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HELP! lost 600-700k on ub HELP! lost 600-700k on ub

07-20-2008 , 08:15 PM
lol that's an obvious lie as they haven't even sent the 2nd or 3rd refunds yet.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-20-2008 , 11:40 PM
I went to UB's website. On the news for 12-28-07, shows a link to an article in The economist.

Among them is Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago and author of “Freakonomics”. He oversees a project called Pokernomics. It aims to collect millions of hands (which players can store using readily available tracking software) and analyse them systematically in the hope of answering questions.--

from the article, maybe he has some good UB hand histories?
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by ibutterfly
this is the response i get.


Please be advised that all players who may have been effected on the site have been given refunds already. If you have not received anything, this means you were not involved in the matters regarding the refunds. Our team has gone through everygame and refunded every player that was involved. And again if you have not received anything on this matter, you were not involved in the games that were refunded. We're sorry for this inconvenience.

Please let us know if you require any assistance.

Best regards,

UltimateBet ~ Security Department
'The Ultimate Poker Experience'

if anyone has any access to a database please check the screenname ibutterfly if i get anything refunded i will give 10% to whoever helps, or to the charity of their choice.
I believe I played with you ibutterfly.... when I contacted support asking for HHs they replied....

"This email is to inform you that your case has been forwarded to our upper management in order for them to review it. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of this whole issue, it might take some time before we can get back to you with an answer, but we will try to do it as soon as possible."

If the new management is gonna be transparent why not start now?
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by The Icon
Rabscuttle is definately a really nice dude. He ran a contest on NWP a couple times where he shipped out like $10 to anyone who wanted to participate (probably like $500 total or something out of his own pocket) and the winner was the person who could run it up the highest in a week. Then the winner would also get to have Rabscuttle try to run up $500 of his own dollars in an hour at whatever stakes u wanted and get 100% of the profits.
I won the second contest when I won a $20 or $50 mtt on stars for $5500ish.. I didn't get the 2nd part of the prize because he had already begun the road to busto I guess... but wasn't too broken up about it obviously given what I had ran up. I now play 5/10nl regularly thanks to Rabbscuttles contest.

Pretty selfless, hope u get re-imbursed Rabs.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
... a friend of mine who lost $600,000-700,000 on ub some of which was lost to super users ...
Shizer .. does he still play or is he stone broke??
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 02:14 PM
UB should not only pay the direct losses incurring from super user but also emotional stress and downswing they caused.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 02:28 PM
how is the compiling of a database going?
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 06:39 PM
I got all the hands exported (210k hands about from mostly 2005 to early 2006) into a folder, zipped up and it's only about 13 MB. I took the advice of the one poster who recommended google for uploading the file but it hasn't worked for me. Help please. I'll have time to try and upload the file again tonight.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 06:40 PM
Also, I ran all the confirmed cheaters through the 2 databases I found only 2 of them pop up with very few hands. Hopefully people will put the work in to find 80/160 limit cheaters so I can get a fat refund
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-21-2008 , 08:56 PM

they try to make u pay but trust me it's free
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 04:27 AM
Tx to rubbrband, here's all the hand histories that I have:
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Enon
Also, I ran all the confirmed cheaters through the 2 databases I found only 2 of them pop up with very few hands. Hopefully people will put the work in to find 80/160 limit cheaters so I can get a fat refund
one time?
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 06:49 AM
is UB only refunding the players that actually contact them? did anyone receive an email (without contacting them first) stating they have a refund sitting in their UB account? Im guessing, they are refunding as few people as possible. Imagine how many victims are in a similar situation, where they changed their email and/or stopped playing at UB. I always figured many colluding victims never got their refunds because they simply stopped playing at a site.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Enon
Tx to rubbrband, here's all the hand histories that I have:
heres a summary of Enon's mined 80/160,150/3 and 3/6 games from roughly feb 05 to feb 06 i guess. It's only about 40k hands so I can't imagine this is full coverage of that time period is it Enon?

HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 10:32 AM
also from those stats, nvrwin, valesco, obi---one, enon, nimag are all def legit, don't know about the rest, piejay has been around forever though. Enon, do you know any more of the players?
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:11 PM
Hi All,

I recently stumbled across all the UB news on 2+2 and was stunned by what I was reading. I haven't played online in months, but from May 2006 – August 2007, I was a loyal UB player on mostly the mid to high limit tables. And I ended up losing almost my entire role on UB – down about 50K. I recognize playing against some of the names on the superuser list. I’ve contacted UB, and as expected, they gave me the run around (we are investigating and will pay you any refund you are owed – blah, blah, blah).

A few questions:

A) Does anyone expect that UB will be issuing more refunds as they claim?
B) Does anyone know if UB has paid refunds to people who are not well known in the poker community?
D) What type of actions should I be taking that would enhance my chances of receiving a refund? I don’t want to cause a big stir and be counterproductive to my ultimate goal of recouping some of the money that has been defrauded from me.

Thanks. Good luck to all who are messed up in this.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:01 PM
gl on getting your money back to the ops player and those who have posted in here

its kind of hard to believe that they will infact refund you now (if you havent got in contact or made a stir about it) if they havent already by the 3rd refund.

also hard to believe they would go out of their way to get you money say, if you closed your account a while back but lost alot to the superusers

ughhhhh this is so sad
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-22-2008 , 09:21 PM
How many "last posts" are you going to make? - KM

Last edited by Kevmath; 07-22-2008 at 10:13 PM. Reason: especially when you posted that in the other active UB thread.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:11 AM
I've only glanced through the ub scandal posts, but were the limit holdem bots part of the scandal? If so I played a boat load of hands against them.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-23-2008 , 11:40 AM
hey tmfs,

Nobody has shown that the bots were owned by UB yet. It is obviously within the realm of possibility that UB was operating them given all the recent **** that has come out. I'm not sure how we could even prove that without linking some of the account names with UB people, and basically we would need insider info to do that.

It is also possible that UB didn't run them but just didn't care either since they were pretty effective prop players.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:16 PM

Thanks. Another question as I am going back through my ub database about 320k hands, I'm trying to look for any players that stand out any special things I should be looking for, besides a standard high winrate and high w$sd? Looking through the superuser list I only had one name show up and it was for a small amount of hands. Its hard to believe that all of this was going on in the other games but not the limit games.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:34 PM
I haven't thought about it too much but the one thing that may stand out is very high river agression factors because someone who can see your hole cards is usually going to be raising or folding the river.

I'm pretty sure the cheaters did play some of the 150/300 & 3/6 games but not nearly as many sessions.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-24-2008 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by N 82 50 24
I am working on getting ahold of a big UB database.

thanx enon
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-26-2008 , 02:56 PM
you obv need to look for an abnormally high winrate. Another thing that is useful is looking at wtsd vs sdw%. if both of these are high that is a sign something isn't right because they should be linked inversely. wtsd will be diffrent for diffrent games and numbers of players, but you should be able to get some sort of average. high river agro is another obv tell, but if the theories that neoneo and some of the other players caught were just rouge employees other cheaters may be less flamoyant.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
07-28-2008 , 02:49 PM
First I would like to thank those posters at 2+2 that helped to put an end to this scandal and I'm sorry if answers to my questions have already been posted. If so please direct me to them.

Anyways, when reading through the UB scandal sticky at the top I read that the cheating started in Jan '05. I have a friend who played extensively in the summer of '06 in higher stakes cash games (nl 3/6, nl 5/10 and nl 10/25) and on and off in those games over the past 2 years. I know that these were not the highest limits on UB at the time, but they sometimes were the biggest games going on UB at certain hours and I would think they would be targeted. So were these games affected and could my friend possibly be looking at a refund? My friend did say that a few of those names caught up in the cheating looked familiar to him, but nothing definitivly.

If 'yes', then my next question would be how to go about getting this refund? I know that he does not have any of his hand histories, but would UB ownership be able to go back and check the records or would a poster here on 2+2 have records of playing with my friend? His sn is 'WYdolphins11'.

Thank you in advance for reading and for any help that is given. If any further information is needed please feel free to ask.
HELP! lost 600-700k on ub Quote
