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The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail

06-11-2017 , 06:41 PM
That's why my wife and I stopped going to the wsop the past few years. Place has gone way downhill, Jack Effel could care less about anyone except those '2005' stars from the early boom days(Luke is right about that). Jack is rude and mean and his gaggle of floorpeople are all the same. After reading this letter and what Luke posted on facebook I think I said wow at least 20 times. And the sad part is none of it surprises me in the least.

I don't blame Luke at all for not playing there again.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by super_dave31
Surely OP saying he could see their cards was the main thing? Unless OP exaggerated a bit
Super Dave !!! l love that screen name !!!! no, the main thing is that a player was being taunted continuously from the rail by the group of friends of another players at the table and bullied and intimidated by the WSOP management team.

Seeing a players hole cards from the rope when a milly is on the line is pretty amazing and can only lead to bad things down the road. Players are texting non-stop and I'm sure some people would use this as an angle if they could. Just amazed we could be that close to any WSOP final table that we could see their cards....

Last edited by Puckster; 06-11-2017 at 07:42 PM. Reason: spelling
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 07:53 PM
with all due respect, you need to drastically shrink that letter if you expect it to have any chance of being read by Jack
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 08:46 PM
OP: When Effel responds by offering to discuss the matter with you over coffee, like he did to me in 2014 when I emailed him regarding lack of crowd control issues, just say NO because you're wasting your time as long as crowds (business/ $$) continue to grow.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 08:59 PM
Rails should not be that close to the table. I mean we had a guy on the Partouche Poker Tour used this stuff to cheat. It's pretty simple.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 09:01 PM
The various reactions to this are great. But for all the "he's loud too so *uck him" views, there's a fatal flaw to the argument - he's *in* the tournament. He paid to be there, the spectators didn't. What's more, the rules are pretty clear. There should be a pretty simple thought experiment - if Daniel (or anyone else on the WSOP schedule committee) was facing the same abuse would the floor act? If the answer is no, fine no harm. But really, we all know that's not the case.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 11:00 PM
lol this is pretty funny that it was Slayer he has been crying non stop on twitter about it, makes a post on facebook saying he's boycotting the wsop, now says he will probably play the Main Event, goes on & on about how its not about the money yet right after says i'm happy & thrilled with my 9th place i have $80,000 in my pocket like he's set for life again, dude has got to be 1 of the most mentally weak players at the poker table if he couldn't handle being chirped from some phat chick on the rail lmao
dudes been embarrassing himself more than anything showing how mentally unstable he is & 1 thing he is right about though is the WSOP don't give a **** about him
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 11:21 PM
This makes Matt Affleck look pretty bad
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 11:26 PM
His diet does a pretty good job of that already.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-11-2017 , 11:27 PM
Isn't Vrabel the guy that pretended to be "Dana" (a hot chick) in order to get free MTT coaching from top MTT pros back in the day? That being said, no one should be getting bullied and harassed from the rail in any tourney, let alone one with a million dollars up top.

If it's true you could see a few players hole cards, did you at least give them a heads up to protect their cards a little better?
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 04:48 AM
Let's not pretend Luke Vrabel is some nice "kid" when he's a 6'4 man in his 30s. Here's a few snapshots of his twitter feed from the last 3 days. Some of the tweets have been deleted and some are still up.

Stay Classy Luke!
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 06:40 AM
Sorry mom(x100)
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I think I said wow at least 20 times. And the sad part is none of it surprises me in the least.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 11:17 AM
Regardless of who this happened to, I think if anyone else was in the same situation they would also be highly upset/angry with the whole situation. If other players rail are practically berating someone the floor should be on top of that instantly, At any other casino I feel like they wouldn't even be given a warning before getting tossed.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 12:11 PM
Luke stated that this wouldn't have happened if it was one of the 2005 superstars. He's right. However, he's also missing another crucial ingredient. This also wouldn't have happened to someone with a good reputation.

I'm not saying what happened to Luke was right, or even fair. I'm just saying, sometimes we reap what we sow, and it looks like a rogue tournament official (Jason) decided to make Luke's situation worse because he didn't like him. Again, it wasn't fair, but it goes to show that in life, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Luke admits that sometimes he acts like an ******* at the table, but now that big money was on the line, he wanted to be treated fairly. He deserved to be treated fairly, but didn't get that fair treatment because of his prior history as an *******. He can either learn from this harsh and expensive lesson, or continue with his rant about being a victim.

I know this is a slippery slope, and I see the arguments as to why this wasn't Luke's fault....but come on....If he were a sweetheart at the table, this wouldn't have happened.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 01:06 PM
Jack Effel really should make some sort of a statement about this. The incidents seem to get worse every year and the favoritism shown towards 'name' players by the floor is pretty bad, he's right when he says this would never happen to Negreanu/Ivey/etc if they spoke to the floor about being heckled from the rail.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 01:32 PM
There's something called etiquette in poker and the rail should have some degree of that too -- much like golf, bowling, chess, etc. Crowd stays silent and watches as move is being made and can cheer afterwards.

With what the WSOP tried to employ to keep the integrity of the game after Kassouf's stalling last year, this should higher on the priority list. Rail's obnoxiousness and harassment towards a particular person should not be tolerated regardless of the personality (need more logical staff on the floor instead of individuals who base decisions on emotions).

Oh yea, train your dealers ahead of time too.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 01:56 PM
OP good on you for submitting your comments to Jack Effel for consideration, but if you really want him to read it you should cut out about 75% of your letter and stick to the salient points and skip the page(s) about how you so love the WSOP.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by TreadLightly
This is a more thought out post than vraebel (slaymericas) thread the other day telling us he is better at poker than we ever will be, that he sleeps with more women, and a host of insults while saying he was not out of line at all in the encounters and how the TD not siding with him in telling the spectators to be quiet cost him hundreds of thousands in equity
(thread got locked and he got banned within like 20 mins for spam posting insults and how he is a major victim in the situation and never playing wsop again)

Still unsure how someone expects absolute silence while playing a final table with spectators and fans watching at the WSOP in a casino What should the TD do? Kick them out for cheering ? Say the princess at the table requests they leave and call security?
I have undeleted but locked the Vraebel thread so everyone can read his post on this topic:

Here is his post:

Originally Posted by Slaymerica
this will be a long post ... u guys know who i am. i couldn't find my account from back in the day but it was kramerica. I am luke vrabel aka bdbeatslayer aka kramerica aka dana. I final tabled the colossus this past weekend at the WSOP and i will never play another tournament there unless the floorman who mistreated me is relieved of his duties. If u want you can read the whole story on my twitter but i will share the cliffs here :

10 left in the colossus. the floorman named jason is running the show. he had already been combative and rude to played on multiple occasions that day, but thigns had been going well and i was having a blast. The rail was getting rowdy and loud and a specific group of mcmatto's rail were being loud directly next to me where i was playing. i asked the floorman to plese ask them to be quiet. he did so and they said the would be. 10 minutes later they were being loud again, so i myself asked tyler patterson and some other **** boys i didnt recognize to please quiet down... they made some jokes about how loud i am and i said im PLAYING IN THE TOURNAMENT. tyler said "you're right" and i thought they'd be respectful.

fast forward a few minutes later they are right back to being obnoxious... if u guys know me im loud and i dont take **** from anyone. i shoot up out of my chair and i say to this floorman jason "please have these people removed" they will not stop distracting me ... to this jason says "put your headphones on if it bothers you. " im in shock at this point, my anger is palpable. i go on a rant about how ridiculous it is, i say i want to see his supervisor. all the while, his rail continues to antagonize and laugh at me. I say this is riduclous, these ****in people arent even in the tournament and he says to me "if u don't sit down and calm down im calling security on you".

here i am playing for 1 million dollars ... the biggest moment of my wsop career by a long shot, and this guy is siding with spectators. but it doesnt end there, jason claims they are doing nothing wrong and that im out of line. he calls security and has them flanking me at the table, allowing the whole time for matt affleck's ugly ass girlfriend to continue antagonize me. i say to the floor "your allowing this" i asked her" please do not speak to me" still no one does anything.

finally on break, over heard by multiple people some says "hey floor why dont u do your job"

he says, and i quote "that guys an *******" referring to me. I'm seething at this point, i can barely think straight ... 4 straight days of playing poker in this disgrace of an event and this floor is starting a fight with me, allowing this cow and her whack ass cry baby boyfriend antagonize me... im beside myself. at the end of the night after we finally bag up i go up to him and say "hey, are u going to call me an ******* to my face?" he denies doing it, THREATENS TO GIVE ME A PENALTY IF I TALK TO HIM AGAIN going into the final table, when i have 8 big blinds.


wsop floor jason is scum
read my twitter
they victimized me while i was playing biggest live situation of my life
i will never play at the wsop again
read my twitter
**** you mcmatto u cry baby ***** and ur ugly ass girlfriend

oops there i go again ...

Last edited by R*R; 06-12-2017 at 02:14 PM.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 02:20 PM
I have no clue who any pros are, follow none closely, and find none interesting, but from what I read here it sounds like this guy has some what of an abrasive or "bad boy" image he tries to promote through his social media feeds or poker table persona and if you do this sort of thing and can't take being chirped from the cheap seats you should just retire all your social media accounts or the image that is causing you to take all this flak. That being said, I do think the WSOP should remove any onlookers that are overly obnoxious, and also take into consideration anything the other remaining contestants say. Like, if I'm at a final table (which will never happen because I suck) and I see a scum bag like Chris Ferguson or Howard Lederer getting chirped, I'm going to argue to let the chirping and harassing go on because these two guys are getting what they deserved. If someone completely innocent is getting chirped I'm gonna be asking security to have the chirper be removed as well.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 02:37 PM
It's a shame the letter from OP is so wordy. You could have stated your thoughtful and correct position in two paragraphs and have eliminated your bona fides as someone who cleans out the gift shop when they visit the Rio.

Regardless of whether the player in question is a complete dick on social media, spectators should not be allowed to just start shouting insults at players making decisions for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Effel and his crew are supposed to be the grown-ups in the room but sound as if, again, they are not acting that way.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by grdred944
It's a shame the letter from OP is so wordy. You could have stated your thoughtful and correct position in two paragraphs and have eliminated your bona fides as someone who cleans out the gift shop when they visit the Rio.

Regardless of whether the player in question is a complete dick on social media, spectators should not be allowed to just start shouting insults at players making decisions for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Effel and his crew are supposed to be the grown-ups in the room but sound as if, again, they are not acting that way.
No. In this day and age there is a consequence for your actions on the internet and social media. If you run your mouth, expect to be chirped back at, if you want the "ship it holla balla" follow me online poker celeb status and "bad boy" is your brand, you can't cry when you get chirped whether you have 5bb or 100bb. You have now opened yourself up to having to master how to handle a rowdy crowd. But, I would agree that the rowdy crowd should not get to be five feet away from you. That's a little too up close and personal. Also, the floor should not be calling you an ******* either, if that happened that was also unprofessional.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 03:03 PM
Someone's social media persona is irrelevant.

There should be some kind of written (or unwritten) standard of behaviour from the rail. Lots of cheering, congratulating and celebrating is fine after a hand is complete, and to a lesser extent during a hand if all players in the hand cards have already been turned face up.

But if railers are actively damaging the integrity of the game by deliberately needling, berating or distracting a specific player or players during hands or persistently in between hands then they are being an unfair outside influence on the game.

I respect Luke for taking a stand and for those such as the OP that are backing him up.

Unfortunately most of the poker industry is to this day still run like the ol' Wild West, with very little proper regulation or recognised governing bodies so boycotting an organisation or complaining about them as an individual or as a small group is likely to have no effect on them and in fact will probbaly serve to if anything harden their stance.

Poker operators under all banners and brands are still to all intents and purposes running gambling dens of iniquity and with this the poker playing environment is inhabited by a not insignificant proportion of people, players and officials alike, who shall we say are not the best all around people in society.

Consequently in live poker one should expect to have to deal with all kinds of cr@p from many poker players, organisations and administrators that you would rarely come across in most other organised activities.

I'm sure Luke Vraebel is as aware of this as the next man, but it's also understandable that when he was confronted out of the blue with some unacceptable and unfair rail behaviour in such a massive ICM tournament situation for him that it caught him off guard.

If he'd had say 50+ BBs then it would have been much easier for him to stay totally tight lipped and shut the rail up by busting the player(s) they were supporting but with only shove/fold chips I can empathise with him that him requesting at least a reasonable amount of quiet was super important to him as being able to study his opponents' every tiny physical, emotional and verbal move was crucial when his next play would likely have an immediate ICM value swing of ~$100K to $150K for him.

Bricks and mortar poker floors favour the known/famous/reg players in virtually all venues, and it is wrong IMO wherever it happens, but at such a prestigious event as the official World Championship of poker, one would hope that all players playing in this great and iconic event would be treated evenly.

I also hope that Luke Vraebel and Jack Eiffel can make this up between them privately through correspondence so that Luke can play in the WSOP again and so that the WSOP themselves can make some small adjustments to improve the playing experience for all players.

I have never met Luke but from what I know he very much wears his heart on his sleeve, can be a hot head at times, but is also a nice person at the same time. Hopefully the WSOP will recognise this and shake hands with him so that he and the official can make up on all sides. It is probably also not always easy for officials to act perfectly in every situation but it would be easy for an official to offer an olive branch to a player who perhaps was on the wrong side of a situation or a ruling.

It's just a game folks, so not good when anyone walks away feeling unhappy or wronged.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 06-12-2017 at 03:13 PM.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 03:05 PM
I might have been a little more concerned for Luke after reading his post, but instead i just spent 20 minutes trying to find pictures of Matt Afflecks girlfriend.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
06-12-2017 , 03:08 PM
Couldn't have happened to a better person.
The Colossus 2017 Failure  My report from the rail Quote
