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Ebony Kenney Ebony Kenney

09-15-2022 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by trampled
She caters heavily to the crowd here and irl that will gas her up just for being 1/4 black by shaving her head and wearing excessive jewelry.
was curious about that if she was 1/4th or just going full rachel dolezal as i know she isn't 50% mixed with that straight hair.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:02 PM
Waits shes black? Thought she was like an amber rose or something.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
there's more than black or white people. This post is extremely racist.
Sure if you just ignore reality.

Wilful ignorance isn't usually a strong point of argument.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:34 PM
My only interaction with her has been dealing to her which I have done at least a dozen times.

My take is that when she is in a good mood (at least 10 out if the dozen plus times I have dealt to her) she is fun and made the game pleasurable to deal. However, the two times it was bad it was really bad. She actually criticized how I put out the turn card (claiming some players saw it before others as if it matters) and went on and on about how I was a bad dealer. Needless to say, those were the hands she busted out of a tournament and I am 100% sure her criticism had nothing to do with my dealing and more with the fact that she busted.

In other words, she acted like many other poker players (maybe a little bit more extreme). She was happy when winning and then moody when losing.

Black/white, male/female had nothing to do with it.

Could be good, even great, just needs to work on emotional control. That is a description of many players regardless of their sex/race.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by JimL
My only interaction with her has been dealing to her which I have done at least a dozen times.

My take is that when she is in a good mood (at least 10 out if the dozen plus times I have dealt to her) she is fun and made the game pleasurable to deal. However, the two times it was bad it was really bad. She actually criticized how I put out the turn card (claiming some players saw it before others as if it matters) and went on and on about how I was a bad dealer. Needless to say, those were the hands she busted out of a tournament and I am 100% sure her criticism had nothing to do with my dealing and more with the fact that she busted.

In other words, she acted like many other poker players (maybe a little bit more extreme). She was happy when winning and then moody when losing.

Black/white, male/female had nothing to do with it.

Could be good, even great, just needs to work on emotional control. That is a description of many players regardless of their sex/race.
This sums up a lot of players
The "putting out the turn" thing reminds me of a few passive agressive babies I play with. When they lose they'll make comments like this. Sadly they're entitled nits rather than people who will blast off.

It's actually amazing how there are people I've played with I thought were nice the first few times I played with them bc they happened to be winning who got really nasty once I saw them losing.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:55 PM
Did she really compare Doug to nagy.. that seems kinda OOL
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
This sums up a lot of players
The "putting out the turn" thing reminds me of a few passive agressive babies I play with. When they lose they'll make comments like this. Sadly they're entitled nits rather than people who will blast off.

It's actually amazing how there are people I've played with I thought were nice the first few times I played with them bc they happened to be winning who got really nasty once I saw them losing.
Sorry… my bipolar is kicking in!
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Just be way more likely to be killed by police or medical malpractice. Or be the half of the world that gets murdered and abused by the other half…”so easy”
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Just be way more likely to be killed by police or medical malpractice. Or be the half of the world that gets murdered and abused by the other half…”so easy”
Or just make posts with no factual basis other than what you see on CNN.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 06:04 PM
She has the same surname as Bryn. I don´t like her.

What I dont get is, why is everything supposed to have more "equality"? Who says Poker has to be 50% men, 50% women? Why do you need to push a game "to open up"? Who wants to play, plays. Simple as that. Or what is next? Women´s quota in every tournament?
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 06:32 PM
Women can start playing poker anytime they want. Problem is they're just not interested generally speaking. Same issue with chess. It's nobody's fault really, just how interests end up playing out.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrFabulous

What I dont get is, why is everything supposed to have more "equality"? Who says Poker has to be 50% men, 50% women? Why do you need to push a game "to open up"? Who wants to play, plays. Simple as that. Or what is next? Women´s quota in every tournament?
Agree. It is straight up insanity to push this marxist agenda of quotas. Women in general are not interested in strategy games and are not comfortable with risk.

OP is a simp, obviously.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
It's so easy for some people. Just be black and a female. Not saying he can't play but zero chance getting there being your typical online dude.
Yeah being a black female is the easiest life possible - what a fabulous take. Let me guess, you get triggered by the Ms Black America pageant and think there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 07:56 PM
You guys are getting off topic. Let's keep the affirmative action and racial debate out of this thread.

Anyone looking at the various Twitter threads about this subject? Very different conclusion than we are getting from this thread.

People are overwhelmingly on Ebony's side, and are bashing Joey as being a jerk who was unfair to her. Lots of people are insisting that any critics of Ebony are simply misogynists who don't understand the struggles of women in poker in 2022.


I really dislike when toxic (and often privileged) people hide behind a claim of oppressed status to behave badly. You just got a massive stake to play a huge event because of your looks and gender. 99% of poker players couldn't even sniff that opportunity, myself included. While women do sometimes get mistreated at the poker table, overall it's a big advantage in poker to be a female under 40.

While I agree that Joey has a weird obsession with hating Nagy/ACR, and it seeped too much into the interview, Ebony was obnoxious, unreasonable, and rambling throughout the controversial portion of the interview. The end was especially bizarre, when she quit the entire show because Joey wouldn't stop a FEMALE chat mod from using the word "bitch", even though the mod wasn't directing it at Ebony, and the mod apologized for it. Weird hill to die on, especially for a woman who calls her fans "Bad Bitches".

Furthermore, while this didn't get a lot of coverage, it's bizarre that she wears a vibrator around her neck, yet wants to be taken seriously as a female role model in poker. If she wants to get stakes and sponsorships by sexualizing herself, that's fine, but if you're going to take that line, you can't complain when people don't respect you. Imagine if a dude wore a fleshlight around his neck while playing poker. He would be derided as a pervert who makes women uncomfortable at the table, and dismissed as a weirdo. Yet we're supposed to respect a woman who wears a vibrator as a necklace?
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
You guys are getting off topic. Let's keep the affirmative action and racial debate out of this thread.

Anyone looking at the various Twitter threads about this subject? Very different conclusion than we are getting from this thread.

People are overwhelmingly on Ebony's side, and are bashing Joey as being a jerk who was unfair to her. Lots of people are insisting that any critics of Ebony are simply misogynists who don't understand the struggles of women in poker in 2022.


I really dislike when toxic (and often privileged) people hide behind a claim of oppressed status to behave badly. You just got a massive stake to play a huge event because of your looks and gender. 99% of poker players couldn't even sniff that opportunity, myself included. While women do sometimes get mistreated at the poker table, overall it's a big advantage in poker to be a female under 40.

While I agree that Joey has a weird obsession with hating Nagy/ACR, and it seeped too much into the interview, Ebony was obnoxious, unreasonable, and rambling throughout the controversial portion of the interview. The end was especially bizarre, when she quit the entire show because Joey wouldn't stop a FEMALE chat mod from using the word "bitch", even though the mod wasn't directing it at Ebony, and the mod apologized for it. Weird hill to die on, especially for a woman who calls her fans "Bad Bitches".

Furthermore, while this didn't get a lot of coverage, it's bizarre that she wears a vibrator around her neck, yet wants to be taken seriously as a female role model in poker. If she wants to get stakes and sponsorships by sexualizing herself, that's fine, but if you're going to take that line, you can't complain when people don't respect you. Imagine if a dude wore a fleshlight around his neck while playing poker. He would be derided as a pervert who makes women uncomfortable at the table, and dismissed as a weirdo. Yet we're supposed to respect a woman who wears a vibrator as a necklace?
She's a snow flake who wants to play the victim card while being way more priveledged than most.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 08:20 PM
She was on food stamps 5 years ago, but go on borg23...
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 08:48 PM
Confirmed nobody in the history of food stamps has ever played the victim card and were in fact privileged. Fish has a point Borg
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by philhell24
Agree. It is straight up insanity to push this marxist agenda of quotas. Women in general are not interested in strategy games and are not comfortable with risk.

Also, obviously women, in fact all people, should be treated with respect at the poker table and in the poker environment, but there is a definite cap on what % of women will ever be in the player pool, regardless of changes in poker room/operator policies, probably ~20%.

Ironically, for those whose standpoint is gender equality for women regardless of what field it is in and are possibly also advocates of measures such as quotas and positive discrimination, by far the simplest and most effective way of getting more women into the game, is to have tournaments where some of the regular cash prizes are replaced with household goods / white goods (fridges, freezers etc), or vacation or leisure prizes, or where such prizes are added to the prize pool.

This would probably be quite a cheap measure for the tournament operators to do because some of the prize suppliers would give the prizes for free or at a heavy discount in exchange for the brand exposure they are getting.

It is ironic, because it would be called a sexist measure by a lot of people, when in reality it is just subbing in or adding on prizes that most women would like to win.

An example of the way women themselves can have polarised views on the whole topic of women in poker, is that in a women's comp, I think in an EPT (maybe in London 3 or 4 years ago) and I think a £500 or £1K, all players were given a glass of champagne and a cake at the table on day 1, (or something like that).

A few players posted pics on Twitter of the table all having a great time, champagne glass in hand, however, a number of women on Twitter (and possibly a few men too) criticised it and said it was just patronising women and a retrograde step.

There are some obvious and harsh realities that advocates of pure equality for women and 100% nicey-nicey treatment of them in poker, are overlooking, i.e. that a significant portion of male players are just not nice people, they are not nice towards anyone and everyone, fellow players, male or female, dealers, and floor staff. Now, such players might be nice or okay people outside the poker arena, but in it they are not.

Male players have to put up with this, and develop coping mechanisms in order to survive in this environment and so do female players too.

I totally get that there are extra dimensions for women coping, e.g. that most women are easier for the bad guys in poker to physically intimidate than men are, and the crude remarks that the bad guys can make to women that are of a sexual nature.

But I come back to the fact that this is the reality of the arena of poker, similar to if a woman joins the armed forces, the fire fighting service, or even something like becomes an open outcry marker maker on a trading floor. Male aggression occurs in all of these fields, and in many more fields, and within the player pool / the workforce there will be some bad guys who behave badly towards all people.

Striving for equality, fairness, kind treatment by all humans to all other humans, will never change this, it may improve it a little, but that's all.

So if you're a woman and want to enter the live poker arena, you are going to have to have a very strong and resilient character to cope with what's in store, and/or devise and develop some clever coping skills and strategies.

Last edited by PokerPlayingDunces; 09-15-2022 at 09:26 PM. Reason: Grammatical corrections
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Nocturnity
Confirmed nobody in the history of food stamps has ever played the victim card and were in fact privileged. Fish has a point Borg
I spit mimosa out my nose
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingDunces
Ebony Kenney might not be representing anyone, apart from herself.

The OP may be assuming that she is representing women and people of colour.

What she has said is that in her experience and in the experience of many other women in poker, she and they have encountered a lot of sexist treatment and bad treatment. I never heard her mention colour, If she did, I'd be interested to see the link.

And incidentally, where exactly is there an issue with people of colour in poker.

And by colour, do you mean people of African / Afro-Caribbean / part Afro-Caribbean ethnicity, or do you mean all people of colour?

If your point is that some "under-represented" groups as you put it, are under-represented due to unfair treatment, rules or regulations that discriminate against them, or any form of discrimination then please state examples of these and which under-represented ethnic or of ethnic origin groups it is affecting and hindering.

What I have heard previously and which I do not dispute at all, is that women players are not invited as often or as easily into study groups, and about the mistreatment of them by some male players in live poker. I would imagine that the former extends into women finding it harder to get backers, but I am not sure about that part, as is could be counter balanced by some male players backing women players because they like the woman as a person but don't think it a financially +EV investment.

But what evidence is there that people of colour are under-represented in poker due to any or some underlying factors that are unfair or discriminatory?

Also, how much effect are the known factors that make it harder or less attractive for women to get into poker affecting the end results.
That is to say, that if there are ~7% of poker players who are women now, if all of the known factors were completely removed, would the figure go up to 15% or 30%, or to what?

Returning to the point about people of colour, Prahlad Freedman has a strong view on there being barriers to people of colour being more prominent and/or in more numbers in poker / top poker. I do nor remember his exact assertions on the topic. He went on to fund a poker training/coaching programme for people of colour and made some forecasts about its likely success. I don't know what the outcome of the training programme was or if it's still a work in progress.

My guesstimated feeling (I do not know for sure, it would need a proper detailed study by someone or a group to know for sure), is that the two most likely factors why people of colour (what I think the OP's definition of people of colour is), are not as prominent in poker as their group's occurrence in the general population, are:

(in no particular order, and these are sweeping generalisations, but sweeping generalisations over very large sample sizes do have some validity)

1. People of colour, for a range of reasons, some unfair lack of opportunity, and some cultural preferences, do not study in school / college / university in the subjects of maths, computer science and finance, as much as some other ethnic groups.

2. People of colour, primarily through unfair lack of opportunity, are on average of lower average earnings than some other ethnic groups.

Certainly there are some stand out players, Phil Ivey most notably, that one could say according to my 1. and 2. should not be a prominent poker player, but that is just one person. The fact is that people of colour (OP's assumed definition) are way less prominent than their percentage within the population.

Regarding point two, although it is of course possible and doable (although harder than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago) to move up the stakes from a tiny or even zero bankroll, it is still a fact that a lot of players, more so live than online, already have money to start off with. Even players who player a weekly $50 Sunday comp at their local room and maybe a 1/2 cash game after it, in the main are not in the economic group that are living from hand to mouth. So over a big sample size of people, a group that is worse off economically are less likely to get into poker, because of the lack of funding.

N.B. There are going to be many, many anomalies to my general points above, I could name a lot of anomalies to them myself!

Naming an anomaly is not a strong argument again the general points. I am not saying there isn't a strong argument or arguments against them, there may well be, I am just saying that citing single anomalies isn't really one.

P.S. I may have been reading too much into the OP's post, apologies if I have. I still stand by my general points though.
I'm not reading all that,I'm happy for you tho or sorry that happened to you
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 09:58 PM
For a so called confidence coach she seems overly sensitive.
Poker may not be for her if she going to be upset and uncomfortable about people staring at her,like Negreanu apparently did when they played together lol.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Waits she's black?
I honestly did not know E.K. was black.
I've seen her in interviews prior, I find her off-putting.
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by JimL
My only interaction with her has been dealing to her which I have done at least a dozen times.

My take is that when she is in a good mood (at least 10 out if the dozen plus times I have dealt to her) she is fun and made the game pleasurable to deal. However, the two times it was bad it was really bad. She actually criticized how I put out the turn card (claiming some players saw it before others as if it matters) and went on and on about how I was a bad dealer. Needless to say, those were the hands she busted out of a tournament and I am 100% sure her criticism had nothing to do with my dealing and more with the fact that she busted.

In other words, she acted like many other poker players (maybe a little bit more extreme). She was happy when winning and then moody when losing.

Black/white, male/female had nothing to do with it.

Could be good, even great, just needs to work on emotional control. That is a description of many players regardless of their sex/race.
not to offend her but if you've been around poker for years and you're still at the level she's at, she's drawing dead at becoming "great"

she could get lucky though, which some people nowadays seem to confuse with being great, which is kinda good for the game
Ebony Kenney Quote
09-15-2022 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
If she wants to get stakes and sponsorships by sexualizing herself, that's fine, but if you're going to take that line, you can't complain when people don't respect you.

Ebony Kenney Quote
