Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
I mean it's about the EV it cost you not the actual results. for example you could have done something different thinking it was someone else which by chance gained you money (EV and money being not mutually exclusive here). not defending but think in these spots people say the full amount too much and it tends to be an exaggeration.
This is correct and its difficult/impossible to rectify.
IE. noelhayes account opens, diff reg 3 bets. You may have the opinion noel opens too wide so the reg is 3betting wider and therefor decide to call/4bet a hand diff than normal.
Or you may have the opinion the noelhayes account opens too tight so you give more respect to the regs 3 bet of his already tight range.
Or Noelhayes cbets and you think he cbets too wide so bluff raise. Or another reg raises his cbet and you decide he can do this lighter because of that so reraise the other regs raise.
Or he cbets too loose and the opposite blah blah.
Add into the mix the people that wouldn't have even been in the games without thinking the NoelHayes account was some rich guy with no previous highstakes experience and that's why the whole thing becomes a massive mess.