Originally Posted by Vas Deferens
I was just thinking that a possible way of getting around this cheating, and similar types of shifty goings on in the on-line pokers world, would be, to incorporate in the Terms of Agreement, the fact that Stars can at any time, covertly use your computers camera to take a look at just whats happening at the players end, and/or also that Stars can give you a, lets say one minute message ( time to be determined by TOA) to get ready as Stars wishes for you to take a 360 degree look at players surroundings and player must conform and do as requested. This means that prolly cant play naked at home any more but hey , i think it's not a bad start for an idea, what do y'all think of that for an idea, or should i prepare for a lambasting for such folly of thoughts?
Yeah, they tried that once, it was called chat roulette. It never failed to end with an erect, veiny wang. As if Josem's job weren't already tough enough.