Fu mr. Brian Hastings, **** you, you complete and utter piece of scum!!
Brian Hastings thought process :
Uuhh everybody's doing it.. Yes I stole money from people, but because other people do it too, it's ok. I don't care about right or wrong, cause I'm a ****ing douchebag..
Don't care that I hurt people cause, I'm an *******. I'm a cheat, a sociopath and I can't take the immense feelings of guilt and shame that I and only I deserve cause of my actions, so I project it on the rest of the community.
Yessir, it's the poker communitys fault that YOU CHEATED, ahah.
I beg of you, all of the american poker community(and others too), just shun this piece of **** guy. He could have started a business, gotten a job at mcdonalds, tried to get a job as a house player at a casino, a job as a dealer and so on and on.
Instead he chose to cheat, because that's what he is.
A lot of us play poker, cause we like the challenge, and when we valuebet thin and get a call, make a good bluff or a hero call we feel good. Because we only used our own skills(and holdem manager or pokertracker too I admit it
). And thats what poker should be about. Remember that kids.
Fu hastings!
Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-26-2015 at 12:08 PM.