Originally Posted by gostatego
Because common sense dictates Brian used another account because of his status in the poker world. With his new gf being very active on social media and him being one of the more well known poker players he thought that playing from the USA was too big of a risk that his account would get shut down.
Add that with the fact he told a lot of the players he was playing against that it was him.
It makes way more sense that he did it to protect from getting banned than trying to gain an unfair advantage.
Now I think that Brian underestimated how much of an advantage he was gaining and how much his opponents thought he was gaining.
Bottom line is if he was doing it With the objective to steal equity he would have done it as annonomously as possible and that is clearly not what he did.
Actually, this is directly contradicted by several players saying he clearly purposely made fishy plays early during sessions to make it more believable that he was indeed the huge fish the account initially belonged to.
And that's what I really have a problem with, because it shows that there was a clear intent to deceive and that he was absolutely aware of the advantages he was deriving from MA'ing.
And honestly, even without that anecdotal evidence, to think that someone of the intelligence of Stinger (IQ/reasoning skills wise) would not realize the strategic implications of doing something like this is beyond delusional.
All this being said, I don't think it's a coincidence that Brian turns out to be the catalyst for the opening of the Pandora's Box Chuck mentioned in his excellent and depressing post.
Brian is pretty much the archetype of the guy people love to go after (I'm not excusing his behavior and his defense has definitely been terrible).
I think people are disagreeing on this issue because (as usual) they are debating from two different perspectives (grossly speaking):
One is the absolute ethical point of view of MA'ing, VPN'ing, etc...
The other is the relative gravity of BH's offence compared to what's really going on in HS games.
Clearly, from several HS players' reaction itt (Jungleman's comes to mind especially), this is indeed the very tip of the iceberg, and I think Brian, knowing this very well, feels that it's unfair he's getting so much flack for a minor offence relative to the reality of the HS landscape, whereas most of NVG, oblivious to that reality, considers his offence terrible and inacceptable.
Last edited by Land Of The Free?; 06-28-2015 at 05:57 PM.