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Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint

07-20-2011 , 05:48 PM
I can't believe I read this whole thread. (facepalm.gif)

Originally Posted by dlk9s
Let's review:

1) Daniel Negreanu was chatty while playing poker with people who never thought in a million years they'd get to play with him.

2) He was affectionate with his girlfriend.

3) He asked if he could finish his conversation before taking a picture, the wait was longer than expected, then he forgot about the picture.

Sounds terrible.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Anybody who thinks this way would have never asked to have their picture taken with a famous poker player in the first place, Daniel or Barryg. Story doesn't add up.
ldo, because it's impossible that OP over reacted to what he perceived as douchery with his own display of douchery?
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:54 PM
OP, you are a loser, and people from Toronto generally suck.

BTW, I just wrote this on my HTC EVO device, which is widely acknowledged as a better phone than the Iphone4g.

The end.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:57 PM
how about next time you be interesting and engaging first instead of just asking for something right off the bat
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Snowman808
lolll its all about celebreties eh ?

Get a life seriously. No one gives a **** about celebrities here in canada.
What, not even all those Canadians upthread who were whining about how Daniel won't go and play in Canada any more?

They sure had me fooled.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:04 PM
Maybe Negreanu was coming back to give you a present. Did you not stay to find out?
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
^ is he not with Leatherman anymore?
During the Main Event coverage when Daniel was on the featured table, his new GF was on the rail and they showed her face a couple times when he went over to the rail to talk to her.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Negreanu/Leatherman split was fallout from Black Friday. She probably concluded that she couldn't use Negreanu as a stepping stool to her own fame/success anymore with Pokerstars losing the US broadcast market. She's probably chasing after B list celebs at this point.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:09 PM
Not sure why it's a big deal to get a photo. It's not that amazing that you would see DN and Barry in Las Vegas during the WSOP. Maybe if you unexpectedly ran into them at a bar in a random city it would be funny to have a picture to go along with the story. But this is kind of a dumb situation... and even worse to be mad at them for it.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by MF Jeff
So how did you know responses were requesting pics
That's what I want to know!
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by daxile
Truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:15 PM
OP's getting hammered... pure win!
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Felt Mountain
I didn't read any responses yet, just woke up and wrote this on iPad. I will post pics that I snapped sneakily while railing in the poker room of DN and BG for all non believers

Edit: will post when I get back to Toronto on my comp- took some pics on my iphone

You should probably read the responses (including one from barryg).

1) No one has requested to see any pics as no one is doubting your claim. There are plenty of pics of DN online if anyone wants to fap to one.

2) The consensus is that DN doesn't owe you anything and you sound like an entitled d-bag in your OP.

You interrupted the man's conversation, he asked you to wait and unfortunately he forgot about your picture so you decide to get pissy about it and take it to the forums. You're a child.

Last edited by Wires; 07-20-2011 at 06:28 PM.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:25 PM
No I'm not jealous of his gf. I can give a ****. He's a famous celebrity, he's expected to be with hot women. I was even saying to my friend a few days ago when railing him in wsop ME that it's his gf that's the lucky one. Good looking blonde girls are a dime a dozen. Negreanu built his own brand and is a millionaire.

I don't expect DN or any celebrity to be obligated to even acknowledge me let alone take a quick picture. But at least say no or let me down straight up. Don't roll your eyes at me and say 'ok' with no intention to do so, and leave me standing there like a moron in the middle of the poker room, then just walk off. Slowroll

I don't really care about taking a picture with any celebrity or poker pro for that matter(I grew out of celebrity crushing and all that stuff when I was 15). I just thought it would be cool and nice to have one considering I follow and watch everything high stakes and am in Vegas for a few days and haven't been in years. And figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, its a 2 second picture and who really wouldn't take 2 seconds out of their lives to do so..

I am in no way desperate for a pic or autograph from any poker pro- the funny thing is, my buddy and I saw almost every pro you can name on this trip to Vegas the past few days, casually walking the casino floors, or playing in the poker room. And surprisingly we didnt see a single person approach any pro for anything. (i started to wonder if its some kind of unspoken bad etiquette to ask for pictures from poker pros or something)

Initially, We didn't ask any to take any pictures with anybody we came across because we didn't care enough to have one and it didn't even cross our minds tbh- but then we started to guess which pros would have happily agreed, and which would have brushed us off - and DN we were like: for sure he would say yes-look how nice and down to earth he is on tv. Plus he's a PS rep. So it's good PR to be nice to any poker player
Antonious- we figured don't even bother, insta-no haha
Helmuth- maybe if we paid him a fee
Galfond-auto yes (passed by him walking through the casino twice-both times with no intention to ask for a pic-but decided if a third time came up, would def. Ask)
Huck seed- insta-yes
Elezra- 50/50

Anyways so when we saw DN shooting 1/3 with the regular joes, I figured, let's finally ask for a picture one time, he seems to have put out the welcome mat if he's playing at a 1/3 table chatting it up and drinking

TBH I think Greenstein would have insta agreed to take a picture, but DN answered on his behalf really, and after DN left us high and dry, I didn't even want to bother anymore.

KAB44- I mentioned I'm writing this on my iPad to justify why I can't post pics yet because I have no computer here, it wasn't a brag if that's what you're implying.

Anyways maybe I was a little harsh in what I wrote and maybe a bit out of line? And I apologize if I was- DN or any human being really have no obligation to anyone for anything-so nothing can and should really be expected. Why should anybody have to fake nice to anybody? I understand that.. Just a bit disappointed is all,

Really wanted to stay a DN fan though- kind of hard to after this experience though
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:25 PM
You railed a 1/3 game?
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:36 PM
with the exception of Robert Varkonyi, Daniel is the most likeable poker player in the world, I don't like this thread
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:44 PM
Oh well, just my thoughts.. Kind of turned off from poker in general now..
Don't let something like this discourage you from a game you enjoy.

There has been a ton of DN run ins posted everywhere and the people who are flaming are doing it because, well, it's rather easy to itt and given the said topic. Maybe not the best place (NVG) to retell your DN meet (or lack thereof) story, but I read it and appreciated it, thanks for sharing.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Felt Mountain

Really wanted to stay a DN fan though- kind of hard to after this experience though
What a whiny little kid you are. Grow up and stop with the nut hugging bs. Sounds like it was a good life lesson for you. Maybe one day you can look back and see why you got ignored.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by timeforheroes
You railed a 1/3 game?

Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:51 PM
This thread has gotten way too much attention IMO..
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:53 PM
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:02 PM
Felt Mountain,

You mention that you had previously been in Vegas, so one can presume you're an adult at this stage. As such, you're honestly better off not pursuing this or letting it upset you any further. Do not worry about posting pictures of people you saw in casinos as proof, I believe everyone acknowledges that your account of the incident was at least factual with regards to time/location. Posting pictures you took of random poker celebrities you took will only feed the fuel of those who are going to set out to abuse you over this.

Perhaps Daniel will reply however given the level of irrational, immature hatred some posters have expressed in this thread, he is more than justified in not bothering.

Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
with the exception of Robert Varkonyi, Daniel is the most likeable poker player in the world, I don't like this thread
I've played with both in person and Varkonyi was likable. However I've seen Negreanu be a dbag on multiple occasions. I've even seen Negreanu be likable and then later be a dbag which imo makes him even more unlikable. Super-serious disrespect for Negreanu...
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Felt Mountain

I don't expect DN or any celebrity to be obligated to even acknowledge me let alone take a quick picture. But at least say no or let me down straight up. Don't roll your eyes at me and say 'ok' with no intention to do so, and leave me standing there like a moron in the middle of the poker room, then just walk off. Slowroll

I don't really care about taking a picture with any celebrity or poker pro for that matter(I grew out of celebrity crushing and all that stuff when I was 15). I just thought it would be cool and nice to have one considering I follow and watch everything high stakes and am in Vegas for a few days and haven't been in years. And figured it wouldn't hurt to ask, its a 2 second picture and who really wouldn't take 2 seconds out of their lives to do so..
I know it's hard for the average person to have compassion or empathy and see things out of their own perspective.

If you had thought for a second how many times Daniel gets stopped whenever he leaves the house in Vegas, and saw him having a good time with his girlfriend, maybe you would have been considerate enough to leave him alone, especially when you didn't care about the picture that much in the first place? Do you see what you're saying?

"I don't care about the picture, but now I'm pissed that Daniel didn't treat me like gold, when I was rude and stopped him from living his life to take a stupid, pointless picture, for the umpteenth time, all so I can to show all my friends on facebook that I met a famous person, and now I can't like him anymore, or poker for that matter"

Frankly, you should like him more now for not being a phoney ******* and yucking it up with you, when he didn't feel like it. I don't blame him, you don't seem like someone I would want to shuck and jive with either.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
When I approached him at the RIO during a break, he wasn't even playing, just sitting there with a weird expression on his face. When I ask for a pic he very rudely and arrogantly said "Can't you even let me finish first? Get the f**k out of my stall!"

Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Can confirm OPs general story because a very similar thing happened to me.

When I approached him at the RIO during a break, he wasn't even playing, just sitting there with a weird expression on his face. When I ask for a pic he very rudely and arrogantly said "Can't you even let me finish first? Get the f**k out of my stall!"

Needless to say I was offended by his language and superior attitude but decided to give him another chance and waited outside the bathroom. But when he comes out, he blows right by me, ignoring his implied promise to take a post-s**t photo with me.

Instead he walks up to his beautiful girlfriend and starts kissing her. Being polite, I of course wait my turn. Only when he's finished do I start to lovingly place my tongue in her mouth. Thats when Daniel ruins the moment by yelling at me again!

He rudely rips my hand off her ass and starts escorting her down the hall away from me, treating me like I'm the a**h**e!

I don't care how famous you think you are, it's clearly rude to treat fans like that. To let him know that I start following them yelling "My taxes pay your salary! My taxes pay your salary!"*

The jerk then forces me to run to keep up with them, and that's when security gets involved. Of course, who do you think they believe, the starstruck out of town fan who just wanted an autograph, a pic, and a kiss, or Mr. Vegas "bigshot"?

Well, Daniel, I'm out now and I'm not going to keep quiet about your arrogant sense of personal space and inordinate pride in your abilities and girlfriend. May you burn in a hell for being so confident and successful.
he probably knew the kind of moron you are. i like him much more now.

btw, barry you are awesome.
Daniel Negreanu I am disappoint Quote
