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Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice

09-06-2023 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
What do you mean he does not GAF? He is not even telling you who he is. You have no idea if he is a real person. If he did not GAF he would post his name and stand behind his accusations. Because it has nothing to do with him being scared of Wesley as he claims. Because if its true Wesley knows who he is, how does staying anonymous with the writing keep him from being harmed by Wesley if that is who he is scared of lol? There are so many holes in the anonymous story and you want to take it as mostly true based on what? Some pictures of messages that can be made with any app? Of a guy who blocked and would not speak to them and suddenly admits to a felony via text? Sorry I blocked you before. Yup I sent my guys to burglarize your house

Freedom35 “obviously saying he was blocked only meant temporarily until he changed his mind and confessed to killing his pregnant girlfriend on text”
Direct from the story: "At this point, I would prefer to remain anonymous as I do not wish for this scandal to impact my professional career and private life."

The story obviously doesn't reflect well on him and if you think you'd want your employer/other business dealings to be aware of it then not sure what to tell you. He does go on to state " I would be willing to provide my identity (which can be verified) and also provide unredacted documentary evidence to any credentialed journalists under the obligation of strict confidentiality.".

I'm saying it is mostly true because it is far to elaborate and time-consuming to produce considering there is no financial incentive. He knows the money is gone, and over a year later he is telling his side of the story and urging any others who were scammed to do the same. I don't doubt that there are multiple exaggerated or imagined details included in his story.

He seems scummy and maybe somewhat got what he deserved for being part of what he knew was a pump and dump, but that doesn't make Wesley any less of a scammer. You can hold these two thoughts simultaneously.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
If the story is true it’s equivalent to insider trading and fraud. He was stringing along his marks all the while liqiuidating his position while telling them not to sell. Even if you think the guy is also an ******* it’s clearly perceived as being damaging enough to wesley for him to refute it.

I have to feel anyone defending wesley here (again if true) just doesn’t know that much about crypto or what wes is being aaccused of.
I actually believe what this guy was saying about Wes -i was just pointing out this guy is also a scammer with no morals he just isn't particularly bright.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by The Standard Station
I think the likely scenario is its somewhere in the middle where yes he sent and invested 250k for this supreme token. Yes he lost money. But it wasnt as nefarious as he is making it out to be. Is it scummy? Yeah, its an altcoin project banking on an "asian fish" for its payday.
I agree with your initial take that this thing probably falls somewhere in the middle. Where we might diverge is maybe the level of nefariousness. Wesley has been confirmed as having been involved in a crypto "project" called Supreme X, and the SupremeX coin did tank along the timeline suggested by the blogger.

This was a coin that was supposed to be backed by microloans? What happened to these loans? Did any microloans go out to anyone? Was any real effort made to make, administer and collect on any microloans, or was the entire operation a prop? The other bit of questionable behavior I see that could get Wesley in trouble is the part about the "big fish" investor. I'd consider that a "funding secured" moment, except it was only made in private (? but we don't know if he also told it to others privately?), so the blogger seems to be trading on insider knowledge (if it had been truthful)?

I don't know if the blogger reads 2+2, but crypto coins are treated as commodities and the CFTC has a whistleblower program that might apply in this situation. The whistleblower can be awarded 10% in the event of a successful judgment that is above $1M.

Last edited by cal617; 09-06-2023 at 03:40 PM.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by freedom 35
Direct from the story: "At this point, I would prefer to remain anonymous as I do not wish for this scandal to impact my professional career and private life."

The story obviously doesn't reflect well on him and if you think you'd want your employer/other business dealings to be aware of it then not sure what to tell you. He does go on to state " I would be willing to provide my identity (which can be verified) and also provide unredacted documentary evidence to any credentialed journalists under the obligation of strict confidentiality.".

I'm saying it is mostly true because it is far to elaborate and time-consuming to produce considering there is no financial incentive. He knows the money is gone, and over a year later he is telling his side of the story and urging any others who were scammed to do the same. I don't doubt that there are multiple exaggerated or imagined details included in his story.

He seems scummy and maybe somewhat got what he deserved for being part of what he knew was a pump and dump, but that doesn't make Wesley any less of a scammer. You can hold these two thoughts simultaneously.
So what you are saying is you only believe this is a cry story from a scammer who got scammed and you believe only bits and pieces of it because even though he is ruining Wesleys reputation over scamming he is smart to not want to also ruin his own reputation over scamming. This story has so many holes. The Wesley burglary thing, there is 0.0000000001% chance he sent in “his men to grab a thumb drive from this guys girlfriend’s house”. Why would anyone keep any of this on a thumb drive lol? So if part of the story is fabricated, I think its more reasonable than not to assume a whole bunch or all of it is fabricated. Maybe the dude lost money. Gave him some dollars. The people of shitcoin took the dollars because he is an idiot. This is like a drug dealer getting swindled by another drug dealer then going to twitter to say what a terrible person the other drug dealer is and oh, he robbed my pregnant girlfriend and I am scared for my life. And I will talk to the Boston Globe if you got some credentials. Email me bro,
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 03:26 PM
Keep in mind that, in crypto, hard drives and flash drives can be used as wallets.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
Keep in mind that, in crypto, hard drives and flash drives can be used as wallets.
Yes. Now it is confirmed that Wesley not only sent his goons to get the thumb drive with the sensitive receipts. He also went after the pregnant girlfriends harddrives to steal more crypto in addition to the 250k he stole from her anonymous boyfriend that only talks with reporters.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
Yes. Now it is confirmed that Wesley not only sent his goons to get the thumb drive with the sensitive receipts. He also went after the pregnant girlfriends harddrives to steal more crypto in addition to the 250k he stole from her anonymous boyfriend that only talks with reporters.
I'm not saying Wesley sent goons. They could be two separate cases. Just saying an alleged theft that specifically targets someone's hard drives and flash drives could be by someone aware of the person's crypto activities.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
I'm not saying Wesley sent goons. They could be two separate cases. Just saying an alleged theft that specifically targets someone's hard drives and flash drives could be by someone aware of the person's crypto activities.
If he was aware of his crypto activitiies then he would know he has no crypto because Wesley has it all wired to his peruvian bank account. Direct deposit. The goons must have been something to throw off the OP. Or maybe, most likely…..Wesley has pregnant other mans girlfriend fetish and knew she was storing all the xrated pregnancy pictures on the thumb drive. We are definitely getting to the bottom of this. Confirmed Wesley has some bizarre fetishes and was caught red handed by the boyfriend, thus the reason he stopped not replying to the texts and admitted that indeed his people had got to the nudes. Which makes total sense when you think about it why the boyfriend is scared for his life and willing to talk to all the reporters.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
If he was aware of his crypto activitiies then he would know he has no crypto because Wesley has it all wired to his peruvian bank account. Direct deposit. The goons must have been something to throw off the OP. Or maybe, most likely…..Wesley has pregnant other mans girlfriend fetish and knew she was storing all the xrated pregnancy pictures on the thumb drive. We are definitely getting to the bottom of this. Confirmed Wesley has some bizarre fetishes and was caught red handed by the boyfriend, thus the reason he stopped not replying to the texts and admitted that indeed his people had got to the nudes. Which makes total sense when you think about it why the boyfriend is scared for his life and willing to talk to all the reporters.
Look, the reason I would say it was not Wesley is because the police allegedly said that there are a string of such robberies in the area or something to that effect. It could be an exchange the blogger uses gave up a number of people's personal info or was hacked and leaked personal info of userbase or something of that width. Your hyper-defensive responses are trolling though, I will say. Do you have a parasocial relationship with people you watch or something, "Larry"?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
Look, the reason I would say it was not Wesley is because the police allegedly said that there are a string of such robberies in the area or something to that effect. It could be an exchange the blogger uses gave up a number of people's personal info or was hacked and leaked personal info of userbase or something of that width. Your hyper-defensive responses are trolling though, I will say. Do you have a parasocial relationship with people you watch or something, "Larry"?
It could have been that, but its not. Its the pregnant girlfriend on the thumbdrive nude fetish. The cops shook Wesley down and he provided the thumb drive. Also why he told on himself over text. He had already been shaken down by Officer Craig Winters. Turns out Officer Winters also has the same fetish. He stole the thumbdrive, quit his job as a detective, and is profitting heavily. Swaps them pics on the dark web. Gets up to 0.09 btc for a single good belly shot. The real question is does the boyfriend, the original poster of the made up story, also have a pregnancy fetish. Why did he have all those pics on that thumb drive?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 05:34 PM
Let's just say Wesley's preferred crypto platform, Bitmex, has a bit of a reputation on its own.

Originally Posted by larry the legend
Also why he told on himself over text.
Yes, and the reason I would not rule out Wesley are those alleged couple of texts, though it wouldn't be the first time a human being has taken credit for something done by another human being, if he actually didn't do it. "they reached u" doesn't have the same confessional weight as "i" or "we."
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
Let's just say Wesley's preferred crypto platform, Bitmex, has a bit of a reputation on its own.

Yes, and the reason I would not rule out Wesley are those alleged couple of texts, though it wouldn't be the first time a human being has taken credit for something done by another human being, if he actually didn't do it. "they reached u" doesn't have the same confessional weight as "i" or "we."
It is so nice to have someone who passed the bar educating us on the legalities of this case. Thank you for your contributions. What kind of charges and sentence is Office Winters looking at for stealing evidence and selling it? And does it mean Wesley gets off free and clear because the chain of custody of the evidence is messed up? Can anyone sue to get the pictures back?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
It is so nice to have someone who passed the bar educating us on the legalities of this case. Thank you for your contributions. What kind of charges and sentence is Office Winters looking at for stealing evidence and selling it? And does it mean Wesley gets off free and clear because the chain of custody of the evidence is messed up? Can anyone sue to get the pictures back?
What else do the visions tell you?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
What else do the visions tell you?
That you are not a lawyer. That Wesley did not have anyone break into anything. That this guy is a scammer and got scammed. That his story is mostly made up, possibly completely made up. That you can’t trust anyone heavily involved in crypto whether the story is partially true or completely false. That people in general will believe anything they read on the internet.

My friends daughter and her daughter’s friend. Both teenagers and have fake facebook accounts. They have spent months making these things with family pictures, posts about vacations etc. dog pictures. not even trying to catfish anyone, they just think its funny that tammy mae and. Judy are so popular and have such a great life. they have hundreds of facebook friends after about a year or two. Everyone wants to be friends with the 50 year old divorcee from Austin Texas and the 45 year old soccer mom with 3 kids from Charlottesburg Virginia. Give me your facebook, i think Tammy. Mae is looking for a rich lawyer/poker player to sweep her off her feet. Judy is happily married.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
That this guy is a scammer and got scammed.
Got scammed by who?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-06-2023 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by cal617
Got scammed by who?
Officer Winters
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-13-2023 , 12:32 AM
any updates?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-13-2023 , 11:26 AM
Yes, Wesley still playing on stream without a care in the world.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-14-2023 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Wumpy
I agree with this. Most of the replies so far seem to have a warped perception of who deserves blame in cases where a naive/stupid person is blatantly victimized.

Being a dumb, careless, or even greedy person doesn't give other people the right to steal from you. It doesn't matter at all what type of person the victim is. It's ridiculous that this even needs to be said.

I have a theory that the type of person whose first reaction is to criticize the victim in cases like this would be very likely to victimize people in the same way if they knew they could get away with it. It's a very narcissistic mindset to think that people who aren't as smart as you are (or think you are) deserve to be taken advantage of.
So where's the line -- like if I take 10K bundles and tape them to the outside of my car and park the car in the Walmart parking lot, should I be sad and hurt when they are taken? Then write an angry blog post about how I was promised that I would actually have more 10K bundles by an influencer.

I'm not condoning stealing, but there has to be some level of personal responsibility here. Sending $250,000 to an unknown person is a good way to lose $250,000 dollars.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-15-2023 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by BulltexasATM
Yes, Wesley still playing on stream without a care in the world.
Why not, there's 20+ examples of know scammers/scumbags/probable scammers and cheats out there playing. Same as it ever was
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:45 AM
I recall around the time of Terra LUNA crash, HCL allowed Wesley to sit next to the game and occasionally pop in, whilst doing crypto trading.

What stood out to me was that he was using 3 or 4 phones to do this.

It looked more like he was using burners to contact people, as opposed to actively trading the markets.

May have been completely legit, but I just remember it looking really shady at the time.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
10-10-2023 , 05:51 PM
So this whole thing was made up, funded by HCL “Blank check Ben”… then the scammer tried to blackmail Ben, and Wesley?

How do you even get involved in this crap?
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
10-10-2023 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
So this whole thing was made up, funded by HCL “Blank check Ben”… then the scammer tried to blackmail Ben, and Wesley?

How do you even get involved in this crap?

He stated that after the break-in, Wesley taunted and mocked him. He then played me an audio recording containing Wesley’s voice.

Ben, Ben, Ben. How could you get scammed on that simple audio clip? It had nothing in it as I had mentioned in my prior post. Just a blurp of Wesley voice. Simple to capture on any one of HCL livestream.
Whole damn thing would have been rectified sooner if you had just gone to Wesley directly.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
10-10-2023 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
So this whole thing was made up, funded by HCL “Blank check Ben”… then the scammer tried to blackmail Ben, and Wesley?

How do you even get involved in this crap?
Wow that's an insane turn of events!
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:40 PM
Maybe the thread title should be ammended to include these new developments and the OP should be edited.
Guy claims 250k scam by Wesley - Crypto Apprentice Quote
