Originally Posted by iPLOwgirls
I will take player B. 4 years growing social, networking, and critical thinking skills (all valuable. especially in live poker). Along with that, several valuable courses on mathematics,statistics, money management, etc.
Do you know any university that successfully teaches critical thinking skills? I actually learnt a lot of that at university in the (completely student-run) debating society, not from any courses organized by the university. Social and networking skills are also self-taught. The last 3 things you list should be learnt pre-18. Seems like it would make more sense just to have the students live in the university town but without the university in it.
At my language school, I used to only employ English language instructors with university degrees. Since the Browne report though, the city where I am has become flooded with British students and the price for English lessons can no longer attract outsiders to come and teach, so I have started hiring them too.
The thing is, just the same as with the graduates, some of them are good employees and some of them aren't, and in pretty much the same ratio as with the older people. the ones who are good are already good in their first year, the ones who aren't good never become good.
The conclusion that fits that data is that universities are primarily putting their brand on something that exists already, which they didn't make themselves, but the branding increases the value of the end product (the graduate). It's actually similar to Nike buying shoes from SE Asia and putting their American branding on them. If you are somewhere like the UK where about half of all young people go to university it's more like a kitemark than cool brand though.
IMHO if you don't need to impress other people you don't need a degree. In business your opposite number in a negotiation never asks you what university you went to. You should to make a conscious effort to read as widely as possible and try to pick up what you might be missing, but in the age of the internet you don't need to pay a professor to tell you what books to read.
Last edited by LektorAJ; 03-05-2016 at 06:40 AM.