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FTP Brandon Adams - Blog FTP Brandon Adams - Blog

06-08-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by HotzenplOdds
Well, you heard Brandon:

"Full Tilt is an organization run by poker players, with sympathy for the wellbeing of the overall poker community."

Full Tilt is run for the wellbeing of the poker community. And not for being a ruthless rake-gathering machine like those evil ****s at PokerStars.
Yea... FullTilt is running with my wellbeing funds...
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:24 PM
Anyone else find the wolf analogy hilarious?

You know, wolves hunt for pray in groups and share the prize with the pack. Except in this case Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer, Phil Ivey, Phil Gorden, Chris Ferguson and all the red pros are the group of wolves and the prize is our money.

Last edited by Zenzor; 06-08-2011 at 02:29 PM.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Clover362
It's funny he at one time says poker players are shadey so the world without major business behind it will be violent and shadey but then at the same time says full tilt is the nuts because it's run by poker players.
This. Yeah, I liked Brandon Adams because he bluffed Phil Hellmuth with T7s but the guy is clearly out of touch with reality. Right after Black Friday, he said Full Tilt was run by much more honorable people than Pokerstars and said we would get our money before Pokerstars players. Keep your head buried in the sand, Brandon.

If he's going to continue to vouch for Full Tilt he's going to end up being the Ivy League version of Joe Sebok and deserves 0 slack or credibility in the poker world.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:42 PM
Brandon Adams does a good job making FTP look worse than they already do by sticking up for them with reasoning/lack there of that makes him seem a bit odd.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:45 PM
Brandon I think you are great for the game and your site is great as well. That said, you really make no points besides that you like the Full Tilt crew and are doing everything you can along with crossing your fingers in hopes that they succeed. That said this is their fault you can say what you want about Pokerstars being a ruthless rake machine, but ftp is just as ruthless and was making effort to be moreso with the multi-entry tournaments. You made some cutthroat comments in the heat of the moment and this blog was like a long awaited way to try to defend yourself without actually saying that you are sorry for being wrong. I am sure the full tilt people once had magnificent intentions for the poker world when it was serving their benefit as well, since it has ceased to do so they are treating us like dogs, so its great they are your friends, they suck though, just know that.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:48 PM
I find it ironic the site with the wellbeing of the game in mind as he claims has damaged the community the way it has and continues to. I'll take the efficient rake machine, maybe he needs to read atlas shrugged again assuming he has.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:52 PM
I am curious as to how PS is more of a rake machine than FTP. I mean we had to have websites set up to do calcs on the differences of the various tiered programs ain't at all obvious one is charging you that much more than the other.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:55 PM
The most ruthless rake machine ever created was multi entry tournaments ainec.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by ker17
The most ruthless rake machine ever created was multi entry tournaments ainec.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:00 PM
Wow, AP/UB started off as run by professional poker players also, that worked out pretty well for the players! Great point there BA.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by wants
This is like saying: "The scientific community is right to reject previous held beliefs that the earth is flat due to new, overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but my heart is with the flat-earth believers because I always kinda liked it better that way."

Seriously, just lol at his delusion in wanting to hate PS and justify his love of FTP.

Prob b/c he benefits financially from FTP surviving this, and would have to search for another sponsor if FTP doesn't.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by ker17
The most ruthless rake machine ever created was multi entry tournaments ainec.
lol, don't forget rush poker.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:10 PM
Since when did FTP care about the well being of the community?

Sure, they're all mostly poker players, or were poker players, and are more sympathetic to issues such as poker players not being able to access their own bankroll, but I don't believe that yields many benefits to the community. Indeed, we've seen the opposite, where the "rake machine" has fixed things with its players and essentially jumped into action/to the rescue while the "poker players" are still trying to scrape together a solution to the same problem. Not only this, but the public heads/representatives of this company are publicly berating each other and one has turned around to sue the company at what is indeed the very worst time (financially) for the company. How are these people looking out for the well being of the community?

Interesting article nonetheless. He has obviously personally observed a growing issue with online players entering the live setting and being basically swindled out of money because they present no physical threat to anyone. I wonder who/which incidents have sparked his concerns in particular.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by WiltOnTilt
I don't know BA personally but I've always pictured him as someone that would be objective. I hope that's the case here.

I liked the post
I think it's fairly clear that his heart is ruling his head, and that his loyalty to his friends is more responsible for his conclusions than any objective insight.

Maybe the poker players that BA (who presumably knows much more than I about who is in charge at FT) says run the show at FT are nice guys with good intentions, but their customer service has always sucked, they have turned blind eyes to big name players flouting one account per person rules whilst cracking down on people trying to get rakeback, and have been shown to have no ability to communicate with the public whatsoever. None of this to me represents a site with the well being of the community at large as its primary interest.

I mean, yeah, I agree with him that we all hope that players will get paid back, and there is little to do bar be patient, but that's not much to hang your hat on. The underworld stuff is a bit more interesting, but the online analysis is underwhelming.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:38 PM
He always was a bit glass half empty

but less blog more tennis imo
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by sputum
He always was a bit glass half empty
If only he didn't put 2007 because he did make some valid points and we've seen it happen.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by reddred

Prob b/c he benefits financially from FTP surviving this, and would have to search for another sponsor if FTP doesn't.
And guess who it's not gonna be...
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
If only he didn't put 2007 because he did make some valid points and we've seen it happen.
Yep, extremely accurate apart from the year forecasted.

BA, since you're bound to read this thread at the moment, could you give share some of your thoughts on the future of poker/online poker?
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I think it's fairly clear that his heart is ruling his head, and that his loyalty to his friends is more responsible for his conclusions than any objective insight.
You've got the right of it. The guy clearly stated that the FT guys were his friends and he likes them. While I don't trust his analysis of the situation because his head is ruling his heart, it seems BA is at least a good friend to have. It is pretty unpopular at this point to say these guys are good guys. Most of us are stockpiling pitchforks and torches. He's sticking by his friends so good on him, I guess.

If you didn't wander around his site more, the article on the replacement value of CEOs (applying sports analytics to CEO compensation) was really interesting.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by SamQuint
Yep, extremely accurate apart from the year forecasted.

BA, since you're bound to read this thread at the moment, could you give share some of your thoughts on the future of poker/online poker?
uh, are you guys serious?

without 2007 it would just be "eventually some people will go broke from poker because they underestimate variance and are prone to taking risky shots at higher stakes."

how is it a good prediction at all? it's self evident.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:08 PM
I got a lot of fear from that post. The violence stuff was kind of weird to me, I'm not sure I fully understand or accept that.

I don't understand the shot at PokerStars either, if he has something to say that we don't know or can expand I would appreciate it. From what I've understood PokerStars has always raked less per player across the board, due to the VIP program applying to 100% of players, meanwhile we know that FTP had a lot of non rb players signed up (just look at the affiliate forum for evidence of that) and even though some people signed up through their rbpros site, I believe many did not (or never knew/did apply).

It's not that I feel PokerStars is non evil and FTP is evil, I just don't understand how/why he can make the opposite distinction.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:10 PM
I don't think the prediction would be accurate even if it said 2011. Pre BF the prediction was largely untrue.

Props for him posting that back in 2007, it was quite a bold prediction and if he believed in it, good for him to have sounded his thoughts.

I know I've lol'd at the prediction a few times over the years, but that's probably not the correct reaction in hindsight, even if it proved largely untrue.
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by agdci981
I think this is the first time I have seen something written by Brandon Adams that doesn't mention he went to and teaches a course at Harvard.

Originally Posted by hetero_flush
BA is a friend of mine and i trust what he says, he's told me the same things and he wouldn't lie to me
Cute, maybe u can wipe his tears for him too

Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
A "ruthless rake-gathering machine." As if a poker site would be designed for any other purpose. That's like accusing a business of ruthlessly profiting from the sale of their goods.
I know, good business is good. Sounds like B. Adams is jealous

Originally Posted by shoemaker
Sigh, this guy gets on my nerves.
I know right lol. The site he still reps hasn't even cashed out ppl and yet he continues to attack the competition for being effective and efficient while being the die hard fanboy to the end, how cute
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:19 PM
Jesse May's response today to BA's blog. Here's some:
You’ve praised Pokerstars’ “extreme efficiency” in paying out players, but that’s not really the thing that they should be praised for. What they should be praised for is that they said, “Here I am.” It’s one of the first things in the Bible, you know. If you’re not ashamed of who you are then stand up and say, “Here I am.” Pokerstars said you can call us, you can write, us, you can visit us in London or on the Isle of Man. We will solve this problem. Players with accounts were called, phones were worked, personal contact was made. The US Government has accused Pokerstars of breaking the law. But Pokerstars is head held high in facing up to what they’ve done.

Is it true that you, one of their representatives, a sponsored Pro loyal to the brand, in seven weeks have had nothing more than form emails from lower minions? Have you had any leadership from the “honest guys?” Has anyone?
Full post here
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:47 PM
i hope BA continues to take pot shots at pokerstars, because i find that incredibly amusing. we all need a little sunshine during these dark days.

ruthless rake gathering machine. hahahaha. thank you.

he can't possibly think it's prudent to still bash the competitor that has crushed his company in every arena except spending the players' deposits. so it's obviously satire. don't worry brandon, your joke hasn't been lost on me!
FTP Brandon Adams - Blog Quote
