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Boku87 is back baby!!! Boku87 is back baby!!!

10-27-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam
I started out with SnG's and I've played SnG's and still do occasionally.

Not a low opinion, I know for a fact - I've played high stakes hypers + I'm a high stake cash reg so I think I'm warranted in saying which I think are tougher.

A side bet if I want? Whaaat? Did you read what I said? The sidebet would have to be substantial enough to warrant doing it.

PM details of what you wish, preferably 2knl but I'm ok with 1k. I've got a funny feeling though you are full of **** and likely don't even play either of them at those stakes.

Waiting PM. If I don't receive details within a day or two I'll post back in thread.

First thing first little whipper snapper! I'm not your "bro", so don't call me that ok? Good. Secondly..I'd try get out more if I was you, acting the big man on a forum is so laughable, you're an embarrassment. Studies prove that illiterate idiots like you come from weak sperm. I hope your dad had the snip after you or was put down.

1: You are stupid..Why on earth would I do: "I think I can do this challenge, and am offering you to bet against me at x:y odds".

I simply said, high stakes cash is a lot tougher than "high" stakes hypers, fact. I certainly wouldn't waste my time doing a rubbish, meaningless challenge to win peanuts from playing hypers..?

You can't "call me out" as you state saying I'm full of ****. I've played both, I know for a FACT high stakes cash are a ton easier than hypers, I couldn't care less if you believe it or not LOL.

2:I find it amusing you think I'm putting on an act when you're swearing on a forum and calling me "bro"

Can't believe I gave you the time of day to even quote you.

I think you are in need of a good clip around the ear hole sunshine. That is all, be gone good lad.
What do you consider "peanuts" because there would probably be 50k+ action that you can't beat $100+ hypers over a significant sample pre/rb. Are you really trying to say that $50k is not worth your time? No, what you're trying to say is you'd hate to lose that much action when you got crushed in them, went on a 50k downswing in your first 4k games AND had to pay out a massive prop bet.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-27-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam

A side bet if I want? Whaaat? Did you read what I said? The sidebet would have to be substantial enough to warrant doing it.

PM details of what you wish, preferably 2knl but I'm ok with 1k. I've got a funny feeling though you are full of **** and likely don't even play either of them at those stakes.

Waiting PM. If I don't receive details within a day or two I'll post back in thread.
PM sent. Tell me if you agree and like I said we can start this in a bit over a week or so.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-27-2012 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Cola20
The deeper the stacks the more skill is involved, noone can deny that. There's still skill in hypers of course
Looking at it at this way is too simple, it is true in some sense but what people tend to forget that when a game gets easier to learn there are other parameters that change that make the game harder because it "is easier". A simple example is that when a game gets "easier", leaks become more costly which means you need to be better in the game you are playing than you need to be in another more deeper format since just a few small leaks could make you a losing player in the "easier" format. There are a ton of parameters like this that make a static ranking of how hard a certain game is vs another game pretty impossible. People should just say that different games are different and not measure their ***** every opportunity they get.

Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam
I started out with SnG's and I've played SnG's and still do occasionally.

Not a low opinion, I know for a fact - I've played high stakes hypers + I'm a high stake cash reg so I think I'm warranted in saying which I think are tougher.

A side bet if I want? Whaaat? Did you read what I said? The sidebet would have to be substantial enough to warrant doing it.

PM details of what you wish, preferably 2knl but I'm ok with 1k. I've got a funny feeling though you are full of **** and likely don't even play either of them at those stakes.

Waiting PM. If I don't receive details within a day or two I'll post back in thread.

First thing first little whipper snapper! I'm not your "bro", so don't call me that ok? Good. Secondly..I'd try get out more if I was you, acting the big man on a forum is so laughable, you're an embarrassment. Studies prove that illiterate idiots like you come from weak sperm. I hope your dad had the snip after you or was put down.

1: You are stupid..Why on earth would I do: "I think I can do this challenge, and am offering you to bet against me at x:y odds".

I simply said, high stakes cash is a lot tougher than "high" stakes hypers, fact. I certainly wouldn't waste my time doing a rubbish, meaningless challenge to win peanuts from playing hypers..?

You can't "call me out" as you state saying I'm full of ****. I've played both, I know for a FACT high stakes cash are a ton easier than hypers, I couldn't care less if you believe it or not LOL.

2:I find it amusing you think I'm putting on an act when you're swearing on a forum and calling me "bro"

Can't believe I gave you the time of day to even quote you.

I think you are in need of a good clip around the ear hole sunshine. That is all, be gone good lad.
It's pretty funny how you are trying to be a smartass and then totally fail to grasp the concept of the prop bet I am proposing. Even funnier if you consider that you are supposedly this sick HS deepstack cash game player. Anyway it's interesting how the more you post the more of a view we are getting into your deranged little soul. I'm not even going to respond more to the points you raise because obviously you are just going to keep spouting nonsense, bro!
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-27-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam

You can't "call me out" as you state saying I'm full of ****. I've played both, I know for a FACT high stakes cash are a ton easier than hypers, I couldn't care less if you believe it or not LOL.

Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 12:52 AM
Haha good job contradicting yourself
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Oh great, another "lol look at me guyz im awesome oh btw anyone who doesnt play what i play is a ****ing idiot"-guy. We didn't have enough of those already! I really never get why guys like you even bother posting. Things would be so much better for yourself and the forum if you just shut the **** up.
i used to grind sngs and mtts a while back. I was never a cash game player but dabbled a bit in ring games and yes that guy's post is 100% correct.

Tell me what's wrong with it.

U butthurt tournament player?
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 05:54 AM
Who the **** cares what WhamBamThankYouMam thinks. He sounds like a douche who likes to argue. .... Boku is back! He is the reason I started learning and playing poker more serious.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 05:56 AM
Poker is about making money. Therefore imo:

Cash player making $200k/year = SNG player making $200k/year

Including rakeback, including bonuses, everything.

Get down off your goddam high horse.


Cash game player
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 07:51 AM
Comparing Cashgame to Sngs skillwise is just nonsense. In Cashgame you have more difficult decisions but have more time to think. In Sngs you make easier decisions but you only have 1-2 seconds or less per decision. If you would compare 4 tables cashgame with 4 tables sng then i would agree that cashgames need more skill, but in Sngs many people play 10+ tables . Playing 60 tables like boku does without timing out and playing breakeven is already a remarkable skill. I guess almost nobody can do that. I would time out and missclick etc. all the time if i would try to do that.
The Question is if it makes sense financially and healthwise to grind so many tables breakeven for pure Rakeback and in my opinion it doesnt make any sense at the micros.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0
Poker is about making money. Therefore imo:

Cash player making $200k/year = SNG player making $200k/year

Including rakeback, including bonuses, everything.

Get down off your goddam high horse.


Cash game player
Yes, and tournament luckbox making $1MM in a year = Nosebleeds cashgame specialist who makes $1MM in a year

o wait
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Yes, and tournament luckbox making $1MM in a year = Nosebleeds cashgame specialist who makes $1MM in a year

o wait
he is referring to SNGs online, where people play a lot of hands not some guy winning a live tournament
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 09:50 AM
While I'm a cash player, I spend a bit of time in PG&C and notice there are quite a lot of SnG beasts posting in here in response to these "skill" argument posts.

I'm actually quite surprised any of you care enough to indulge in arguments with people who like to argue that Mercedes make better Mercedes than BMW do.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Yes, and tournament luckbox making $1MM in a year = Nosebleeds cashgame specialist who makes $1MM in a year

o wait
way to take my post out of context bro.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-28-2012 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Yes, and tournament luckbox making $1MM in a year = Nosebleeds cashgame specialist who makes $1MM in a year

o wait
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-29-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam

I''m assuming you are a SS hyper player to say I'm so incredibly wrong?..

Let me put something to you,

do you play 200bb+ poker? If not..then you have no room to even say I'm incredibly wrong.

I play 1knl+ usually deep and I've played my fair share of hyper turbos <25bb at high stakes and believe me when I say, the skill difference is so huge and nearly ANY new player willing to put in a few hours work for a few days, can crush low/medium stakes within a week. This same player would struggle to beat micro/low cash games for any win rate over the same sort of time frame.

There is only so much skill a "good" player can have when playing such short poker compared to deep. The average player at 200+bb is so much more sophisticated and I'm almost positive any winning high stakes cash game player could learn to beat high stakes hypers within a matter of days.

All it takes it some basic shove/fold ranges and you can crush..this isn't the case when playing deep poker.

There is literally no real poker involved in hypers. You can "maybe" play a little poker at 25bb deep for the first few hands and this is going to be marginal.

After 1 minute, you're basically in shove/.fold mode at 15bb and I don't mean to be rude to any hyper players, but these guys would struggle to hold their own at anything over 50bb that doesn't require a shove/fold mentality.

The luck>skill ratio in hypers is borderline and I'm sure there are some completely bad players who you can crush over time but in general from my experiences (winning btw) the game is just a shove fest and picking up ranges which when so short, is a piece of cake to do.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-29-2012 , 08:02 PM
Open challenge to Boku on profit and volume right here. Or if some 2+2er wants to come up for a challenge for me I'm game. Contemplating starting a prop bet of $100 to SNE next year.

No beef in making the challenge and frankly never played with him. Just have been looking for a suitable challenge for a while.

Edited to say I would like to avoid hypers as I don't consider them poker.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-29-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam

There is only so much skill a "good" player can have when playing such short poker compared to deep. The average player at 200+bb is so much more sophisticated and I'm almost positive any winning high stakes cash game player could learn to beat high stakes hypers within a matter of days.

Originally Posted by WhamBamThankYouMam

ps: The most relevant point is is that comparing "high" stakes hypers to high stakes cash is stupid.

What's classed as highstakes in hypers, isn't more than a few big blinds at cash and in some cases just a BB so tehy are not even comparable.
Why does anyone takes you serious?
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
10-29-2012 , 09:49 PM
Well this thread really died. Its tragic that you idiots cant contribute to a thread without getting into a dik swinging competition. On a sidenote GL Boku
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:21 PM
73 tabling at the min lol
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-19-2012 , 04:53 AM
That cant be done
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-19-2012 , 10:02 AM
Thanks for ttt' ing this thread, I've heard the name Boku but I didn't know what he was famous for, now I know.

Kudos to Boku. The bottom line is winning money and 2/3rds of all players lose. Any profit is good so to make $10k in 14 days is massive at low stakes. I think it would be pretty hard to achieve this nowadays as I see massive multi tablers at even the lowest micro stakes playing ABC which is easy to read but difficult to beat, especially when you have a table full of them.

As to the arguments that hypers have no skill, that's utter rubbish. Edges are smaller but they are all about volume play and rakeback. I hated turbo's for a long while because they have less thinking time and the blinds move quicker but I've grown to love them as I changed my game and found the winning formula.

Cash tables are about finding weaknesses in a player and exploiting their mistakes. STTs are about changing gears and ICM. They are totally different beasts. I'm a losing limit cash player but a 13% ROI winning Limit STT player. I win because my opponents don't understand this.
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:13 PM
Wow are you guys serious? Just because I used to play a certain style back in 2009 because it was the most profitable doesn't mean I cant adjust or develop my game.

The only reason I don't play higher is because I only had 500$ to cash in, have a ****ty internet connection in this country ( its like third world here) and been running millions under EV in chips. Still have close to 3K now.

Mark my words, in no time I will not only play and beat those 15$ or 30$ games that you guys claim i cant beat because I am a brainless pushbot, I will also beat them while playing 60-80 tables
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:26 PM
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Boku87
Wow are you guys serious? Just because I used to play a certain style back in 2009 because it was the most profitable doesn't mean I cant adjust or develop my game.

The only reason I don't play higher is because I only had 500$ to cash in, have a ****ty internet connection in this country ( its like third world here) and been running millions under EV in chips. Still have close to 3K now.

Mark my words, in no time I will not only play and beat those 15$ or 30$ games that you guys claim i cant beat because I am a brainless pushbot, I will also beat them while playing 60-80 tables
Show us those EV graphs bro

you though
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
11-24-2012 , 10:43 PM
Boku87 is back baby!!! Quote
