Originally Posted by kutty2
I'm just gunna say that I think Brian's explanation is quite reasonable. I highly doubt that he specifically chose that account to create an unfair edge- he obviously crushed online poker under his own handle as well. Obviously the US poker regulations make playing online poker in America a chore, and it could be dangerous for a well-known player like stinger to play under his own handle from the states where he is recognizable and would need to keep a large-sized roll on the site considering the stakes he plays.
Yeah, it's totally fair on all the other HS regs who relocated. Ike, Sauce, Jungle, Ivey, Ben86, Galfond etc etc. None of those guys had any interest in staying in the US and they were all too stupid to work out how to VPN?
They all wanted to stay too but didn't want to lie or take the VPN risk so they did what was the sensible and decent option i.e relocate or don't play in the US. Stinger isn't special and open to different rules. While I personally don't consider VPN-ing to be the biggest sin ever, I think it is worse for a HS reg who has multiple more options than say the grinder making a few K per month. The poor old Stinger stuck in the US with no option but to VPN is just BS.