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Can we discuss Cereus specifically? Can we discuss Cereus specifically?

08-25-2011 , 04:07 PM
Anyone else find it funny that at Ub's website they still broadcast their Team UB players tweets in real time ?
08-25-2011 , 04:18 PM
someone send me some fake money
08-25-2011 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by 100%Chance
someone send me some fake money
08-26-2011 , 05:02 AM
Here's what's going on, I'm sure this has been said in pieces throughout this thread, but someone may find this informative.

1st. The money the DoJ seized is not nearly enough to cover us. It makes sense, would cereus store all of our money in risky us banks and processors or would they keep it offshore. The answer is offshore, they only kept the minimum amount in the US for payouts and that is what the fed has.

2nd. Fed doesn't have all our money, cereus has even less! It became known that while cereus was operational it spent more than it earned assuming it's income would remain constant and could cover expenses. They're strategy was high risk rapid growth of the company, and when the DoJ struck all the risk was realized.

Now Cereus has barley enough to pay out non-us players (the minority by far pre-DoJ) small sums every month. Do you think they are saving up so they can eventually pay everyone back? Think again, they have very low revenue now and the sum owed to players is massive. It is unreasonable for them to put money aside when they need every cent they earn for operations costs and paying themselves.

so basically the TLDR is:

The fed has some money, but only a small fraction of what is owed

Cereus has no money and no prospects for money any time soon.

Our only hope is to get the DoJ to pay up, but that money has probably been spent already. If we could sue the DoJ it would at least be a moral victory (with a little $$ too).

Our other small glimmer of hope is that Cereus somehow becomes awesome again and can afford to pay us.

Either way it doesn't look good for ever getting paid.
08-26-2011 , 09:14 AM
From a hard headed business point of view I dont think it makes sense for them to pay out US players at all
08-26-2011 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by ohbobbins
From a hard headed business point of view I dont think it makes sense for them to pay out US players at all
would you say this if you were American and had a big balance on there? Some of us USA players have very large amounts tied up and personally I need this f-ing money for my family.
08-26-2011 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by ohbobbins
From a hard headed business point of view I dont think it makes sense for them to pay out US players at all
Haven't really kept up with the AP thing in a few months now but I dont get it. Its not about if it makes sense or not to pay us players the bottom line is they just dont have the money to pay even if they wanted to. I don't see how you can see this any other way. I said it day 1 that AP was broke and I don't see anything that changes my mine 4 months later. I wrote that money off long ago. If I get it than it will be a nice surprise. You can do all the complaining and lawsuits you want but if they don't have the money there is nothing that can be done. I see it as trying to sue a bum on the street.. whats the point even if you win you wont ever see a dime
08-26-2011 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
would you say this if you were American and had a big balance on there? Some of us USA players have very large amounts tied up and personally I need this f-ing money for my family.
Agree, just a tad insensitive!! Not sure why guys make statements like this when so many people in this thread obviously have a lot of cash and emotion tied up in UB/AP.
08-26-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by People_Mover
would you say this if you were American and had a big balance on there? Some of us USA players have very large amounts tied up and personally I need this f-ing money for my family.
Im not saying that its the right thing to do but if its left to UB to decide then not repaying US would be kinda logical. It wasnt meant to rub salt in any ones wounds, but when some people seemed to be so against a lawsuit and hoping that they came good.

Not that a lawsuit might be the best option...other than that or a deal with the DOJ which would be protracted at best, I think the best choice may be to get in touch with the Norwegian shareholders of UB and try to work together. They have an axe to grind too and may know where the bodies are buried (although that any action with shareholders would involve lawyers). Sadly that is about the best I can come up with
08-26-2011 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by TheRuffian
Agree, just a tad insensitive!! Not sure why guys make statements like this when so many people in this thread obviously have a lot of cash and emotion tied up in UB/AP.
It's not moral/ right , nor is it a joke for depositors to get trolled, but unless they are legally forced to by DOJ or a court decision (lawsuit) I just don't see their motivation to pay up. I sure hope they are forced to, but if they are insolvent then there's another problem! Bit of a mess, but GL to all stuck!
08-26-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
It's not moral/ right , nor is it a joke for depositors to get trolled, but unless they are legally forced to by DOJ or a court decision (lawsuit) I just don't see their motivation to pay up. I sure hope they are forced to, but if they are insolvent then there's another problem! Bit of a mess, but GL to all stuck!

They cant really be forced by anyone. If they dont pay, they dont pay. You can sue them all you want, but they dont operate in the US so youre gona ahve to chase them to the caribbean to get money from a lawsuit and it just wont happen.

I do feel bad for americans and I hope you get paid, but the guy who said that from a business point of view, they wont pay americans, is probablly right, unfortunately.

I only got $750 so far out of $4200, hoping for more but its been a while since my last check.
08-26-2011 , 12:27 PM
Have I gone mad or are 2 2/4 PLO tables running right now?
08-26-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by oneforme
Have I gone mad or are 2 2/4 PLO tables running right now?
3 now baby
08-26-2011 , 04:23 PM
$500 cashout requested June 30th just got processed. Happy Friday!
08-26-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by VictumSempra
$500 cashout requested June 30th just got processed. Happy Friday!

And for good measure

08-26-2011 , 04:44 PM
08-26-2011 , 07:22 PM
You can sue them all you want, but they dont operate in the US so youre gona ahve to chase them to the caribbean to get money from a lawsuit and it just wont happen.
As I pointed out earlier in the thread the T&Cs look like KGC is the venue for legal action.
08-26-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by oneforme
Have I gone mad or are 2 2/4 PLO tables running right now?
Yea I started a few. Trying to play because I figure, I've written that money off now, but if I play a few hours every week and it gets me a $250 cashout every week then i'm still making ~$100 an hour doing it heh.

That said, i've played about 4 hours in the last 5 days, and haven't had a cashout approved yet =/
08-26-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Andykay
Yea I started a few. Trying to play because I figure, I've written that money off now, but if I play a few hours every week and it gets me a $250 cashout every week then i'm still making ~$100 an hour doing it heh.

That said, i've played about 4 hours in the last 5 days, and haven't had a cashout approved yet =/
Hi Andy, Long time no talk...unfortunately it is more like one cashout ever month and a half. With that said I am still play on there occasionally myself...

08-27-2011 , 06:41 PM
is something supposed to happen by September 30th regarding the DoJ and Cereus?
08-29-2011 , 04:08 AM
How the **** is guigui getting paid? He sits at 100 tables across all limits but never sits in.

My guess is he's a prop and that's why he's getting these cashouts so consistently.

I've gotten ONE $250 since BF and had one being processed since June 15.
08-29-2011 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
How the **** is guigui getting paid? He sits at 100 tables across all limits but never sits in.

My guess is he's a prop and that's why he's getting these cashouts so consistently.

I've gotten ONE $250 since BF and had one being processed since June 15.
I wait for a payout for 2month then I decide to play a table on UB have a little 1h session while browsing internet and I get a payout the next day.

I wait for a month for my next payout I try to play a little again and bam I get my second payout on the next day

I don't know if it is just a coincidence but I am definitely gonna go rake like 10$ after requesting every cashout just to make sure..
08-29-2011 , 08:20 AM
Willing to buy 1k on UB for 100$

Go to transfer thread or PM me
08-29-2011 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Salats
I wait for a payout for 2month then I decide to play a table on UB have a little 1h session while browsing internet and I get a payout the next day.

I wait for a month for my next payout I try to play a little again and bam I get my second payout on the next day

I don't know if it is just a coincidence but I am definitely gonna go rake like 10$ after requesting every cashout just to make sure..
I've generated rake for 1355$ since BF and I've gotten only 250$ out. My 1K Visa request is collecting dust for 2months and 29 days now.

So that's BS talk that playing helps.
But I'm bored and refuse to put my own money into some other site, so I play.
08-29-2011 , 09:17 AM
Anyone on Cereus that is receiving cashouts and wants the rest of my roll, pm me. I'm mainly looking for Carbon or Moneybookers. I have 1,200 and am looking for around 650 OBO. Thanks
