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Does winning too much money make you foolish? Does winning too much money make you foolish?

10-06-2010 , 01:53 PM
Pretty decent thread, despite the hate. I found that when binking something biggish or even a upswing it promotes laziness as u stated. I've found that to be the case, especially when I shift up in limits, I donk a couple of buy ins then realise I'm nowhere near my A game, but its a hell of a expensive lession when u dont even properly learn it in the 1st place

Cliff notes: No self control in some respects.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:05 PM
easiest 'tl/dr , take your ritalin and go watch some tv.' ever
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:13 PM
I don't think neglect or or foolish bankroll management is increased or decreased by the size of the bankroll. I think the bankroll owner's decisions will be pretty much the same level of sane/insane no matter what size it is.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:24 PM
Thats a whole novel up there, I stopped reading after the 3rd or 4th paragraph.

But anyway to answer your question. Isildur is a very agressive player. Thus he has potential for higher winnings but also huge downswings. He probably didn't have any proper bankroll management. I heard the proper bankroll is about 20 times the min buy in for whichever stakes you are playing.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:29 PM
did not read but to answer the question Does winning too much money make you foolish?? I would bloody well hope so!!
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 10:23 PM
I wish I could answer this question.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-06-2010 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by PokerNemo
Only hs players play above their br?

more like 90% of the players and that makes them all foolish
gtfo u nit
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 12:44 AM
If you feel you need to spend money just because "you have too much" (which I dont understand how much too much is ) why not just donate to an organization of ur choice
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 12:47 AM
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 01:45 AM
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by coolnout
tried just becomes unreadable
lol honestly this
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by HomeAlone
When I read this Skjervoy comes to mind. He wins a few Buy ins at PLO500/1000 and now sits on 2-3 of those tables everyday. I mean I donīt know how big his BR is but just because you take a shot and win a few buy ins on the highest stakes doesnt mean "Ok now since I have had a good run for a few hundred hands I consider this to be my grinding it out stake" if you know what I mean :P.
I saw him buyin for 30k @ plo. doubled up. won a decent pot to get to like 90. then trippled up in a 3way like 20 hands later. obviously you don't understand what 100 hands in PLO can do

confirmed millionaire.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 04:43 AM
i read the OP btw and to save other peoples time its not worth reading. he basically goes on to make assumptions that CTS must have took a huge bankroll hit because of some stats he saw on HSDB and then extrapolates this into it meaning a lot of high stakes players are degens with their bankroll. he then injects a bit of anecdotal affirmation of his claim by comparing CTS and isildur to himself and how he moved up to 1k HU and donked off winnings at lower stakes all because he had dreams of being good.

cliff notes: OP not worth read and fishy.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
10-07-2010 , 09:19 AM
LarsLuzak is perfect example of this, guy kept playing the best at highest games available and pretty sure dumped a significant part of his lifetime winnings.
Does winning too much money make you foolish? Quote
