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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-17-2022 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
Certainly could have. No offense to Beanz, but given his character he could have just been looking for an angle to make a buck off Robbi, with or without cheating being involved.
Kind of starting to wrap things up (until new info appears.

Do you play home games?
Or have you regularly played them?

Man, I could literally name a player in my various home games circle that is the same as each character involved.

RIP and Robbi are the new kids on the block. Beanz is the first one to pounce.
Everyone in this HCL home game wants a piece of both new fish.

IF they are innocent they have a lot to learn about how cutthroat these guys can be. On the felt and off. RIP van handles himself. Can’t BS a BSer. Robbi, I just hope she doesn’t get used along the way going forward. Don’t get me wrong. She wants her own piece of the pie. Just saying I hope she doesn’t get too brutalized in the school of hard knocks.

Last edited by RJT; 10-17-2022 at 01:39 AM.
10-17-2022 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
The main appeal of dealer theories for me is that DGAF is winning at like 50bb/100 on this stream, and was previously a losing player. There is likely to be some overarching cheating method that spans streams, and the dealer is one of those fixed things that could be compromised over the course of multiple streams.
I don't think it would necessarily be likely that cheating would span multiple streams.

IMO, IF cheating is involved, I think fame is the motivation (either poker fame or to parlay poker fame into something else like an influencer or something similar) and this was probably the shot they took to get there.

IF there was cheating involved in the hand, then I think the crew would be small, and that would explain the lack of proof, and the lack of co conspirators flipping.

But IF there was cheating involved in multiple streams, that would expand the group of people that could be caught on video or otherwise cheating, and increase the chances that they would have found some sort of proof, or flipped someone by now given the investigation is looking at everything going back a while.

Since we don't really have anything like that, I think that makes it much less likely this would have been a cheating scheme that lots of people took advantage of over multiple streams.
10-17-2022 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
This is getting pathetic dude, get some sleep.

And when did the Main Event turn into a $1k? I haven’t played since 2019 so it might be true lol

She played 3 streams I think. Won some money. Definitely a ‘winning nose bleed’ player…have you ever played poker before? Have you heard of sample size? Look it up, fascinating stuff
She won 6 figures in those 3 streams but still needed backing to play this one.
10-17-2022 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence
I don't think it would necessarily be likely that cheating would span multiple streams.

IMO, IF cheating is involved, I think fame is the motivation (either poker fame or to parlay poker fame into something else like an influencer or something similar) and this was probably the shot they took to get there.

IF there was cheating involved in the hand, then I think the crew would be small, and that would explain the lack of proof, and the lack of co conspirators flipping.

But IF there was cheating involved in multiple streams, that would expand the group of people that could be caught on video or otherwise cheating, and increase the chances that they would have found some sort of proof, or flipped someone by now given the investigation is looking at everything going back a while.

Since we don't really have anything like that, I think that makes it much less likely this would have been a cheating scheme that lots of people took advantage of over multiple streams.
DGAF is winning 50bb/100 in his last 20k hands bro.
10-17-2022 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by RJT
Kind of starting to wrap things up (until new info appears.

Do you play home games?
Or have you regularly played them?

Man, I could literally name someone in my various home games circle that is the same as each characters involved.

RIP and Robbi are the new kids on the block. Beanz is the first one to pounce.
Everyone in this HCL home game wants a piece of both new fish.

IF they are innocent they have a lot to learn about how cutthroat these guys can be. On the felt and off. RIP van handles himself. Can’t BS a BSer. Robbi, I just hope she doesn’t get used along the way going forward. Don’t get me wrong. She wants her own piece of the pie. Just saying I hope she doesn’t get too brutalized in the school of hard knocks.
If she plays again, after this saga she may think Poker really is a ''mugs game''!
10-17-2022 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I'm very skeptical of this claim but I'm not going through the videos to verify.
Okay, here is one example. I just happened to be re-watching this replay tonight. This is from last week, Mariano, Johnnie Vibes & Wesley Play 5/5/100 ... almost exactly at the 4hr30min into the telecast, Dealer Lauren flashes Mars' hole cards to the camera after the hand. The dealer flash is quite obvious.

There is another one in this same telecast with Wesley holding QQ. The telecast doesn't show the dealer flash explicitly in this case, but his hole cards are announced after the hand is over.
10-17-2022 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by RJT
Kind of starting to wrap things up (until new info appears.

Do you play home games?
Or have you regularly played them?

Man, I could literally name someone in my various home games circle that is the same as each characters involved.

RIP and Robbi are the new kids on the block. Beanz is the first one to pounce.
Everyone in this HCL home game wants a piece of both new fish.

IF they are innocent they have a lot to learn about how cutthroat these guys can be. On the felt and off. RIP van handles himself. Can’t BS a BSer. Robbi, I just hope she doesn’t get used along the way going forward. Don’t get me wrong. She wants her own piece of the pie. Just saying I hope she doesn’t get too brutalized in the school of hard knocks.
Yes, and more to your original point, you don't even have to look at home games to find people like Beanz, they're all over casinos as well.

Poker is just closely tied to the gambling world, and the gambling world brings in lots of people with shady ethics. Or brings that out in them, when they lose all their money.

So it's certainly possible you're right and Beanz was just trying to get them in the game for his own monetary benefit and not because of cheating.

Last edited by Strange Occurrence; 10-17-2022 at 01:47 AM.
10-17-2022 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
K but now she's a winning nosebleed player, so explain that one. Streamed hand histories for bonus points.

Please get the **** out of here with a hand from a 1k tourny over a year ago when we're talking about a ****ing 100/200/400/800 game that she can apparently get staked into.
Random 2+2 user: OMG I won 600bb the past few days
Everyone: You need to play a few hundred thousand more hands to know if you're a winner

You: Robbi is a winning nose bleed player based on a few streams
10-17-2022 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
She won 6 figures in those 3 streams but still needed backing to play this one.
Case closed then! get a grip
10-17-2022 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by APG
Random 2+2 user: OMG I won 600bb the past few days
Everyone: You need to play a few hundred thousand more hands to know if you're a winner

You: Robbi is a winning nose bleed player based on a few streams
****** level take, but ok. You see one hand that half the ****ing world thinks she cheated in, and you're just out here pretending that it's evidence that she's a donk? Show me other ****ing examples of her being a donk. Everything she did on that stream was just nit bitch **** until that one hand... and the one hand before it... where she had Jx both times... also the hand before that... right after a new dealer came in.
10-17-2022 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Dick Tracy
Awesome to now know!
Page 202, Post #5034
10-17-2022 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Strange Occurrence

IMO, IF cheating is involved, I think fame is the motivation (either poker fame or to parlay poker fame into something else like an influencer or something similar) and this was probably the shot they took to get there.
This doesn't make sense. The only reason she is "famous" is bc she was caught.

I doubt her path to fame included cheating and getting caught.
10-17-2022 , 02:00 AM
Weren't posters accused of being shills in the Amanda Knox thread? Does that mean Robbi Jade Lew is as guilty as Amanda Knox?
10-17-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Okay, here is one example. I just happened to be re-watching this replay tonight. This is from last week, Mariano, Johnnie Vibes & Wesley Play 5/5/100 ... almost exactly at the 4hr30min into the telecast, Dealer Lauren flashes Mars' hole cards to the camera after the hand. The dealer flash is quite obvious.

There is another one in this same telecast with Wesley holding QQ. The telecast doesn't show the dealer flash explicitly in this case, but his hole cards are announced after the hand is over.
Okay, thanks and my apologies. It's very clear that's what's happening there.

10-17-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by KenoMagic
Page 202, Post #5034
I only trust posters who think this post is on page 60.
10-17-2022 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Johnny Vibes confirmed that the dealers will flash the cards to a camera behind them when they aren't read by the RFID, so doesn't seem that part of the theory really holds.

Lol show me another example besides my two lolololoooooool
10-17-2022 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by PaulPoker
This whole story or "scandal" is pretty much over. The conversations happening are just ridiculous now. If you are trying to figure out why an amateur woman poker player would do this or do that you already lost, you can't get inside her head and know what she's thinking and the things being argued don't even prove if she cheated or not. Did she misread her hand? It doesn't matter if she did or didn't or if she lied about it or didn't, There are so many variables that can effect someone's decisions that have nothing to do with cheating. At the end of the day it was ONE poker hand. Unless Garrett comes up with better proof to how she got an advantage that hand and cheated then like I said this whole debate is just getting ridiculous. It was entertaining at first but we reached a point where no new information is coming. You can think she cheated or think she didn't it's always just going to be an opinion because it will never be proved either way. Trying to convince someone to change their mind is just a losing battle.

Until third parties who can confirm with first hand knowledge GA’s or the party-in-question’s version of each of his pieces of evidence we the jury have nothing to vote on.

For example Ryan can tell his version of the conversation in the hallway, he and or Nick can say if they knew RIP was staking Robbie, DGAF can give testimony of the call Airball made to him that night, etc.

At this point there’s not much else to discuss. Just gonna have to wait for another shoe to drop.
10-17-2022 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Okay, thanks and my apologies. It's very clear that's what's happening there.
No need to apologize, we're all just opining here. I'm just tired of the tin-foilers going off against the dealers.
10-17-2022 , 02:13 AM
So scumbag real estate fraudster (DONT LIBEL ME, BRO) is calling out Berkey about something? Is this where we are?

But Nick is gonna wait until his podcast to inform the world, because “views”

10-17-2022 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by RJT

Until third parties who can confirm with first hand knowledge GA’s or the party-in-question’s version of each of his pieces of evidence we the jury have nothing to vote on.

For example Ryan can tell his version of the conversation in the hallway, he and or Nick can say if they knew RIP was staking Robbie, DGAF can give testimony of the call Airball made to him that night, etc.

At this point there’s not much else to discuss. Just gonna have to wait for another shoe to drop.

You could pick a side and list all the arguments of innocent or guilty of cheating but at the end of the day unless we get some first hand knowledge or an admission or smoking gun evidence that's all it'll ever be is just an opinion of what you think and nothing will change. Garrett definitely took a hit in reputation and there will always be people that dislike how he handled this and think he's a baby. HCL took a hit from an integrity standpoint and were lying about how secure their stream was. Robbi just doesn't matter to poker or the poker community. I hope we get the 100% truth but won't hold my breath for it.
10-17-2022 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
DGAF is winning 50bb/100 in his last 20k hands bro.
Counter point:

IF you were running a cheating scam where you offered your services to multiple players over multiple streams, would you risk messing up the whole operation with an amateur like Robbi making it obvious by calling with J4 or something, instead of just sticking to pros doing it subtly so they never get caught?

IF this was a one time cheat, and it was Robbi's idea, then that doesn't really come into play.

I don't really think DGAF is involved, but hypothetically I could see your point about just him and maybe others being involved, but not him AND Robbi for the reasons I mentioned. It would just be too risky if you had a long term operation, to bring someone like that into the fold. But for a one time operation, that's different.
10-17-2022 , 02:26 AM
Interesting that Garret gave away the money to charity even before the investigation was over..Really terrible form. His reputation will never recover unless he pays her back the money.
10-17-2022 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
Going to bring this up again. The idea that she misread the 4h as the 3h is extremely unlikely. The 3h was the 3 on the board. This dramatically reduces the chances that she thought she had a 3, because it means that she also misread the suit. You can tell that she struggles with this detail in her first interview about the hand. "I thought I had the 3 of.....something".
Why do you think before she decides to call,she says "can you beat a 3"?

Last edited by pimpin aint ezy; 10-17-2022 at 02:40 AM.
10-17-2022 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Roger Ramjet
Interesting that Garret gave away the money to charity even before the investigation was over..Really terrible form. His reputation will never recover unless he pays her back the money.
He hasn’t been thinking clearly ever since the moment she flipped over J4. That hand literally broke him.

It’s been awhile since a we’ve given a hand a name, and J4 will go down in history as The Robbi. I love it.

It might actually retire Garret. Imagine.
10-17-2022 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by emitnulB
She won 6 figures in those 3 streams but still needed backing to play this one.
Yeah, so?

And sometimes people don’t need backing, they just want it

Others might need backing and either turn it down or not be able to get it, but play anyway

But need is subjective

Anyhow, not sure why this matters, only proving that she cheated in J4 hand does

Last edited by ScotchOnDaRocks; 10-17-2022 at 02:48 AM.
