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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
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887 43.42%

07-30-2012 , 08:06 PM

Another response be Wendeen. Seems like she is backing up her previous statements and that they are just waiting for the judge to take care of business.

Also, interesting that she said the DOJ is the one repping the players interests. America! **** yeah!

If we don't hear anything by the end of the week, we know to discredit her credibility on any future stories, but I don't think she would sell out like this knowingly if she knew her sources not to be credible. Whether they are or not is a different story.
07-30-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Marco QJ
About one year ago, I was in a very similar situation to Ms. Newell’s today. I had rushed to tweet something about Full Tilt that caused a big uproar and turned out to be incorrect. (One big difference was that I was utterly mortified when I was shown to be wrong, and I apologized rather than get defensive.)

What I did back then was irresponsible, and I have since learned better. Still, you were especially cruel to me in a thread just like this, arguing that I was pretty much the worst person in poker media, that nobody you knew took me seriously, and that you had never even condescended to listen to my show because of how underneath you it was.
I don't recall exactly what I said. I hope what I said was something like: Marco is a particularly dangerous type of commentator, because he acts like a journalist but doesn't follow the rules of journalism. I hope I said something like that because that was my opinion at the time.

If you have learned from the mistake you discuss, then props to you for doing so.

Never mind that just three weeks later, when we were doing a special show about the first Alderney hearing, you were tuned in, all over our chat for hours, and seemed to be loving every moment of it.
Yes, three weeks later I did listen to your show. I've listened one other time I can recall, too. As for loving it, lol, I recall that a lot of my chat was aimed simply at expanding on legal concepts your guests were discussing, sometimes agreeing and sometimes disagreeing.

Here you are again today taking particular pleasure in trying to shame other poker journalists into retirement.
I'm not taking any pleasure in anything. I have half a buttload of money on FTP, and nothing would have made me happier than for WriterJen to have been right.

When somebody asked what qualified you to pass such harsh judgment, you claimed you had something like ten years of media experience, thus you had to know what you were talking about. Yet you have already shown to have subpar journalistic comprehension ITT. Somebody already pointed out how wrong you were to assign blame to Wendeen for supposedly time-stamping her Friday article, yet you were all ready to burn her at the stake for it, and encouraging others to do the same.
I DID misremember what Eolis had written. But the main point I was making was that both Eolis and Newell had violated a basic journalistic principle requiring corroboration from dual sources. Having admitted violating that principle, both deserve the backlash ITT. had they conformed to basic principles, they would not be facing any backlash, because they would nit have reported anything.

You talk about “responsible journalists” like you know something about how to be one. When I look you up, all I can find is a personal blog of yours that you haven’t updated since July of last year. If you have any extensive body of journalistic work up there with either Jen or Wendeen, I’d like you to tell me where I can see it.
As I have said before ITT, I spent 10 years on the board of directors of a media company that had newspaper, radio and television operations. I served one term as president and chairman if the board of that media company. The last time I actually worked as a journalist was in 1992, lol.

So you understand that my position was not to actually write news stories and spin tracks at the radio station; it was to write and enforce policies such as how many anonymous sources needed to be saying the same thing before it qualified as news.

Originally Posted by Marco QJ
Comparing poker media to any established mainstream media is foolish.

The New York Times has been around for over 150 years, it has thousands of writers in bureaus all over the world, and does not rely almost entirely on financial backing from the very industries it's supposed to objectively write about.

Modern poker media, as we know it after the boom, hasn't even been around for ten years.
This is ridiculous. You act like poker journalism is conceptually different from other news reporting. It's not, it's the same thing. And the NYT and other credible media always have to deal with potentially offending advertisers.

You seem to want to make excuses for shoddy journalism, when all it takes to practice responsible journalism is a trip to a used book store to buy a few college texts on the subject. I can't emphasize this point enough. I'm not saying these people who hold themselves out as poker journalists should follow difficult, arcane and expensive to enforce rules. I'm saying that they should follow the same rules that are taught to college freshmen in journalism 101 and 102 classes, FFS. I had to follow these exact rules when I was an 18 year old news reporter for my college newspaper in 1982.

It's ridiculously basic stuff.
07-30-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
this is good news.
07-30-2012 , 08:09 PM
Wtf is the "Deep Throat Connection"?
07-30-2012 , 08:09 PM
Very good news! We're a judges signature away from getting our money back. Start getting those champagne bottles chilled and ready!
07-30-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Why exactly is PS going to lay out the money that FTP stole when most of those players are already playing there? Something doesn't add up.
To settle their, and Isai's charges with the DOJ
07-30-2012 , 08:11 PM
Please, poker gods, let this whole fiasco finally be over soon.
07-30-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Signif, I
Wtf is the "Deep Throat Connection"?
it's a generic term for an inside source, originally from watergate iirc
07-30-2012 , 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Eolis
Full Tilt PokerStars Negotiations in the Can
In the can:

Originally Posted by
If a film is in the can, filming has finished and it is ready to be prepared for showing to the public.

Originally Posted by Eolis
Last week’s PPN story stopped short of saying there was a done deal. While, my source was unequivocal in referencing a signed deal between the parties, the Deep Throat connection noted that the deal had yet to receive a final blessing
07-30-2012 , 08:13 PM

-Wendeen hinted that payouts would be received well ahead of her previous "well in time for Christmas shopping" statement in the bulletin.

- Called people out for acting like she gave a timeline when she was careful not to. Then, gave a timeline of popping bubbly in a couple of days.

-DOJ, specifically Preet Bharara fighting for the players.

-Agreement signed waiting for Judge approval. Which she thinks is a lock in the specific circumstances of this case.

If I'm sweating anything this week, it's PACER, unless for some reason they would withhold posting on PACER until a public announcement is made.

07-30-2012 , 08:13 PM
I'm with mpethybridge and I fail to understand why anyone is defending these poker journalism clowns
07-30-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
To settle their, and Isai's charges with the DOJ
Why would DOJ support empowerment of the degenerate population of there country?
07-30-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
Codi Webb ‏@HuskerMoney00
@WriterJen HORRIBLE REPORTING! glad you love to **** with everyones heads.....
Reply Retweet Favorite
2h Jennifer Newell ‏@WriterJen
.@HuskerMoney00 Rudeness and profanity gets you blocked in 3...2... oops - already did it.
Gee, I wonder if the person who made that tweet has any relation with our Huskermoney?

Originally Posted by TheQuiet
You really waited a year to post this?
Are you kidding - it took him a year to read this entire thread.
07-30-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Hood

In the can:

Yea, but the article contradicted the headline by saying she is "going out on a limb." Giving clear notice that it's not a done, 100% finished deal.

Would you be shocked if an editor came up with the headline?
07-30-2012 , 08:15 PM
I forgot also to say to Marco:

I don't just bash irresponsible journalists. Ask Duamond Flush whether I have criticized her reporting. Then ask yourself the difference between what she does and what Newell and Eolis do.
07-30-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03

-Wendeen hinted that payouts would be received well ahead of her previous "well in time for Christmas shopping" statement in the bulletin.

- Called people out for acting like she gave a timeline when she was careful not to. Then, gave a timeline of popping bubbly in a few days.

-DOJ, specifically Preet Bharara fighting for the players.

-Agreement signed waiting for Judge approval. Which she thinks is a lock in the specific circumstances of this case.

If I'm sweating anything this week, it's PACER, unless for some reason they would withhold posting on PACER until a public announcement is made.

07-30-2012 , 08:16 PM
What is going on here, loads if post since i last check 3h ago, but nothing Than non-news to report?!
07-30-2012 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
What the hell are you talking about?

Nobody does twitter better than Kevmath, NOBODY!
Cheet might give him a run imo with the speed of his article tweet:
07-30-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
Okay. Thanks. Wendeen just got herself of my **** list for a couple of days.
07-30-2012 , 08:21 PM
any of the legal heads in here care to comment wtf this means?
is it common to conclude a deal is done before getting the judges signature
how often do judges mess things up at this stage?
07-30-2012 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by bizzle03
Yea, but the article contradicted the headline by saying she is "going out on a limb." Giving clear notice that it's not a done, 100% finished deal.

Would you be shocked if an editor came up with the headline?
The latest article unequivocally says the deal is not done, at multiple places, and even suggests how the deal could still fail ("... unless there are issues of competency, integrity...). The article on Friday, with its headline and "going out on a limb" and timeline, and accompanying tweets with even more timelines - it was entirely to give the impression the deal was done and there is no way it could fall through.

And then blaming it on eager readers looking for any optimism they might get back their bankrolls is a pretty shocking about-turn.
07-30-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
any of the legal heads in here care to comment wtf this means?
is it common to conclude a deal is done before getting the judges signature
how often do judges mess things up at this stage?
if both parties agree, judges usually sign off on it. But of course, its not a matter of a few pages
07-30-2012 , 08:28 PM
Cliffs on the last 12 hours?
07-30-2012 , 08:28 PM
And the journalistic Russian Roulette continues.....

After seeing what happened to Newell, seems like keeping mum would be the wise choice.
07-30-2012 , 08:29 PM




I don't know what is more sad, the fact that this kind of crap passes as journalism or the fact that people on NVG are getting excited about this. In a nutshell we have a "poker journalist" (who I have never heard of) admitting she is "going out on a limb" that a deal is close to being done and citing "solid" sources.

Sound familiar?

I believe there is a group of "sources" out there who go from one journalist or poker player to the next feeding them bogus information for whatever reason. The gullible receivers of this information then go on to trumpet their "scoop" all over the Internet in the hopes that they will be the one to break what will inevitably be the biggest poker news of the year. 2+2 proceeds to react with untamed enthusiasm and we get a bunch of obligatory "ONE TIME" posts.

A week later nothing has happened and everybody forgets about everything. A couple months later we have another random poker journalist or player who gets played by these so-called sources and the whole process repeats.

When a deal is close to being done there are certain people who will know about it before hand. Scott Matusow, Shawn Deeb, Wendeen H. Eolis, etc are not in that group of people.
