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Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Gender "Disguise" at WSOP

04-30-2018 , 03:11 PM
Let's spend $10k on marketing then.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by BEANO52

It had to be said. .

At least Shaun Deeb has the boobs to backup the makeup and jewelery.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
I don't really care about the disguise at all. She's going to put on a fake beard? I don't really see how this disguises someone's face more than a real beard, which is obviously OK.

But I think people are too immediately dismissive of her claim that being a woman puts her at a disadvantage in tournaments. My understanding is that she believes opponents play more aggressively against women. If true, this should be something that a good player could adjust to in a cash game, but it is not necessarily true in tournaments, for two reason.

First, most amateurs play tournaments much too passively. If a stereotype causes them to play more aggressively against a particular player, they will actually be playing more correctly, and less explotiably, against that player than they play against others in field. Adjusting to this new aggressive strategy may give you an edge over that player, but not as big of an edge as someone who correctly adjusts to the passive strategy.

Additionally, even if a player overadjusts and plays so aggressively that they are making clear mistakes, aggressive mistakes in tournaments do not always benefit the other player in the hand. Due to ICM considerations, some aggresive mistakes hurt the equity of both players in the hand, while helping everyone else in the tournament. You'd prefer that your opponent play a slightly better passive strategy than a slightly worse aggressive strategy, if that aggression is specifically targeted at you.

I believe the problem is that she takes off the disguise, and changes how she looks during the tournament. Clearly a violation of WSOP rules.

With regard to the theory, if a woman plays just as aggressive as the men, then the bias works in her favor and the men start overfolding.

With regard to the research, a real study would use sets of twins, who were new to poker, but have been given the exact same training and will play with the same skill.

Then one of each pair goes as a man and the other goes as a woman.

Each player keeps notes on every hand, according to predetermined parameters. Data to be compiled afterwards.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:21 PM
I'm sure there's merits to her comments about how woman face unwanted attention/bullying -- they don't really have the luxury of being able to keep to themselves if they want to as everybody's trying to engage with you.

However, to say that women are at a "disadvantage" poker strat wise is just silly. Learn how to adjust lmao.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky

Setting aside her erroneous contention that men adjusting their strategy due to their opponent being a woman, would be a disadvantage to that woman,.
To be absolutely perfectly accurate, I should add that it is theoretically possible that her contention could be correct. Because it is a tournament. Or to be even more nitpickingingly theoretical, because the game is not heads up. In a heads up game if you stray from GTO strategy because your opponent is a woman you give that woman an opportunity to take advantage of it. That would also be be true in 99.999% of the cases of multiplayer tournaments as well. So she is almost certainly wrong in her contention. But since there just might be that rare situation where the strategy adjustments she claims men use against women could be to her disadvantage in a tournament, I would be remiss if I didn't mention it.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Videopro
She has been making the interview rounds all over the industry to promote her book, including our Pokercast:
She actually did NOT appear on the PokerCast, but rather she was Adam's and TChan's topic of discussion in the first segment of that episode.

I wrote a decidedly TL;DR post in that episode's show thread, going through different parts of an interview she did with a different podcast. Part transcript and part live blog of my listening to the show, really.

However, this remains my biggest takeaway from this whole thing:

Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist

(21:30) Okay, this is weird. Sia now talks about how she has to play when dressed as a woman. When she makes a big hand, she'll make a smallish bet, which then confirms the male opponent's perception that she's weak:

"And that's when they'll push a bunch of chips in, and your [aces] will probably end up being good. It's so much better than if you were to bet like a normal person would, or even check. Betting a little bit, I think, inspires a man to want to just clobber you. And that's definitely a big part of the book. It's using those different scenarios that are at the table that women encounter to get the best of guys. Like aikido, it's taking their energy and using it for their own benefit. Those kinds of strategies are what we do best."
Thus she does know how to adjust accordingly, in a way that will allow her to play massive pots when she's likely way ahead. Why oh why would she ever want to disguise herself, then?
Of course, the singular flaw to this entire experiment is sample size: the results of one WSOP Main Event, or even an entire series worth of tournaments, will prove nothing.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
However, this remains my biggest takeaway from this whole thing:
Of course its the comparison of poker to a real martial art. Because in poker you have to rely on the laws of physics to defend yourself against a larger heavier opponent. Gotta love the sports analogies, they never seem to run out of these. Does she life coach also?
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
04-30-2018 , 10:59 PM
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 05:42 AM
So women are at a disadvantage at the table because men will play a predictable style of poker against them?

Sounds more like a tenuous reason to justify carrying out this blatant marketing ploy. Of course, if it creates more buzz around the game and entices more women to play poker, I'm all for it.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by robert_utk

With regard to the theory, if a woman plays just as aggressive as the men, then the bias works in her favor and the men start overfolding.
I didn't think she was claiming that men fold more often against women, but rather that they raise more often.

Originally Posted by David Sklansky
To be absolutely perfectly accurate, I should add that it is theoretically possible that her contention could be correct. Because it is a tournament. Or to be even more nitpickingingly theoretical, because the game is not heads up. In a heads up game if you stray from GTO strategy because your opponent is a woman you give that woman an opportunity to take advantage of it. That would also be be true in 99.999% of the cases of multiplayer tournaments as well. So she is almost certainly wrong in her contention. But since there just might be that rare situation where the strategy adjustments she claims men use against women could be to her disadvantage in a tournament, I would be remiss if I didn't mention it.
Her contention could also be correct if the opponent's normal strategy wasn't close to GTO, but the adjustment they made against women caused them to play closer to GTO.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 03:43 PM
"I walked into the Bicycle Casino looking like a Poker Villain. Big beard, big sunglasses, bandana and a hoodie covered most of my very feminine features. The tournament cashier, who had registered me 100 times before, did not recognize me. So far, so good.

I focused on walking like a duck to my table (quack, quack, quack) and tossed my ticket on the felt. As a woman, I would have slid it over gently, with the text in the correct direction, so that the dealer could easily read it. As a man, I did not give a f--k. I was here to be served."

Quote from the book. Watch out Shakespeare (quack quack)
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 03:46 PM
"From meetings between Sia's team of lawyers and the WSOP, it has become apparent that her participation in the event disguised as a man is grounds for disqualification - and forfeiture of the buy-in. While the WSOP understandably must do their due diligence in upholding the integrity of the game in the most prestigious tournament series in the world, from this author’s perspective, she just wishes it were different."
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
To be absolutely perfectly accurate, I should add that it is theoretically possible that her contention could be correct. Because it is a tournament. Or to be even more nitpickingingly theoretical, because the game is not heads up. In a heads up game if you stray from GTO strategy because your opponent is a woman you give that woman an opportunity to take advantage of it. That would also be be true in 99.999% of the cases of multiplayer tournaments as well. So she is almost certainly wrong in her contention. But since there just might be that rare situation where the strategy adjustments she claims men use against women could be to her disadvantage in a tournament, I would be remiss if I didn't mention it.
What if they aren't adjusting from a GTO strategy but towards one? What if on average players normally play too passively compared to GTO but then play more aggressively and closer to GTO against women?

It is pretty much a given that men, for the most part, try to bluff and play more aggressively against women, why wouldn't this be a good strategy adjustment? Hence why I usually don't try to bluff women, they tend to be calling stations and for good reason. (All info I read from Caro's Book of Tells)
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 04:02 PM
That article seems like a blatant advertismenet. If PokerNews was paid to run that, they should be disclosing that.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by fragglerock45
"From meetings between Sia's team of lawyers and the WSOP, it has become apparent that her participation in the event disguised as a man is grounds for disqualification - and forfeiture of the buy-in. While the WSOP understandably must do their due diligence in upholding the integrity of the game in the most prestigious tournament series in the world, from this author’s perspective, she just wishes it were different."
She has a "team of lawyers" in numerous meetings with "the WSOP"?

lol, btw, how does a disguise as a man affect the integrity of the game in an event open to both men and women as players ? It would not be the first time the gender of a player in poker was not discernible to other players.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by WPNdonk
"She also cited a strategy example, saying that most women are better off slow playing their hands in order to get action from men. “It’s really hard to win a tournament when you have to limp in,” she said. Her book is also part strategy guide."

I give Jamie Gold a 10X better chance of winning again than this chick.
I'm glad she is doing so much as she so obviously to dispel the horrible stereotypes and inaccurate surrounding women and poker. Kudos, lady, kudos.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-01-2018 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
What if they aren't adjusting from a GTO strategy but towards one? What if on average players normally play too passively compared to GTO but then play more aggressively and closer to GTO against women?
True. Obviously. My assumption though was that they started out playing close to GTO.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
True. Obviously. My assumption though was that they started out playing close to GTO.
Why is that obvious?

If somebody is making big adjustments primarly based on the fact that somebody is a women, it's clear that person is not a pro and thus not playing GTO (at least, as a solid pro who plays GTO it's unlikely that they'd make such heavy adjustments prior to any real sample).

And it's actually quite likely that most people are too passive rather than too aggressive.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 01:14 AM
Why would you ever even enter a poker tournament where you assume most of your opponents are playing close to GTO?

Most tournament players play badly. And most play badly in a passive direction. It is entirely believable to me that this woman may project an image that causes players to make adjustments that unwittingly improve their play, an image that she does't project when made up like a man. And this may be true regardless of whether she herself is a good player.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Why is that obvious?

If somebody is making big adjustments primarly based on the fact that somebody is a women, it's clear that person is not a pro and thus not playing GTO (at least, as a solid pro who plays GTO it's unlikely that they'd make such heavy adjustments prior to any real sample).

And it's actually quite likely that most people are too passive rather than too aggressive.

The vast majority of players in poker would be closer to GTO if they were more aggressive, which makes it quite a valid point.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by robert_utk
The vast majority of players in poker would be closer to GTO if they were more aggressive, which makes it quite a valid point.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 01:58 AM
But since she was saying that woman have to limp a lot it is very unlikely that she was contending that men move closer to GTO against them.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 03:20 AM
She was not contending that, you are correct. She was contending that men are more aggressive towards woman. Then, we came to the conclusion that if that were true, it may be a legitmate point to say woman in general are at a disadvantage in tournaments if we also conclude people are likely too passive, and being more aggressive moves them closer to GTO. In other words, people play more GTO against woman without realizing it.

I'm not saying this is true, but the logic is certainly there if we can validate the claims to prove the premise.

Last edited by YGOchamp; 05-02-2018 at 03:39 AM.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 06:23 AM
I still don't understand why she believes she has to limp in though. Is she a pro or just playing poker having a lot of money?
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
05-02-2018 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
I still don't understand why she believes she has to limp in though. Is she a pro or just playing poker having a lot of money?

I say if she is the better player, and her opponents are more predictable for whatever reason, then she has an advantage. Just because a male opponent makes more bets more often does not mean that opponent will finish the hand closer to Nash.
Gender "Disguise" at WSOP Quote
