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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-06-2011 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Noah, is there any way you can make a sticky that just reports every time ANY sort of actual news happens? I have nothing against hdmet, ledason etc etc (although my god is ledason pretentious with his 'we' crap), but I usually come here to see if anything new has happened and end up having to read a ton of posts where they are just rehashing and debating what is already out there. I know that is what this thread is for, and so I am not saying they should do otherwise, but can't you just have a sticky that just updates things like "hearing set for Sept. 19" or "agcc releases new statement" so those who don't want to read through all the discussion won't have to?

We could also avoid the posters that come here and say 'haven't been following, what's the latest?"
Well, I sort of agree, except that "what's the latest" is covered in the OP. The subject even states "Cliffs in OP", and everybody who has come in here and done the "can someone tell me what the deal is" just gets told what's in the OP.
09-06-2011 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Noah, is there any way you can make a sticky that just reports every time ANY sort of actual news happens? I have nothing against hdmet, ledason etc etc (although my god is ledason pretentious with his 'we' crap), but I usually come here to see if anything new has happened and end up having to read a ton of posts where they are just rehashing and debating what is already out there. I know that is what this thread is for, and so I am not saying they should do otherwise, but can't you just have a sticky that just updates things like "hearing set for Sept. 19" or "agcc releases new statement" so those who don't want to read through all the discussion won't have to?

We could also avoid the posters that come here and say 'haven't been following, what's the latest?"
Apologies to Insidemanpoker but dont you think The AGCC and FTP owners and management get feedback on the stuff that goes up on this forum?

If not then they are bigger idiots than I could ever imagine.

As such they can be left in no uncertain terms about the strength of feeling there is on this subject and animosity towards them which hopefully will lead them to doing something positive about it all.

If not then so be it but if any good comes of it or they adopt any kind of player friendly policies then it will have all been worthwhile.

This may be naive of me but the direct approach to FTP and AGCC is getting nowhere and fallen on deaf ears so maybe a public attempt to ridicule and humiliate them may prove more successful.

I have previously pointed out they are not playing fair so why not treat this as a war and use all weapons at our disposal to try and get something done that may return some of the player funds.

It simply has to be a better option than letting them get away with unchallenged weak PR statements that have little or no meaning or substance to them and are mainly cosmetic in nature.
09-06-2011 , 06:18 AM
What is the rate ATM?
09-06-2011 , 06:27 AM
@Noah and Moderators

How about this for a compromise; a seperate locked thread where all the official AGCC and FTP statements can be placed without any alteration or editing or comment?

I think it would be fun to see all these statements and how they have contradicted each other over the course of time all in the one place.

So how about it? A locked thread only for official FTP and AGCC statements?

Then whoever wanted to could discuss such matters in this thread and elsewhere without contamination of the official statement thread.
09-06-2011 , 06:33 AM
i dont know if market has some special price.
anyway i im so tilted, i have bad dreams about it, i can't play, i can't live (high school etc)... i'm under stress all few months long ...

Originally Posted by fr1234
What is the rate ATM?
09-06-2011 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Noah, is there any way you can make a sticky that just reports every time ANY sort of actual news happens? I have nothing against hdmet, ledason etc etc (although my god is ledason pretentious with his 'we' crap), but I usually come here to see if anything new has happened and end up having to read a ton of posts where they are just rehashing and debating what is already out there. I know that is what this thread is for, and so I am not saying they should do otherwise, but can't you just have a sticky that just updates things like "hearing set for Sept. 19" or "agcc releases new statement" so those who don't want to read through all the discussion won't have to?

We could also avoid the posters that come here and say 'haven't been following, what's the latest?"

Here's the mods rules from 15 hours ago.

Originally Posted by NoahSD
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Discussion is one thing. The constant opinions of how its all over and things are over and the money is gone, based on zero facts is nothing but annoying.
I just find it pointless to see the people posting that the money is certainly gone, then you see them posting in the Tom Dwan claims thread saying how they are owed 100 dollars. There are alot of people with alot of money on there and dont need to see these constant posts of doom by people that dont even have any real money if any on full tilt at risk. You can keep reading those posts but like i said if it starts with i think or ends with in my opinion im not. By the way the use of those checkboxes is beyond getting old.
From the OP:

Originally Posted by NoahSD
A Warning

The last thread contained a ton of posts complaining about other people's posts. Someone would post their pessimistic views on the situation, and a bunch of people would respond telling him to shut up. Ditto optimistic views.

Stop doing that. Posts that tell other people not to post their views are not at all helpful. They're particularly silly when people are talking about their views on the FTP situation in a thread about the FTP situation. (If you don't want to read those views, don't open the thread.)

Hopefully people will just quit doing that on their own, but if it continues to clog the threads with content-less crap, I'll start deleting/warning/infracting.

In short, the most annoying thing in this thread is not people expressing their opinions, but various people telling other people not to express their opinions. People open this thread to read what other people have to say about FTP. They don't open this thread to read about what opinions you think aren't worth expressing.

If you don't want to see what people have to say about FTP, don't read this thread.

Last edited by vamooose; 09-06-2011 at 06:42 AM.
09-06-2011 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
The clue is in the title of the thread 'Re: FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
lol, don't get defensive little man. I am NOT complaining about this thread. It is serving the purpose it is supposed to and I am not saying otherwise. I am simply asking a mod if he can create a sticky as a supplement to this thread that only updates new NEWS like such things as hdmet purposed. this way it'd be very easy for people to see the latest news, and if it compels them to come and discuss it, they can head over here. the truth is, the reason this thread is always on the top of the front page is because there is no other place for people to see the latest news and so they are stuck coming here.
09-06-2011 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
lol, don't get defensive little man. I am NOT complaining about this thread. It is serving the purpose it is supposed to and I am not saying otherwise. I am simply asking a mod if he can create a sticky as a supplement to this thread that only updates new NEWS like such things as hdmet purposed. this way it'd be very easy for people to see the latest news, and if it compels them to come and discuss it, they can head over here. the truth is, the reason this thread is always on the top of the front page is because there is no other place for people to see the latest news and so they are stuck coming here.
I think a new thread would be started if Big News were available

Bold bit - you want an ideas thread or did I miss something? New News? Surely that is 'News'

Last edited by vamooose; 09-06-2011 at 06:51 AM.
09-06-2011 , 07:02 AM
This thread is definitely too emcompassing and very messy

Nothing wrong with that per se but there really should be some kind of sub divisions to it as the way I see it there are several cross discussions going on between people (myself includied) so things get very difficult to follow.

Perhaps there should be several seperate FTP threads for example:

FTP Rumours and Gossip
FTP Regulation
FTP Legal Discussions
FTP Suggestions for Survival
FTP Closure: History to date - CLOSED THREAD
Official FTP and AGCC Announcements - CLOSED THREAD
FTP Summary of Things to Date Thread - CLOSED THREAD

How exactly these sub divisional threads are entitled I do not know but it is certainly very messy here and I know it takes me foreverto catch up if I miss visiting for a day.

(Just a suggestion)
09-06-2011 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
Perhaps there should be several seperate FTP threads for example:

FTP Rumours and Gossip
FTP Regulation
FTP Legal Discussions
FTP Suggestions for Survival
FTP Closure: History to date - CLOSED THREAD
Official FTP and AGCC Announcements - CLOSED THREAD
FTP Summary of Things to Date Thread - CLOSED THREAD

How exactly these sub divisional threads are entitled I do not know but it is certainly very messy here and I know it takes me foreverto catch up if I miss visiting for a day.
Seems like a decent idea, maybe have all 3 closed threads in one sticky.
BTW Harry, do you think FTP has made enough progress with any investor to have the hearing delayed again?
09-06-2011 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
its an unwritten rule to not spend/gamble while in debt.
Someone should write that down
09-06-2011 , 07:35 AM
Im not sure wheather this is the right place so mods feel free to move it.

Currently me and many others consider FTP-$s gone and yes I don't like that either, but a friend of mine came up with the idea that could make FTP more interesting to potential investors.

The idea basically is to sign a contract that prevents you as a player from cashing out until a fix date (e.g. 1/1/2012) but show interest in playing if the site comes back earlier nevertheless.

Our idea is a basic form where you write that you have X-amount on FTP together with your username so it could be verified by FTP and maybe offer FTP to even freeze your account for cashouts until said date (to prevent panic cashouts).

This would mean that there won't be a sort of a bankrun as soon as FTP is back (if ever, I know..) and the site could recover more easily.

09-06-2011 , 07:46 AM
09-06-2011 , 07:46 AM
Why would this investor not simply let FT go bankrupt and then buy the software and trademark in bankruptcy? Why would any investor with any sense buy the entire entity when it comes with both certain liabilities that can be quantified (what is owed to players and others) and uncertainty liabilities that cannot at this time (US government fines and sanctions that if precedence is any guide will exceed a billion dollars).
09-06-2011 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Seems like a decent idea, maybe have all 3 closed threads in one sticky.
BTW Harry, do you think FTP has made enough progress with any investor to have the hearing delayed again?
It rare we disagree with you fellas, but having so many threads about FTP would be a mess. Its hard enough reading one thread, but imagine having 4 or five on the subject? One thread does the job fine. Perhaps once we know what the final disposition of FTP is, then there might be a good reason to break it apart.
09-06-2011 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Seems like a decent idea, maybe have all 3 closed threads in one sticky.
BTW Harry, do you think FTP has made enough progress with any investor to have the hearing delayed again?
Personally I think they have gone backwards and are in a much worse position now but I guess we will have to wait and see.

No doubt the AGCC will have their own views about a further adjournment but as previously pointed out I think that they (AGCC) have made a rod for their own backs and will find it hard to justify further delays to this hearing.

Likeaise FTP have played one of their Get Out of Jail Free cards already and as far as I can recall there are only two in the pack so maybe we will find another one being played on the 19th.

BTW Does anyone know exactly what the hearing is supposed to be looking into?

ISTR it was to go through why FTP had its licenced suspended or something similar.
09-06-2011 , 08:04 AM
but cashing out is the part imo
09-06-2011 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by LedaSon
It rare we disagree with you fellas, but having so many threads about FTP would be a mess. Its hard enough reading one thread, but imagine having 4 or five on the subject? One thread does the job fine. Perhaps once we know what the final disposition of FTP is, then there might be a good reason to break it apart.
Just a suggestion but I do think a sticky with official statements would be a good idea as then people can see the official responses from AGCC and FTP and how they make a mockery of themsleves without any outside help.

Would also provide a nice reference point to which all of us could refer.
09-06-2011 , 08:07 AM
A player owned poker ponzi with a DoJ fine pending

Shouldn't be too hard to get the agreement of the hmm 500,000 individual accounts. Or a licence.

I'm outta this one

This idea has been discussed on many an occasion in the discussion thread

09-06-2011 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
A player owned poker ponzi with a DoJ fine pending

I outta this one
I thought Noah the mod already discussed that it isn't a ponzi scheme?
09-06-2011 , 08:22 AM
I would love to read this thread and take on board what the mods are saying but every time I see Ledason acting the tit by posting "we" instead of "I" it tilts me beyond belief. Not to mention his posts are beyond awful.

I can't figure out how to ignore him like I can on other forums so if a mod could activate that option for me it would be much appreciated.
09-06-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
BTW Does anyone know exactly what the hearing is supposed to be looking into?
Evidence of $300m in an account so can facilitate players cashouts, if they were to be demanded following AGCC reinstatement of licence and site re-opening for play.

AGCC want evidence that FTP is liquid i.e has cashflow equal to at least it's customer liabilities.

AGCC aren't bothered if FTP as a company is fit, just that the gaming operation is funded
09-06-2011 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by MMD
I would love to read this thread and take on board what the mods are saying but every time I see Ledason acting the tit by posting "we" instead of "I" it tilts me beyond belief. Not to mention his posts are beyond awful.
Who is he talking about when he says 'we'? He never used to say it. If awful means long, then yes, they are beyond awful.
09-06-2011 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Who is he talking about when he says 'we'? He never used to say it. If awful means long, then yes, they are beyond awful.
He is saying it instead of "I". He is talking about himself lol.

No different to that idiot cordially gent or whatever it was.
09-06-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Who is he talking about when he says 'we'?
Already confirmed ITT as Mrs LedaSon

Originally Posted by MMD
I can't figure out how to ignore him like I can on other forums so if a mod could activate that option for me it would be much appreciated.
My 2+2, Edit Options, Edit Ignore List

Last edited by vamooose; 09-06-2011 at 08:46 AM.
