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Help Choose Randy 'nanonoko' Lew's World Record Attempt! Help Choose Randy 'nanonoko' Lew's World Record Attempt!

12-13-2011 , 04:29 PM
Set Nanonoko up on an Aeron Chair surrounded by 5 (or 6,7,8) Computers (like in a circle around him) and 5 (or 6,7,8) PS screen names set up just for the record breaking. He runs the maximum number of tables allowed for each screen name. The record is the Most Simulataneous Games of Poker Played by One Person.

Last edited by gyruss; 12-13-2011 at 04:35 PM. Reason: event should be sponsored by Aeron for the product placement
12-13-2011 , 04:38 PM
Have him play a certain number of hands profitably while parasailing. Whatever he does, it must be gimmicky and catch the attention of news outlets. Most things listed so far will be far more interesting to those on this board than the random 5 pm news in Hoboken or Prague.
12-13-2011 , 04:40 PM
profit over 24 hour period, 6 max, any stake without seeing hole cards, minimum 10k hands
12-13-2011 , 04:42 PM
Most pots won with the jackson 5 hand in 24 hours.
12-13-2011 , 04:45 PM
Amount of time someone can play 10+ tables without quitting or falling asleep, no leaving for bathroom breaks.
12-13-2011 , 04:46 PM
Playing every hand and still making a profit

I think this appeals to the casual player in that they all have the inclination to play most hands and would probably believe it is possible to make a profit whilst doing so. Watching somebody else do it would confirm this and casual players would be able to use it as evidence to support their newly found pre flop looseness.

I'm not sure exactly how many tables you would play or the strict format, but if Randy had to get involved in every pot with whatever he was dealt pre flop it would be the ultimate test of his ability to bluff, hand read, and minimize his losses amongst many other things.

I think this would appeal the most to casual players and captures the romantic notion that poker is about playing poker rather than playing robotic ranges.

To the online forum browsing 18-20 something it would also be respectable as it's extremely difficult to achieve and they'd appreciate the impact it would have on games.
12-13-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by TakeHerOnACruise
Playing every hand and still making a profit

I think this appeals to the casual player in that they all have the inclination to play most hands and would probably believe it is possible to make a profit whilst doing so. Watching somebody else do it would confirm this and casual players would be able to use it as evidence to support their newly found pre flop looseness.

I'm not sure exactly how many tables you would play or the strict format, but if Randy had to get involved in every pot with whatever he was dealt pre flop it would be the ultimate test of his ability to bluff, hand read, and minimize his losses amongst many other things.

I think this would appeal the most to casual players and captures the romantic notion that poker is about playing poker rather than playing robotic ranges.

To the online forum browsing 18-20 something it would also be respectable as it's extremely difficult to achieve and they'd appreciate the impact it would have on games.
I don't think this is actually doable.
12-13-2011 , 04:49 PM
how about make randy play 24 LIVE full ring tables in an hour and showing a profit, would be funny to see lew run around while a "sitter" would tell randy which table to run to. haha

so he can have bragging rights to the fastest online and live player in the world!
12-13-2011 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by playertee
I don't think this is actually doable.
Well this is Randy Lew and imagine the press if he did achieve it.
12-13-2011 , 04:50 PM
Most unique players played against in 24 hours. Have him sit down at a 6-max table, get involved in at least one hand with every other player at the table and move on. Repeat at as many tables and stakes as possible in 24 hours. It'd be pretty wild to see him end up playing against thousands of different players in one day.
12-13-2011 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by vektor
Amount of time someone can play 10+ tables without quitting or falling asleep, no leaving for bathroom breaks.
I like this a lot, but I think Guinness Records always provide for 5 minute break an hour. Essentially, its the online version of what Laak accomplished.
12-13-2011 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Apollyon1
24 Hours, 24 Different Games (Holde'em, PLO, PLO H/L, Mixed Games, Draw Games...) while 24 Tabling and still make profit.
And we have a vinnar. But I would relabel it sommin moar marketable and realistic like:

Nanonoko; Ten10Ten10 World Wecord Challunge!!
Ten Poker Tables, 10 Poker Variants, Ten hours.... 10K???

With a jungle shedload of promo & marketing. Hot Damn... I'm a baller at marketing. But failing that.....I would bash this out instead.

"Most mannies made from wan mirron poker hands starting from fiddy doller -no deposit bonos(obv)."

Any steaks, Any tables, Any length of time. Given time construnts a mill might be slightly etcessive.
12-13-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by TakeHerOnACruise
Playing every hand and still making a profit

I think this appeals to the casual player in that they all have the inclination to play most hands and would probably believe it is possible to make a profit whilst doing so. Watching somebody else do it would confirm this and casual players would be able to use it as evidence to support their newly found pre flop looseness.

I'm not sure exactly how many tables you would play or the strict format, but if Randy had to get involved in every pot with whatever he was dealt pre flop it would be the ultimate test of his ability to bluff, hand read, and minimize his losses amongst many other things.

I think this would appeal the most to casual players and captures the romantic notion that poker is about playing poker rather than playing robotic ranges.

To the online forum browsing 18-20 something it would also be respectable as it's extremely difficult to achieve and they'd appreciate the impact it would have on games.
how should this work???
everybody would jsut go all in everytime they had a good hand.
12-13-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by SharkBaitAA
Most hands AND average tables played consecutively while making a profit without sitting out or timing out on any table. Only exception would be when a table breaks and he must be seated in a new table within say 10-15 seconds.

Everyone understands endurance records whether it is lifetime/season/day...Brett Favre's record, Cal Ripken, Most Roller Coaster Rides in 24 hrs, most push-ups in a row, ect ect ect ect.

People understand and are fascinated by those types of record attempts. It takes unbelievable discipline and concentration.
Since it's going to be going on during the Caribbean thing maybe make it in 1 hr or a couple hours.
12-13-2011 , 05:08 PM
Most money made ever with J5? Didnt 5s Js come off on the turn and river in your tourny win? We will even name it after you like Doyle's 102 ;-)
12-13-2011 , 05:12 PM
3 Monitors. Atleast 1hr to xHrs.

1st monitor - 24tables minimum NL100 (show profit w/o rb)
2nd monitor - Any Computer Game(something like StarCraft,CallofDuty) play that while grinding
3rd monitor - Chatting with the railers/asnwering questions on some kinda website (set amount of questions that has to be answered in 1hr time)

GoGo nanonoko.
12-13-2011 , 05:17 PM
24 HU tables for 48 hours straight. 5 minutes breaks allowed every 2 hours. No profit clause.
12-13-2011 , 05:17 PM
Cashing in the most tourneys in a 24 hour period
12-13-2011 , 05:23 PM
Play all mtts, sngs and hu on Pokerstars for 48 hours straight and get 10k+ profit
12-13-2011 , 05:25 PM
give him a 100$ roll with free game selection (NLH) and see the profit after 12 or 24h without break...
12-13-2011 , 05:25 PM
longest 100vpip session played while making a profit
12-13-2011 , 05:27 PM
Most heads up played live within one hour (he chooses amount of enemy) in X hours

two ideas 1: play on 6 handed table (or maybe a normal square table) and his opponents are dealing the cards, so he can play 6(3) (he s on the dealers place) guys on a table so he just have to turn 90° to play another 6(3)guys.

2: normal tables with dealers. he is sitting in a trolly pushed by another guy. MOVE ME TO TABLE 15
12-13-2011 , 05:31 PM
There should be a combo of hands/variants/hours. The '10' isn't really relevant but I can see the gimmickness of it.

If nanoko can get something like "Most poker hands played simultanously for X hours playing ALL poker games at the same time" would be a total winner because it's understood for the average guy as something like "wow this dude played every card game out there simoultaneously for this crazy amount of times and won $$$ (a high amount is obv. preferable but anything over 10k would be impressive for the average joe in a <24h period)".

so nanoko opens up simoultaneously : NLHE cash; 6max, FR, HU. PLO : 6max, FR,HU. sit n go : FR, 6max, HU, turbo, hyper-turbo. Mtt : whatever. and 1 table of each draw, 2-7 etc.

if he 1 tables every variant it's still under 24 and he can obv. play with it a little. If he does this for an impressive amount of hrs (6-8 hours don't look nearly as impressive as 14+ for the average person). and get 10k+ profit it would not only be understood and uber crazy for the average person but pulling it off would also be a great argument for the skill vs luck argument in poker.
12-13-2011 , 05:31 PM
Pitch as

"Best Poker All-Rounder"


Playing the most variations of the game on pokerstars whilst been profitable in each one of them, e.g. PLO cash game / Big ante Holdem tornaments etc etc

Even if dosn't win money playing PLO cash you can list all the others saying Randy lew made a profit in 48 different formats of poker in under one hour.
12-13-2011 , 05:32 PM
Most big blinds won in a 24 hour period, unlimited tables, whatev stakes over $1/2. Takes advantage of his multitable capabilities, negates just playing high stakes, and actually has to do with money won instead of just hands played (or hands played breaking even). Also, such mass multitabling would prob. decrease variance somewhat too.
