Originally Posted by ejames209
It seems like they want to reach a point where everyone's win rate is the same....zero?
Then why are players like Misha allowed in the pool? Hes clearly a shark in this particular pool and doesnt help the goal of achieving ~0 win rates for all players.
Getting ~0 winrate for everyone is completely unrealistic as there will always be massive differences between individual players of all skill levels. Even if you took 6 players who everyone see as whales and put them on the same table, the result would be that one of the whales would be the shark in that specific pond. Like imagine a table of Gus Hansen, Guy Laliberte, Santosh, Tesla, Tan Xuan, Eric Persson. All of these players have been considered whales in various games, but put them together on one table and Im pretty sure one or more of of them will emerge as a shark with large win rate..
So why are they even doing this? The only way for it to make sense is that its a conscious decision where Misha and Elky (and Fedor) have been picked to have exclusive access to high win rate games.