Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
Just trying to create a level playing field for the conversation. It's hard to crucify 1 individual when a big majority of the people lighting the cross on fire do something very similar. Had he not told multiple people then I see more merit to the hate. I'm not saying it's right at all, but it's a product of the things that many people in this thread helped perpetuate. Bum hunting, scripting, VPNing, ghosting, etc, etc.
The biggest transgression was choosing a whales account, imo.
your posts come off as pretty dumb & if your not dumb, then your probably a pretty miserable human being. it would be better if you were dumb & not someone who has no integrity, sense of fairplay, moral or ethical foundation etc... i hope for your own sake that your quite stupid.
you seem to think cheating only takes place at the highest stakes & that it doesn't matter since we don't play in those games. you realize these cheaters don't ma so they can login and play all their volume with the best players, right? these cheaters never drop down & run over smaller games, right? no, they just around and destroy the top of the food chain for hours on end where their edge is the smallest. and even at high stakes, they never sit players whose game they know inside out & exploit that?
playing under a different account is cheating. passing the information of what account your playing under to other cheaters in your network is how these scumbags justify it. so honorable, but in reality they reveal their accounts to make sure they are given the same info in return.
want to know what the bonus is for all that? all the unsuspecting recs, fish & pros at their normal stakes and below who have no idea they are playing against. can't tell them right? hey, i told the important people: the ikes, deebs, merciers etc..etc.. now let me go filet these fish,k thanks.
when are you going to realize that "the multiple people who he told" were not the players who are & will be the most victimized?
for the most part i have never formed a serious opinion on a person's character based upon their posts in this forum, but i gotta say in the last 10 pages of this thread (and the other thread) it is really becoming obvious who i would prefer to avoid in real life.
Last edited by hotwarmcold; 08-09-2015 at 04:52 PM.