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Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated?

07-29-2017 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by estefaniocurry
All you people bitching because you don't know the word ameliorate are the sort of illiterate freelunch seeking whiners that are ruining modern civilization. Educate yourselves and show less pride in your ignorance.
Originally Posted by estefaniocurry
There's a huge difference between eating a free lunch and being a free lunch seeker. The latter are also known as leeches.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by isuxatpokerbad
This is a bad thread and it's a bad/selfish idea from a spectator that a tournament be altered for their entertainment. Nothing should ever happen to change this unless players want to give up their hard earned $EV during the biggest final table of their lives. Let the players play the situations they are given and enjoy the beauty of them figuring out the best way to play them.

Unless we're doing that button has to jump over alligator tank idea. Than i'm obv on board.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The average TV viewer is watching a more boring game than what would generally be indicated by the player's cards because of marginal utility and the method that payouts are determined in a tournament ... [T]he big stack will succeed with ante steals a lot more often than he would in a cash game and will usually slowly build that stack up in a way that doesn't make poker look all that exciting.

Can this be fixed ... to encourage more action.

Most of the poker have played has been cash - wound up focusing on cash games after reading Small Stakes Hold'em, which taught me so much of what i know
Small Stakes Hold'em:

At first, it seemed like maybe the final 3 might have been a bit boring because of the lack of post-flop play - but afterwards, started to wonder if maybe more detailed commentary might have made a world of difference?

Something that makes me wonder about that, is that was a spot on the final table bubble where Ben Lamb went all-in with A7 - and since there was a lull in the conversation between Lon and Norm, Antonio had a chance to discuss all the factors that Lamb might have been considering that made his shove so unusual, like if Sinclair was raising from middle position slightly lighter, even with 27bbs, and how Lamb might decide if he wanted to put his tournament life on the line by doing something outside the norm. Guess with Lon and Norm in the booth, 2/3 of the time the discussion tended to be more light-hearted and so some of that detail got missed?

Have been trying to learn more about tournaments the past couple of years, now that Amaya's been cutting back rakeback more and more, making cash games so much harder - and there seems to be much more complexity than just shoving for flips, like it can seem at times to cash players who are used to seeing more turns and rivers? Maybe tournaments are a bit like cash some of the time, but a bit like other games at other times?
  • cash games - see lots of rivers, are used to folding 2nd nuts a lot
  • hyper-turbos - know how to adapt push-fold ranges, in light of ICM?
  • heads-up - maybe more comfortable defending blinds out of position with a wider range?

And guess the one thing that's special to tournaments are the big stack differentials that can develop, and the dynamics that creates - like guess tournament players have to be able to do a bit of everything that other players have to do ... and then also have to know how to play with a big stack, and with a little stack as well?

Can't help but wonder if maybe the final 3 of the WSOP might have been more interesting with more detailed commentary of some of the considerations that might have been going into the play - since that big stack vs short stack dynamic in tournaments is such a special thing? Guess ESPN would have to give Ali and Nick a chance to provide commentary for us to be able to tell if there was much more that could have been added - maybe there wasn't too much more to add ... not sure

Last edited by TrustySam; 07-29-2017 at 02:06 PM.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by isuxatpokerbad
This is a bad thread and it's a bad/selfish idea from a spectator that a tournament be altered for their entertainment. Nothing should ever happen to change this unless players want to give up their hard earned $EV during the biggest final table of their lives. Let the players play the situations they are given and enjoy the beauty of them figuring out the best way to play them.
Something tells me that altering the pay schedule is a smaller change than letting the world, including their opponents, see every single one of their hands thirty minutes after they are dealt to them.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 03:37 PM
Nit-folding from pure fear of eliminating gave Hesp fourth place and Moneymaker and Nguyen first Like my grandmother said, every coin has two sides. Seeing Hesp happily betting like in tourist bar after midnight is refreshing.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 09:40 PM
How can we ameliorate the advantage that comes from position?

Also I was wondering how we can ameliorate the advantage that regs have over recreational players?
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by metza
How can we ameliorate the advantage that comes from position?

Also I was wondering how we can ameliorate the advantage that regs have over recreational players?
You were probably joking but actually both things ARE a problem that should be ameliorated. Interestingly if you ameliorate the first you ameliorate the second.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 10:06 PM
literally a non-issue
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
I think the more obvious objection is that a fundamental part of tournament poker should not be altered to cater to TV viewers
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-29-2017 , 11:27 PM
You cater to TV viewers to lessen the chances that you will ever have to get a job, have a boss, or get up in the morning before you want to. I'm told those things suck.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by metza
How can we ameliorate the advantage that comes from position?

Also I was wondering how we can ameliorate the advantage that regs have over recreational players?
I know that you might have said this in jest, but if not, and you're trying to convince others that regulars shouldn't have an advantage--well, just in case, I'm going to give you my grumpy old man rant:

I have played a few hundred tournaments online this year. Even so, 25% of my poker time is spent studying. I earned that advantage that good regulars have and I'm not ready to give it up because poker players get bored and always want new variants/new rules/something to "make the game more exciting or something that "gives the amateurs a chance." Why don't we change the rules of chess while we're at it, since it's not exciting enough for some people?

EXAMPLE: doesn't just have poker tournaments, they go on "missions," which could mean knocking a certain numbers of players out, winning a tournament or whatever. They want it to be the site where the cool kinds are playing, complete with graphics exploring all over the screen.

I don't need a "mission." I already have one--making better decisions than my opponents and making money. I don't want someone taking that away from me because it's not exciting enough when the regulars win.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif

I have played a few hundred tournaments online this year. Even so, 25% of my poker time is spent studying. I earned that advantage that good regulars have and I'm not ready to give it up because poker players get bored and always want new variants/new rules/something to "make the game more exciting or something that "gives the amateurs a chance." Why don't we change the rules of chess while we're at it, since it's not exciting enough for some people?

I don't need a "mission." I already have one--making better decisions than my opponents and making money. I don't want someone taking that away from me because it's not exciting enough when the regulars win.
Chess is not normally played for money. Making poker more exciting or giving amateurs a chance is similar to casino adding cool graphics to their slot machines or upping the payback percentage. Its to increase their profits in the long run. Or in the case of poker, yours.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
You cater to TV viewers to lessen the chances that you will ever have to get a job, have a boss, or get up in the morning before you want to. I'm told those things suck.
Actually, I've found them to be the best things ever. If you have the right kind of job it's a fantastic way to spend time with your friends. And the absolutely wonderful thing about having a boss (has to be the right kind though) is that it's THEIR job to make sure you are happy and can do the work you should be doing, meaning you can unload all the boring meetings and vague project plans onto them and they have to fix it.

Love what you do and do what you love and everything else will fall into place.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 08:15 AM
Chess is absolutly played for money, but that besides the point.

You keep suggesting the payout should be altered. What kind of payout do you suggest then? Give an example. I pointed out already that the WSOP is about as topheavy as it gets if you compare to f.e online poker. With the added sponsorship/exposure/bracelet for winning such events esp if you do it in a way that is exciting for the viewers. Will allow you to gamble as a shortstack.

So the payout doesnt seem to be the problem at all. People won't completly change their style and go run massive bluffs because the payout suddenly allows it a bit more. Even more so if they are playing for livechanging money for the first time.

Tournaments just aren't that interesting, because most of the time you just see randoms. It needs charachters, storylines and good commentary. Besides for me it's more exciting to see someone ICM rape the rest then just see everybody flip it in at the first opportuinity. The bigstack applying pressure and people wanting to call, but can't or are scared to do so is what tournament poker is all about.

If you want exciting poker; run a HS cashgame with all the best and fun pokerplayers; like HSP. Or do something like the vlogs about the life of pokerplayers(people seem to like that). But it seems delusional to think that every tournament will suddenly be a must see for everybody just because of some small tweaks.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 01:49 PM
This definitely tops your list of worst ideas Mr. Skalansky
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 04:41 PM
Big stacks going berserk and tiny stacks making ridiculous folds is like the best thing about tournament poker. The natural advantage of big stacks is greatly exaggerated as well, if you get out of line too much shorties can just start reshoving normal ranges on you and print. The fact that they fold QTs with 17bb in the sb vs a guy who opens 92s on the button is not a problem with the payout structure.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-30-2017 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The chip distributions that cause these problems are not ubiquitous. They reach their zenith when there is one very large stack and one or more very small ones. The penultimate deleterious situation is one very large stack, while the others, given the position of the blinds, are essentially fungible.
If you gave the big stack the option to sit out without having to pay the blinds until the chips are not distributed in this way, under what conditions should the big stack accept that option?
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-31-2017 , 03:44 AM
i think everyone has overlooked the fact that if you ameliaearhart the big stack at final tables you would probably never see a rec. win a tournament of any value again.
taking away the biggest edge an amateur could have and would most likely have to have if they were to win a tournament.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-31-2017 , 08:22 AM
Things I learned ITT:

1) It is absolutely wonderful having a boss because it's THEIR job to make sure you are happy

2) Chess is not normally played for money

3) David Sklansky ROCKS!!

EDIT: 4) The word Ameliorated...ty

Nah, I knew #3 already...Hi David! *waive* eff the haters!!

Last edited by NoQuarter; 07-31-2017 at 08:33 AM.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-31-2017 , 01:51 PM
The thread is won by the people who don't know the word "ameliorate" and know they don't know, and it is lost by the people who don't know the meaning of "ameliorate" and also don't know that they don't know, thinking its interchangeable with "alleviate" when it's meaning is actually closer to "enhance".

Originally Posted by Lego05
Try an actual dictionary rather than a slang dictionary? definition below (not saying is any amazing authority). Number 18 seems to be how Wilbury Twist was using the word (he stated that he agreed with the site that was referred to in post numbers 70 and 72 in this thread with respect to such site "pegging" (or identifying) the word "ameliorate" as a junior high-school level word).

...(verbs only)

verb (used with object), pegged, pegging.
to drive or insert a peg into.
to fasten with or as with pegs.
to mark with pegs.
to strike or pierce with or as with a peg.
to keep (the commodity price, exchange rate, etc.) at a set level, as by manipulation or law.
Informal. to throw (a ball).
Journalism. to base (an article, feature story, etc.) upon; justify by (usually followed by on):
The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.
Informal. to identify:
to peg someone as a good prospect.
verb (used without object), pegged, pegging.
to work or continue persistently or energetically:
to peg away at a homework assignment.
Informal. to throw a ball.
Croquet. to strike a peg, as in completing a game.
And Penetrator's definition is numbers 11 (i.e. first listed), 14 and 19.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
07-31-2017 , 02:05 PM
Position, average bubble factor, payout

1 left: Winner 8150000
2 left: 1.0000 4700000
3 left: 1.2581 3500000
4 left: 1.4370 2600000
5 left: 1.5208 2000000
6 left: 1.5196 1675000
7 left: 1.5230 1425000
8 left: 1.5408 1200000
9 left: 1.5620 1000000

So pretty much the whole final table is like being on the bubble of a 6-max SNG.

My solution: just pay positions 2-18 one million each and brag about creating 18 millionaires, play the final table based on chip EV.
Can The Large Stack Final Table Extra Advantage Be Ameliorated? Quote
