Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Although you might not care for his delivery of the message, but he was absolutely correct.
I'm not sure how it works on Wiki with edits, but if one wants to have a chance for an edit to remain, I'd think the best way would be to stick to the facts and remove all emotion.
If it's the case here that BH can remove whatever he likes no matter how innocuous it is, then I suppose it doesn't matter, but still seems a little pointless to add things that are inaccurate.
my thoughts on the matter are it's pretty much chalk and cheese.
He has done something extremely scummy, I don't think that's in question right?
A simple change from
"Multi accounting is considered the lowest form of cheating in high stakes online poker and he has now rightly been shunned and will forever be known as a cheat."
Multi accounting is considered
one of the lowest form of cheating in high stakes online poker and he
has seemingly been shunned and
labelled by many as a cheat."
Would be entirely feasible.
I agree the whole tone is not correct for an "encyclopedia" and too personal but that didn't seem to be his point - it was more that MA'ing wasn't the worst possible way to cheat.
I think it's still the same overall message it's basically arguing semantics over which was worse (I agree superusing is).
I also was seemingly unaware that it could be removed by Brian and adapted as he saw fit. I thought wikipedia worked as in something was added and evidence supplied by way of article / webpage etc to support entered text. I was under the belief that if the text was supported it would stay as its supposed to be a reflection on that topic not their personal autobiography.
Unfortunately it seems I was wrong?
Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 08-31-2015 at 11:52 PM.
Reason: punctuation