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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-04-2011 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
It's ridiculous to think there is no brand left, close to 100% of the people in the poker world still know the term full tilt poker (and knew it prior BF), there are tons of pokersites almost no one has really heard of. Sure the brand image is **** now but that doesn't mean that it is **** forever. People tend to be pretty forgiving to brands especially if making money is involved.

And even IF FTP was worth nothing anymore, I don't see any reason why under a new name they wouldn't be able to rise as high as they were considering whatever the future market will look like again. They have a top 2 software (imo best), rush, ME,... and we know they had the ability to reach that second spot.
They may rise again but never to where they were before. The US player base is lost, about 40%, and of the ROW, it may time alot of time to gain their trust again.

Don t flame please but in a perfect world, fulltilt gets sold to a new owner that does

1: New Owners Invest money into the site to allow payouts to the ROW

2: Hold off on the US payouts untill the out come of the court cases and so on.

3: Hope that the site regains traffic and trust of the ROW

4: Site increases traffic to such a point that they can handle the outcome of cases with DOJ and begin paying back US players
09-04-2011 , 10:04 AM
lol @ tarnished brand.

Two years from now, if I've been paid in full and continue to receive money from FullTilt Poker, this whole Black Friday thing will be lightyears behind me. Most amateurs still don't have the slightest clue what's going on with FTP right now. They'll see a Phil Ivey video with him wearing an FTP badge and deposit some money to try and bink a tournament. None of them will take the time and research FTP's past and see if the site is shady. I mean, just look at AP, lol. Fish are still playing there.
09-04-2011 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by nickname
so whats the conclusion/analysis of this financial audit?

they did not make $12M in profit in 2009/2010 did they? On page 6, what do they mean with gross profit? Where is the revenue? How come these numbers are all so low?
Again, these books are very misleading. The "gross profit" of PKL in any year is simply the amount of money that FTP's owners moved from one company that they control to another company that they control in that year. So, the vast majority of that information is pretty useless.
09-04-2011 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by u cnat spel
lol @ tarnished brand.

Two years from now, if I've been paid in full and continue to receive money from FullTilt Poker, this whole Black Friday thing will be lightyears behind me. Most amateurs still don't have the slightest clue what's going on with FTP right now. They'll see a Phil Ivey video with him wearing an FTP badge and deposit some money to try and bink a tournament. None of them will take the time and research FTP's past and see if the site is shady. I mean, just look at AP, lol. Fish are still playing there.
If your first sentence can come true (a big if) then everything else you wrote will abolutely follow thru!
09-04-2011 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by u cnat spel
Most amateurs still don't have the slightest clue what's going on with FTP right now. None of them will take the time and research FTP's past and see if the site is shady. I mean, just look at AP, lol. Fish are still playing there.
So a website has my roll after 'going on vacation' for 3 months and I don't ask my friends / mr google wtf is going on?

No ROW players at UB. No advertising for ROW for UB. Anyone left there is just trying to increase their rake, without depositing, in order to get on the list for the $250 max monthly (?) payouts - think I'll stick with Pokerstars!

Another factor in will the 60% who can return, return to FTP? Pokerstars has changed a bit to cater for FTP types. Enough to make them interested, but not enough to screw up the existing PS offer (some ST's, no multi entry, final table deals etc).

At best, 50% of the 60% are coming back to anew, financed, FTP without degens at the helm.

At worst, welcome to FTP, part of the merge network.

I hope they do come back; those bonuses are going to be legendary! 'Look, we know we disappeared with your cash, and didn't quite have enough to pay back, and Pil Ivey might blow your roll, or we might commit bank fraud, and we only just managed to do a deal....but deposit here, you might be lucky'
09-04-2011 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
Lose the licence and there's not much left. Sure, the buyers could get another one, but how long does that take.....2 months, 3 months? That's alot of missed rake in the meantime.
The license at AGCC is not transferable to a new owner. It is unique only to them.

Any changes in ownership means the application for a new license starts all over again.

And yes, this has been confirmed with the AGCC.
09-04-2011 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Again, these books are very misleading. The "gross profit" of PKL in any year is simply the amount of money that FTP's owners moved from one company that they control to another company that they control in that year. So, the vast majority of that information is pretty useless.

Surely payments that go out to external non-related companies/top employees are the only true indication of the actual true cash flow? Is that what you mean by most of that information is therefore useless?

Otherwise one could theoretically just cycle 'profits' between a few companies to give the illusion they all individually make x in profit.
09-04-2011 , 10:25 AM
I liked munkey's post and agree there is too much emphasis on having everything done "NOW".

Waiting for the legal minds to confirm if munkey's idea could work out.

I understand why the AGCC pulled the plug, but couldn't they of handled this differently? If what I heard is true, $20mil would cover 90% of player balances, correct? Have enough liquidity to cover the small fish and keep most of the people happy. E-mail all your players with big rolls online and explain the situation. Tell them the site is currently having liquidity issues and that their roll may take a while to withdraw. Impose a withdrawal limit for these players. Having 100k online, I'd obviously much rather slowly get my money than nothing at all. Either way, the players with a lot of money online are usually ballers who don't need the money as badly. If they would let us withdraw something like 5k/month (UB first said $500/week, so $2000/month. $5k/month for FTP doesn't sound unreasonable.) Unless you have insane amounts of bills to pay, most people should be able to live with 5k/month for a while until the site gets back on its feet. But if your bills are that high, you probably had outside income other than poker anyways...
09-04-2011 , 10:25 AM
We shouldn't under-estimate another factor which can be called goodwill factor. If a investor bought FTP and paid everybody, I believe lots of regs will put in a lot of volume on the new site simply to show appreciation to the new owners. These people saved FTP and got your money back. I will be one of those people who will play much more than before on the new FTP just to show appreciation to the new owners. I am sure lots of other people will too. I believe the goodwill the new investors gain by paying everybody will generate them a lot of extra profit. And I believe the game on the new FTP will still be better than PS. Grinding more on the new site will make me more money too.
09-04-2011 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
The license at AGCC is not transferable....
I wasn't aware of that fact. Who do the AGCC define as owner? Is it as simple as fire Ray a month after selling co. or are all director termed as owners? Would assume just Ray as can't reapply for licence each time an owner wants out.

It's worse than I thought then. FTP can't even benefit ($$) from existing licencing arrangements. FTP dont need all those max 700 staff to serve 60% max of previous players. Don't need that big office. Wonder how many $$ to buy way out of existing contractual obligations going fwd

And.... the new owners, if not able to secure AGCC licence, won't be able to advertise in ROW shortly (assuming KGC licence comes into play) Just how will these amateur customers even be aware FTP is back?

Educate me again: FTP recently got AGCC licence, were they with KGC or another regulator prior? TY

Last edited by vamooose; 09-04-2011 at 10:49 AM.
09-04-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by momo_the_kid
We shouldn't under-estimate another factor which can be called goodwill factor. If a investor bought FTP and paid everybody, I believe lots of regs will put in a lot of volume on the new site simply to show appreciation to the new owners. These people saved FTP and got your money back.

If some new company buys up FTP, advertises that funds are segregated, and does a few other things to show that they are not like the old FTP (e.g. actually get customer support responding to e-mails on time, etc.), I think that they'll basically have a stellar reputation for no cost.
09-04-2011 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
I wasn't aware of that fact. Who do the AGCC define as owner? Is it as simple as fire Ray a month after selling co. or are all director termed as owners? Would assume just Ray as can't reapply for licence each time an owner wants out.

It's worse than I thought then. FTP can't even benefit ($$) from existing licencing arrangements. FTP dont need all those max 700 staff to serve 60% max of previous players. Don't need that big office. Wonder how many $$ to buy way out of existing contractual obligations going fwd
Meh.. it's not a huge deal. New investors would have to apply for a new license, but I'm sure that the AGCC would willing to bend every rule in this situation, so I doubt they'd make it a real PITA for the new investors.
09-04-2011 , 10:48 AM
Does anyone find it strange that no one is able to track down who the potential investor/s is?
09-04-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by munkey
This, but players so far have with respect to their position as one of the major parties not a commensurate stakeholder position to talk as one group with authority with the other parties.

I'll give you my free consulting FWIW (aren't you linked to an investor)
but agree with your last paragraph many of the ideas and suggestions are dependent on the actual amounts of assets/liabilities and the flexibility of parties.

I've made several suggestions on ways to get a deal as I think getting FTP running should be the number one priority as FTP themselves have said - a business without an income isn't a business. If we can get a commitment and public statement that all parties can agree on this key point then we can move forward.

tl;dr WARNING for the detail below. Apologies in prior for any mistakes in this long 'thinking out loud' discussion wall of text

I'm not sure if you saw but in previous posts I described the problem of what appears all parties demanding a big financial commitment from mainly the investors NOW and the standard solution is to stretch that out into deferred installment payment plan.

The DOJ has previously accepted payment plans though usually keeps what has been frozen already - they could release any which they know they are unlikely to be able show in Court is derived from US players or for the accounts that are 100% worldwide players return (to a trustee not current FTP) a proportion that reflects the US/non-US player makeup. They agree to not allow the in rem action apply to investor and the new FTP business and it's assets e.t.c.

No changes to the criminal charges vs individuals - this is about the company.

In return the DOJ gets a bigger fine and as in the recently posted civil filing FTP agrees that the remaining funds are US player activity derived. This reduces the risk of ROW foreign Court claims and expedites discovery for the DOJ.

Players will agree to not withdrawal a % of funds for a specified time period and in return get their funds placed in segregated trust fund(backed to full value by an overdraft as described below) with trustee(s) of the new investor and/or vetted by players to be acceptable i.e. so not old management.

AGCC is willing to accept instead of a liquidity requirement to be able to pay all players if they ALL potentially cashed out now and similar ratios(and as it appears wasn't met anyways) an approach that takes account of the time variable of deferred liabilities. They can say they acted with discretion in an exceptional matter and protected players and the now segregated fund for players is stronger protection than ever. UK players don't get stiffed so the UK Govt. and Gambling Commission will be much less likely to rescind their licensing powers to UK customers.

US players accept a deferred payment like the ROW players but the investor gives additional bonuses to ROW players as a function of play as they incur risk from playing in generating profits for FTP where as US players have no similar risk( as does a ROW player that doesn't play). I have ideas on how to value this but won't post here.

ROW players are given the safety of segregated trust funds and are allowed (as Us players too) to withdrawal a fixed amount as a good faith sign from the investor and the given bonus is an incentive to play. If enough players return to unlock their rolls and there is sufficient liquidity (cut some redundant game types if only temporarily) then the site will continue as pre AGCC hearing days. The investor takes the risk that they can keep/make FTP as a leading site serving the ROW (and in future maybe the US) - this is the investment risk in running a poker site that the investor is investing for. They start off with an existing player base and setup and staff as substantial advantage -all they need to do is convince players to stay and patronise their new site.

FTP as a company is willing to accept a smaller 'price' for the company. I heard zero if the investor pays ALL players and their current DOJ fine LOL.
They agree that those proceeds go into the pot before they receive any left over sale proceeds/dividends. They agree to transfer all interest and associated software licenses e.t.c from any of the other shell companies in perpetuity - in return the software royalties will continue to be paid to that company. FTP gets the DOJ fine paid by the new investor and the sale proceeds and many of the employees continue to have a job and the primary consulting office is kept in Dublin so Dublin gains -they could agree to lower the rent or reduced taxes (will be lower as new FTP will be ~ non-profit till all parties are repaid) for a period in return to keeping the new company located there.

The investor and players will want top management gone and they will want to cut their risk and stand down as is standard when a company is strongly indicted. IMHO they only remain to broker a deal and/or not talk depending on one's view. I believe this has already been agreed in the last FTP statement.

Spnsored players and other that benefited from FTP either directly as top shareholders or inflated salaries/bonuses which it would seem were possibly not from company profits, offer to put up money to repay players and goes direct to the player trustee fund or if more substantial may be exchanged for minority shareholding in the new FTP. they agree to non-compete clauses in the poker business. They can say they put up money to pay players out their own pocket and if players get repaid they are unlikely to face lawsuits and stand better chance of dismissal motions.

Also there are other unknown risks - if alot of people owe you money it's just your problem - if you owe alot of people it's lots of problems for you. When we talk about thousands of players and DOJ and potentially other State prosecutors...

Top tier pros or as sponsored red pros put up some money as a function of their perceived or known role towards repaying players. Since poker celebrities depend on fans for publicity. Why would anyone in the future sponsor them if they have none or have anti-fans as the Koreans say

US DOJ and/or players/FTP appoint a trustee to pursue the significantly large shortfall ~118million from unprocessed funds from US players that would go a long way to repaying US and worldwide much faster. From anecdotal evidence there are honest players that want to pay but the money wasn't taken from their account. At the very least a 'donation' mechanism can be setup where honest players send to a trustee who in return will ensure that their FTP account is squared off and excluded form any litigation by any other parties. In a bankruptcy the information of those players will be highly valuable to other companies that wish to avoid these bad debt and higher transaction risk customers. Players that don't pay could find other poker companies(in a future expressly legal US scenario) and or current casinos get treated differently or barred. Writing a check without the intent to honour that payment is fraud and imoral imho.

The investor given these deferred payments in turn accepts to take a 'small' %profit until all parties are paid and then investor gains control of all the profits of the company. All these deferred payments reduce the initial cash outlay and the ROW player funds could be backed by a bank overdraft type facility that could be to the value of the total liabilities of ROW players (to fulfill AGCC regs for the ROW new FTP part) but won't necessarily be drawn on.

All the payments to parties are based off a function of FTP's profit thereby aligning all parties going forward. It operates in such manner until all parties are full paid and funded then it reverts to the investor/shareholders getting 100% of the profits of the company.

if you made it this far, now post some criticism improvements
(that means lurkers too)
If you can be bothered to write it then I can be bothered to read it but I must correct you on an early comment you made in that I am not directly linked with any potential investor but I have spoken to several people who all chose not to get involved as they all thought there was a potential for too many headaches for an investment of this size.

I agree with some things you say whilst disagreeing with others but dont feel qualified to judge your suggestions or what may or may not constitute a workable solution as its tough to provide answers without a lot more information too about the exact liabiities and position of FTP.

However I do believe that nothing should be written in tablets of stone and that all things should be negotiable from the DoJ fine to the AGCC funding reqirements and even deferment of US player liabilities if necessary - couldnt resist taking a dig back at those who thought Americans only should get paid and not the RoW;-)
09-04-2011 , 10:58 AM
Is September 15th significant with regards to getting a deal done? I'm wondering if FTP feels any type of pressure to get a sale done prior to the 15th.
09-04-2011 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Does anyone find it strange that no one is able to track down who the potential investor/s is?
Such an investor exists only in one's imagination.
09-04-2011 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
Is September 15th significant with regards to getting a deal done? I'm wondering if FTP feels any type of pressure to get a sale done prior to the 15th.
Not if the licence isn't important is probably the straight answer.

If it is...

Brits are quite lenient; the interests of 'others' usually comes way before the 'operator' or the 'establishment'.

Would suspect AGCC to continue suspension as opposed to remove, but only if the management have proven to have realistic aspirations for value of FTP e.g. quoting terms for FTP are going down rather than remaining the same deal on table last time they met.

Does the AGCC rule book state how long they can leave a licence suspended? This will be published info
09-04-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by momo_the_kid
We shouldn't under-estimate another factor which can be called goodwill factor. If a investor bought FTP and paid everybody, I believe lots of regs will put in a lot of volume on the new site simply to show appreciation to the new owners. These people saved FTP and got your money back. I will be one of those people who will play much more than before on the new FTP just to show appreciation to the new owners. I am sure lots of other people will too. I believe the goodwill the new investors gain by paying everybody will generate them a lot of extra profit. And I believe the game on the new FTP will still be better than PS. Grinding more on the new site will make me more money too.
Hadn't considered this but it's true. Most people with significant money on there would feel very affectionate about the new (well-run ofc) FTP .
09-04-2011 , 11:22 AM
Thanks for taking the time to read u cnat spel.

That's interesting if 20 million would cover 90% of balances. I suspect it is more than that but your suggestion of allowing an initial withdrawal and costing much less than the total debt would drastically reduce the class of players in the deferred deal and make administration easier.

momo you make a good point - I think alot of regs andplayers will be very thankful and if given appropriate re-assurances will grind more than usual.

Originally Posted by Hdemet
If you can be bothered to write it then I can be bothered to read it but I must correct you on an early comment you made in that I am not directly linked with any potential investor but I have spoken to several people who all chose not to get involved as they all thought there was a potential for too many headaches for an investment of this size.

I agree with some things you say whilst disagreeing with others but dont feel qualified to judge your suggestions or what may or may not constitute a workable solution as its tough to provide answers without a lot more information too about the exact liabiities and position of FTP.

However I do believe that nothing should be written in tablets of stone and that all things should be negotiable from the DoJ fine to the AGCC funding reqirements and even deferment of US player liabilities if necessary - couldnt resist taking a dig back at those who thought Americans only should get paid and not the RoW;-)
Fair enough it did take awhile to write tks also for taking the time to read.
I stand corrected on your link to investors - I actually meant it as a question but missed the question mark.

What points do you agree/disagree on or think are un-workable?
I would like to note some of those suggestions are unrefined and just there as a jumping off point to initiate constructive debate and are not a reflection of my personal opinion of what I think should be done by any party. I'm going to put the main thrust of my argument(that cnat spel gets) in quotes:

The key concept is instead of demands for NOW this amount has to be available or paid for this we spread and DEFER the payments out over time.
How this concept is implemented for all parties is the devil in the detail
I do re-agree (is that word) the lack of information makes it hard to construct a workable schema.

Before I go, I'll just add we're already in September now and the poker season of increasing traffic after the summer lull leading up to the festive peak is starting..

I give October as the absolute latest by which if an investor/deal isn't done all parties are going to be standing around with egg on their face.

Last edited by munkey; 09-04-2011 at 11:26 AM. Reason: P.S. you can PM me your reply if you so wish Hdemt
09-04-2011 , 11:29 AM
I'm not sure it's been asked Harry, but is there any ideas as to what players can do collectively to help secure a deal? Seems like just in these forums alone there's probably a good amount of people with FT money locked up. If everyone banded together and acted I feel like something could be done to help further attract one of the possible investors. I mean even if we could get like 100+ people with a combined 5+million on the site to promise to keep playing there or not cash out over a certain amount then it would certainly help.

Seems like all of the collective action so far has been towards lawsuits and such. Is there nothing we can do to help lure in some investors? I'm not even sure it would be significant, but just something.
09-04-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Lavitz
I'm not sure it's been asked Harry, but is there any ideas as to what players can do collectively to help secure a deal? Seems like just in these forums alone there's probably a good amount of people with FT money locked up. If everyone banded together and acted I feel like something could be done to help further attract one of the possible investors. I mean even if we could get like 100+ people with a combined 5+million on the site to promise to keep playing there or not cash out over a certain amount then it would certainly help.

Seems like all of the collective action so far has been towards lawsuits and such. Is there nothing we can do to help lure in some investors? I'm not even sure it would be significant, but just something.
I think this type of thing would work better if FTP wasn't so reliant on the U.S. market. More than half their players, a disproportionate number of fish, a large majority of their advertising pros -- all from the US. Really makes the company a tough sell.
09-04-2011 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by FrenchNoob
Thanks Noah for prev post (and all others actually) and tx Ledason for pointing to it.

@Ledason - your analysis, as are a lot of things u posted here, is v interesting but I keep wondering : am I the only one to think it bizarre that on one hand "almost all of [PK's] money comes from My West Nook" and on the other we barely heard of it and it was barely mentioned in legal documents (while a bunch of other FTP-related entities are identified as defendants throughout the various cases) ?

I mean in following the money trail, this ghostly biz MWN seems like a fairly obvious point of interest imo whether for DOJ or players. #wishfulthinking - not mentioning truth's sake and a minimum level of transparency, seems like players are owned, at least that, at this point

Or is it the one company out of the FTP-sphere that got run so properly that there is no point going after it ?

I also have to wonder of the potential relevance of the above in relation to speculations that indeed "if there is money to be found it has been found" which sumrises certain responses to earlier interrogations itt regarding the possibility of more money floating around besides the easily seizable/freezable ones and probable millionz in casinos/suitcases/Caiman Islands that might be just not worth to go after.

ps : yes I understand that MWN could be named codefendant anytime in most suits, but my question is : what stops anyone from doing it now ? If Todd Terry ever sees this post, he may have a clue. So far, I don't.

We are just basing information from the audits. However, worth noting was this Audits fiscal year of April 30th, 2010. Thats an interesting date - a non - standard date. As another footnote to my previous analysis let me pose some other ideas to the boards:

1.We know that FTP was required to make monthly reports to the AGCC.
2.We believe that FTP was highly insolvent for a long time (based on their statement, MM QJs, and a host of other comments).
3.We know that the AGCC required annual audits of the gaming companies.

So how do you fool an auditor?

Auditors are good about catching cash balances, so in that case you either have to do what BM did and falsify statements (which isn't that easy) or you can open several gaming companies and use different fiscal years. By using different fiscal year ending dates for all the gaming companies, you can move cash between the gaming shell companies and effectively double count the money as needed. Ideally, you use multiple auditors to maximize the illusion. We are not saying this is what was done, but this is one way you could have done it and we found it interesting that FTP had so many gaming entities and had just recently opened a new one....we can understand one from Italy and France and maybe US and then ROW....but so what....if they all had different fiscal years endings and even better, different auditors (although not required) shifting money around would have been a tack tick available to hide the total amount of money they actually had to the AGCC. THis is why good regulation actually requires audits for related companies to occur in the same fiscal year. Anyway, its not an accusation....merely a speculation on how someone could have fooled the AGCC.

Also, the 'shell game' scenario as we describe above would also explain why its do difficult for the DOJ to separate money that belonged to ROW and US players since the money was just being moved from one entity to another entity and there wasn't enough to begin with....of course...more speculation...

Last edited by LedaSon; 09-04-2011 at 11:56 AM.
09-04-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Lavitz
I'm not sure it's been asked Harry, but is there any ideas as to what players can do collectively to help secure a deal? Seems like just in these forums alone there's probably a good amount of people with FT money locked up. If everyone banded together and acted I feel like something could be done to help further attract one of the possible investors. I mean even if we could get like 100+ people with a combined 5+million on the site to promise to keep playing there or not cash out over a certain amount then it would certainly help.

Seems like all of the collective action so far has been towards lawsuits and such. Is there nothing we can do to help lure in some investors? I'm not even sure it would be significant, but just something.
There are likely enough resources to do what you suggest, or at least make a difference to the positive. Getting them organized and co operating is the hard part. Some folks are trying to do some initial thinking on this on 2+2 as the previous posts show!
09-04-2011 , 11:58 AM
Has it been confirmed that the AGCC would block a deal that would not provide the U.S. players being paid?

If not can anyone tell me why FTP or the investors would have paying U.S. players on the top of their priority list?

I'm not suggesting, although possible, that a new investor would want to stiff U.S. players but I would suggest that making a deal to hold off on payment to U.S. players until some resolution with the DOJ would make good business sense.

Last edited by caseycjc; 09-04-2011 at 12:18 PM.
09-04-2011 , 12:01 PM
Action has to be taken and fast or there will be no money left. FTP has had ample time to find an investor and while they say they still have prospects we players and/or other creditors have know way of knowing how accurate that is.

Isn't there a some kind of mechanism in place to force FTP out and a court to appoint a trustee to take over FTP to find the best method of paying everyone back. The fools at FTP can't be trusted anymore. They will keep looking for investors till nothing is left. I don't if we need to force them into BK or w/e but it seems FTP shouldn't be in charge any more or involved finding investors. The company needs to be turned over to an independent trust to find a way to pay everyone back, by finding investors,BK,or w/e

If we just leave it up to the idiots at FTP they will just keep pissing every last dollar away.
