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Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment

11-27-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by PALLADINN
Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister. If there is anyone opposed to gambling of any sort, it would be the former Governor Huckabee.
His vices are Christian rock and fibbing about being a proponent of smaller government.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by PALLADINN
Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister. If there is anyone opposed to gambling of any sort, it would be the former Governor Huckabee.
Yes, I was aware of that when I gave him the F rating. It didn't influence my rating, but it gave me insight into his principles.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 11:34 AM
Huckabee said that any politician who didn't support RAWA needed to be thrown out of office. I say that anyone with political aspirations who supports someone making demonstrable lies to further his own agenda shouldn't be elected for anything. Not even dog catcher.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 12:00 PM
I'm all for stopping kids from gambling, and you're a heathen if you are for it, but there's arguably a worse plague destroying children's lives and bankrupting American families. Please consider supporting this new effort-

The Stop Unlawful Skylanders Games and RFID Characters Act

Over $2 billion has been fleeced from parents to date.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by curtinsea
First time I was disappointed by Huckabee. That he would let this woman spew nonsense, agree with her, and not have anyone represent the other side of the argument, was quite disappointing. He's usually a reasonable man.
not gonna read this entire cesspool of a thread but just lol @ a baptist minister being a reasonable man, that is one of the dumbest things i've ever heard
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 01:10 PM
Sounded like she was against it but kept saying we need oversight. Used all the kids getting parents credit cards as a way to make a point that it needs to be legal and it needs to be watched
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 01:24 PM
Wouldn't it be a more effective segment to actually interview the kid who maxed out his parents' credit card, and the parents. Its clearly such a big problem that there must be dozens of kids with the same story...probably hundreds, even thousands. They should be easy to find cause this is such a big problem...right? Where are they?

Huckabee is a former politician, not a journalist. Real journalists, (and the number is dwindling) can smell a bull****ter a mile away and wouldn't allow such propaganda without a large amount of pushback.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
Wouldn't it be a more effective segment to actually interview the kid who maxed out his parents' credit card, and the parents. Its clearly such a big problem that there must be dozens of kids with the same story...probably hundreds, even thousands. They should be easy to find cause this is such a big problem...right? Where are they?

Huckabee is a former politician, not a journalist. Real journalists, (and the number is dwindling) can smell a bull****ter a mile away and wouldn't allow such propaganda without a large amount of pushback.
You're assuming the child who ran up the $20,000 on his mom's credits card even exists. I think they are unicorns.

If such children do exist, the recourse is for the parent to sign an affidavit saying the child wasn't authorized to use the card. Now, that may open up the child to theft charges, but there should be consequences for the child's actions and it was theft. If a parent doesn't allow the justice system to take it's course, they are setting a bad example for their child.

Last edited by Doc T River; 11-28-2014 at 01:33 PM. Reason: Changed to plural because according to Blanche, it was TWO cards.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
You're assuming the child who ran up the $20,000 on his mom's credits card even exists. I think they are unicorns.

If such children do exist, the recourse is for the parent to sign an affidavit saying the child wasn't authorized to use the card. Now, that may open up the child to theft charges, but there should be consequences for the child's actions and it was theft. If a parent doesn't allow the justice system to take it's course, they are setting a bad example for their child.
Right. Even in the propaganda PSA, it was a fake victim. Wouldn't a real victim of this make for a more effective PSA? If this wasn't a fabricated issue, then every Congressman would, in theory, have about the same amount of complaints from actual victims. And there would be a lot of them. It would be an easy rubber stamp.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
Right. Even in the propaganda PSA, it was a fake victim. Wouldn't a real victim of this make for a more effective PSA? If this wasn't a fabricated issue, then every Congressman would, in theory, have about the same amount of complaints from actual victims. And there would be a lot of them. It would be an easy rubber stamp.
As Blanche Lincoln's speech showed, these people don't care about facts or the reality of a situation.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 03:10 PM
Americans cant possibly be this stupid can they?

Why the **** does your child have your credit card? What ****ing planet is this where you would ban gambling due to parent incompetence to manage their finances?

If its all a complete charade to get taxation on it... how do you stand living in your country when your laws and freedoms are dictated by the ignorant and the fears are non-factual and completely false...?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 03:48 PM
Hah. Would love to see what you would do. It's sooo much easier for the people outside looking in.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 03:53 PM
That lady ughh...
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
Americans cant possibly be this stupid can they?

Why the **** does your child have your credit card? What ****ing planet is this where you would ban gambling due to parent incompetence to manage their finances?

If its all a complete charade to get taxation on it... how do you stand living in your country when your laws and freedoms are dictated by the ignorant and the fears are non-factual and completely false...?
Care to tell us what country you are from so we can make snap judgments about it and the citizens?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
He didn't pass judgement on anything except for a theoretical person who let their child blow 20k on their cc. Other than that, all he did was ask some questions.

Why are you so quick to get defensive doc?
Literally the first thing he says is "Americans cant possibly be this stupid can they?"

Seems a little judgmental. Your face punching analogy is very ridiculous as well. Do you think it is very easy for people to change policies or just move out of their country? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending America, it is certainly in a bad way right not. But to say all of the people living there are "stupid" because of that is very ignorant and naive.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 07:37 PM
Appropriate spelling mistake in the subtitles at 2:40; show puts as much effort into its graphics as it does its content.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by gdsfather
Literally the first thing he says is "Americans cant possibly be this stupid can they?"

Seems a little judgmental. Your face punching analogy is very ridiculous as well. Do you think it is very easy for people to change policies or just move out of their country? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending America, it is certainly in a bad way right not. But to say all of the people living there are "stupid" because of that is very ignorant and naive.
If you are asking questions about a subject, you clearly have not made a judgment yet. In order to make a judgment we must consider something or things and then come to a conclusion about it based on what we have observed. If questions are still being asked, clearly a conclusion has not yet been reached, and by definition, a judgment has not been made.

As for your other point, I'm not saying that all americans are stupid for living in a ****ty america, though it's fair that someone would assume that judging by my previous few posts.

My point was this:

Someone criticized and questioned the possibility america actual being as bad as it is and whether or not there were actually people who put up with it. Your response to that was "dude its harder than it looks, you shouldn't talk if you don't understand our problems"- This is where I take issue.

It is not non-americans fault that you are in such a ridiculously complicated and compounded societal and economical ****hole. It is americans fault for putting themselves in said ****hole. For others to look in from the outside and question the reality of the american world is not, as you would have it construed, ignorance of the problem nor complacency towards it.

What I think you should take away from wateryboil's incredulity is that america is really really ****ed up and it's actually impossible for someone from the outside world to understand how a country full of people shouting "AMERICA, **** YEAH, WE'RE THE LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE MOTHER****ERS", can have such devastating and widespread societal, economical and cultural inadequacies.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-28-2014 , 09:56 PM
He phrased it as a question, but it is pretty obvious where he stands and that it wasn't really a question, which is why I said it was judgmental. I also didn't say anything about him not understanding our problems. My point was only that is very difficult to make changes in government and people from outside(and in) make broad generalizations like "are all Americans really that stupid?" and think it is very easy for people to just change the government. Lets end the derail though, we are both on the same side.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 06:29 AM
Nolan Dalla addresses the Blanche Lincoln segment:

Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Free99
Huckabee is deep in makeup with his local buffet.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
If you are asking questions about a subject, you clearly have not made a judgment yet. In order to make a judgment we must consider something or things and then come to a conclusion about it based on what we have observed. If questions are still being asked, clearly a conclusion has not yet been reached, and by definition, a judgment has not been made.

As for your other point, I'm not saying that all americans are stupid for living in a ****ty america, though it's fair that someone would assume that judging by my previous few posts.

My point was this:

Someone criticized and questioned the possibility america actual being as bad as it is and whether or not there were actually people who put up with it. Your response to that was "dude its harder than it looks, you shouldn't talk if you don't understand our problems"- This is where I take issue.

It is not non-americans fault that you are in such a ridiculously complicated and compounded societal and economical ****hole. It is americans fault for putting themselves in said ****hole. For others to look in from the outside and question the reality of the american world is not, as you would have it construed, ignorance of the problem nor complacency towards it.

What I think you should take away from wateryboil's incredulity is that america is really really ****ed up and it's actually impossible for someone from the outside world to understand how a country full of people shouting "AMERICA, **** YEAH, WE'RE THE LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE MOTHER****ERS", can have such devastating and widespread societal, economical and cultural inadequacies.
Not to sidetrack this thread, but I'm one of those people from outside you are talking about. I watched incredulously as Bush went to war with an impotent country and got ~ a million people killed over lies while calling it "Operation Iraqi Freedom". When the truth came out about all the lies, I was sure he would be impeached but instead he was reelected! You have to understand how ridiculously stupid Americans looked when they did that.

Also, I am afraid to travel to the USA. I have had so many bad experiences with immigration that I am literally afraid to travel there now. The last time I was there I spent 4 hours in a tiny room in Miami with no toilet or water while they checked me out on the computer and generally treated me worse than a dog. There is NO other country in the world with immigration so brutal and rude as in the USA...and I know because I travel constantly.

America is sick and there is a laundry list of things that need to be addressed before she can be healthy. I would put internet poker near the bottom of the list when you consider the more glaring items. The USA is a police state now. Cops are killing defenseless people every day. People are serving ridiculous sentences for minor things like marijuana. Politicians are bought and paid for and not representative of the people. I don't even think voting will change anything. It's going to take drastic measures I'm afraid.

Call me a pessimist but there is no way internet poker is going to pass with the current climate of corruption.

It's ironic that I live in a country under martial law, but I feel safer here than when I am in the USA.....and I can play internet poker here too.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Nolan Dalla addresses the Blanche Lincoln segment:

I share Mr. Dalla's sentiments as expressed in his last words.
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 07:56 AM
Run Blanche run! That’a girl!
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by psithurism
Run Blanche run! That’a girl!
I might be influenced by Blanch Lincoln's gender, but did Dalla in a roundabout way call her a bitch?

To those in this thread wondering why we aren't speaking out about other issues, one reason is this is the POKER news section of a POKER information site.

Personally, I know this country has issues and I do discuss them. Just not here under this name.

Last edited by Doc T River; 11-29-2014 at 09:13 AM. Reason: On here, you can't say ****, but you can say bitch?
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
11-29-2014 , 01:04 PM
Huckabee and Lincoln give my home state a bad name

Shameful and embarrassing
Huckabee Anti-Internet Gambling Segment Quote
