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Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment

11-29-2014 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
Not to sidetrack this thread, but I'm one of those people from outside you are talking about. I watched incredulously as Bush went to war with an impotent country and got ~ a million people killed over lies while calling it "Operation Iraqi Freedom". When the truth came out about all the lies, I was sure he would be impeached but instead he was reelected! You have to understand how ridiculously stupid Americans looked when they did that.

Also, I am afraid to travel to the USA. I have had so many bad experiences with immigration that I am literally afraid to travel there now. The last time I was there I spent 4 hours in a tiny room in Miami with no toilet or water while they checked me out on the computer and generally treated me worse than a dog. There is NO other country in the world with immigration so brutal and rude as in the USA...and I know because I travel constantly.

America is sick and there is a laundry list of things that need to be addressed before she can be healthy. I would put internet poker near the bottom of the list when you consider the more glaring items. The USA is a police state now. Cops are killing defenseless people every day. People are serving ridiculous sentences for minor things like marijuana. Politicians are bought and paid for and not representative of the people. I don't even think voting will change anything. It's going to take drastic measures I'm afraid.

Call me a pessimist but there is no way internet poker is going to pass with the current climate of corruption.

It's ironic that I live in a country under martial law, but I feel safer here than when I am in the USA.....and I can play internet poker here too.
If you ever decide to post again please state some real facts.Not exaggerations and opinions stated as facts.All that cheap Thai poon is clouding your judgement.As for your immigration problem, you must be one shady character.Thousands if not millions of illegals treat our borders like they're a revolving door and you can't get in with a valid passport? What's going on in your background?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by BillyPhelan
If you ever decide to post again please state some real facts.Not exaggerations and opinions stated as facts.All that cheap Thai poon is clouding your judgement.As for your immigration problem, you must be one shady character.Thousands if not millions of illegals treat our borders like they're a revolving door and you can't get in with a valid passport? What's going on in your background?
Everything I said was true. Name one thing that I said that isn't true. Regarding my immigration troubles, I have no criminal history, I am Canadian, ex-military, clean cut etc. I am married with a family in Thailand and I don't use whores...also I don't smoke or drink. Just about everything you assume about me is false. I wish I knew why I get such a hard time from immigration, there is no apparent reason. However, I am not the only one...I've spoken to other people who have been treated like dirt too and they refuse to go back. I am actually AFRAID to go to the US because of my treatment by immigration. Is that what you want for people who come visit?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 09:42 PM
Choke/Billy, take it to PM and end the derail. Thanks.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
Choke/Billy, take it to PM and end the derail. Thanks.
Yeah, sorry for the derail but it's hard to keep my mouth shut when somebody accuses me of being a shady character and it isn't even remotely true.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 05:52 AM
English newspaper calls 59 million americans dumb after bush got elected the 2nd time.This paper was pretty much spot on obv
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 09:29 AM
I wonder if there are any other Commandments that Huckabee doesn't believe in.

Last edited by Doc T River; 11-30-2014 at 09:31 AM. Reason: He evidently doesn't believe in not bearing false witness.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Abe Schmuckfeld
English newspaper calls 59 million americans dumb after bush got elected the 2nd time.This paper was pretty much spot on obv
I think a lot of Brits have this false narrative that there is a good party and an evil party in the USA. That's just completely wrong, both are terrible and pretty equal amongst the popular one-sided criticisms. Maybe if you paid attention to Blanche's party affiliation, or Democrats voting records you'd understand. It's not lol Dumb Americans, it's corporatism at it's worst and it's nearly impossible for citizens to do anything about it.


Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 01:12 PM
It's Rollerball USA here (and some other places too) the James Caan (Jonathan) Rollerball. We are really mostly helpless to make much difference to suit some of you non Americans or us. Sorry.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 04:38 PM
1000% agree with thay3r . I could not agree with your post more
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 10:24 PM
The Huckster must really hate us. He posted against online poker again:
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-30-2014 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Abe Schmuckfeld
English newspaper calls 59 million americans dumb after bush got elected the 2nd time.This paper was pretty much spot on obv
Yes,we should always look to the British tabloids for knowledge and wisdom.Do they still show the boobie pics?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-01-2014 , 08:29 AM
So the estimated 20+ billion the U.S. will spend on Christmas decorations from 2012 - 2016 will surpass funds needed to completely eradicate homelessness according to an article by Bonnie Kavoussi of Huffingtonpost back in 2012.

Why then Blanche and Mike imitate "concern" from a "Christian" standpoint given the above premise completely negates Jeremiah 10: 3-4 and well, the entire New Testament must lead one to the conclusion that they are politically selective in their sentiment.

As ESKiMO-SiCKENESS so coherently noted:
It's politics. Everybody is being paid for everything.

Omerta vs journalolism.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-01-2014 , 01:08 PM
It's well known that Republicans, way more than Democrats, tend to hide on both sides of the Federalism issue depending on which is more convenient at the time. Having said that, I'm perfectly convinced at this point that both major parties are evil and entirely self-interested. Nothing will change until the public wakes up and forces change to that system. Unfortunately I'm not optimistic it'll be anytime soon.

Last edited by bwakus23; 12-01-2014 at 01:29 PM.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-01-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Nolan Dalla addresses the Blanche Lincoln segment:

Nolan will be back on my webcast this evening. I don't imagine Nolan will hold back, either.

*** Poker Advocacy with Rich Muny Webcast ***
*** Live Monday, December 1st at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT ***

On this week's webcast, I'll be joined live by PPA Executive Director John Pappas for a one-on-one discussion on the lame duck session, Sheldon Adelson's push for a national online poker prohibition, and steps we can take as a community to stand up for our rights. Following my chat with John, I'll be joined by Nolan Dalla and poker reporter Steve Ruddock for a terrific panel chat on Nolan and Steve's recent columns and poker advocacy.

You won't want to miss this! Be sure to tune in at
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-01-2014 , 03:21 PM
I re-uploaded it with comments open:
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-04-2014 , 11:31 AM
Since this thread started, how many people have gone to the coalition's website and taken a look around?

If you want a chuckle, take a look at their "fact" sheet.

One thing I had to laugh about was their concern about unregulated gaming and they use that as some kind of justification to be against regulated gaming. In case they are reading this, regulated and unregulated don't mean the same thing.

Also, they cite some Defense Department concern about cyber warfare and imply the DOD was worried about online gaming when it wasn't.

How many lies can you spot?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-04-2014 , 09:05 PM
I'm pretty sure this is new.Interesting column about Shelly and his whores.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-04-2014 , 11:56 PM
Nice article BillyPhelan, not so nice site Doc.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-05-2014 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by psithurism
Nice article BillyPhelan, not so nice site Doc.
I know that.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
12-05-2014 , 08:09 AM
We need to be vigilant that RAWA, or something similar, isn't slipped into the bill needed this lame duck session to keep the government running.

The banking industry appears to be trying that move with a piece of legislation they want so it could be others will try the same thing for what they want.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
