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Cheating Ring Detected. How to catch "the Slug." Cheating Ring Detected. How to catch "the Slug."

07-16-2011 , 11:28 AM
bolivian is clearly the combination of the words 'bovine' (having qualities or characteristic of oxen or cows) and 'Livian' (an unpopular name for a girl which I just googled to make sure actually existed)

definition: cow girl

Whenever I think of Johnny Hughes, I imagine a cowboy who frequents western saloons. I'm sure he's come across many bolivians in his day.
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07-16-2011 , 12:11 PM
I thought of starting a new thread to have a Photoshop contest. I'd offer a $40 prize. Bart Simpson yelling at a cloud is excluded.
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07-16-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by bigtonyk1234
home games are the games that most, not all, cheating occurs. everyones drinking, late at night, lets raise the stakes, everyone gets to deal, drink accidentally spills for diversion, badda bing badda boom, cooler is in. game set match, all in one glorious hand. omfg, what a river !!! beware in home games. no camera to rewind to see what happened. homes and hotel rooms and suites have no surveillance. tk
That's when you jump over the table and choke that **********er!
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07-16-2011 , 01:43 PM
This is a fairly naive scam. The casino will notice immediately if a dealer loses money on a regular basis then its just a matter of time until they figure out how.
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07-17-2011 , 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=Quench;27644463]This is a fairly naive scam. The casino will notice immediately if a dealer loses money on a regular basis then its just a matter of time until they figure out how.[/QUOTEdealers

dealers are not tracked individually. it would be a massive undertaking. if a certain dealer is suspected of something then he or she is reviewed by the surveillance department .
Cheating Ring Detected. How to catch "the Slug." Quote
07-17-2011 , 07:05 AM
[QUOTE=Quench;27644463]This is a fairly naive scam. The casino will notice immediately if a dealer loses money on a regular basis then its just a matter of time until they figure out how.[/QUOTEdealers

dealers are not tracked individually. it would be a massive undertaking. if a certain dealer is suspected of something then he or she is reviewed by the surveillance department . all tables are filmed 24 hours a day but dealers rotate because of breaks and closed games.
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07-17-2011 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by ChaosReigns
Funny how other former road gamblers have said cheating was common, but I guess Johnny knows best.
They all cheated and they all had guns and today we have cameras and security teams but like you said, Johnny knows best.
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12-14-2011 , 08:50 PM
hi johnny----thought i would resurrect this thread because i just watched an movie on tv called shade. nice card work done in the beginning and the end of the movie that might interest some of the people who play home games. i didnt like his shuffles when he is holding multiple breaks but other work is very smooth. also read where the most recent dice teams have attacked the wynn and a few other big resorts. one of the worse places these rsorts are tryig to save money is in the dice pit. no boxmen anymore. the first line of defense for the casino is the boxman. no matter what happens on the game the scam has to go thru him. player scam, dealer theft (subbing , handing off, overpays, miscalls etc etc ) have to go thru him or her. dice switch, scooters, misspots. flats, etc etc have to go thru that person. enter a brilliant accountant that shows how they can SAVE money. eliminate the box. id rather eliminate the floor !!hes usually hawking the cocktail waitresses anyway. so wynn gets scammed for 700+k. BUT ----we didnt have to pay a boxman. stick a fork in me im done. johnny, lets do lunch one day. my treat. tk
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12-14-2011 , 09:48 PM
In 30 to 40 years will we have a bunch of guys posting about how "back in the day people used to use bots to cheat online?"
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12-14-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by DeathAndTaxes
A reason to require auto-shufflers. The use of a "professional" dealer rather than rotating the deal makes cheating more difficult as it requires co-operation of a dealer but the dealer is still the "weak link".
it's actually a little difficult to place cards in the deck when you are muck shuffling a deck.
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12-15-2011 , 12:35 AM
Put me in the INBREAD category. If it weren't for the likes of Johnny/ Tony... this poker forum would be my first read after I had read the complete Hardy Boys series 666 times. these the Hardy"ll be better for it.
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12-15-2011 , 02:08 AM
Speaking of home game piece of **** cheats I have a question...

If there is a cut card, how difficult is it for a scumbag to manipulate a deck if the person behind is cutting onto the cut card?

If false cutting etc in this case is possible, could some one please give some pointers on what to look for?

Im assuming that a second deal is the only thing possible provided the top card is a nice one.
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12-15-2011 , 02:12 AM
I know of a local small stakes homegame where they caught a guy rigging decks. All they did was ban him.
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12-15-2011 , 04:19 AM
Another solid post by Johnny Hughes. It's good that people find out about such things.
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12-15-2011 , 04:38 AM
can you demand a dealer to re-shuffle the deck?
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12-15-2011 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by IseizeDeadMonies
If there is a cut card, how difficult is it for a scumbag to manipulate a deck if the person behind is cutting onto the cut card?

If false cutting etc in this case is possible, could some one please give some pointers on what to look for?
Im interested too in this... I guess someone could always tap the deck. I know someone that does this as 'his thing'.
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12-15-2011 , 09:06 AM
If there's a cut card, it makes things more difficult, but it doesn't make anything impossible. You can still deal the bottom card. You can still peek. You can stack. You can force or reverse the cut. It just takes more effort.

There's a lot of BS slung around message boards like these about what is and isn't possible. Your best bet is to ignore all the internet nobodies and get materials to educate yourself from experts. Steve Forte's books and videos are good for starters and show you more scams than you can think of, and what to watch out for and how to protect yourself.
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12-15-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
I thought of starting a new thread to have a Photoshop contest. I'd offer a $40 prize. Bart Simpson yelling at a cloud is excluded.
Awesome, cause i have this cool picture of abe simpson yelling at a cloud.
Cheating Ring Detected. How to catch "the Slug." Quote
12-15-2011 , 11:14 AM
I love it when some ignorant broke posts his hatred of me, and it is packed with obvious lies, such as:

2 - handful of responses consisting of 95% people making fun and 5% fellow inbread hicks saying "goshdarnit ah love yer threads jawnny!"

That would say 19 of 20 discourage me from posting. Go to any thread and count the positive versus negative. The positive guys often post short, supportive commments. The haters have to lie and drone on. Can any totally uneducated person who is bitter and negative upset me?? Of course not, I have put up with suckers a long, long time.

As Amarillo Slim said, "If you are gonna be a sucker, be a quiet one." He is saying that anyone that likes my writing is a "fellow inbred hick." They insult all the people that like me because they are poor readers, and worse as thinkers.
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12-15-2011 , 11:23 AM
For my next book of collected writings which will come out who know when, I asked some big wheels in poker that have been supportive of me in the past to do comments and give me reviews to use on the back cover, Amazon copy etc. I have them from Doyle Brunson and Crandell Addington from the Poker Hall of Fame, Anthony Holden, author of Big Deal, and President of the International Poker Federation, Nolan Dalla, author and Media Director of the World Series of Poker. They rave about my writing and poker history. I accept their opinion way more than petty haters.
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12-15-2011 , 12:18 PM
Please just don't read Johnny's threads if you don't like. A lot of people (including me) enjoy these "ramblings" about old time gamblers with weird nick names, hustles and gun fights. Especially like the intense Nick the Greek vs Johnny Moss debates and bashing of Jim McManus the bad, lazy and cheating poker historian. It may also be good to get these stories some publicity, because it may attract more recreational players to gamble their money away at the tables.
Cheating Ring Detected. How to catch "the Slug." Quote
12-15-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
For my next book of collected writings which will come out who know when, I asked some big wheels in poker that have been supportive of me in the past to do comments and give me reviews to use on the back cover, Amazon copy etc. I have them from Doyle Brunson and Crandell Addington from the Poker Hall of Fame, Anthony Holden, author of Big Deal, and President of the International Poker Federation, Nolan Dalla, author and Media Director of the World Series of Poker. They rave about my writing and poker history. I accept their opinion way more than petty haters.
Just recently discovered your posts and love them!! I'm not sure what the history is with some of the same people that post in all your threads trying to discredit/derail but I, for one, have loved reading them. Probably the most interesting read in NVG by far.

Keep up the good stories! Very entertaining.

PS....not an "inbred hick"
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12-15-2011 , 01:41 PM
There is enough information for an amateur historian like myself to be drawn to these threads, but Johnny's rambling does not help the readability. If my desire for Johnny to not ramble so much makes me a "hater" so be it.
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12-15-2011 , 02:06 PM
steve forte is one of the very very best.get his cd's to watch if you want a real education in what can be done. there are a few people who can deal undetectable bottom seconds to get around the cut card. there are people like steve, allen ackerman, and others that will spend thousands of hours on a move. theres an old story about a father telling a son, if a guy comes up to you and wants to bet you he can make the joker come out of the deck and squirt cider in your eye, dont bet him, because you're sure as hell going to wind up with an eye full of cider.....
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12-15-2011 , 04:17 PM
Sage advice Tony K. Having you and Johnny Hughes in the same thread is a privilege.

Johnny you are one of the main reasons that many of us still bother with NVG. Immature and unaccomplished punks will always hate on people of your stature, and perhaps a few of the kids hating on you now will be so fortunate to make enough of a name for themselves to one day receive the same taunts by future generations.

I still love your idea for a Johnny Hughes writing-style contest (it would no doubt be hilarious and an epic), and hope that you'll do that before the drawing prize.
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