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Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay

07-01-2014 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
i don't blame him - prob got 100-200k on the debt. He's in the hole pretty bad and it's not like he can just file for bankruptcy and move on from this.

Probably not. Definitely not. I'm pretty sure that the story involved Voulgaris setting Lindgren up with an account at an offshore sportsbook. The idea was that Lindgren would always pay because he had tremendous cash flow from Full Tilt. Voulgaris allegedly was an owner at this sportsbook and was trying to sell the company, so the more big players the better price he would get.

Well, things didn't turn out the way Voulgaris planned. Lingren didn't pay, and this allegedly had a negative effect on Voulgaris' attempt to sell the sportsbook, either compromising the deal entirely, or having the amount Lingren stiffed on being deducted from the final sales price.

In any even, things aren't always what they seem. Voulgaris isn't ever going to do anything for anybody without having some ulterior motive (like most of us all). He isn't just some guy who got hooked up with Lindgren and got taken advantage of, you know. There are always lots of moving parts when these financial geniuses in poker are involved.

Most all are involved in some type of affiliate, bookmaking, or sponsorship deals. That is where all of the money comes from....from the losers. That, and chasing businessmen around (somebody has to pay the bills).

Voulgaris may be one of the best NBA bettors ever, but nobody knows the real story, or whether it is a combination of betting and booking, or what. There is no doubt that he is likely the most knowledgeable NBA person around, as far as players and coaches are concerned.

He admitted this all in threads before. At the end of the day his debt was legitimate in a similar way that when bookie busts out a player over a period of time, and then the final payment is stiffed. Voulgaris took a shot to get some of that Full Tilt money, as he was still steaming from passing up on buying an ownership piece early on (he said as much). Sure, it would have been nice for Full Tilt to stay in business for a decade, and have Lindgren blow 20 million. But it didn't work out that way.

Whatever he thought was owed, he sure didn't get 100 or 200K. Maybe someone gave him 5K, but whatever the reason, Voulgaris washed his hands of it. To suggest that someone gave Voulgaris 100K or 200K for Lindgren's debt puts your post in the Hall of Fame, and it is not the good Hall of Fame.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by loggy
Probably not. Definitely not. I'm pretty sure that the story involved Voulgaris setting Lindgren up with an account at an offshore sportsbook. The idea was that Lindgren would always pay because he had tremendous cash flow from Full Tilt. Voulgaris allegedly was an owner at this sportsbook and was trying to sell the company, so the more big players the better price he would get.

Well, things didn't turn out the way Voulgaris planned. Lingren didn't pay, and this allegedly had a negative effect on Voulgaris' attempt to sell the sportsbook, either compromising the deal entirely, or having the amount Lingren stiffed on being deducted from the final sales price.

In any even, things aren't always what they seem. Voulgaris isn't ever going to do anything for anybody without having some ulterior motive (like most of us all). He isn't just some guy who got hooked up with Lindgren and got taken advantage of, you know. There are always lots of moving parts when these financial geniuses in poker are involved.

Most all are involved in some type of affiliate, bookmaking, or sponsorship deals. That is where all of the money comes from....from the losers. That, and chasing businessmen around (somebody has to pay the bills).

Voulgaris may be one of the best NBA bettors ever, but nobody knows the real story, or whether it is a combination of betting and booking, or what. There is no doubt that he is likely the most knowledgeable NBA person around, as far as players and coaches are concerned.

He admitted this all in threads before. At the end of the day his debt was legitimate in a similar way that when bookie busts out a player over a period of time, and then the final payment is stiffed. Voulgaris took a shot to get some of that Full Tilt money, as he was still steaming from passing up on buying an ownership piece early on (he said as much). Sure, it would have been nice for Full Tilt to stay in business for a decade, and have Lindgren blow 20 million. But it didn't work out that way.

Whatever he thought was owed, he sure didn't get 100 or 200K. Maybe someone gave him 5K, but whatever the reason, Voulgaris washed his hands of it. To suggest that someone gave Voulgaris 100K or 200K for Lindgren's debt puts your post in the Hall of Fame, and it is not the good Hall of Fame.
Actually, not even remotely close. 10-20% on the dollar is a fair price. Bit I'm glad you sat down and took the time such a well thought out piece.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:57 AM
Voulgaris seems solid as hell. I like how he outed Lindgren in the most neutral truthful way. It's gross how you make 250k a month doing nothing and then go broke and in the red
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 05:01 AM
i was wondering how can you lose so much at fantasy sports, but then i just realized that degens gonna degen
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 05:39 AM
So Haralbob has 9 pieces of people between 10% and 17% and was thinking about late regging himself? Where is he getting all the cash
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by 88keyz
Voulgaris seems solid as hell. I like how he outed Lindgren in the most neutral truthful way. It's gross how you make 250k a month doing nothing and then go broke and in the red
the (poker) world needs more people like him.
Originally Posted by Norfolk
So Haralbob has 9 pieces of people between 10% and 17% and was thinking about late regging himself? Where is he getting all the cash
along with being the end boss in life he's also an elite sports bettor. would not be surprised to find out he has several businesses as well.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Norfolk
So Haralbob has 9 pieces of people between 10% and 17% and was thinking about late regging himself? Where is he getting all the cash
He's been called "the worlds best NBA bettor" by ESPN Magazine and "maybe the worlds best sports bettor" by Nate Silver - he's the sharpest out there.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 10:54 AM
Hardly anyone ever mentions his major scam. He borrrowed 2 million from Chris Ferguson, and was accidentally sent the money twice. So, he kept the other two million and even when quickly confronted he still still kept it. It was never paid.
Is this just a rumor or confirmed by Ferguson or Lindgren? Very insane if true. Also, Ferguson was making a lot of money with his criminal activities if he can send 2 million twice accidentally
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by RoastMaster
Is this just a rumor or confirmed by Ferguson or Lindgren? Very insane if true. Also, Ferguson was making a lot of money with his criminal activities if he can send 2 million twice accidentally
I'm pretty sure FTP was operating like the federal reserve in that they could just digitize (don't call it printing) money from nothing and add to their balances with a few keystrokes.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by mumpfmampf
Not sure what´s supposed to be wrong with this attitude. He might pay off small sums right now and be broke again, but he might also play in a massive tournament that he´s most definitely +EV in and try to turn this into something that will both pay off his creditors in full and get his life back on track.

The chance of him cashing in this for any serious amount and his creditors letting him get away with it without being paid in full have to be close to zero. He will be in every newspaper in the world if he wins big and doesn´t pay them off so him being in this $1m tournament may actually be a very good thing for them.

I guess he could try and force most of the creditors to convert debt into shares in the One Drop at maybe 25ct on the dollar? This would obviously be a dick move, but some might take it ...
Why are we so confident that hes still +EV in 2014?

Erick Lindgren raised to 20,000 in middle position, Phil Galfond three-bet to 57,000 in the hijack, and Lindgren called.

The dealer fanned {j-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}, both players checked, and the turn was the {q-Clubs}. Lindgren led out for 80,000, Galfond raised to 190,000, and Lindgren called.

The river was the {a-Hearts}, both players quickly checked, and Lindgren showed {a-Spades}{8-Clubs} for a pair of aces. He was out-kicked by Galfond's {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}, who was pushed the pot.

"You had a value bet there," Lindgren told Galfond after the hand.

"Yeahhhhhh," Galfond said, stacking his newfound chips. "I didn't know whether or not I was going to bet."

Phil Ivey snorted with laughter.

"That was a sick needle," Lindgren added. "You gave me false hope with that check."

Would anyone like to defend his play of min opening A8os from MP and then flatting a 5.7x 3bet out of position, against Phil Galfond, 220 BBs deep?

I find it very tough to believe that someone who thinks the flat calling in the above spot is profitable is a great investment in the variance-filled world of tournament poker in 2014. More likely imo is the possibility that Lindgren, like many old school pros, beat up on weak competition pre-boom and has not had the discipline/work ethic/intelligence to keep up over the years.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
What is the benefit of calling him out? Is it going to make him act differently? If you want to tell/warn people not to deal with him financially, you don't have to be a douche at the table while he is there. You can do that **** in other ways or at the very least (if you must...) do it gracefully. If he personally owes you money, that is something you can take up with him privately.

When we played someone did call him out. The person who called him out ended up completely losing his head and getting a penalty.
To deter others from doing what he has done. If we send a clear message that our community will not accept or tolerate people who do these things then it will make further occurrences less likely.

Nobody said you had to "be a douche." You can matter-of-factly, clearly, and objectively inform others at the table that:

-He is a known cheater/scammer/thief
-He has not been totally forthcoming and repentant for his actions
-And therefore, since you are playing a game with money at stake(poker), you might want to keep your eye on him at all times

Do it with a smile on your face, don't personally insult him in any way, and just state facts imo.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
To deter others from doing what he has done. If we send a clear message that our community will not accept or tolerate people who do these things then it will make further occurrences less likely.

Nobody said you had to "be a douche." You can matter-of-factly, clearly, and objectively inform others at the table that:

-He is a known cheater/scammer/thief
-He has not been totally forthcoming and repentant for his actions
-And therefore, since you are playing a game with money at stake(poker), you might want to keep your eye on him at all times

Do it with a smile on your face, don't personally insult him in any way, and just state facts imo.
I don't think it's deterred Erik or Chino from playing in any tourneys
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 03:02 PM
I agree. The point isn't to deter Erick or Chino from playing MTTs; The point is to deter others from stealing/scamming because they see how poorly our community treats cheaters/scammers.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Why are we so confident that hes still +EV in 2014?

Would anyone like to defend his play of min opening A8os from MP and then flatting a 5.7x 3bet out of position, against Phil Galfond, 220 BBs deep?

I find it very tough to believe that someone who thinks the flat calling in the above spot is profitable is a great investment in the variance-filled world of tournament poker in 2014. More likely imo is the possibility that Lindgren, like many old school pros, beat up on weak competition pre-boom and has not had the discipline/work ethic/intelligence to keep up over the years.
Yeah, seems like he´s basically in the same category like certain guys who will 5x 65ss on the Button vs 12bb SB and call it off when shoved on. Oh wait, the guy who did this finished in second place ...
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 04:55 PM
Haraboulos is the man. He was a consultant to an NBA GM. Many people think he knows NBA
personnel as good as anyone around. I think a condition for him to get a job in the NBA is that he would have to give up sports betting which he doesn't want to do. NBA wagering is probably the toughest sports to beat due to all the public information that is available. It's hard to get an edge against the number in sides, totals, halftimes and quarters. College baskets are much easier because the guys who beat it know the conferences and players much better than the oddsmakers who don't have the time to study the hundreds of Div I teams.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 07:20 PM
Do fellow players at the tables ever call out people like Erick and Chino or is it just a case of polite silence? It seems like they are able to brazenly play without any hassle.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 07:39 PM
Would anyone like to defend his play of min opening A8os from MP and then flatting a 5.7x 3bet out of position, against Phil Galfond, 220 BBs deep?
You're forgetting the lead/call on turn OOP with A high no pair no draw. Or I guess he's just got solid reads and puts him on the flush draws tho.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Would anyone like to defend his play of min opening A8os from MP and then flatting a 5.7x 3bet out of position, against Phil Galfond, 220 BBs deep?
He has a serious gambling problem?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
i just find it disgusting that edog can walk around and not hear anything about how big of a scumbag he is. i dont necessarily think calling him out at the tables will help anything (doubt it will hurt anything either, most of the times scammers are either gonna pay or not pay and nothing will change that either way)

Someone called out edog in the 25k last year. Got reprimanded by TD and dneg came to his rescue
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 10:05 PM
Has any wsop representatives made any statements about how we can approach the scumbags of the poker world? If they (scammers) stop having it brought to their attention due to wsop "protecting players", clearly they do not have interests in mind---Especially in instances that it's so blatantly obvious and has been substantiated that they have done wrong and are not making efforts to solve it.

It's challenging enough as it is, in other industries they most likely would be criminally charged for the same acts and in poker everyone seems to be given a pass to act like a scumbag (if they are taking the lines of action) and have minimal repercussions for their actions.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-02-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by There Is A Light
Do fellow players at the tables ever call out people like Erick and Chino or is it just a case of polite silence? It seems like they are able to brazenly play without any hassle.
Another addendum to my long-winded post above. That's also a sliver of the poker population: those who know of his debts/activities, disapprove of it, but aren't the types who will get in his face about it. It might be a larger slice of the pie than we realize — I would guess that a good number of internet tough guys who say they would call him out are those who wouldn't do it if actually put in such a situation.

No, it seems like the most likely people to attempt some public shaming would be those on the rail (akin to ballpark hecklers). But anyone who has been to or played in these major MTTs knows the composition of the crowds. The railbirds are generally too out of touch to know what EDog has done, let alone be the types who would do something about it.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:15 AM
Where's the money lebowski?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by MarcoEsq
Where's the money lebowski?
The Dude(Eric) I'm not lebowski, I'm the dude

Random Guy: your Lebowski.............Lebowski
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-08-2014 , 04:19 AM
I heard eric lindgren owes $ all over town, to known pornographers
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
07-09-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by News777
Haraboulos is the man. He was a consultant to an NBA GM. Many people think he knows NBA
personnel as good as anyone around. I think a condition for him to get a job in the NBA is that he would have to give up sports betting which he doesn't want to do. NBA wagering is probably the toughest sports to beat due to all the public information that is available. It's hard to get an edge against the number in sides, totals, halftimes and quarters. College baskets are much easier because the guys who beat it know the conferences and players much better than the oddsmakers who don't have the time to study the hundreds of Div I teams.
Betting NBA is horrible. Knowing every player in the league is impressive, but if you're sweating a game, you can literally watch players quit in the 4th quarter. Regular season games are a joke. I could see betting NBA post-season with confidence, but regular season NBA games are a gambling s$%t show
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
