Originally Posted by 5=2+2
This is the core of the problem.
HS players and absolute morons like you believing that because they are HS players they don't really have to answer to anyone except other HS players. If their HS peers say it's okay then everyone else and their opinions are essentially irrelevant as no one else actually gets it. Part of why they don't "get it" is because they don't know the full story and of course this too is okay because as special HS regs they don't need to explain a God Damn thing to anyone who isn't a HS player etc etc
Man, you are soooooooo stuck in a bubble. Your kind of talk is absolutely clueless and so wrong and damaging.
Ike Haxton IS obliged to speak to the community. How in the funk did he get his sponsorship to begin with? Because people want to hear from him, want to rail him, want to see him do well, want to learn from him, want to look up to him, want to believe he is honest etc etc. As one who takes the sponsorship money that comes from the pockets of the grinders AT ALL LEVELS OF THE GAME then of course, as a paid face of PS, he is obliged to speak. He (or anyone else) is absolutely NOT subject to a separate set of rules just because he devoted his life to poker study. Such a commendable devotion does not make anyone smarter or more capable or more untouchable than anyone else. In fact, being a known paid face of the game who accepts sponsorship, he makes himself MORE touchable and more answerable than others.
What "you want" i.e. us, me and other posters seeking more than a wall of silence on this, absolutely is and should be relevant to Ike and anyone else who wants to listen.
Man, honestly. People like you.
Not sure why I'm bothering responding here, but here goes:
1. I never said Ike owed the hs community, but not other poker players. Imo, he didn't owe anyone an explanation. However, contrary to what one screaming moron in this thread thinks, and I think we can all agree that person is all about burning witches, it was fairly obvious from a decade of Ike that Ike would respond when he was able to do so in a thoughtful, reasonable manner. And yes, that obviously includes fulfilling contractual agreements.
2. To the contractual agreement part, you seem to understand the rudiments of how a sponsorship would work - that a company pays an individual for being tied to the brand and taking certain actions on behalf of the company. Why on earth do you seem to think that stars sponsorship would endorse Ike speaking out off the cuff on matters of game security, fraud, pr, etc? I assure you, as Ike implied, the exact opposite is true. If Ike wants to talk publicly about the Yankees, he can do so no sweat. If he feels an urge to talk publicly about the game security department at stars, not so much.
3. Not sure what bubble I'm being accused of being in aside from that of rational, patient people. People in this thread are quite literally acting like it is an insane travesty that someone party to, or with knowledge of, an ongoing legal proceding should choose not to blog about the situation, and keep the public informed. That's just not how investigation, and the legal process, work. Given that this may or may not be a legal proceeding, but rather a private process mirroring those structures, there's even less reason to have an assumption of transparency.
As a side note on the whole sponsorship thing, I really doubt that as much of stars decision to sponsor players has as much to do with things beyond popularity, known face, TV appearances, etc, as you guys seem to. I don't think they have a big factor for how much people want to learn from him or hear his opinions on things, as opposed to the fact that he makes millions of dollars live and online, and has been on TV a good deal.