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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

08-02-2023 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I would say that there is evidence to infer she knew.

Before she left when she was being questioned about the hand, even though he did not call her a cheat, you would have to be stupid to not understand that that was the basis of him questioning her. When she responded that she had a straight and flush draw on the two spade board when she called all in, she admittedly does sound pretty stupid.


1. When she came back to the table the first thing she says “No he thinks I am cheating” in response to Andy saying “he is accusing the Hustler of cheating.”

2. Rip comes back before he rage quits claiming Gman is in the hallway accusing her of cheating and making her pay back the money.

3. At no time after does she express any anger about being called a cheater.

Still we do not know if she paid back the money before these accusations occurred but we would also have to assume that the pressure gman was putting on her would not have included calling her a cheat until he got his money back in scotchÂ’s scenerio.

Personally I donÂ’t see how gman would have at a minimum, if not an outright expression of cheating, rather than just a Stupid call when attempting to get the money back.

I am not willing to infer that he only called her a cheat after she agreed to give him back the money,
Thanks for confirming that you do not know
08-02-2023 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
According to some posters she was subject to a high-intensity police-like interrogation during which she falsely confessed to a murder but that during those 5-10 minutes, she also never learned her interrogator thought she cheated him.
Yeah, that is some people's perspective, but 2 of the 3 parties involved backed each others stories up, saying that did not happen.
08-02-2023 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondsOnMyNeck
Having ES2 back in the mix really makes you miss a guy like Ramjet. At least he was blunt and to the point. No one is reading your essay bro.
The chances that es2 and ramjet are the same person is probably around the chance of your flush and straight draw hits with 2 cards to come.
08-02-2023 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by H.O.R.S.E.
im happy this thread is alive again

jlitt, nice post but none of what you're talking about is inconsistent with Robbi being innocent and I think you're making multiple errors when looking at the odds of these events occurring if she's innocent vs if she's guilty.

You ask what the odds are of the most famous hand happening in a game with the most famous poker player. Do you know the concept of dependent vs independent events? Because those aren't independent events. Same thing again with her giving the money back: yes, that's crazy. But the hand is famous because *it was a literally crazy play*. So the hand being famous and her giving the money back are actually not independent events.

There is a reason why I logged on to my backup account from 2007. If you notice most accounts that defend robbi are from 2023. Same on youtube, same on twitter, its almost like when she hired her PR team they implemented a vast defense of her character by going on boards.

The only people who have any credibility in this whole ****ed up situation are the poker pros who aren't trying to play it safe in the middle like Negreanu, Polk, Ingram who are profiting off controversy... and milking it for every drop. THe pros who don't jump through hoops for clicks are all against Robbi.
08-02-2023 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Thanks for confirming that you do not know
How do you know that she didn't know she was being açcused of cheating before she gave back the money?

Last edited by jjjou812; 08-02-2023 at 06:54 PM.
08-02-2023 , 06:46 PM
I think we’ve established that Robbi is a woman, and was high and drunk. Therefore, she didn’t even know if she knew, that she knew.
08-02-2023 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
How do you know that she didn't know she was being a. Used of cheating before she gave back the money?
We’ve been through why that doesn’t matter, we are already discussing as if that’s the case.
08-02-2023 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by jlitt
There is a reason why I logged on to my backup account from 2007. If you notice most accounts that defend robbi are from 2023. Same on youtube, same on twitter, its almost like when she hired her PR team they implemented a vast defense of her character by going on boards.

The only people who have any credibility in this whole ****ed up situation are the poker pros who aren't trying to play it safe in the middle like Negreanu, Polk, Ingram who are profiting off controversy... and milking it for every drop. THe pros who don't jump through hoops for clicks are all against Robbi.
I’m credible and also one of the big dogs

But lol yeah, no mention of people like “jack hi” in your analysis
08-02-2023 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by mindcirkus
I suppose I need to preference this by saying that all of the following is speculation on my part, and simply my own personal opinion of what I think was most likely to have occurred in the J4 game. I would very much like not to be sued by Mr. Lew, Robbi, Eric, Jacob, or anyone else. I also want to say for the record that I have no skin in the game, do not know anyone involved in any of this in any way, nor do I have any connection to Hustler Casino, HCL, or any other casino or live stream for that matter. I was a professional poker player for 8 years, but I have now been working in another industry for the past 5 years. I have not played in a live poker game in over 5 years now, and no more than a handful of hands online in the past 5 years.

I also want to mention that I have always very much liked Eric and enjoyed seeing him play poker when I have occasionally seen him play some on various streams. I viewed him as being someone who is good for the game and entertaining for people to watch. When I saw his appearance on Joey's day 5 stream I happened to notice some things that caused me to feel very suspicious. I chalked it off to the effects of an attractive female on a man at first, but as time went on the more and more I saw made it very clear to me that he was involved with the cheating that took place.

Even if you think I'm crazy to think Eric is involved, or have a very different theory yourself, I highly doubt that any of you won't this post at the very least interesting or be able to learn anything new from it. My first post in this thread which presented a few things about Eric was covered by Joey on his stream (#8) for about 30 minutes or so. That was the first time I'm aware of that anyone had put forth any significant amount of evidence regarding Eric's possible involvement.

Everyone immediately dismisses Eric because 'he's so rich no way he'd risk it to cheat a poker game for money' which is very likely true. However, there are many possible other reasons in which Eric could potentially be motivated to cheat a poker game if it would help his casino business, make Robbi famous (for a variety of possible reasons), or maybe just simply for the amusement of seeing Garrett get destroyed at the poker table by a novice female player. There is also an extremely small possibility he could have been blackmailed or coerced into it otherwise - extremely unlikely but more than zero chance. I have heard many say he is a former criminal, but I don't know that to be true for sure and have not looked into it. He also acts in ways and says things that makes him appear to be sociopathic to some degree. He very well may not be however, and this is purely my speculation based on things I have seen him say on poker streams and Joey's stream.

It wasn't about the money

The only actual questionable hands that Robbi played the entire stream were the J8, J3, and J4 hands. These are the only hands in which cheating was attempted aside from some collusion between Robbi, Eric, and RIP when they were heads up against each other hands like the AQ v AQ hand, and AK v A8 hand. Robbi never got out of line or played a single other hand like someone who is cheating and knows whether or not their hand is good aside from postflop in the J8 hand, preflop in the J3s hand - which she immediately folds on the turn after Garrett has folded, and then the entire J4 hand against Garrett. Every other hand that night she played exactly like she did in other streams - basic, tight, straight-forward small-ball type poker.

Also, RIP clearly does not care about money in the previous streams and the J4 stream as well. He only cares about money when Robbi gives the money from the hand back to Garrett. This is confirmed when they are discussing Robbi giving the money back to Garrett, and RIP asks Robbi if she knows why he's upset about it. The implication is that he obviously doesn't care about the money and that Robbi knows that, so he's asking her if she understands why he's upset about it. Robbi does know and straight up tells him the answer. If the objective of their cheating was to win money, RIP asking her this question would make absolutely no sense:

An anonymous gentleman called into Joey's stream very late one night who claimed to work in the entertainment industry. He said that he is positive what's going on here is that these people have plenty of money and this all had been a ploy to make Robbi famous. He said once you realize that, that everything starts to make sense and it all falls into place. He said he sees this stuff all the time in the industry. He noted how RIP works under Jake Paul, and said that this is what these kinds of people do. He was right. As soon as you realize this was not about money, all of the baffling parts of it make perfect sense. When you look at what happened through the lens of the primary objective that night being Robbi hero-calling Garrett with J-high to make her famous, and the fact that Eric was in on it then everything we know about these people and everything you see from beginning to end of the J4 stream becomes crystal clear and makes perfect sense.

Chosing the Ivey stream

Why would you choose the Ivey stream to cheat if your primary objective was stealing money? No criminal or cheat, even the dumbest ones, want the maximum number of eyes and attention on them if they're going to be attempting to steal or cheat. They could have chosen any other stream at the same stakes if money was the objective. The only reason to choose the Ivey stream would be for max publicity and viewers. This is why RIP kept saying repeatedly on Joey's stream last Saturday morning when Tom Dwan was asking him questions that Robbi 'went there that night to make a name for herself'.

Why would you want to setup a hero call against Garrett with J-high?

There are two types of poker hands people love to see that can go viral and become legendary: 1) Successfully bluffing an opponent off a huge hand like Garrett bluffing Andy off of KK with K5 on stream the night before and 2) Successfully hero calling a massive bet with a very weak hand. If you look at it through the lens of being able to pull one of these things off by knowing your opponents hole cards, only the hero call makes any sense. Trying to bluff a world class player off a strong hand doesn't become all that much easier for a novice player or anyone for that matter just by knowing their hole cards (in most cases). They can just snap you off regardless. Robbi could know Garrett's exact hole cards in every hand for an entire stream and her chances of successfully bluffing him off a big hand would still be slim to none. Her chances of doing it on the first try without going broke a bunch of times first would be even smaller. So the hero call is the only play you can make if you want to create a famous hand that goes viral where a novice outplays a world class player by knowing their hole cards. Eric refers to this several times in the stream after the J4 hand by saying things such as 'Streamers love a hero call' and other similar things following the J4 hand.

Eric's arrival and play prior to J4 hand

Eric arrived an hour early in which he was seen walking around the casino. When the game started he was sitting and acting in ways he that basically never has before at the poker table. Also, 'The King of Table Talk' was inexplicably silent during hands. Bart Hanson had noticed this by about an hour in (I don't have the timestamp handy) and made note of it pointing out how unusual and surprising it was.

J8 hand:

In the J8 hand Eric leaves the table early in the hand and comes back at the end, and has to tuck something in the left side of his hat when he realizes it's sticking out as he sits down at the table. This is almost certainly the moment the cheating was ready to go and started taking place. I'm fairly certain what was sticking out of his hat was just part of his hat's liner, but it makes it very clear that he removed his hat and put it back on when he briefly left the table for a minute or so. That's a somewhat odd thing to randomly do, but extremely odd and unusual for Eric who rarely ever adjusts his hat or take it off in the past. On the river in the J8 hand was the very first moment in which cheating was attempted. It obviously wasn't occurring in any hand prior and obviously wasn't occurring earlier in the hand because Robbi would not have continued on the flop when Garrett flopped trips and she quickly called. She called the flop because ERIC LEFT THE TABLE and he was the one giving her the signals about whether or not her hand was good. The goal was hero-calling Garrett with J-high so she called knowing this was a potential opportunity. Watch him tuck the side of his hat in as he sits down and then start looking like a third base coach putting on a hit and run while Robbi is contemplating the call on the river:

Now watch Eric's face after the hand when Robbi says 'I'll get you again' to Garrett and then folds. He can't hide his excitement at what he knows is coming but he tries to and then turns to make a comment to Garrett. Then look at Robbi's face when the camera goes back on her about 10 seconds later. Wow. Where is she looking and what does the expression on her face tell you? Why would she have this expression looking down at Eric after tank folding J-high to Garrett's full house?!! It's so f***ing obvious that they both know what's coming - specifically Robbi owning Garrett with a J-high (or potentially Q-high) hero call.

J3s hand:

Then the next weird spot is when Robbi - a career 22% VPIP player - open limps Js3s UTG with aggressive Andy Stacks immediately to her left, the all-time goat in the seat past that, and the current best live NLHE player in the world in the straddle for $800. This is just completely insane for any player to do, but more importantly to note spectacularly out of line for a tight player such as herself. If the goal of your cheating is making money you still fold this preflop without a second thought and wait for better spots. That is unless you are completely stupid and unconcerned about making your cheating not completely obvious. If that's the case, you just enter the pot with all kinds of weak hands from any position throughout the session. Robbi only gets out of line preflop twice in the entire stream however - open limping Js3s UTG for $800, and then calling a raise from Garrett with J4o the following hand. When she calls with the J4o Bart Hanson is stunned and says "Robbi really mixing it up here with the J4o!" - showing how extremely out of character this is for her.

On the flop, the Js3s hand gets checked around and then Eric leads out for $2k into Garrett. He's likely trying to get some fireworks going to setup a big potential hero call, even though the likelihood of this happening is extremely unlikely or maybe even impossible due to Garrett having 74o. Also, Eric has top pair and it would look extremely suspicious if he doesn't bet here if you know anything about his playing style. Also, Robbi doesn't have any blockers which was a key part of their plan in being able to explain Robbi's inevitable J-high call down of Garrett being a reasonable, albeit genius play. I'll explain the whole blocker thing in much greater detail further on in this post, but it's conceivable they were already abandoning ship when it made it to the turn.

Garrett snap folds to Eric's $2k bet, and then Robbi snap folds behind and then immediately purses her lips and looks to the side in clear frustration at a missed opportunity. Why would she or any player feel frustration at a missed an opportunity in this hand with her cards and the action that took place? Because hero calling Garrett with J-high was the primary objective that night, and this was the second missed opportunity (J8 being the first). Watch her face when she folds Js3s on the turn right after Garrett folds:

J4 hand:

In the J4 hand Eric inexplicably OPEN FOLDS J9 when action is folded to him in the $200 blind. This is a career 52% VPIP player in full ring nosebleed live NLHE games, to open fold J9 here is shockingly out of character. Why the hell would he do this? Because the objective is Robbi calling Garrett down with J-high, and by folding here it leaves just Garrett and Robbi behind in a spot where Garrett is gonna raise like 80% of hands if not more with a novice player like Robbi in the straddle. Also, Robbi actually has J-high in this hand which I find unlikely Eric would have known so quickly at that point after the cards were dealt, but regardless the opportunity was there so he gets out of the way regardless of knowing what her cards are at that point. Also, I think it is almost certain that there was only a signal of whether or not Robbi was ahead in a hand coming in as opposed to her exact cards. This is why there is so much signaling back and forth during the J4 hand because Eric doesn't know her cards he needs to know she has J-high (with a blocker most likely) so he can signal how to proceed.

Robbi min-raises turn trying to induce a shove. If she just calls turn Garrett could shut down on the river and regardless the pot is going to be pretty small which makes a hero call much less spectacular. Anyone looking at the cards knows Garrett is re-raising there almost always, especially if he has reason to believe she's weak. If Robbi was trying to cheat Garrett out of money, and knows she's ahead on the turn with J4, she would just call. Even the dumbest of players would instinctively know this is the best thing to do in that spot. Why click it back against hyper-aggressive Garrett or anyone for that matter when you can just call and make perfect decisions on the river? Why risk getting it in against hands that have a ton of equity such as draws when you gain little to no advantage? If your opponent has pure air and no draws with undercards they almost always fold to a raise on the turn but likely to fire again on the river. Raising the turn is the worst possible thing you can do with J4 if you know you are ahead there and you're trying to make the most money. Not to even mention how insanely suspicious it looks if you get shoved on and call the turn. Calling a big bet on the river with J-high would be shocking but at least then it seems more likely possible and natural as something a player might do if you think they had a draw and missed.

Also, it seems very likely that to limit their chances of getting caught the only wanted to send information and signals to her in spots where the J-high hero call of Garrett was in play. So Robbi needs to tell Eric it's in play so he can send the proper signal or signals telling her what to do. This is why the J8 and J4 decisions take so long and she plays extremely fast or at the very least takes very normal amounts of time in all other spots throughout the session.

It's likely she was already told to click it back on the turn, and then she was just wanting a final confirmation to call when later on in the hand after Garrett had shoved, but another possibility is that she was setting it up as a possibility without knowing where she was at vs Garrett's hand, and then was needing to know whether or not she was ahead for the first time after he shoved. The argument for this is the J8 hand where she continued on flop when he had trips which resulted in no hero-calling potential be left at any future point in the hand. Eric was gone from table during the middle of J8 hand however which means there wasn't anyone there to give her a signal on the flop and turn, so it's very possible she could potentially get the signal earlier in other hands.

Also, this is a good point to mention why the dealer theory isn't possible. There was a different dealer in the J8 hand, and having all of the dealers or even two in on the cheating is extremely unlikely. It's hard enough to flip one dealer and bring them in on something like this, much less two or all of them. Also, from what I understand the two fingers the dealer (Lauren I think is her name) put down in J4 hand had to do with keeping track of time extensions. Also, literally all of the rest of the evidence points to Eric, Robbi, and RIP who by the way was added last second and in on the operation but not the person signaling Robbi. He was added to the game last second the night before while drunk, and tried to get out of playing the next morning when he realized that he was. Robbi had already been scheduled for a while to play that night as had Eric.

Watch Robbi signal with her pointer finger in a place where only Eric (or potentially the dealer) can possibly see it (and she thinks the camera on her won't) after Garrett has shoved and she needs to know what to do. She's staring straight at Garrett to make sure he keeps looking down while she does it to make sure he doesn't see it, and does it very slowly and carefully as Garrett is frozen still staring down at the table. I've literally never seen anyone do this as natural behavior at a poker table, and it's done in a way and in a place that only Eric (or potentially the dealer if her head was turned all the way towards her) can see it and she thinks the camera on her won't be able to see. From what I understand there were also no other cameras behind her such as up in the corner behind Eric that could potentially see her finger unless the roaming camera was back there which it was not at the time. This is 100% a signal, and it is 100% designed to only be seen by Eric and no one else.

5 seconds later she gets the signal as she's staring towards Eric (and he's conveniently off camera out of view). How do I know for sure this is when she got the signal? HER FACE IS A DEAD GIVEAWAY. It leaves absolutely no doubt. The moment she gets it she knows exactly what is about to happen next and she cannot hide her emotions but tries very hard to. Her demeanor and behavior completely flip from that instant on. She goes from serious and calculating to overwhelmed with mischievous happiness and duping delight from then on. At this point she's no longer actually thinking and calculating what to do, she is now simply an actor trying to say some things to make it look like she's got a tough decision and comes to an accurate conclusion for a handful of seconds until she calls.

Eric says, "I vote no" after she says, "Do you want me to call you?". Advising a player what to do when thinking over a big decision is spectacularly out of line for any player to do in a high stakes poker game, but he's trying to make himself look innocent.

J4 hand immediate aftermath

Watch Eric closely in the immediate aftermath of the J4 hand for the next 15 minutes. His behavior is just incredible. It's a combination of awkward and boldly defending and coaching Robbi what to say, whispering things to RIP, rubbing the hand in Garrett's face, never once looking concerned or confused by anything that happened or anything Robbi says, and just all around baffling and strange at times. If you just watch and listen to him over this time period this alone makes it almost certain he is in on it with Robbi and RIP.

Eric says a ton of unusual things following the J4 hand, much of which is extremely out of line or straight up making it clear he knows what happened. Particularly incredible is him saying"You've got a new tool in your tool belt. It only works against Garrett apparently." and then snickers with duping delight and Robbie lets off an evil laugh.

Everything Robbi says after the hand and the rest of the stream is her attempting to make herself look like a genius poker player to further the goal of making her famous. There are countless examples of this, but here is one good example. This is completely absurd to say because nothing like that ever happened, and all the hands are on video and will be seen by everyone. A person trying to steal money would not be saying such outrageous things in a spot like she's in at this point.

Also, note that Eric is the first one to leave the table after the J4 hand. He leaves the table before even Garrett does and returns 2 minutes later. He left as soon as **** really starts hitting the fan and Garrett isn't dropping the fact that the hand wasn't straight. Eric leaves to ditch the smoking gun, which is most likely something involving audio in his hat. The fact that some whispers of Robbi were edited out of the stream, Bryan is the audio guy, and Eric "The King of Table Talk" was inexplicably mute when involved in hands up until after the J4 hand make it highly likely that the cheating method involved audio somehow. Also, notice when Robbi is involved in any hand from the J8 hand through the J4 hand that he is completely mute. It appears someone asks him something in the J4 hand and he turns and gives them a look and at one point makes a gesture with his mouth while keeping it completely sealed shut the entire time. He also crosses his arms and puts chin down and looks away from the table towards Garrett's side of the table as if to discourage any possible conversation or interaction from others during these hands. This is extraordinarily out of character for him. Actually I've never seen anything even remotely resembling this type of pose and behavior for Eric during a poker hand.

Eric's change of clothes

Many people have noticed how Eric changed clothes after the J4 hand which should seem suspicious to anyone. Of note, is the fact that he did the same the night before except that he went in the opposite direction from beenie to hat. This was almost certainly to make him changing his clothes and hat seem normal when he's planning to do it the following nigh to make it look less suspicios. The man has appeared wearing nothing but a tank top in any poker session I can recall ever seeing him play in which have all been played in casinos that are generally cold. Now all of the sudden the man is in long sleeves and a sweatshirt in September when Garrett is sitting next to him in both sessions wearing short sleeves as are others who seem very comfortable including Robbi who is barely wearing anything? Which btw, Robbi was barely wearing anything and everything skin tight for the first time on stream along with sunglasses for the first time to make it look like she couldn't be hiding anything and make it harder to see where she's looking.

Back to Eric, notice how he changed into a skin tight shirt and skin-tight beanie that fits snug against his head after the J4 hand. This is also to make it look like he can't possibly have any devices under his shirt or under his hat like Postle did. Of note, when he changes he plays several hands with no hat at all before putting the beanie on. Again, this is to deflect potential suspicion. He also bizarrely mentioned that he removed his hat in the AK v A8 hand against Robbi when he was tanking on the turn when talking about the hand on Joey's stream 4 or 5 days later. When asked why he changed clothes that night into the "Seal Team 6" / "Scuba Diver" outfit that Joey and Haralabob referred to the skin tight black shirt and beenie as, his answer sounded ok but wasn't actually at all what he did.

He says to paraphrase, 'I'm sitting in that 7 seat (not true he was in 8 seat) where that fan's right behind you. I wear that black shirt and then I get cold, and then I put on the sweatshirt. And then at that point I have to make sure my gear all matches so I switched from hat to beanie.' In reality he started the stream in the black shirt and black and white baseball hat, then put on the pink sweatshirt which he had on during the J8, J3, J4 hands, and then later switched back to the black shirt and put on the black beanie for the first time. He says he got cold so he switched to the sweatshirt, then had to switch to the beanie because he has to make sure his gear matches. Huh??? You started the stream in the black shirt and baseball hat but then you had to put on the beanie because you've always gotta make sure your gear matches when you had started the stream playing in the black shirt and black and white baseball hat? This makes absolutely no sense.

Furthermore, it also completely violates what he did the night before on stream: He had on a skin tight bright red shirt very similar in color to the pink sweatshirt in the J4 game along with the black beenie, then changed into a red sweatshirt the exact same color as the red shirt he had on and changed into a red and white baseball hat with it. The red shirt and sweatshirt were exact same color of red and he changed from black beenie to red hat which makes no sense if the reason you change the hat is to match the shirt.

Eric's play the previous night on stream

Here's a few hands from the previous night to see how Eric normally looks, acts, and plays during a hand. Why the **** would anyone ever fold to Garrett in a spot like this, then show him and pump him up about him bluffing them afterwards?

Here's how Eric normally acts in spots on the turn like he has in the AK v A8 hand against Robbi:

Also, I have yet to see another time at any point on any other stream aside from the J4 stream where Eric played poker or sat at the table with his chin down for any significant amount of time. Also, he almost always puts his hands under the table or on his cards during hands and talks throughout them. The above hand is one of the few times I've ever seen him cross his arms during a hand, but even then he is relaxed and chin up and talking freely. In the J4 stream, he needed his hands in view to signal Robbi when moment came so he couldn't have them under the table or on it. Crossed is the easiest way to inconspicuously make two fingers visible from behind the other arm, or put a hand over your mouth or rub your eyes or something along these lines. Notice Eric's lack of face touching the previous night and in other streams.

AK v A8 hand:

Going back to that AK v A8 hand which rightfully seemed as though there was something off about it to everyone, was actually collusion by Eric with the intent of hopefully serving the following three purposes and/or potentially others: 1) build Robbi's stack 2) Make it seem like he's not involved with her in the cheating and 3) Help in baiting Garrett into shoving on Robbi when she raises small on turn or potentially river.

The J4 hand was partially setup by her raising turn in similar click back style against Eric who then tanked and used a timebank (unprecedented for him, he said that was literally the first time he has ever used one), and then folded and turned to Garrett and said 'I guess she was bluffing'. This is an attempt to plant a seed in Garrett's mind that she's min-clicking as a bluff. If Eric just snap folded as he does 99.9% of the time when he does, the hand isn't memorable or notable and easily forgotten. By tanking and using a time-extension which Eric literally has never done before this immediately makes her raise and the entire hand really stand out and be something that a player like Garrett who has played a bunch with Eric take notice of. It also gives Eric a chance to remove his hat in a memorable big hand vs Robbi prior to when they start the cheating attempts and make it look like he's getting outplayed by Robbi as well. This is good for making her look brilliant in the session, and good for helping it appear as though they aren’t working together.

Turning to Garrett immediately following the hand and saying "I think she was bluffing" is a very weird thing to say when you never saw her cards and tank folded after only playing about 25 hands ever with her up to this point in which she hand been playing very tight and had 3bet you preflop. But regardless, nothing weird about the hand from Robbi's perspective. If you know you are good on the turn there it's a no-brainer call with AK. Raising turn if you know you are good and crazy Eric is firing away is beyond stupid - even the weakest players would know this.

When talking about the hand on Joey's stream, what he says makes no sense at all. He says he was positive she was very weak and didn’t have a pair, and that at the time he didn’t think had a play such as raising AK in a spot like that in her toolbox. If that is the case, why are you folding A8? How is raising AQ or AJ there really any different than AK as far as being capable of it? Even so, are you saying you put her on exactly AQ-A9. Sure, Eric. He also says that is the only time in his life he has ever used a timebank which is extremely odd, and then only used about 15 seconds of the timebank, which is also extremely odd. He also makes a point of mentioning that he took his hat off when thinking about the call, which is an incredibly odd thing to even remember much less make a point of mentioning 5 days later when talking about a hand publicly. He does this because the cheating device was not in his hat at that point, he put it in during the J8 hand when he left the table.

Back to the J4 stream, listen to Eric say “She was 3 for 3 with me, she had it all three times.” Robbi mucked the AK hand without showing him or anyone else and never indicated or implied what she had. Also, immediately following the AK v A8 hand he turns to Garret and says "I guess she was bluffing. How could he matter of fact-like state that she had it against him in that hand a little later when Robbi was gone from the table. The stream was on a 3 hour delay. How could he possibly know this?

What Eric says happened in the J4 hand

Eric approximately one hour after the J4 hand was played was going on and on about how Robbi thought J-high was good:

An hour later after that when interviewed with Ivey he says, 'She thought she had J3.' 'She thought she binked a 3 on the turn.' 'She made a pretty strong call with what she thought was J3.' "That's Occam's razor." What what?? Did you just spend every last second for the past two hours from the moment the cards turned over telling everyone even when Robbi is gone from the table that she called because she thought J-high was good? Why change your mind on something you were so certain about all of the sudden? Maybe because you realize that's what Ivey thought and the guys at the table still aren't buying the fact that she or anyone would make that call with J-high?


Getting back to the importance of having a blocker or blockers, this was important to help make her make her look line look reasonable and also make her look like a very skilled poker player in the aftermath of her hero-call of Garrett. I suspect she got a bit of coaching from The Toilet and supposedly had a solver installed on her laptop, and even had RIP saying she had installed a solver on his laptop as well. This is meant to give credibility to her studying the game, and understanding blockers, which she made pretty clear she does not when trying to explain her reasoning immediately following the J4 hand. It's also why Eric immediately starts talking about the blocker after the J4 hand is shown. He is the first one to point out the Jc blocker, he mentions it before Robbi ever says anything about a blocker:

Eric continues trying to explain her play was due to having Jc blocker to Garrett when Robbi is struggling to explain why she played the hand that way. Notice Garrett's face when he says it lol.

Seating postions

I have yet to hear anyone say how the seating assignments were determined for the J4 stream, but no doubt that is some very important information. What's interesting is that Robbi, Garrett, Eric, and RIP were given literally the absolute perfect seating setup for pulling off this operation. Eric was sitting directly next to Garrett with RIP as his shade, and both of them directly in Robbi's sightline down the table. Eric especially was directly beyond Garrett in Robbi's sightline whenever she's involved with Garrett in a hand and looking towards him to "read him". It's also of note that Robbi was directly to Garrett's left so she could act after him in 7 out of every 8 hands. If you were to reverse this for instance, Robbi would have to enter a ton of pots with weak J-high type hands out of position and from early position because she wouldn't know whether or not Garrett was going to play the hand. Also, in spots like the Js3s hand where she snap folded turn after Garrett folded she would potentially need to call bets from other players with garbage not knowing whether or not Garrett was going to continue. And then also her decision making in setting up the hero call would be much harder and involve a lot more guess work with Garrett acting behind her on 7 of every 8 hands. Also of note, these seating positions put all 4 of them in a row making it much easier to control the action in setting up Robbi to hero call Garrett. It also separates RIP from Garrett to prevent the potential of Garrett or others suspecting RIP saw Garretts cards or had some sort of device close to Garrett's cards that could read the rfids. It also put Eric right next to Garrett to plant seeds in his head such as "I guess she was bluffing", and "what is going on Garret" "she is speeding around and now she has it?" and "Garrett finally got into a home game, all the chips should have gotten in, every single one". It also puts Eric in the back corner where he is more protected from view and people walking by.

Eric's appearance on Joey's livestream

The reason I first became suspicious of Eric was due to the things he said on Joey's day 5 stream. First of all, he was arguing that the best way to fix everything was for him to setup a lie detector test with his own people for Robbi to clear her name. LOL. Secondly, he steadfastly refuses to acknowledge any possibility that she might be guilty. Unless you're trying to bang the chick (which is certainly possible) this only happens if someone was involved in the cheating themselves. Also, he constantly stumbles over his words, seems to have rehearsed other answers, seems very uncomfortable at many times when Bob or others start talking about how they could have cheated and other such things, and many of his answers do not make sense or can be verified as complete lies. I've already covered his explanation of the AK v A8 hand and his clothing change in the J4 stream, but I recommend anyone who is interested or investigating the situation to watch his entire appearance on Joey's stream which is seperated into two sections with Bill Perkins in between. The following link is the second part where most interesting discussions that I have mentioned take place:

If you don't want to watch the entire thing, here's a few examples of the the types of curious things he says completely unprompted: 'I don't pay attention to anything or remember anything I see' and 'No one would want me to testify, I'd be terrible at it'. In regards to setting up a lie detector with his own people for Robbi to clear her name he says several times that it "was the best strategy I could think of." One of his interesting exchanges with Haralabob: "She's certainly not acting like someone who's trying to hide anything." Eric the jokes, "Maybe she's terrible at it." which makes no sense to say if you think a person is innocent and has nothing to hide. He then says, "I went to Georgetown Law. If I were her attorney I would tell her to shut the **** up!" Again, if she is innocent as you so steadfastly claim to be certain of why would you do this?

Watch Eric's face when Haralabos start talking about how you know there’s something wrong when you see players do things like use time extensions they only use 15 seconds of or something along those lines. Eric grimaces noticeably. From context it appeared Haralabos was only referring to Robbi doing it in the J8 hand, I don’t think he knew that Eric had done so in the AK v A8 hand. Regardless, Eric looks very uncomfortable when starts talking about it.


Quickly, just a few things regarding RIP. He wasn't originally meant to be playing in the game. He knew exactly what was going on, and he was colluding with Robbi and Eric, but he wasn't the signal man. Some of the more interesting things he said during the stream include "I feel like I don’t even need to play anymore!" shortly following the J4 hand and also, "I need a therapist after that!" and 'It's almost like you had a spiritual guide from space whispering in your ear what to do there.' Also, notice how he and Eric barely acknowledge each other until after the J4 hand at which point they become best friends and shortly thereafter start asking each other where the other is from and things like that in conspicuous fashion. For either of them to speak so little to the person sitting next to them in a poker game is extremely out of character for both to put it mildly, and only happens prior to the J4 hand.

In conclusion

I'm going to leave it at that and let others take it from here now. There is actually a lot more, like tons more, but this post and the time I've spent on it has already gotten far too long as it is. But if you just watch Eric and listen to Eric at all times on the stream and on Joey's stream as well as listen to RIP's comments during the J4 stream and Joey's streams as well (such as repeatedly saying Robbi went there that night to make a name for herself, and saying completely unprompted that Eric 'wasn't saying what to do' when he was mumbling things immediately following the J5 hand) you will see that the evidence is endless. I wrote most of this watching football yesterday on Sunday, and then the rest of it tonight when I got home and I'm tired now and ready for others to take it from here at this point. I'm not an investigator and have no skin in the game. I have already devoted far too much time for this already, but I felt I had a duty to share this information because I wasn't seeing anyone else out there catching on to most of it or talking about it. I hope this can be of some help to Garrett and HCL. Cheers.
Persson owns 389 casinos you're crazy!
08-02-2023 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
We’ve been through why that doesn’t matter, we are already discussing as if that’s the case.
Thanks for confirming it is just a baseless conclusion based on your faulty logic.
08-02-2023 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by jlitt
There is a reason why I logged on to my backup account from 2007. If you notice most accounts that defend robbi are from 2023. Same on youtube, same on twitter, its almost like when she hired her PR team they implemented a vast defense of her character by going on boards.

The only people who have any credibility in this whole ****ed up situation are the poker pros who aren't trying to play it safe in the middle like Negreanu, Polk, Ingram who are profiting off controversy... and milking it for every drop. THe pros who don't jump through hoops for clicks are all against Robbi.
I actually have followed along with a similar mindset in putting a bit more stock in the pros opinions who don't have any skin in the game. Seems overwhelming that most side with Robbi, or are at least are comfortable with how unlikely they believe cheating actually occurring to be.

Can you name a few pros who are against Robbi? And just to bring you up to speed, Polk has one of the loudest voices and I believe has reduced his cheating stance from 90% to 80% so is still heavily in the cheat camp and even still had Robbie in his game at the Lodge (probably failing at the playing it safe part since she came anyway despite his stance). Dnegs comments were almost entirely about how poorly Gman handled it and barely even opined on if cheating occurred. Ingram doesn't say much these days.
08-02-2023 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by jlitt
There is a reason why I logged on to my backup account from 2007. If you notice most accounts that defend robbi are from 2023. Same on youtube, same on twitter, its almost like when she hired her PR team they implemented a vast defense of her character by going on boards.

The only people who have any credibility in this whole ****ed up situation are the poker pros who aren't trying to play it safe in the middle like Negreanu, Polk, Ingram who are profiting off controversy... and milking it for every drop. THe pros who don't jump through hoops for clicks are all against Robbi.
Here's one of my older accounts
08-02-2023 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
When she raised to 20K she knew he didn't have anything and figured he would call. Then if he made his hand she would just give up, if he bricked she wins by betting or checking behind and looks like a genius and wins 30k , a smallish win. But then Garrett shoved and she had no clue what to do. She knew she had the best hand and knew it would look weird if she called, but she didn't want to just surrender the 30k to save face . It looked like that was here only decision, call and everyone might catch on, or fold and lose 30k.
Ok so she's both a cheating mastermind that knows how to run over players who are going to analyze her play later but also so stupid she cant even forfeit her failed steal and decides to just expose the whole thing.

If innocent people get accused of something like that , they get pissed, they don't sheepishly give all the money back.
No they dont. Getting hyper defensive is the #1 hallmark of a guilty conscience. Innocent people accused of something typically respond with confusion and attempts to figure out why they are being accused.
08-02-2023 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Thanks for confirming it is just a baseless conclusion based on your faulty logic.
Thanks for confirming you lack reading comprehension skills and only consider the interpretation most advantageous to your case

Understandable since the case for guilty is extremely weak or non existent really
08-02-2023 , 07:41 PM
So Garrett is going around to others accusing Phil Ivey of cheating? I think Garret has gone off the rails on that accusation
08-02-2023 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by floatingtheriver
So Garrett is going around to others accusing Phil Ivey of cheating? I think Garret has gone off the rails on that accusation
Just one guy dropped in here saying that

Hasn’t been confirmed
08-02-2023 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Thanks for confirming you lack reading comprehension skills and only consider the interpretation most advantageous to your case

Understandable since the case for guilty is extremely weak or non existent really
So when did she know G was calling her a cheater?
08-02-2023 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
So when did she know G was calling her a cheater?
Only she knows, and if she said you wouldn’t believe he because she’s a “liar!”

But you are a lil one trick pony, do you have anything else other than she returned some of the money?

Real evidence, not stuff like she stole a necklace when she was 13 or glanced into poker room
08-02-2023 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Just one guy dropped in here saying that

Hasn’t been confirmed
Yeah I think the whole charade of Garrett accusing everyone should stop and that he should return the money.
08-02-2023 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by ScotchOnDaRocks
Only she knows, and if she said you wouldn’t believe he because she’s a “liar!”

But you are a lil one trick pony, do you have anything else other than she returned some of the money?

Real evidence, not stuff like she stole a necklace when she was 13 or glanced into poker room
I probably don't need more the one trick that she returned the money after being accused of cheating, now do I?

It certainly is the weakest point of her defense to cheating.
08-02-2023 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by brianhastings
Here's one of my older accounts
awesome. I wasn't calling you out specifically, just acknowledging the vast amount of posters from accounts that are from 2023 that side with Robbi in this thread. Polk, INgram, and the rest of the vloggers have milked this incident for every last drop. And in fact It's extremely problematic that they have been so neutral in this debate in interviews with Robbi, and Garrett instead of pressing their feet to the fire. RIght now If Poker is to ever become legal stateside online, there needs to be some sort of movement and Right now these streams are the closest thing we have to building up interest in poker.

If there was a public cheating scandal that was confirmed it would kill the momentum that has been built. It was not in HCL's best interest to investigate this. Reminds me of Professional sports scandals and how they thew away the patriots spygate tapes. If those tapes got out it could hurt the league.

"You ask what the odds are of the most famous hand happening in a game with the most famous poker player. Do you know the concept of dependent vs independent events? Because those aren't independent events. Same thing again with her giving the money back: yes, that's crazy. But the hand is famous because *it was a literally crazy play*. So the hand being famous and her giving the money back are actually not independent events."

I get what you are saying. if j4 occured on a 25/50 stream with grinders it would go down as a eventful hand but not to the extreme this hand has become. But i would like to reiterate a couple of things here. This is the 2nd time Phil and Garrett have played at HCL . Then all of a sudden we get these two new players , where 1 stakes the other ( without telling the table) , but also are at the center of the drama of the most famous hand we have seen.

The only fault that one can put on Garrett imo is asking Robbi to explain her decision making, but we have him , Andy, and Bart saying right off the bat that is the craziest hand they have seen play. It's so stunning that no one even knows how to proceed. So it could be argued that her explaining herself at that time is warranted and let's be honest her answers only raised more questions.

As someone who has played a lot, have you ever seen someone give money back? Let alone a 6 figure amount? Have you ever seen someone act the way Rip did? This is just so weird.

Last edited by jlitt; 08-02-2023 at 09:59 PM.
08-02-2023 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by jlitt
but we have him , Andy, and Bart saying right off the bat that is the craziest hand they have seen play. It's so stunning that no one even knows how to proceed.
Small sample size. These guys dont play with penny stakes fish like Robbie.
08-02-2023 , 10:09 PM
but the stakes is what makes it such a eventful hand. We have weeks works of televised high stakes poker. This is the greatest call we have ever seen , but it's not the greatest, it's really the worst.

andy and gman have been in the game for 20 years each, bart I am not sure about. 20 years craziest hand they have seem... seems significant. I trust those two . WE have no reason not to trust them. Robbi has never told us the truth. These are our options......
08-02-2023 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I probably don't need more the one trick that she returned the money after being accused of cheating, now do I?

It certainly is the weakest point of her defense to cheating.
Yes, actually you do as it’s incredibly weak, wasn’t even her money lol

And no defense is required. We are almost a year into this thing with no real evidence and Garrett still on a milk carton
08-03-2023 , 12:51 AM
Oops, I swapped to an account where JackHi isn't muted
