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High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning*

04-28-2023 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by whitemares
I thought it was a very entertaining stream, in the “car crash” sense. Very impressive that they managed to gather some of the most unlikeable poker personalities in one room together

The whole stream perfectly encapsulated the worst parts of live poker - self-important, vapid douchebags all trying to talk over each other while having absolutely nothing to say

I have a lot more respect for Berkey after this stream though. It’s easy to clown on him for his making up ridiculous poker terms on the fly, but the sheer mental fortitude this guy has to be sandwiched in between Polk and Airball (the two people he probably hates more than anyone else on the planet), while playing relatively solid and remaining completely stone faced. It was really ****ing impressive. I wish I had even a fraction of this guy’s mental game
honestly, if this guy gives two ××××$ about either one of these clowns, i pity him.

They aren't worth the cost of electricity sparked between the neurons to form that thought
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-28-2023 , 06:37 PM
I just want to know who's the one player at the table Berkey respects for their poker ability.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-28-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I just want to know who's the one player at the table Berkey respects for their poker ability.
Polk obviously.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-28-2023 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
She have billionaire parents or something? I don't get this girls existence in the poker world.
Don't know if she ever told where her money comes from, but that's what is assumed.

Originally Posted by newguyhere
I just want to know who's the one player at the table Berkey respects for their poker ability.
On the podcast he said that was referring only to the people he has beef with. Tilly and Roberte are out of that.

Seems safe to assume he respects JRB if he saw him run 100k to 5.5M.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-29-2023 , 12:12 AM
what parts does RY put Doug on blast? I only saw the "good call...for me" part
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-29-2023 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
what parts does RY put Doug on blast? I only saw the "good call...for me" part
He kept giving him **** for coinflex
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-29-2023 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
What followed, an eight-minute drunk tank during which he was probably just regretting his recent life decisions in his head
Lets not forget he's been drunk and out of control before on HCL, earning a break from that stream for a few weeks. I vaguely recall Linglin bore the brunt of it.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-29-2023 , 03:33 AM
It is seriously hilarious the people that are hating on polk for being so short when he is well above 5'10 with the right hair dye.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-29-2023 , 11:51 PM
Finally got through all 7 hours. Airball was a bit annoying at the end and if you dont like his usual antics I can understand people being annoyed but overall, and especially the first 90 minutes, this was one of the better cash games Ive watched in a very long time. I dont use twitter and I had the live youtube commentary turned off as I watched. I think this whole thing is a lesson in people not using their own brain and allowing miserable people online to effect there own judgment. The online opinion crowd are some of the scummiest low iq morons on the planet and there is nothing these people hate more then other human beings having a good time.

Watch the first 90 minutes of the stream at the very least and don't let social media control your emotions.

A+ stream
F for the commentators who were terrible whenever they opened their mouths and showing a terrible bias against the show they were paid to do the play by play for.

Last edited by AAJTo; 04-30-2023 at 12:04 AM.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I just want to know who's the one player at the table Berkey respects for their poker ability.
I'm 25 minutes in...Berkey has yet to say a word or play a hand.....why was he invited again? He seems hangry.

All I can think about while watching these people have fun while he sits and sulks is that they compared him to Patrik. PATRIK! Get real....

(literally 2 minutes later he gii with one pair in a limped pot AA against an obvious flush. I've seen the dude fold boats in tournaments incorrectly yet here he is calling with one pair on the river against obvious flushes.....-- Still hasn't said a word)

Last edited by SagieWho; 04-30-2023 at 02:00 AM.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 02:03 AM
^SageDonkey reincarnated?
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by SagieWho
I'm 25 minutes in...Berkey has yet to say a word or play a hand.....why was he invited again? He seems hangry.

You do know that Berkey like legit hates Doug/Lynne/Air, and if he started talking they'd team up on him like the unisex frat boys they are.

He's there to try and win money against a fat whale and a girl with an allowance, not chill with his buddies
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
You do know that Berkey like legit hates Doug/Lynne/Air, and if he started talking they'd team up on him like the unisex frat boys they are.

He's there to try and win money against a fat whale and a girl with an allowance, not chill with his buddies
He's on world wide streaming to promote his brand. Surely that's worth more than a few grand in equity he has in the poker game. He comes off as extremely unlikable. Who would want to get coaching from him after watching him on here? And then he plays awful when he gets a hand. He is hurting his brand and S4Y, not helping it.

(edit - I doubt they would gang up on him. Polk would not , airball might. Polk had that beef a few years back with Dnegs, and when they played HU on PokerGo Polk acted completely cordial to him)

Last edited by SagieWho; 04-30-2023 at 02:40 AM.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
^SageDonkey reincarnated?
nah, SD is 1000 words a post at least. I'm not pro-Airball, I'm anti-Berkey
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 03:23 AM
...and Berkey check raises with a set against the most aggressive player in current streaming get him to fold top pair, good play berkey!
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by SagieWho
...and Berkey check raises with a set against the most aggressive player in current streaming get him to fold top pair, good play berkey!
That was indeed hard to understand. Berkey takes proud in saying live cash is his forte,where he can exploit wildly unbalanced players.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 10:23 AM
A+ stream tbh. Obv not wasting life watching 7 hours of poker, but the highlights were absolutely beastly. Airball grabbing Berkey's chips, the coinflex needling, big pots.

But most entertaining of all is watching poker purists cry about how this disrespects the game, while their public outrage generates more and more clicks for hustler and Doug.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
But most entertaining of all is watching poker purists cry about how this disrespects the game, while their public outrage generates more and more clicks for hustler and Doug.
Real poker purists understand that poker is about encouraging grandmas to keep sitting down at the table, befriending boomers who just got 300k inheritance and selling dope on the side. The people complaining were mostly those who are scared to talk to the cashier at the end of the grocery line but type paragraphs about how social issues within a stream they watched should go. All I saw was a bunch of people having a great time with some mediocre poker mixed in and it was great.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 12:49 PM
That live stream was different in many ways. Some people loved it. Some people hated it. Other than making the poster look ridiculous, it serves no useful purpose for posters in one camp to cast aspersions on the people in the other camp.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by SagieWho
...and Berkey check raises with a set against the most aggressive player in current streaming get him to fold top pair, good play berkey!
that hand was fine.
easy when you know person's specific hand to say it was bad.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
04-30-2023 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
that hand was fine.
easy when you know person's specific hand to say it was bad.
I have been super critical of some of the lines Berkey takes but this is spot on.. truth
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-01-2023 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by SagieWho
...and Berkey check raises with a set against the most aggressive player in current streaming get him to fold top pair, good play berkey!
Check raising was by far the right thing to do there.

Size was a bit big but it’s the clearest x/r of all time and you’re an imbecile if you think otherwise.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-01-2023 , 08:01 AM
high stakes laughter
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
05-02-2023 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
Nik Airball needs to work on his posture. Based on that Resorts World altercation video, he is much taller than Berkey when standing face to face, yet he is only up to Berkey's neck when both are seated next to each other.
While it seems Airballs posture is bad , lots of slouching, it might be more or a Berkey thing. Berkey at the table is way higher then everyone , every time he ison TV. How tall are these guys, think Berkey looked much shorter in that fight and some other off table video or him. He might just be one of those guys that adjust the seat to the maximum height and sits super upright,

Watched the whole stream on Youtube over the last couple days. Certainly more for the train wreck aspect, certainly not for the quality. If they had the same lineup for a part 2 I would probably pass on watching it. Much if it was extremely cringe worthy, with some of them coming off horribly.

Came off terrible

Doug Polk

would not stop talking, tried to hard to be social, terrible joke attempts that never ended. Did feel a little bad at the attacks by Rob Yong. Didn't love the way he handled it. To his benefit it seemed he answered honestly and was sincere. But was trying not to look like it bothered him by smiling through it and joking about it. Inside he was probably a little pissed and would rather him lose the fake smile and fight back even if it was the mark.

Awful non stop laughing. Didn't matter what was said, she laughed. Again , seemed to be trying way to hard to fit in and be part of the show, while only playing the nuts, Somebody should have stepped in during a break to tell her to stfu, they she was ruining the stream

Airball t
Nothing wrong with his play, good action, played well, at least until the last hand which was just stupid. All the bad issue were with his personality. Again, tried to hard to be "mr big shot" Just trying to look so cool, just make him look like a tool. With his play and natural talking skills he doesn't need to do that Constantly wanting to be part of the "rich guy circle" with Eric and Rob etc, and like he isn't a pro poker player. Eric and Rob don't even believe the investment banker thing, nor doug or probably anyone at this point

Rob Yong
What was the deal with the attacks on the "pro's" ? It seemed like he had quite the beefs with the three of them (Doug, Nick, Matt) While the three of them deserve some of it with all their corny beefing. He seemed to be taking shots at them for being pro's and running training sites too, seemed a bit much to me.

Horrible, one of the worst I've heard. On many fronts. Talking over table at times, complaining about the game and players, non stop begging for likes and thanking people for tips. horrible for any poker show, even worse when you remember this is High Stakes Poker. Nick Shulman has a great reputation, but they were both bad on this stream

Came off fine:

Matt Berkey
Came off as "real" and "stand up" Might not looked happy to be around them, because he wasn't. He seemed to come to play his game and not try to be an entertainer. They invited Berkey, that got Berkey. Blame the producer who invited him if you thought he was a stiff, that's how he always is. Didn't act like a child like most of other pro's.

Came off fine, didn't play well, but JRB was JRB and showed why he gets in all the games, aside from the bad play, just his demeanor is enjoyable.

Eric Pearrson
Weird combination of looking all hyped up like he was on coke of something, yet at the same time quieter then normal for the most part

Jennifer Tilly
She was great, she stayed involved in the conversion , without it looking forced. And she stayed part of it despite it being a trainwreck. She was polite and funny and didn't look to annoyed at the pros acting like idiots with the non stop talking and cackling. Where Pearsson and Yong couldn't hide their annoyance.
High Stakes Poker is back 12/16/2020. *Spoiler Warning* Quote
