I want this to be true, but it has to be copypasta, right?

Please tell me this is true.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
I want this to be true, but it has to be copypasta, right?

Please tell me this is true.
This is actually a true story but not about Nick. It was a poker player that was fairly well known but forget the name. There was a legendary thread about it on 2+2 years ago.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 02:50 PM
Im not watching any more streams with Nick announcing or playing. Not gonna support this scamming meatball.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
This is actually a true story but not about Nick. It was a poker player that was fairly well known but forget the name. There was a legendary thread about it on 2+2 years ago.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 05:52 PM
i really believed both of the above stories lol. i guess that says something in itself. is the grocery store one true at least!?
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 05:57 PM
The grocery store one was just posted a day or two ago in the Colby Covington poker thread.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
i really believed both of the above stories lol. i guess that says something in itself. is the grocery store one true at least!?
The grocery store one is a very old copypasta. The proximity of the two made me doubt the second one, but it was more believable because of the poker element involved. Given that the original was about a poker player, it makes sense.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by JERRYJ0NES
Im not watching any more streams with Nick announcing or playing. Not gonna support this scamming meatball.
A bit of a ridiculous overreaction, no?
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by drexah
i really believed both of the above stories lol. i guess that says something in itself. is the grocery store one true at least!?
At the risk of committing liable, yes it is 100% true. It happened in one of those high end grocery stores, Gelson's I think.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
At the risk of committing liable, yes it is 100% true. It happened in one of those high end grocery stores, Gelson's I think.
Liable is OK, just whatever you do don't commit slunder.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by BrickMMA
Liable is OK, just whatever you do don't commit slunder.
thoughts and prayers for when ya'll get suited
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-18-2022 , 06:39 PM
Not cool Dudes, not cool.

Nit Vertdouchey
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-19-2022 , 03:04 AM
We've all done some embarrassing things in our pasts but those real estate vids/seminar is like Tai Lopez level cringe.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-19-2022 , 04:20 AM
Somebody set the over/under on when he posts on here again. If he does, been taking a damn SMASHING lately.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-21-2022 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by yoyada
Next thing Micro is you saying you want your $40k back.

Now you are calling Lauren into your accusations of wrong doing, sadly again with zero proof.

Just **** off till you can offer proof otherwise you are just another coward behind keyboard. Seek help please as with age it will only get worse, soon you won't even want to leave your unit.
Very strange post and probably ban worthy. What are you doing btw? Cowering behind keyboard yourself damn RIP.

Nick Vertucci is a career scammer and should be taken to court by his victims.
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
03-21-2022 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by trampled
Nick Vertucci is a career scammer and should be taken to court by his victims.
Can we change the thread title to this?
Hustler Casino Live - Nick Vertucci Quote
