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Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP

12-02-2011 , 12:33 PM
is it safe to change the thread title yet?
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:33 PM

and a little offensive that he thought so little of us that creating fake testimony would work.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
BAHAHAHA Awesome made my day
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by tarheelbluez
is it safe to change the thread title yet?
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
Has this person ever operated a computer before? From the amount of scrutiny he is already receiving how could he possibly thought hed get away without an ip check on that obvious fake garbage. This is disgusting at best. Don't worry Jack, there's a nice little spot in the far corner of Hell for people like you.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
No ****ing way this guy is that stupid. I can't even believe it.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by 1outter
No. Dude was just doing his job. It was a job that he was to earn a specific hourly wage. I'm sure he has bills to pay.
Just because you WORK for a 'charity' doesn't necessarily mean you are donating your time. Stop using "cancer patient" as a crutch. Dude put in the hours producing a product and deserves to get payed for it.
I understand your point. However, the moment 'dude' reaches into the donations he collected from people and steals them for his own personal use, he becomes a scumbag. 13 year old Cameron didn't dump out his piggy bank so 'dude' can pay his bills. If he has access to the collected funds, it's quite clear to a logical person that he is stealing them pretty damn quickly after they were donated. How could he be 100% sure he wouldn't be paid his hourly wage?
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
No ****ing way this guy is that stupid. I can't even believe it.
Sad but true.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
Meanwhile, back at UCARE HQ...
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:03 PM
I would LOVE for him to come back itt and explain what he was thinking.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
No ****ing way this guy is that stupid. I can't even believe it.
well he can't be that dumb, he's set up a pretty extensive scam the last couple of years after all. obv in bats**t panic mode now.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:05 PM

Just read this thread the whole way through, and all I can say is well played 2p2 detectives.

Guy is an absolute scumbag and deserves to rot in hell, posting with a fake account like that beggars belief.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:06 PM
Cmon someone put the popcorn gif in here!!! I cant wait for 60 minutes to interview us. Rot in hell jack. Or in prison
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DRybes
Yeah. I still think people in the first 60-80 posts were too quick to say "scam, end of story" before there was enough evidence to reasonably say "most likely a scam". Maybe I missed something.

You missed a great deal. Others were much more perceptive than you.

MinusEV - (re: DRybes) - "didn't read the thread very carefully, but I think your first post was pretty spot on when it was made."

Translation - "I'm not fully informed on this matter, I didn't pay much attention to this thread, but I'm not going to let that stop me from being negative about all the posters who did pay attention and realized something fairly obvious."

Last edited by Stinky Johnson; 12-02-2011 at 01:24 PM.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:11 PM

Well done, Kid Rock!
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ce1ska
Really, you guys calling Jack a scammer and his charity organization bogus is more sickening than anything Jack posted. This appears to be the first instance of something going wrong and you guys jump all over it like he's running an all out scam. It's very typical of NVG to get into this mob mentality and just relentlessly attack whoever is being called out no matter what. If Jack was actually out to scam people wouldn't it make much more sense for him to pay off OP so he could keep quiet about it?

THINK ABOUT IT FOR ONE ****ING SECOND FFS PAY SOMEONE $200 AND KEEP SCAMMING PEOPLE OR BE EXPOSED AS A SCAMMER OVER $200!!! Even the most inept thief could figure this one out.

If it's proven that Jack is in fact profiting from his charity work then fine, I'm wrong and I'm the most gullible person on earth. But until there's any concrete proof please don't make these outlandish claims.
Originally Posted by jimmywhitey

This thread is a trainwreck.

Give the guy a chance at least.
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
thank god...finally someone with a bit of sense. Honestly i can't believe the idiots who have posted in response to jw's post up to this post by stanski (i haven't read beyond this post at this point). Honestly all the criticism of this guy is say that his initial response is rude, insensitive, off the mark or whatever is absurd. For some reason this thread has tilted me more than any thread i've ever read in nvg. What a bunch of whiny paranoid nerds you nvg idiots are. Fk me.
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
again...... this. I have to stop reading this thread, i'm getting too worked up. when i read jw's first post i thought 'good, end of thread' ...but then to read the next 50 or so posts all criticizing the guy made me realise what sort of morons lurk in this forum
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
lol....mind blown
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
and for this reason threads like this should be deleted from the internet because if all is legit with this company what a disgrace this thread would turn out to be.
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
i'm sorry but i don't see a single bit of bs this guy posted. Yes op had problems receiving his prize but to conclude that this company are scammers over a $200 payout is a stretch as far as i'm concerned. The guy gives what i believe is a reasonable explanation of why this occurred. Get over it i say.
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
totally disagree with this. the smaller sum suggests to me that it's an error or oversight which is exactly what he is saying.
Originally Posted by lillou

give the guy a chance to defend the charity, and THEN if he doesn't, go about your flaming
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
...or from the guy's pocket himself ffs....we're only talking about $200 here. Did you consider that maybe he feels compelled to shell out such a paltry sum just so that sensationalist crap like this thread don't do damage to his organisation that he quite possibly feels passionate about.....and yes it does make a difference if it's only $200 because the guy has given a reasonable explanation imo unless proved otherwise.

I'm not saying 100% this guy isn't a scammer, sure he might turn out to be but I'm sure not going to write him and his organisation off at this stage based on some of the tenuous findings in this thread.

And yes, maybe this guy doesn't have all his finances in order and all the documents he should have in place but charities in general are about charity, not business and profits and the people that run them may not be the greatest businessmen because their heart may simply be in the I'm prepared to cut the guy some slack in this department.

Again, if I'm proved wrong then so be's just another scam but from everything jw has posted I don't get this impression and I can't for the life of me see where all the hate for this guy has come from. All I can think is that every person that interprets his posts as rude and arrogant just have a preconceived idea of this guy and want him to be a scammer so they can read another juicy thread.

I wonder if Chino could sue this guy for tarnishing his name?

Seriously, anyone have a suggestion for a new thread title?

Last edited by tamiller866; 12-02-2011 at 01:22 PM. Reason: should be 5 star thread
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:16 PM
Hopefully all who are reading this thread, and someone from the twoplustwo admin, will go back to review post #244, and take a few minutes to report this scuzzball so he can be shut down asap.

Linking all pros who are going to appear at any tournaments he has scheduled to this thread would also be valuable.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
IP Match to JW1979 - Jack Wells
What a ****ing dumbass.

WP 2+2.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:23 PM
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Stinky Johnson
MinusEV - (re: DRybes) - "didn't read the thread very carefully, but I think your first post was pretty spot on when it was made."

Translation - "I'm not fully informed on this matter, I didn't pay much attention to this thread, but I'm not going to let that stop me from passing judgement on all the posters who did pay attention and realized something fairly obvious."
The only reason I included the 'did not read the thread very carefully' is because there is obviously the chance that I missed something that was 100% condemning at that point. I don't think I did though - but feel absolutely free to go back to the posts that preceded DRybes at that point and collect the ones that you feel makes him 100% guilty of a scam with not possibility of any other explanation.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by OrganicGreen
Stupid people should not try to scam people with access to 2+2.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
What a ****ing dumbass.
The fact that someone with an IQ this low could scam so many people for so long shows how effective it is to set up a fake CHARITY and claim to be helping people with CANCER.

People let their guard down when they hear these words, and become scam victims much too easily.
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by OrganicGreen

Has now made Gimmick account as you can see in above post #263
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by OrganicGreen
-OP didn't receive some concert tickets he was due for coming 2nd in a charity tournament run by U.C.A.R.E, waits for 6 months before posting here

-Jack Walls (UCARE founder) posts, defending his organization, saying that it was an error and he forgot, also says that OP is offending people dealing with cancer

-Arguments over whether charity is a scam or not

-Evidence grows that UCARE is financially irregular, IRS not provided with documents, phone lines are dead, testimony from former workers that charity is shady

-Jack Walls posts fake testimony on a gimmick account. Still no explanation for the financial irregularity

[x] Confirmed scam
Charity poker tournament scam Alfred Jack Walls Now with cliffs in OP Quote
