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High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning*

04-25-2024 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Polar ranges call for polar sizings. I’m no GTO expert, but I am pretty sure that’s a board where there are simply no small River bets—Robl has to go huge with either his bluffs of his value.
Yeah agreed. Santosh is a whale and he will usually have a bluff catcher given he 3b.

Robl did the same thing with Qs vs As on a 4 spade runout. He’s going for max value with 2nd nut and he just ran into it twice.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-25-2024 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by floatingtheriver
Well given that Robbi had roughly 75 times the equity of Santosh, I think it merits discussion.
What on earth?
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-26-2024 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Polar ranges call for polar sizings. I’m no GTO expert, but I am pretty sure that’s a board where there are simply no small River bets—Robl has to go huge with either his bluffs of his value.
Also if your going to bluff here which you have to so your not only vbetting, you want to go big so he can't call with Ace high or small pocket pairs.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-26-2024 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by floatingtheriver
You think there's a chance that there was cheating?
No, like absolutely not. Just a ridiculous hand
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-04-2024 , 06:00 AM
Never seen Robl run like this before on any televised/streamed cash game.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-07-2024 , 09:38 AM
The thing with Robl, and has been this way all along, is that he 'plays poker'. He is very situational aware of each Player's attachment to their chips. He only plays in games where the chips matter to the other Players 'now'. There's always something to be said about actually having the proper bankroll to 'play' the game.

Most of the other Players in these games are still hurt by losing these chips, whether it be emotionally or emotionally AND financially. Where did the newbie from the previous group get his cash from? Was he playing up in stakes? Those losses actually hurt him .. and it was all on stage.

I don't want to make a direct comparison to Dwan (or even 'original' Ivey) but the obvious skill level and willingness to 'play poker' is a very nice feeling to have. Yes, I play very different in a 1/2 game v 5/10 because of the very different bankroll implications and perceived skill level of opponents.

I'll even say that Salomon and Keating are different than Dwan/Robl. I think their 'amateur/whale' status is different then the truly 'Pro' status.

Yes, Robl is running very well, but he's also 'stealing' very well and prior to the last couple of episodes he's been reading the spots when he's behind. Perhaps he's even dumping a bit in order to stay in the game? GL

PS .. I'm still pretty disappointed on his 390K giveaway with 4x on the River. He's just never getting called by worse in that spot with the way the game had been played in large pots.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-10-2024 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by answer20

PS .. I'm still pretty disappointed on his 390K giveaway with 4x on the River. He's just never getting called by worse in that spot with the way the game had been played in large pots.
This was definitely a punt and seemed out of character. Maybe it was a setup/feeler to how big the game could get which definitely needs when you are easily the best player at the table but it was definitely the wrong spot and just bad timing the way everything was going and went after.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-13-2024 , 09:55 PM
The season is over and Robl looked angry losing. Not really a good look.

Who were the big winners and losers? Seems like Tang is the only one who's happy.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-14-2024 , 09:04 AM
Without doing a lot of 'research' .. indicates that both Robl and Adams were up over 700K in the last 6 months, but I think both took at least 200k in losses during Ep 12. I don't think any of these Players have played on other streams, except maybe Airball.

Airball is shown as the 6 month leader with winnings of over 1M

Ep 12 is not in the totals as of yet that I saw .. not sure how long it takes them to add releases.

Both Tang and Gavri lost over 1M

Not sure how Santosh is shown at minus 300K with his huge Ep 11 wins, but perhaps he was way down before.

Charles is shown at +500K and he most definitely added to that in Ep 12 by playing super tight 'for him'. GL

PS .. I didn't segregate stakes either .. just took the list as it popped up.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-14-2024 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by floatingtheriver
The season is over and Robl looked angry losing. Not really a good look.

Who were the big winners and losers? Seems like Tang is the only one who's happy.
Robl def had some minor tilt coming through in that last episode. Still played great as always.

Another good season imo. The line ups were strong this time and the action big, especially with that last lot. We get the jewel in the crown for Pokergo next with the WSOP streaming but I hope HSP returns later this year.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-30-2024 , 04:18 AM
In the most stealth roll out ever, S13 I guess began today. Robl, Tilly and 5 random people that really bring nothing to the show outside of potentially losing money.

The one guy talked about watching the show growing up in Egypt. When it was, I don’t know, for a lack of a better word “Special”. It’s now just any poker stream on a Tuesday essentially
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-30-2024 , 02:56 PM
Not only is it no longer special and similar to a random hustler casino stream... but it's even worse than that.

High stakes poker is lame for not showing win/loss totals. I'm assuming they do it so as to not upset the fish, but really if we don't know who's doing well and who's not , what's the point in it all?
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-30-2024 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Not only is it no longer special and similar to a random hustler casino stream... but it's even worse than that.

High stakes poker is lame for not showing win/loss totals. I'm assuming they do it so as to not upset the fish, but really if we don't know who's doing well and who's not , what's the point in it all?
I honestly haven't even noticed if they do or don't. But I wanna say I've seen updates on who's up or down... But now I'm second guessing.

I love watching Robl, but seriously, they can't get anyone else to play? No other throwbacks (DNegs, Dwan, Ivey, Patrick, Antonio, Galfond) or some more interesting "Fish". The "Fish" are just literally create a characters, and even Nick and AJ don't have any info on them.

This is Tom McGuire, any info Nick? No AJ, I'm not familiar...
And that's it, that's like all the info. And the guy just sits there, maybe makes some small talk and whatever.

At least back in the day they talked about the dude, "He's a billionaire who made friendship bracelets" then they cut to him doing a little 2 minute interview, etc
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-30-2024 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9

I love watching Robl, but seriously, they can't get anyone else to play? No other throwbacks (DNegs, Dwan, Ivey, Patrick, Antonio, Galfond) or some more interesting "Fish". The "Fish" are just literally create a characters, and even Nick and AJ don't have any info on them.

I feel it's not that high stakes for some of those pros to wanna sit at a table with fish. Curious why other names won't play.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-31-2024 , 10:40 AM
1) Yes, I think they botched the introduction of the new Players. We also don't know how many shows each of them will appear in, so they may be spreading out the intel? Low grade on this for sure. (How does a doctor in Chicago previously operate weed stores in Vegas? .. or did I get that wrong?)

2) In a double edged sword some Players may not want the public to know how they made/got their money.

3) Since we don't get to see every hand a full session plus/minus isn't a direct fit .. but viewers do love carnage! If you look at chip stakes before and after 'the break' they sometimes change due to untold add-ons and hands not shown. You can tell the conversation is a broken transition sometimes as well.

4) Was PGo paying DNegs/PHell? Were they covering some of the BI? DNegs has indicated he has less and less interest in cash games since before Covid. Then you have the politics of whom wont play with who and so forth. You can see Patrick on Ballys more now .. why? It seems Tilly and Robl are carrying the show at the end of last season and early this season.

5) Previously it was a full ring (8-9) .. now it's 5-7. Less Players means each Player needs to carry more of the load. I'm sure that whenever it's your first session you're pretty nervous about being filmed for global release.

6) Just remember this is not a stream so it shouldn't have the same standards. The question is should it have higher standards? GL
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
07-31-2024 , 11:18 PM
It was a terrible first episode. Both the line-up and stakes not being big enough. I was expecting more because the last two seasons did have some decent action on some of the episodes.

Idk why the lineup was that bad, think you can do better with a core of Robl, JRB and Tilly.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-03-2024 , 11:27 AM
Episode was fine, about as good as you are realistically going to get in 2024. Expectations need to be adjusted, unfortunately it’s not 2005 anymore where you can get a table full of recognizable names fueled by free internet poker money.

That said the franchise does still hit pay dirt on at least some episodes with big stakes and interesting characters like Rick Salomon.

And some of us would never check out an unedited stream on a Tuesday or whatever. I’ll take my edited 45 minutes
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-03-2024 , 11:58 AM
I thought the first episode was solid enough as well. Some decent enough pots and aggro play. Sick check back from Robl with the Ac. You could tell from his body language as soon as he got checked to he didn't like it. I think as well as being a great player hes extremely good at reading live tells also.

The line up was decent enough imo. I am glad Tilly and Robl are back. That Egyptian dude. lol, whats his story? Nice addition to the group imo I hope he continues to try and battle like he has.

I do agree with the above quotes that we are missing some background info on some of the amateur players. I'd like to hear a little bit about how they made their money or whatever from AJ. If they want to keep that private then that's fine but even just saying something generic like "businessman" for those is both funny and slightly intriguing at the same time.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-03-2024 , 03:06 PM
I guess I don’t really mind so much not knowing how rich people are or how they got their money. When you sit at a poker table you often don’t know, we are just sitting back and watching a high stakes poker game. And perhaps other players and aaudience are trying to figure out how deep pockets are at same time.

Back in early days of ESPN wsop coverage they tried to frame it like a story and make heros and villains. But that’s since past.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-07-2024 , 06:20 PM
Interesting episode II .. we have some 'plays' and a drunk guy .. and we have 43 'outplaying' 53?

While it may not necessarily be important to some viewers you should remember that last year started slow and they ramped things up as they went along. We have survived this lineup and will get a modified one next week. (Unfortunately the drunk guy got some sleep!)

This episode actually had some hands you will see at your local game .. like KK getting 'pokered' out of a hand by assumed aggression and laying down a winner. And then an interesting leveling war between a couple of bulls .. one of which is desperately wanting to get invited back more often. (He will)

Tilly actually talking some bankroll sense during another 'poker' spot where others would just auto-call-off and call it variance. And then she promptly adds 200k, lol. GL
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-09-2024 , 12:25 AM
Yeah not a vintage first group but also not a terrible one. Egyptian computer scientist brought a lot to the session for viewers. Drunk guy truly proving his degenerate credentials. Not looking at his cards then blasting off on random hands. That is how I play £1/2 live w my old gambling friends after several beers and chasers.

KK fold was pretty bad imo.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
08-27-2024 , 03:42 AM
Sick hand in the latest episode that just released

High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
