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Can we discuss Cereus specifically? Can we discuss Cereus specifically?

10-16-2011 , 09:46 PM
they dont have the money they have been trying to get the doj to unfreeze the frozen accounts
10-16-2011 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
they dont have the money they have been trying to get the doj to unfreeze the frozen accounts
This has been my theory for a while now... They only had $5m in liquid in the summer. That's not enough to do anything good by themselves (either re-brand, stay in the US as a rogue site, pay the non-US players straight up, offer them a plan to rake for cashouts etc...)

What's your only move if you are Cereus if you can't find somebody from the inside or outside (investor) to put money in? Sign a deal with the DOJ and hope something good comes out of it. I'm sure they struggled deeply in making that decision. It's no surprise it took them longer to sign a deal. They had no idea where to go.

In a weird way I think the FTP saga might hurt them. If FTP and Stars paid quickly they might have been seen as the "poor third weel" that would need the help of the DOJ to survive. And surely they would have gotten more attention in the process. Everybody at the moment is focusing on howard and chris while all the owners of Cereus are cleaning house with their US assets.

Last edited by wuwut666; 10-16-2011 at 10:00 PM.
10-16-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
id love to but all the emails have this message at the bottom
The information in this message is legally privileged & confidential. In the event of a transmission error & if you are not the individual or entity mentioned above, you are advised that any use, copying or reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden. Please advise me of this error and destroy this message
Who cares if it reads that? You have no legal obligation to keep their e-mail undisclosed. Post away.
10-16-2011 , 10:45 PM
the owners might have the money but probably think its not worth it to do the right thing
10-16-2011 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by blackfriday415
the owners might have the money but probably think its not worth it to do the right thing
when is the DOJ going to step in then? Wait for all of them and their assets to relocate to the caribbean?
10-17-2011 , 06:19 AM
NYT edited the status of players money at Absolute Poker.
10-17-2011 , 10:23 AM
still pretty generous to AP lol: "While Absolute Poker says it plans to reimburse that money shortly, it has not yet done so."

What dicks.
10-17-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Euthanizer
1. You're in the wrong thread for this talk.

2. Bias in the media is more based on what stories they choose to print or not print. The stories themselves are generally factual. It's kind of hard to alter facts when there are tens, hundreds, or thousands of witnesses for any given story.

Its hard to alter a stroy eh? What about 9/11? Its interesting that the media knew within 30min that bin laden did it, a known buddy of the us before that. But I will agree with you that they choose what stories to print or not. Thats the problem, they never talk about the imposratn stuff, just the bs that dont matter. But it goes much deeper then just choosing wha stories to print. They can spin them in a way that puts people in a favorable light, or a very unfavorable one.
10-17-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
id love to but all the emails have this message at the bottom

The information in this message is legally privileged & confidential. In the event of a transmission error & if you are not the individual or entity mentioned above, you are advised that any use, copying or reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden. Please advise me of this error and destroy this message
[x] Boiler plate footer applied to all their email
[ ] Email is privileged or confidential
[ ] Bolded text applies to you
[ ] Even if bold text applied to you KGC can prevent you from publishing email
[ ] This poster is an attorney / this constitutes legal advice

Take it all for what it's worth ~$.02
10-17-2011 , 06:52 PM
AP or any representatives of AP...I am willing to bet $3.50 you do not reimburse american players soon. Any takers?

Does UB even have reps or do they just leak positive speculations about themselves to the press?
10-17-2011 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
AP or any representatives of AP...I am willing to bet $3.50 you do not reimburse american players soon. Any takers?

Does UB even have reps or do they just leak positive speculations about themselves to the press?
I find it ironic and funny that the positive speculations debuted at the same time the site's staff went MIA. Still no e-mail responses for weeks, what about everyone else? Has anyone outside the U.S. had a payment processed weekly? Or is UB gone, except the site is still running?
10-17-2011 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by reztes757
NYT edited the status of players money at Absolute Poker.
"An article last Sunday about online poker in the United States misstated the name of a Web site owned by Digital Entertainment. It is, not The article also misstated the status of United States players’ funds at Absolute Poker, a site to which federal authorities blocked access earlier this year. While Absolute Poker says it plans to reimburse that money shortly, it has not yet done so."


I'm calling the DOJ tomorrow, will post results
10-18-2011 , 12:22 AM
"Its hard to alter a stroy eh? What about 9/11? Its interesting that the media knew within 30min that bin laden did it, a known buddy of the us before that."

He did release a video tape claiming responsibility for the attacks....
10-18-2011 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by kutty
"An article last Sunday about online poker in the United States misstated the name of a Web site owned by Digital Entertainment. It is, not The article also misstated the status of United States players’ funds at Absolute Poker, a site to which federal authorities blocked access earlier this year. While Absolute Poker says it plans to reimburse that money shortly, it has not yet done so."


I'm calling the DOJ tomorrow, will post results
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-18-2011 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
id love to but all the emails have this message at the bottom
The information in this message is legally privileged & confidential. In the event of a transmission error & if you are not the individual or entity mentioned above, you are advised that any use, copying or reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden. Please advise me of this error and destroy this message
Are you friggen serious post that **** they blew you off f them.
10-18-2011 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by donkiman
"Its hard to alter a stroy eh? What about 9/11? Its interesting that the media knew within 30min that bin laden did it, a known buddy of the us before that."

He did release a video tape claiming responsibility for the attacks....
How is this related to UB/AP please don't post this crap here!
10-18-2011 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by georgebushda3rd
How is this related to UB/AP please don't post this crap here!
10-18-2011 , 01:55 PM
yes, please post the email you received from them. Who cares about that confidentiality bs. It means nothing. Kuddy, would love to hear if you get in contact with anyone from the DOJ.
10-18-2011 , 02:00 PM
Looks like the people at Cereus forgot to turn the lights off when they left. gg
10-18-2011 , 02:12 PM
It's been exactly 2 weeks since anyone itt got $250.

This might be the end of cereus.
10-18-2011 , 02:23 PM
Are there any games running currently?
10-18-2011 , 02:26 PM
So if I understand correctly the DOJ has players' money or at least has Ub/AP's accounts frozen and doesn't want to unfreeze 'em and pay back players right?
10-18-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by busate
So if I understand correctly the DOJ has players' money or at least has Ub/AP's accounts frozen and doesn't want to unfreeze 'em and pay back players right?
this is what cereus says, but remains to be proven.

just gotta trust em
10-18-2011 , 03:02 PM
Anyone contact Blank Rome lately ?
10-18-2011 , 03:17 PM
I was promised a bank transfer from "lola" on october 4th. After 2 weeks it was not processed as promised, no email responses, nothing. I decided enough was enough and started bombarding the kahnawakee gaming commission with phone calls and emails asking them why cereus is still licenced with them. After 20 emails ( I would have sent hundreds more and I told them that) I got a quick phone call. After we yelled at each other for a while, she said that she would block me, I informed her that i had multiple email addresses and would make more. I told her "I play poker all day,that's what I do, and I have no problem emailing/calling you all day" She changed her tone and said that the only reason they are still licensed is that they are trying to get the funds unfrozen from the DOJ to pay players back, as their commission is taking a beating for licensing said company, and they want to restore their good name. She said " we aren't a fly by night commission, and we don't want any legal trouble" I said " I am Canadian, and legal trouble is exactly what you are going to have if we don't come to a resolution here" (the gaming commission is in quebec, canada). I know a liar when I hear one, and she actually sounded very sincere. She said they are now "very close to coming to a resolution with the D.O.J., finally!!, the D.O.J. has more of cereus' liquid funds frozen then people know" She said the whole commission is working very hard to get this sorted out a.s.a.p. because they are sick and tired of it too, but they don't want to pull the license and leave the players high and dry. At least someone is on our side here, they could just pull the license and be done with cereus if they wanted to, it seems like they are really trying hard to work something out. As for my promised payout that hasn't been processed, she wanted me to forward the whole email discussion, and told me she would sort it out. She made me feel a lot better, I hope I get that payout, or she will have another (not so nice) conversation with me.
