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Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass

11-04-2012 , 02:49 PM
If your a gambling addict you shouldn't be on 2+2. The ole saying I used to hear in AA was "if you hang out in a library long enough, your gonna read a book." Obv was a metaphor for why alchys shouldn't hang out in bars.

I also think there are more underlying issues with you then just "gambling addict". Seems you've just pointed to gambling as an out.

Have you ever been in a fight? You look like the type that would just snap and throw down and kick ass with psycho strength.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelWalksUSA
I'm Michael, the donkey pulling the cart. Good news -- you can now slander me to my face! @MichaelWalksUSA on Twitter, and Michael Walks America on Facebook.
Michael -
There's a difference between slander and criticism.
I don't think anyone intends to slander you, but harsh criticism ? Oh yeah.

It seems to me your walk is a tremendous waste of time in a pitiful search for attention. You say it's for a cause, but I'd think there are more productive ways to support your cause than wearing out shoes walking across the country.

Please, just get on with your life and quit whining. You've made some mistakes - Hasn't everybody ??? You've learned a lesson - Great. Now get off your ass and contribute to society.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
Michael -
There's a difference between slander and criticism.
I don't think anyone intends to slander you, but harsh criticism ? Oh yeah.

It seems to me your walk is a tremendous waste of time in a pitiful search for attention. You say it's for a cause, but I'd think there are more productive ways to support your cause than wearing out shoes walking across the country.

Please, just get on with your life and quit whining. You've made some mistakes - Hasn't everybody ??? You've learned a lesson - Great. Now get off your ass and contribute to society.
First of all, it wasn't a cry for attention. Two things: the guy who made this short (which is now a full length documentary with high production quality and none of the scripted/canned "whining" in it) sought me out. I didn't ask for this attention.

Second...contribute to society? Wait, let me get this straight. Me doing something healthy for myself, and maybe even beneficial for somebody else too, is LESS of a social contribution than playing poker? Is that what you're saying?
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelWalksUSA
First of all, it wasn't a cry for attention. Two things: the guy who made this short (which is now a full length documentary with high production quality and none of the scripted/canned "whining" in it) sought me out. I didn't ask for this attention.

Second...contribute to society? Wait, let me get this straight. Me doing something healthy for myself, and maybe even beneficial for somebody else too, is LESS of a social contribution than playing poker? Is that what you're saying?
1) Why walk across the country, and agree to being filmed, and start a facebook/twitter about it, and now get on 2+2, if not to get attention ? It's the producer's fault ?! Did the producers hold a gun to your head and force you to do this ? No, you're a publicity hound, pure and simple.

2) False dichotomy. There are other choices besides doing the walk or playing poker, neither of which are good social contributions. You may believe that seeking attention to yourself in this way is a great contribution to society, but I don't buy that. Degens gonna degen, no matter how many miles you walk or how many laws Congress passes. If you want to make a contribution, volunteer with Red Cross or something besides drawing attention to yourself saying "Oh look at poor me, the pokerz made me do bad things."
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelWalksUSA
Done. I quit in April 2010. I went back to school, and finished my degree. Next walk is in the works. Then I'll write the book Thanks for your input.

And here is my other skill/interest:
This is really impressive man, as a bit of musician/producer myself I can spot talent and hope you continue your passion with success.

There are a lot of vile people here with heavy handed criticisms. You don't seem like the type to let it bother you, but just don't fall into their negative baiting and attacks.

You've taken something negative in your life that was very destructive and learned from it, corrected it, and turned it into a positive.

Best of luck in your future.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
1) Why walk across the country, and agree to being filmed, and start a facebook/twitter about it, and now get on 2+2, if not to get attention ? It's the producer's fault ?! Did the producers hold a gun to your head and force you to do this ? No, you're a publicity hound, pure and simple.

2) False dichotomy. There are other choices besides doing the walk or playing poker, neither of which are good social contributions. You may believe that seeking attention to yourself in this way is a great contribution to society, but I don't buy that. Degens gonna degen, no matter how many miles you walk or how many laws Congress passes. If you want to make a contribution, volunteer with Red Cross or something besides drawing attention to yourself saying "Oh look at poor me, the pokerz made me do bad things."
You've never go running or to the gym to clear your head? He just went for a slightly longer jog.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tirppa
You've never go running or to the gym to clear your head? He just went for a slightly longer jog.
LOL, Yeah, it probably started that way. I just think it's now become more than that; he's getting off on the attention. That's not usually a positive thing. There's better things to do.

You know, we all do stupid things from time to time. You get past it and get your life back on track. Michael's done some of that, and I'll give him credit for that. It's just that the path he's currently on isn't doing the good that he thinks it is. It may even have a negative effect.

I don't know what he's trying to accomplish here. Lawmakers use stories like his to justify limiting people's freedom. The thing is, you don't solve people's addiction problems by passing laws. People have to solve their own problems.

The effect of Michael's walk and the publicity, I believe, will be to encourage bad laws like UIGEA. That's not a good thing.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
LOL, Yeah, it probably started that way. I just think it's now become more than that; he's getting off on the attention. That's not usually a positive thing. There's better things to do.

You know, we all do stupid things from time to time. You get past it and get your life back on track. Michael's done some of that, and I'll give him credit for that. It's just that the path he's currently on isn't doing the good that he thinks it is. It may even have a negative effect.

I don't know what he's trying to accomplish here. Lawmakers use stories like his to justify limiting people's freedom. The thing is, you don't solve people's addiction problems by passing laws. People have to solve their own problems.

The effect of Michael's walk and the publicity, I believe, will be to encourage bad laws like UIGEA. That's not a good thing.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
LOL, Yeah, it probably started that way. I just think it's now become more than that; he's getting off on the attention. That's not usually a positive thing. There's better things to do.

You know, we all do stupid things from time to time. You get past it and get your life back on track. Michael's done some of that, and I'll give him credit for that. It's just that the path he's currently on isn't doing the good that he thinks it is. It may even have a negative effect.

I don't know what he's trying to accomplish here. Lawmakers use stories like his to justify limiting people's freedom. The thing is, you don't solve people's addiction problems by passing laws. People have to solve their own problems.

The effect of Michael's walk and the publicity, I believe, will be to encourage bad laws like UIGEA. That's not a good thing.
Wow you actually give a **** enough to actually berate the guy for doing something that he wanted to do. Your govt doesn't let you do many things without it saying you are breaking the law but I am guessing walking is still legal. I don't agree/disagree with Michael on how he dealt with things, I don't actually have an opinion on it. However, I am of the opinion that he should do whatever he feels is right, as long as it's legal, without some jumped up internet geeks giving him a hard time for it.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by fix9
Wow you actually give a **** enough to actually berate the guy for doing something that he wanted to do. Your govt doesn't let you do many things without it saying you are breaking the law but I am guessing walking is still legal. I don't agree/disagree with Michael on how he dealt with things, I don't actually have an opinion on it. However, I am of the opinion that he should do whatever he feels is right, as long as it's legal, without some jumped up internet geeks giving him a hard time for it.
"Jumped up internet geek ?" SLANDER !!!
(Just kidding)

I'm sure he can handle criticism just fine. He's got a perfect right to do what he feels is right, as long it's legal. I agree.

That doesn't mean he's immune to criticism for it. I just stated facts as I saw it. If that makes me a "jumped up geek," well, guilty as charged, I suppose.

Last edited by plvekamp; 11-04-2012 at 09:11 PM. Reason: I did call him a publicity hound.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 09:33 PM
what were your screennames?

how much did you lose total?

did u pay your roommate back?

was there ever a chance you would actually be homeless and broke? (ie no help available from family/friends)

how did your walk raise awareness for gambling addiction?
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
LOL, Yeah, it probably started that way. I just think it's now become more than that; he's getting off on the attention. That's not usually a positive thing. There's better things to do.

You know, we all do stupid things from time to time. You get past it and get your life back on track. Michael's done some of that, and I'll give him credit for that. It's just that the path he's currently on isn't doing the good that he thinks it is. It may even have a negative effect.

I don't know what he's trying to accomplish here. Lawmakers use stories like his to justify limiting people's freedom. The thing is, you don't solve people's addiction problems by passing laws. People have to solve their own problems.

The effect of Michael's walk and the publicity, I believe, will be to encourage bad laws like UIGEA. That's not a good thing.
I'm here because I think it is important to raise awareness about problem gambling and gambling addiction. You can take that or leave it.

I have a Facebook page and a Twitter account for my next trip, which isn't for a cause. It's because I love the adventure, and there is a public interest in experiencing my trip vicariously through social media. Now, to be clear, I would be lying if I said I didn't want any attention at all. When you want to get a message out, you need an outlet. In my mind, the issue is the focal point, not me or my reputation. But I'm not going to debate the beneficence of my motives with a negative Nancy.

I made the comment about slandering me directly mostly as a joke. I just prefer people to say things like "the ginger was tilting me" to my face.

Yes, people have to solve their own problems. But when it comes to addiction, it's not that simple. The final cut of Drawing Dead goes into that a little a bit, and explains it pretty well. It even talks about the negative effects of UIGEA, which has very little to do with what I care about, which is education, awareness, and treatment for gambling addiction.

I appreciate your willingness to engage in this debate/conversation, whether or not we agree. You're right, I can handle the criticism just fine, and I don't think you're a jumped up geek (partly because I have no idea what that might be), but I like to have a chance to explain myself and to set the record straight. Forgive me if things I say are offensive; this is an issue I care about, and sometimes it translates to a flared ego on my part
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by sirswish6
what were your screennames?

how much did you lose total?

did u pay your roommate back?

was there ever a chance you would actually be homeless and broke? (ie no help available from family/friends)

how did your walk raise awareness for gambling addiction?
Screennames: I had so many names that there's no way I'll remember them all. Here's a shot:

...dozens more. I haven't thought about them in 2.5 years

The amount I lost is immaterial. I was suspended from two colleges in 4 years. If you count wasted tuition money, then all in all from ages 17 to 23 I probably lost 100k to 200k. But, like I said earlier, it wasn't about the money for me. It was a drug, and I got a high from putting everything on the line whenever I could, so I rarely had access to large amounts of money.

Yes, I paid my roommates back.

I raised awareness for problem gambling through the interactions I had along my trip. It was a pretty small scale. I didn't ramp up a lot of media attention before I left, and once I started, attention wasn't what I tried to get. I talked to people along the way, got a few newspaper articles here and there, and then spoke at the National Conference on Problem Gambling at my destination in Boston. I had a few people along the way send me personal messages about how I had inspired them to quit gambling. That gave me a sense of purpose, even if it was only a few people. I will never know exactly the extent to which I raised awareness about gambling addiction, but I think the Drawing Dead poker doc will do a pretty good job of that, depending on the scope of its audience.

No, there was not a chance that I would be completely broke, or homeless. My parents knew I had a gambling problem long before I did, so that was always a touchy subject among us. After my second college suspension, I knew exactly what was going on, so I admitted my problem. They were good at supporting me without enabling me, so when the time came, they were very glad to help me put gambling behind me. Today, I am financially self-supporting as an independent musician/contractor, busker, yardworker, landscaper, painter, and limo driver, but gambling isn't in the cards.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelWalksUSA
Haha, are you kidding me? Walking 20 miles a day is a dog's dream. They had the times of their lives. Every morning they would be up before me, eager to get moving.
You walking with those dogs was my favorite part of the vid. Dogs love to walk and they love to be with their owners. Glad for you that you were able to spend that time with them...sorry your life being out of whack was a precipitator of the event. You seem to be a talented musician.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
You walking with those dogs was my favorite part of the vid. Dogs love to walk and they love to be with their owners. Glad for you that you were able to spend that time with them...sorry your life being out of whack was a precipitator of the event. You seem to be a talented musician.
Thanks Sconcy, I do what I can I like to think that, in a way, my dogs saved my life -- or at least gave me one
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-04-2012 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelWalksUSA
I got a high from putting everything on the line whenever I could, so I rarely had access to large amounts of money.
Michael -

In a way, aren't you again putting everything on the line with your walks ?

I do admire what you've done so far; but it seems you're getting stuck in a not-so-positive rut with the second walk, facebook, upcoming book, etc. Would you be doing all those things without the media attention ?

I know you mean well, but I am afraid your story will be misused and misinterpreted by those in government who would deny everyone minor freedoms like poker just because they don't like gambling. Fascism starts small and grows. Please don't be their tool. Prohibition didn't end alcoholism, and the UIGEA didn't end gambling addiction.

If the only result of your efforts was curing degens, I'd be for it, but I don't think you'll accomplish even that. In my experience, it's hitting bottom and getting non-enabling support that cures addictions, not watching a documentary or reading a book. Sorry to be such a negative Nancy, but that's how I see it !

I enjoy this debate; I hope you do too... Criticism can be healthy. The short made you look like a whiny loser. I'm seeing something entirely different in your responses here.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 12:38 AM
Yes, it is putting everything on the line, in a way. That's a complicated philosophical question, but I sort of put it in the same category as putting your life on the line when you brave the morning commute in your car. Poker, for me, was all about the escape from reality into a dopamine dream world. Walking across America put me right back in the real world, and I felt alive -- REALLY alive. That's a good question, though, and I'm not sure I have a convincing answer...but I know it's not the same as putting everything on the line on a bad draw, knowing how good it will feel when my 2-outer drops.

I don't think my story will reach the government. I care about awareness/education/prevention/treatment, and the government cares about money. Neither the I nor the government (as an entity) have any opposition to people playing poker. The government will be happy to let you play as long as they get their share, and I want people to know the risks beyond the chips on the table.

When Drawing Dead is released to the public, you will see that it is not a film for or against poker, and while it briefly explains the psychology of addiction, it doesn't say that poker is a bad thing. It simply examines one case (mine) in contrast to somebody who methodically made millions (Dusty Schmidt's), and how online poker affected our lives.

I am not at all in favor of prohibiting online poker. But, when you buy alcohol, some of the money you pay goes to treatment for alcoholics. I think the same should be true about online poker, which can lead to problems much more life-threatening than drinking (i.e. much higher suicide rates). You might say that it is the individual's responsibility to make good decisions, but when it comes to addiction, morality is distorted for the addict. What is moral to the addict equates to what gets the addict high. Sometimes help from society (or government) is necessary, because a lot of times addicts can't help themselves.

I don't know exactly what the implications of UIGEA are, but from what I understand, it was backed by big casinos and tacked on to a large piece of legislation so that casinos could corner the market. Honestly, I don't care who makes money off of online gambling, as long as a small percentage of it goes towards awareness/education/prevention/treatment/etc. just like how it works with alcohol taxes.

Look, nobody in the government is going to see my story and say, "Gambling should be illegal because of what it did to him!" You don't have to worry about that. They care much more about the potential tax revenue. They will likely say, "Aww, poor guy," and then try to leverage online gambling so that it makes them the most money, and then large social justice groups will have to fight for years just to squeeze a few bucks out that will go towards awareness/education/prevention/treatment.

Kids learn about the risks of drugs and sex in school. Why not gambling, too? There are millions of people who have much more severe stories than my two college suspensions. If people learn about the risks of gambling beyond the money, fewer people will suffer later in life, because they will know more about what they are getting into when they place their first bet.

I agree that the only thing that's going to make an addict turn his/her life around is to hit rock bottom. Mine was relatively soft, but that was ONLY because the people who loved me were EDUCATED about what was going on, so they knew how to deal with me while I was gambling, and how to help once I asked for it. So the first step is to get the word out, one step at a time, and that's why I'm in this forum and that's why I took the opportunity to be in Drawing Dead documentary.

BTW, if you watched the 13-minute short, you will be pleasantly surprised with the final cut. You won't be able to see it until later in 2013, but watching the new official 2-minute trailer will give you a taste of its production quality and its unbiased approach
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
Not watched the doc but this is really good.
same here. and def agree.
very artistic music Michael.
What's that quote from Rounders? our destiny chooses us.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 09:42 AM

Music is great. I am sure you could earn a decent living from that. GL
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrBump

Music is great. I am sure you could earn a decent living from that. GL
Thanks That's exactly what I have discovered in the last couple of years.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 07:51 PM
Michael, if the music thing doesn't pan out, have you thought about being an addiction counselor ? It seems to me you'd be great at it. Maybe after you're done wearing out shoes ?
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 09:02 PM
damn micheal how u have access to 200k? wish you well on your journey
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by philmcneal
damn micheal how u have access to 200k? wish you well on your journey
I never had access to 200k. If you add up everything:

-actual gambling losses
-wasted college tuition

it adds up to somewhere around 100k-200k total over 7 years. It's impossible to add it all up because I never kept track.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-05-2012 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by plvekamp
Michael, if the music thing doesn't pan out, have you thought about being an addiction counselor ? It seems to me you'd be great at it. Maybe after you're done wearing out shoes ?
I have thought about it, but I am a musician by trade, and I'm sure it would work out if I put myself to it. The thing is, the most appealing career path for me is to street perform It pays better than most professional-level jobs I could get. Too bad that doesn't pay benefits...
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
11-06-2012 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
get a job

in before michael has $13 on FT, loses it and walks across Egypt
HAHAHAHAHAHA ****ing lost it at this.

Mike, your nice on that musical ****.
Drawing Dead: Documentary featuring Leatherass Quote
