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Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay

03-07-2012 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Crockett616
Would it be fair to say that you are young and learned the hard way that a lot of people in general are scum, particularly when it comes to money? And you needed education on how the world in general is, not just poker world.

Hopefully you understand that poker players are no different from people in average, in good or bad, and you shouldnt be trusting with anyone when it comes to money. People may be your friends but most like themselves more than you when it comes down to it.

What you say is true.

However the poker world is a bit different. Especially for young guys it can be hard stay strong and not "help "people.

Sometimes you make friends with these charismatic people who are in reality nothing but conman. In the poker world youre guaranteed to run into this kind of person.

You dont end up giving them thousands of dollars right away. Theyre very sophistacated and smart and over time build trust etc. If they cant get money out of you they will steal it. Or building up trust over time offering you a stake when theyre flush or asking for a short term loan and paying back the next day ( this particular example is a tactic often used ) a few times.

It happens alot in the poker world, so many people owe and are owed in the poker world that you cant really say its the same as the real world. But yea one always should draw line when money comes into play. That rule in universal.

The equivalent to staking or loaning to a poker player or doing other buisiness in the real world would be bankrolling a buisiness. I think that in real world everyone would be much more reluctant to say the least and is usually thought through well.

The poker world is full of conman and if youre like me someone who only knew poker from TV and the internet you have a completely wrong picture of what kind of person some of people are.

I know many good guys who did the same mistakes as I.

But youre right its always the type of person who has like me a soft spot and likes to help people. I know people who would never lend money as well. And theyre right, Im one of them now.

Last edited by das_wunderkind; 03-07-2012 at 09:44 AM.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:02 AM
+1 to what RBK said. Can't see a reason for DN not to out the person owing him 500k.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by stormblower
+1 to what RBK said. Can't see a reason for DN not to out the person owing him 500k so that I can finish this jerk.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by stormblower
+1 to what RBK said. Can't see a reason for DN not to out the person owing him 500k.
Daniel already confirmed in the other thread that the person is Guy Laliberte.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:12 AM
cirque du soleil confirmed busto
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by IntellectualStoner
$5USD for a gallon is cheap bro... very bad example.
Its more expensive even down here across South America.
Non-sequitur warning.

We don't have $5 a gallon, and we never have.

We're at about $3.75 as a country right now ($3.45 where I'm at), and everyone here seems to think 1) it's a huge problem 2) it has a simple cause.

Like it is a problem for people because it's high relative to the rock bottom prices for gas we are used to paying and it's reducing purchasing power / weakening our economic recovery here.
But, if you wanna hear some of the most hyper-simplified logic ever employed, listen to our politicians talk about the price of gas.

Last edited by OMGitsCheddar; 03-07-2012 at 10:21 AM.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by idareyou

I mean words dont even....playing Bay 101 Shooting Star. Pic from
LOL @ TFT getting his Kessler on in the background.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by William Murderface
Daniel already confirmed in the other thread that the person is Guy Laliberte.
Is he not a billionaire?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:37 AM
"Old School," DWI or DUI was a joke.

You usually got off with a warning if someone else could take over the wheel and even if you were charged the penalty would be reduced to that of a parking ticket.

"New School," it's different. I guess the young don't understand the "old-school" culture, that's why they weren't amused when Layne Flack laughed about being arrested for DUI.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by William Murderface
Daniel already confirmed in the other thread that the person is Guy Laliberte.
DN hasn't even posted in the other thread

Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by MrBump
I remember that thread about EL not so long ago in fact where everyone was saying he was robusto / set up for life cos of his trust fund background, FTP deal, stables etc.

How things change
Yeah I remember that post. Makes you wonder who comes up with that fiction and what their motivation is.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 12:05 PM
the "vouching" system needs to be more in use so people with line of credits dont abuse them. "good references" arnt good enough in todays world imo.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by idareyou

I mean words dont even....playing Bay 101 Shooting Star. Pic from
So it looks like E-dog already busted out. No payback at the cage today folks. LOL!

Look at his wedding ring - halfway off his finger, ready to pawn!
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by idareyou

I mean words dont even....playing Bay 101 Shooting Star. Pic from
Isnt that Paddy Doherty the Irish traveller Erick is posing with?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by PelicanLaw
+1. She'll drop his arse like a bad habit and find the next loaded man.
She has a kid now, not gonna be so easy to find a rich man. So, E-Dog screwed over her too..
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by dealer4u
She has a kid now, not gonna be so easy to find a rich man. So, E-Dog screwed over her too..
nah, not really. so long as she keeps her body nice, she'll be fine. she only has the one kid - some people with $ prefer that as it makes it less likely there'll be a 'whoops' if I ain't bein' too subtle. but for the kid's sake and hers, hopefully they can work it out if it's worth it.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 01:42 PM
so the Guy Laliberte thing was a troll thing? lol ok.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by pineapple888
I'm not going to slog through all this, but it's baffling to me how so many people lack all subtlety of thought, and just lump everyone they don't like into one big bin.

Taking poker out of it, there are TONS of large, well-established, good-credit companies that take forever to pay their bills, many quite intentionally. I'm not saying it's necessarily good business, but they do it, because they can. If you want to be a supplier to these companies, you deal with it.

Then there are endless permutations of companies that are incompetent, cash-flow-negative, shady, outright scams, etc etc etc.

Basically, DN is saying is that, historically, Lindgren belongs in the former category. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not, or whether it remains true today.

But for people to say "ZOMG SCAMMERS THEY ARE ALL THE SAME WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING YOUR FRIEND!1!@!!!!!!!" is just intellectual laziness. Or innate stupidity.
Pretty much this. Good post.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by dealer4u
She has a kid now, not gonna be so easy to find a rich man. So, E-Dog screwed over her too..
too bad his dick didn't have any insurance
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Crockett616
+1 to everything.

I dont really like the way DN is always giving his opinions on this and that and claiming his sometimes very harsh attacks on people are because he says it as it is.
So what's your excuse?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by mozborgata
nah, not really. so long as she keeps her body nice, she'll be fine. she only has the one kid - some people with $ prefer that as it makes it less likely there'll be a 'whoops' if I ain't bein' too subtle.
Too subtle, please explain.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by murkmanz
Isnt that Paddy Doherty the Irish traveller Erick is posing with?
looks like calderon
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by limeaid
to all of you trying to guess who owes daniel 500k


You are the bottom feeders who crane their necks at car accidents and watch with glee when stars die from drug overdoses

Daniel was simply trying to make a point about not outing ppl... i bet he had no idea how pitiful most of your lives are
[X] guilty
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:29 PM
In the movie rounders if you don't pay your debt then it will snowball out of control and the russian mafia will come after you. Just curious in vegas if people buy up other peoples debt and go after them?
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
03-07-2012 , 02:31 PM
I believe what Mason said a while back that the inability of most professional poker players to succeed is tied to a lack of understanding of the underlying mathematics of the game. The best players are drawn to the biggest games, and I suspect that, at the highest levels, the very best poker players do not have much of an edge over players who are just "good."

A winning player needs to not only maintain an edge over his opponents, but also a big enough of an edge to make a living after paying rake to the casinos and taxes to the government.

Perhaps most importantly, a winning player cannot succeed unless he understands his risk of ruin and selects his games accordingly. It would be very interesting to have someone like Mason weigh in on exactly how big of a bankroll a "good" or even "great" player must have to play in a series of $10K buyin events with 600 or so players, such as the WPT Shooting Stars event, with say only a 1%, 5%, or 10% risk of ruin. Without doing the required math or analysis, I would guess that such a player would need a minimum of 100 buyins (that is, $1 million) just to reduce his risk of ruin to around 10%.

In other words, imagine that a great player has a $1 million bankroll and an opportunity to play in 365 $10K buy-in events in a year. I would guess that there is a 10% chance or so that that player will lose his entire bankroll that year. That's probably the underlying math.

I would also love to have Mason discuss the return on investment for such a player. Let's say this great player doesn't lose his entire bankroll, which would probably be the case around 90% of the time. How much will that player actually make in net profits (e.g., after rake, taxes, travel expenses, buyins lost, and so on)?

If this hypothetical great player has a 10% ROI, he would need to play in a lot of $10K buy-in events just to make a decent income. Also, there would probably be many years in which he would be in the hole for the year.

Understanding the math of the game is key, and it looks like all but maybe the very best-of-the-best understand that. The rest either have failed or will fail.


Last edited by RoyalCrap; 03-07-2012 at 02:49 PM.
Erick Lindgren Owes Over 0,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay Quote
