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Garden City Group to be Claims Administrator for FTP Funds - Claims to begin Sept. 18 - See OP Garden City Group to be Claims Administrator for FTP Funds - Claims to begin Sept. 18 - See OP

10-20-2013 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
well, we already know 95% of the balances were less than $100 (Tapie). We know they sent 1.4M emails, if even 1M of those are legit accounts, that means 50k people have a balance over $100 (5% x 1M), they have received 27k petitions (not even half of what would be expected if EVERY person with balance over $100 submitted)...its clear at this point there is way more than enough money to pay balances and it just doesnt seem logical at all for this to drag on, esp when DOJ and GCG have expressed interest in this ending fast. I think at this point in the process, its a reasonable request, to start finding out when a reasonable timeframe for payouts would be.
You are basing your position on a number of assumptions. Some of those assumptions are perfectly reasonable, but the AFMLS is not allowed to act on such assumptions. Like you, I am convinced they have more than enough money to handle all the petitions they will receive, but the AFMLS is not allowed to act on such a conclusion until it has been shown to be true by examining the amount of every petition. What they said is that they may begin to distribute funds for uncontested petitions before they have evaluated the merits of petitions contesting the blance, as long as the total of all petitions recevied by the bar date is less than the amount of funds available. With nearly half of the time for submitting petitions remaining, they can't even act on a reasonable guess as to how many petitions they will receive in total, how many will have to be human-read to determine the amount claimed, and what the ceilinh for total claims will be, so at this point they cannot give a good estimate of when they will know the total amount claimed. (I expect distributions of uncontested balances to begin shortly after such a date.)

Some of your assumptions may not be so reasonable. For instance, you seem to be treating the distribution of petition submission over time as relatively even, or perhaps front-end loaded. What reason do we have to believe that the distribution isn't U-shaped, or just exponentially increasing? I think it is perfectly reasonable to assume that many of the petitions for larger balances and many of those disputing the amount of larger balances will not be filed until closer to the bar date.
10-20-2013 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
I think it is perfectly reasonable to assume that many of the petitions for larger balances and many of those disputing the amount of larger balances will not be filed until closer to the bar date.
Thats because you like to argue just to argue and you dont have a large balance waiting for you...nobody waits to find out theres an issue, especially over large sums of money weve already been waiting for. Your argument doesnt even make sense.
10-20-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
Thats because you like to argue just to argue and you dont have a large balance waiting for you...nobody waits to find out theres an issue, especially over large sums of money weve already been waiting for. Your argument doesnt even make sense.
It certainly makes sense, especially for those with very large balances who are getting the advice of legal counsel on just how to handle the petition, tax implications, ect. There are a variety of other reasons people may not yet as filed, including the fact that it seems post cards are just now beginning to arrive notifying potential claimants who were not reached by email. That's not to say there won't eventually be enough money to pay all of the petitions that are approved by the DOJ, but its wrong to suggest that most of the claims that will be filed have already been filed.
10-20-2013 , 01:07 PM
well, tbh I really dont give a sht, this thing is over, I think we will be paid sooner then later and Ill see you guys in a month when hopefully GCG drops some good news on us.
10-20-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo

Today my parents received a postcard from GCG in the mail saying that the email address associated with my account is no longer active and that they are trying to contact me etc.

However, I'm 99% sure that is for my "first" FTP account. I was one of those people who set up an account w/o Rakeback and then when I found out what rakeback was.... was forced to make a second account in order to receive it.

I've already received my petition # and claim # AND I've already submitted my petition without any hiccups (balance correct etc). Do you guys think I should call in to make sure that there haven't been any problems w/ my account? Or you think I'm good?
So, you want to contact them and let them know you had two accounts???? Makes sense to me--lol.
10-20-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by poorolrich
So, you want to contact them and let them know you had two accounts???? Makes sense to me--lol.
hey i filed a petition for my correct balance with my correct account but i just wanted to call you guys to make sure you **** it all up for me. is that alright? ya, ya ok, ya you can call me back. ok great, thanks.

Last edited by ScreaminAsian; 10-20-2013 at 03:54 PM.
10-20-2013 , 05:30 PM
you guys are *******s lol

i'm just being ultra paranoid i guess
10-20-2013 , 05:35 PM
I mean, I did get this email after I filed for my remission with my "real" account.

Dear XXXX,

The purpose of this email is to confirm that you have successfully filed your Petition for Remission. If you have any questions please contact the Claims Administrator by calling toll free at (866) 250-2640 or emailing us at

Please be advised that submission of your Petition for Remission does not guarantee that you are eligible to participate in the Full Tilt Poker remission process. All payments are subject to approval by the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the United States Department of Justice.

Full Tilt Poker Claims Administrator

So I guess I'm good. Right...? I'm just not even gonna call them.
10-20-2013 , 07:23 PM
Has anybody called to confirm details we've given them? Forgot to SS everything I sent in.
10-20-2013 , 10:19 PM
Hi. I am submitting my claim for a VERY large amount in the next couple days. I would like to solicit opinions/advice from the poker community.

I have a control number, but my balance is incorrect due to a wire withdrawl from april 13th that i never got.

I am planing to submit a cover letter explaining my dispute, FTP account history, e-mails with FTP, and my bank statements showing a wire recieved in febuary 2011 and nothing else through november 2011.

My account history shows reopening my FTP account in 2012. Is this an issue??

I have some additional e-mails with FTP that are critical of the DOJ. I have decided not to include these. Does that make sense??

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
10-21-2013 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by SamuraiJon
Actually, each PPA executive is guilty of doing this since it's inception. Some more than others. (sorry Skall, you are great, but it's true). Yet no matter how many times the PPA execs gets caught red handed on the issue, they get defensive and flame the community when it's being pointed out. Well thought out PR strategy right?

It's pretty simple. If you don't like the community pointing out how flawed this approach is to the integrity of the PPA brand, stop pissing on our heads and telling us it's raining.

It's becoming ridiculous.
Skall and I have been 2+2 posters long before joining PPA. We post as members of the 2+2 community to share all that's going on with PPA and with the fight. Keep in mind that PPA isn't like a company seeking your support. PPA is our shared fight for our rights.

Critiques on PPA's approach are certainly welcome, but if you really don't like what you see from the organization, I encourage you to step up and volunteer, leading by example. It's your fight too, you know.
10-21-2013 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by razorbacker
Again, thanks to you, TE, DF, PX, Ford, and everyone else who has helped us get information. It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you. I appreciate that.

people were begging the PPA for info
I try to keep the community updated with the PPA weekly update, my webcast, and my posts here and in PL. Unfortunately, posting here is tough for all of us, as we get bashed pretty much every time we enter this thread. I, obviously, post less ITT as a result.

Perhaps it would be better if everyone thought of PPA and the broader advocacy effort as a shared fight, rather than thinking of PPA as some kind of outside organization to trash and attack for not being deemed good enough to fight on our behalf.
10-21-2013 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Skall and I have been 2+2 posters long before joining PPA. We post as members of the 2+2 community to share all that's going on with PPA and with the fight. Keep in mind that PPA isn't like a company seeking your support. PPA is our shared fight for our rights.

Critiques on PPA's approach are certainly welcome, but if you really don't like what you see from the organization, I encourage you to step up and volunteer, leading by example. It's your fight too, you know.
This has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I realize you love to throw straw mans into discussion but this doesn't fly for anyone with an IQ over 2 digits.

As for your topic: I used to be a contributor to the PPA and participate regularly in the daily action plan. That changed soon after I saw how you, specifically TE, handled yourself on the remissions process in the past year. You are due credit with the content you have produced with your radio show and helping to legalize poker. That, I thank you for.

But whenever you have been criticize you for how you handle yourself, how you receive criticism, how poor you are a reading comprehension, getting to the heart of what people want, the many straw man arguments you throw or any other type of honest criticism, you soon turn into an immature child throwing a tantrum on the forums. Admitting to faults and apologizing digests better than your approach. This has been pointed this out nicely many times and the listening part gets overlooked. Very sorry you feel you get constantly bashed but the poor PPA responses and self image is your job, not ours.
10-22-2013 , 01:53 PM
November is just around the corner and the expiration of the bar date shortly after that. The smell of money is in the air. ... just how long after the bar date until we get to sink our teeth into that sweet, sweet remissions money? Hrm, not sure, but I hope it's sooner rather than later.
10-22-2013 , 02:04 PM
if president obama cares about the economy at all, we'll get remissioned in time for the xmas shopping season
10-22-2013 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
if president obama cares about the economy at all, we'll get remissioned in time for the xmas shopping season
Heh, I'd be shocked if president Obama had any personal knowledge of this case other than when the web sites were shut down on Black Friday and even that is a "maybe".
10-22-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by SamuraiJon
This has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I realize you love to throw straw mans into discussion but this doesn't fly for anyone with an IQ over 2 digits.

As for your topic: I used to be a contributor to the PPA and participate regularly in the daily action plan. That changed soon after I saw how you, specifically TE, handled yourself on the remissions process in the past year. You are due credit with the content you have produced with your radio show and helping to legalize poker. That, I thank you for.

But whenever you have been criticize you for how you handle yourself, how you receive criticism, how poor you are a reading comprehension, getting to the heart of what people want, the many straw man arguments you throw or any other type of honest criticism, you soon turn into an immature child throwing a tantrum on the forums. Admitting to faults and apologizing digests better than your approach. This has been pointed this out nicely many times and the listening part gets overlooked. Very sorry you feel you get constantly bashed but the poor PPA responses and self image is your job, not ours.
You're not giving accurate criticisms, though. You seem to expect me to beg you to support your own fight. You're just trolling us, bashing us ad nauseam, as if we didn't notice the other hundred posts you made on this. You then seem shocked and offended when we don't post here much.

I guess you'll keep doing this, petulantly demanding apologies for imagined slights. As I'm not going to do that, and as you feel a need to continue this, I'll be the bigger man and will depart from this thread. As you feel you have superior skills at posting information, feel free to take up that role ITT.
10-22-2013 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Phatty
Heh, I'd be shocked if president Obama had any personal knowledge of this case other than when the web sites were shut down on Black Friday and even that is a "maybe".
or president obama CAN step in and mandate remission to be completed with a swiftness in order to stimulate the holiday consumerism that saves the economy every year. ftp black friday balances back by black friday 2013. we can call it Back Friday. WHERE ARE YOU AT ON THIS PPA???
10-22-2013 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
or president obama CAN step in and mandate remission to be completed with a swiftness in order to stimulate the holiday consumerism that saves the economy every year. ftp black friday balances back by black friday 2013. we can call it Back Friday. WHERE ARE YOU AT ON THIS PPA???
The President has no special power or legal authority to mandate the payment of remissions. Those actions are regulated by law, not Presidential whimsy. I am sure he has more than a little political juice available to influence the AG and/or the DOJ when needed, but why would he waste his political currency on an event so minor in the scheme of things? I doubt he or any of his personal advisers, including the Attorney General, have ever even spoken about FTP remissions. He has much bigger fish to fry.

BTW, Black Friday 2012 generated 11.8 Billion dollars in sales. Even if every FTP customer spent every dime of their remissions on BF the change would be less than 2%....not much of a stimulus there!
10-23-2013 , 07:35 AM
BTW, Black Friday 2012 generated 11.8 Billion dollars in sales. Even if every FTP customer spent every dime of their remissions on BF the change would be less than 2%....not much of a stimulus there!
Not sure what you mean by this, what sales? Explain?
10-23-2013 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
Thats because you like to argue just to argue and you dont have a large balance waiting for you...nobody waits to find out theres an issue, especially over large sums of money weve already been waiting for. Your argument doesnt even make sense.
I didn't file yet. My balance isn't super huge, but it's slightly over 10K. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is filing closer to the bar date.
10-23-2013 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by KingKongGrinder
I didn't file yet. My balance isn't super huge, but it's slightly over 10K. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is filing closer to the bar date.
Why? What if theres an issue and you miss the window? It makes no sense to wait, nothing is gained.
10-23-2013 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
Why? What if theres an issue and you miss the window? It makes no sense to wait, nothing is gained.
My situation is a little different because I was flagged as an affiliate. Actually, I have nothing to gain by filing now instead of later. I think some people with huge balances were flagged as affiliates.
10-23-2013 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by shpanko
Not sure what you mean by this, what sales? Explain?
They're talking about the shopping day after Thanksgiving (which now starts the day OF Thanksgiving, thanks to Wal-Mart ).
10-23-2013 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
as you feel a need to continue this, I'll be the bigger man and will depart from this thread.
THAT'S being a "bigger man"? Please.

You COULD try addressing valid concerns while ignoring the nonsense.

Kind of like most posters do, even though who AREN'T representing a lobbying organization.
