Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
edit: For the record, they did "look into" all of the stuff at some point - I sent them a bunch of stuff beforehands and the plan was to look into their findings once the meeting happened. It's just that they found absolutely nothing and dismissed all the evidence because their own investigations suggested that all I sent them was false (which I can assure you was not, I have seen many of those things happen with my own eyes). I didn't mean to say that they didn't look at all, because I have no way of knowing how deep into it they went. All I know is that they said they looked really hard and found nothing, and whatever I tried to argue with them was pointless because they had already seemingly made up their minds that I was making the things up. So either they were incompetent or just didn't care. The vibe I had that they probably have an outdated formula they still believe in, and when that doesn't give them results they shrug it off. That is just my own interpretation based on nothing but my hunch though and should not be taken for as an any kind of fact.
That is quite the edit because it changes the tone quite a bit. At least the way I first understood it.
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
Remembered one more thing I should add. Stars security also looked into some stuff after the meetings, so it's not like they did nothing. It's just that the end result was the same, they caught 0 bad guys.
So yeah I didn't mean to make it sound like Stars don't even try, I def think they try.
I am glad you cleared that up because again to me, it came out 100% that way.
Still one thing comes through loud and clear, they are totally incompetent or they simply do not care.
Originally Posted by gorvnice
I don't think you should back peddle here. I understand you want to be fair and even handed in your assessment, but clearly the whole thing left a bad taste in your mouth.
Likely, based on current evidence, your read was correct. Stars is incompetent/uninterested in stopping cheating in the game.
It's a big deal and since your experience was from 2 years ago, you're not by any means a current barometer. However, since things have only gotten worse apparently, your experience from back then is very telling about how things went and where they're likely to go.
I was disappointed to see the follow up posts ( I am still glad you made them ) but it also seemed like back peddling to me also because the whole tone of that topic did a 180 from the original post imo.
When I first read it, I was livid and had even made a post damning PS security, cursing their future for any legalization in the U.S. and their lack of interest in ANY of your findings.
Why not out the guy then?
The poker community is so strange. They pick and choose what cheaters they want to get mad about.
Agree with this too. Just reading all of these things, just destroys any faith I have in the online poker world. I loved this game but now, really seeing all of this crap, If it all ends tomorrow, I am not going to shed any tears.
I also want to add that in my original post I went off on Vanessa also. Then going back re-reading her posts, it seems many of them had been edited and it seems like some damage control had been done. I understand why it was but it seemed in many of her initial posts I was really rolling my eyes at what I was seeing and the viewpoint/stance she was taking. Now it seems to have been toned down somewhat but that also is discouraging because if a new person started to read the thread and saw the replies back to her, it may not seem as just as it was originally. Again, this is all my opinion but again, its all just so disappointing.
" Gray areas " " VPN isnt so bad because.....(insert reason)" " MA, everyone is doing it and since SOME people know about it, its not such a big deal like everyone is making it out to be. "
ALL of these comments are just discouraging and it drives home the point that if there was ever any integrity left in the online poker world, it is fading fast.
As for HASTINGS, I do not care if he is one of one hundred/five hundred who do this. I hope you are banned for life. I assume you were smart enough and PS was slow enough, that you were able to get your funds off. Another break for you that you can pat yourself on that back for.
Jason Mercier: There was a real, honest post two days ago talking about if they were in Jasons shoes how they most likely would have handled it. Morally, yes, he is obligated to report it ( and more than some chat box 'revelation' ) but honestly, if this was a friend of yours I think he took the approach most of us would have. JustasSpectator is correct though in saying:
"You can't be paid to endorse a poker site and be friends with people who you know are MA'ing high stakes games on that same site and not alert the site. You just can't. So either you cut off friendship with those people, or the site has to cut off endorsement with you. Period.
If nothing happens, then the message to poker players is "feel free to come and cheat on Pokerstars, and as long as you are friends with one of our Team Players you'll be ok, because they'll keep their mouth shut".
Just a sick, sick spot to be in period.
Anyway, this is ALL for PS to deal with and the thing that many of us fear is that NOTHING is going to be done about it.
It is for that, if it ends up being the case, that I hope they never get allowed into the U.S. Market. If this is the integrity and support to the poker community that they are going to represent to the States and to the players world wide, then they do not deserve the U.S. market and without some SWIFT changes ( yesterday was too late! ) they do not even deserve to be in the market period.
Last edited by All Hail Circe; 06-27-2015 at 02:13 PM.