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Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings .

02-28-2024 , 05:38 PM
I asked AI to summarize the most recent wall of text post:

"Certainly! Here’s a concise summary of the text:

* The user played poker at BetOnline and won a bad beat jackpot with quad tens.
* BetOnline congratulated them initially but later claimed the card was not lowered from Jack’s, denying their win.
* The user believes BetOnline cheats or steals players’ money.
* They’ve been trying to get their winnings back and have involved legal authorities.
* The bad beat jackpot rules state that as the pot grows, the qualifying quads are lowered.
* The user seeks help to get their winnings and questions BetOnline’s fairness.

Please note that this is a brief overview, and the original text contains more details. If you need further information, feel free to ask!"
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
02-29-2024 , 04:17 AM
I've been browsing the 2+2 forums for years now, and never have I felt the need to make an account to comment/like a post. This one really did it for me though. I've had the displeasure of reading all of the posts op has made so far, and I am bewildered by the fact there are some people that take him seriously.

He is illiterate, probably schizophrenic, and just really fkn dumb. He has talked about the game being rigged because he's dealt more trash hands (72, 73, 74, etc.) than AA, KK, QQ. Anyone with a 2nd grade understanding of math and plays poker (can count basic combos) should know why this is the case. But to him, it’s the Betonline owners rigging the deck.

He's accused every negative comment of being a Betonline employee/bot, he's accused Betonline of rigging the games to give their employees the BBJs. He has read the comments but still refuses to type in paragraphs or provide any proof of emails/hh/calls.

I would lay 1000:1 odds that Betonline didn’t scam this guy. And yes, I am deliberately trying to sound like a Betonline shill in order to piss op off and “confirm” his fantastical conspiracy theories.

This thread should be closed. It’s a farce and it’s embarrassing.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
02-29-2024 , 07:20 AM
Is this OP’s thesis?

Is OP too stupid to know how to use paragraphs?

No way I’m reading his stupid walls of verbose text.

I presume he is owed money. Good.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
02-29-2024 , 08:24 AM
Doesn’t the bbj pay out on the spot on most sites?

This would lead me to believe op did not hit all the requirements.

How does BOL pay their bbj out ?

This makes me believe it was all automated and OP has no case.

However there is a small chance the site didn’t update the qualifications and there was a bug in the software.

I think these sites are about fees and rake and don’t think they would want the bad press of screwing with promotions.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
03-02-2024 , 01:30 AM
It has not ben five years it has ben 3 and a half years .I kept trying to get them to pay me for a solid year and could not afford a lawyer at the time. I had also just lost my wife of breast cancer with two teenage boys .I then had a lady run me off the road at a high rate of speed and flipped my jeep into a telephone pole breaking my neck in 3places .I had to have surgery where they cut a piece of bone out of my hip and put it where bone was missing in my neck along with titanium plates .The pandemic was also going on not long after this you add all this together it was hard to focus on the money they took .I think the FBI busted betonline during black Friday so I contacted them also .They said they are looking into it ?If there reason for not paying me was true it would not have taken them a week to tell me this ?That would have ben the very first thing they saw reviewing my hand .I did not really win according to them but I know for a fact quads where dropped multiple times .They kept me on pins and needles for a week only to tell me some bullhit just to get out of paying me ?They never did put the money back into the jackpot so I am not sure if I am the only player they decided not to pay or what?I do not even think it started at Jack's scents they raised the rollover amount they started contest before me with quad eights. Because the rollover was high enough to do this after raising the reseed amount to 35%.Wherever it started out does not matter to me what matters is the rules. They say as pot grows quads drop?Plus it was the longest period in between wins at 3 full months and this also effects quads getting lowered .The hand that I lost with quad tens ,has won the bad beat jackpot more than any other quads scents contest started .But a lot of the players that won with quad tens did this with a lot less money in the jackpot. Also when I was playing in tournament they did a bad beat jackpot quad lowering alert .Anyone can look at all the winners before me and look at the bad beat jackpot rules plus rule changes like raising the reseed for next jackpot there is no way in hell that I needed quad Jack's to win bad beat jackpot .And if for some reason it was at Jack's it was not suppose to be and was raised back up to Jack's after I won to get out of paying me. I talked to investagator and he said betonline is not the only company ripping people off .This does not surprise me at all. What makes me mad is the fact they make enough money being honest why do they have to cheat and steal people's money ?If they do get busted again like they did black Friday hope they shut them down for good this time .They learned nothing last time .I think Betonline had another name when this happened but they got into a bunch of trouble. When I first started playing at betonline they had freerolls every 30minutes some times to try and get more business because everyone was shut down for a while. This company did not just cheat me out of a little bit but a lot of money and have done others the same way .This is not a safe and honest site they took the jackpot money and put it in there pockets .I knew when' my quad tens lost I won bad beat jackpot was not even the least bit worried about it being at quad Jack's because of alert earlier that day and how big the jackpot was .When they said they had to confirm everything and it took them a week to do this something told me they are going to try and get out of paying me and that is exactly what they did .Anyone that knows anything about bad beat jackpots at betonline knows that quads get dropped no later than 200,000 then every fifty thousand .This contest was no different but it was the only line of bullshit they could come up with to not pay me .I think the bad beat jackpot is for betonline to make all the money threw bots bots and more bots!!!,Or they would not have back to back winners and some of the same winners get a some of the jackpot money almost every time. When a regular customer like me wins they do not want to pay because I ain't them !!!!
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
03-02-2024 , 08:14 AM
Hey, CoPilot, edit the following text for brevity and clarity, and use bullet points.

The results:

Certainly! Let’s distill the information from your text into a more concise and clear format. Here are the key points:

Timeline and Challenges:
It has been 3.5 years since the incident.
During this time, I faced several challenges:
* Financial Strain: I couldn’t afford a lawyer.
* Personal Loss: My wife of 20 years passed away due to breast cancer, leaving me with two teenage boys.
* Accident: A car accident resulted in a broken neck, requiring surgery and titanium plates.
* Pandemic: The pandemic added to the stress.

BetOnline Situation:
* I tried to get them to pay me for a year.
* The FBI busted BetOnline during Black Friday.
* They claim I didn’t win, but I know quads were dropped multiple times.
* They kept me waiting for a week and then denied payment.

Jackpot Discrepancy:
* The jackpot money was not returned.
* Unclear if other players faced similar issues.
* Rules matter more than where it started.
* Quads drop as the pot grows.

Quad Tens Hand:
* My quad tens hand lost but had previously won the bad beat jackpot.
* Other players won with quad tens and less money in the jackpot.

Observations and Concerns:
* You believe that based on the previous winners and the bad beat jackpot rules, it’s unlikely that you needed quad Jacks to win.
* If the jackpot was at Jack’s, it shouldn’t have been, and it might have been raised back up after your win to avoid paying you.

Investigator’s Insight:
* You spoke to an investigator who confirmed that BetOnline is not the only company involved in such practices.
* The fact that they cheat and steal money despite making enough honestly frustrates you.

Company History and Behavior:
* You recall that BetOnline might have operated under a different name previously and faced trouble.
* When you started playing, they offered freerolls to attract more business.
* They cheated you out of a substantial amount, and you believe they pocketed the jackpot money.

Bad Beat Jackpot and Suspicions:
* Despite losing with quad tens, you were confident you won the bad beat jackpot.
* Their delay in confirming and subsequent refusal to pay made you suspicious.
* You suspect that the bad beat jackpot system is manipulated to favor the house.

Your frustration is understandable, especially given the circumstances. It’s essential to advocate for fairness and transparency in such situations. ����
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
03-02-2024 , 08:14 AM
Man, this AI stuff is scary good. That took like 5 seconds to return.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
03-02-2024 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dale3380
It has not ben five years it has ben 3 and a half years .I kept trying to get them to pay me for a solid year and could not afford a lawyer at the time. I had also just lost my wife of breast cancer with two teenage boys .I then had a lady run me off the road at a high rate of speed and flipped my jeep into a telephone pole breaking my neck in 3places .I had to have surgery where they cut a piece of bone out of my hip and put it where bone was missing in my neck along with titanium plates .The pandemic was also going on not long after this you add all this together it was hard to focus on the money they took .I think the FBI busted betonline during black Friday so I contacted them also .They said they are looking into it ?If there reason for not paying me was true it would not have taken them a week to tell me this ?That would have ben the very first thing they saw reviewing my hand .I did not really win according to them but I know for a fact quads where dropped multiple times .They kept me on pins and needles for a week only to tell me some bullhit just to get out of paying me ?They never did put the money back into the jackpot so I am not sure if I am the only player they decided not to pay or what?I do not even think it started at Jack's scents they raised the rollover amount they started contest before me with quad eights. Because the rollover was high enough to do this after raising the reseed amount to 35%.Wherever it started out does not matter to me what matters is the rules. They say as pot grows quads drop?Plus it was the longest period in between wins at 3 full months and this also effects quads getting lowered .The hand that I lost with quad tens ,has won the bad beat jackpot more than any other quads scents contest started .But a lot of the players that won with quad tens did this with a lot less money in the jackpot. Also when I was playing in tournament they did a bad beat jackpot quad lowering alert .Anyone can look at all the winners before me and look at the bad beat jackpot rules plus rule changes like raising the reseed for next jackpot there is no way in hell that I needed quad Jack's to win bad beat jackpot .And if for some reason it was at Jack's it was not suppose to be and was raised back up to Jack's after I won to get out of paying me. I talked to investagator and he said betonline is not the only company ripping people off .This does not surprise me at all. What makes me mad is the fact they make enough money being honest why do they have to cheat and steal people's money ?If they do get busted again like they did black Friday hope they shut them down for good this time .They learned nothing last time .I think Betonline had another name when this happened but they got into a bunch of trouble. When I first started playing at betonline they had freerolls every 30minutes some times to try and get more business because everyone was shut down for a while. This company did not just cheat me out of a little bit but a lot of money and have done others the same way .This is not a safe and honest site they took the jackpot money and put it in there pockets .I knew when' my quad tens lost I won bad beat jackpot was not even the least bit worried about it being at quad Jack's because of alert earlier that day and how big the jackpot was .When they said they had to confirm everything and it took them a week to do this something told me they are going to try and get out of paying me and that is exactly what they did .Anyone that knows anything about bad beat jackpots at betonline knows that quads get dropped no later than 200,000 then every fifty thousand .This contest was no different but it was the only line of bullshit they could come up with to not pay me .I think the bad beat jackpot is for betonline to make all the money threw bots bots and more bots!!!,Or they would not have back to back winners and some of the same winners get a some of the jackpot money almost every time. When a regular customer like me wins they do not want to pay because I ain't them !!!!
I read all your posts up to this one but I'm done. Learn to use paragraphs.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
05-09-2024 , 08:07 AM
Betonline player #B1597718 Betonline still has not paid my bad beat winnings but found out they paid everyone else after I won. The reason why they are or did not pay me is the fact I cussed a agent out after making a hundred dollar deposit and it did not show up in my account so I contacted customer service and agent called me a f in liar but found it 30 minutes later and won jackpot next day .I think the guy I cussed out blocked me from getting paid somehow and not sure if boss or supervisor knows about this can not get threw ignorant agents .That's okay think I already have a court date or my lawyer does .Also betonkine will be removing there name from boxing rings where they advertise .I use to be a boxer and no some celebrity boxers that are helping me get the word out about how they cheat people plus they have there own reasons for wanting them removed but just giving update now I know where jackpot money went .thanks
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
05-11-2024 , 12:24 PM
Money is on the way. Soon its in ur Account.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
05-11-2024 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Dale3380
Anyone that knows anything about the bad beat jackpot at all casinos. Should have a understanding of the rules .It normally starts out with casino making player get four Jack's or better in order to win jackpot .How ever as the pot gets bigger and bigger the lowest minimum four of a kind continues to drop from jack all the way down to dueces. Also at some casinos a full house getting best can win jackpot . Not sure how many players have played poker at betonline? I wish that someone would have warned me about this company not paying big jackpot wins to certain players and paying to others .The others that do get paid big jackpots could actually be them posing as a player our hands are kind of tied in the online poker world and why fairness is more important than anything else . Betonline is not fair and will steal any players jackpot wins at any given time .I will tell you what happened to me ? Around 2pm on June 20 ,2019 .I played in a poker tournament at betonline and while I was playing my play was interuppted to tell me the bad beat jackpot card had ben lowered again and the pot was almost a million bucks .This got my blood stirring thinking about what I could do if I just won a little bit of that money .I would have ben happy just being a winner at one of the surrounding tables the jackpot was so high this time and the highest ever to date at betonline .So I started playing at 4:00pm and actually won the bad beat jackpot a few minutes later .My four tens was beaten bye a strait flush .Betonline still has not paid me for this big bad beat jackpot win .There only excuse is such a lie and so unbelievable that I can not even believe they attempted to not pay me .They have ben telling me that the card had not yet ben lowered from Jack's with almost a million bucks in pot ?The card had not only ben lowered once but five or six times at this point .The bad beat jackpot winner before me won with four fives and the jackpot amount being under half of what it was when I won. If there is someone that can help me get my winnings it would be appreciated .Betonline does not need to be in business if they are stealing good customers winnings .I have proof of emails sent from betonline to me stating that all though I did have a very bad beat the card had not ben lowered from Jack's yet . I have concrete proof the card was lowered more than once .There bad beat rules plainly state as the pot grows they make it easier to win bye lowering the card all the way down to dueces .The odds of hitting a bad beat jackpot are one in 2 million and betonline wants to steal this from me .This is and may already has cost them more money than they ever thought about owing me .Pad publicity and going viral will help to shut this site down if they cannot be fair .Thanks player number is B1597718 and poker screen name is Dale3380. My real name is Larry Young and I am 54 years old from Cincinnati Ohio but living in Brandon Ms.Thanks

You BBJ loss is a Bad beat. Get over it. These things are 1 in ten thousand
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 06:08 AM
If you doubters would simply look around the web you will see cases just like mine where jackpot wins for lots of money where illegaly taking from customers.I can prove everything that i say is the truth !I have pictures and emails from agent shane at betonline telling me that i did have a very bad beat but needed quad jacks instead of 10?I think the doubters are either paid doubters that betonline pays people that are telling the truth to doubt that truth or they have never played bad beat jackpot and have no life ?Anyone that has ever played this contest knows that it might have started with needing quad jacks but never ended with quad jacks.The card is automaticly lowered at a hundred thousand then every fifty after that.This was and still is record high jackpot amount with 3 solid months scents last winner also the longest interval in between winners in years.BBJ rules state as timd passes and pot grows quads get lowered .What makes them look really bad is the fact this contest started at quad 9s after rule change raising reseed amount .This in effect for 3rd contest lowered starting qualifying quads below jacks taking jacks out of play all together .The reason why i think they ripped me off and paid everyone else is the fact they thought i was a brand new customer Dale3380 was brand new screen name and B1597718 was brand new account number .The day before decided to try betonline not knowing it is the exact same thing as sportsbetting ?They deleted my sportsbetting account so i could play at betonline making me look like i just started playing bad beat jackpot.Betonline thought a new player would not know if i really needed jacks or not ?But i had ben playing there for years without any problems. I think they just like to steal jackpot wins and that is low down and sorry in my book!!
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 06:13 AM
You are a bingo player evidently so go back to your specialty!!Do not know anyone that was suppose to win a half million bucks and was ripped off that would be happy ?And there reason for not paying me is so bogus it tells me they only pay bots.I have never heard from one person that was actually paid for winning bad beat jackpot so everyone that plays it is not ever going to win just there bots win!!
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 08:03 AM
you really need to use paragraphs
re yor last sentence I actually got 1500$ for being on the table of a jackpot hand not to long ago
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 08:52 AM
I have not read the whole thread ..

1) Did the BBJ 'box' pop up on the screen when you lost your hand? If not, then the requirements for a BBJ most likely weren't met. If there was no brief stoppage in play, then the 'computer' has no reason to trigger a payout.

2) Lots of sites and casinos both change the rules of their promotions all the time, which may have been the case here. They don't have to give notification of any changes and I've even seen where the promotion posting in a room was incorrect but still didn't apply due to the more up to date promotion.

3) This was some time ago .. did you seek legal advice .. did you speak with the Gaming authority and start a case? Are any of the other Players who were at the table still playing on that site? You'd think they would be upset as well?

Not really sure what else to say .. I've never heard of a BBJ not being paid out. I even got part of one on PokerBros some time ago. GL
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dale3380
If you doubters would simply look around the web you will see cases just like mine where jackpot wins for lots of money where illegaly taking from customers.I can prove everything that i say is the truth !I have pictures and emails from agent shane at betonline telling me that i did have a very bad beat but needed quad jacks instead of 10?I think the doubters are either paid doubters that betonline pays people that are telling the truth to doubt that truth or they have never played bad beat jackpot and have no life ?Anyone that has ever played this contest knows that it might have started with needing quad jacks but never ended with quad jacks.The card is automaticly lowered at a hundred thousand then every fifty after that.This was and still is record high jackpot amount with 3 solid months scents last winner also the longest interval in between winners in years.BBJ rules state as timd passes and pot grows quads get lowered .What makes them look really bad is the fact this contest started at quad 9s after rule change raising reseed amount .This in effect for 3rd contest lowered starting qualifying quads below jacks taking jacks out of play all together .The reason why i think they ripped me off and paid everyone else is the fact they thought i was a brand new customer Dale3380 was brand new screen name and B1597718 was brand new account number .The day before decided to try betonline not knowing it is the exact same thing as sportsbetting ?They deleted my sportsbetting account so i could play at betonline making me look like i just started playing bad beat jackpot.Betonline thought a new player would not know if i really needed jacks or not ?But i had ben playing there for years without any problems. I think they just like to steal jackpot wins and that is low down and sorry in my book!!
You can’t spell.
You do not know how to form a coherent sentence.
You do not know how to use punctuation.
You can’t tell time or do simple math.
You have never used paragraphs.
You are never going to convince anyone doing these.

And now after whining here for years, you reveal the real reason you were not paid…you violated the terms of service.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-12-2024 , 09:56 PM
Can bet online please just pay him something, anything, so that he can afford a keyboard with a working return key?
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-14-2024 , 08:07 AM
This belongs in the Hall of Fame of Desperate Attempts
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-16-2024 , 01:44 AM
This thread keeps popping up near the top of NVG, and I've never bothered to click it... until now. Holy schnikeys, what a mess.

One thing not mentioned: the chat. If a player talks about a BBJ hand in progress, the BBJ doesn't happen. I wonder if that DQ'd the OP. But I don't know because I couldn't understand half the post, even after OneCrazyDuck added paragraph breaks.

Also, are BBJs in effect in tournaments? If so, that explains everything.

In the end, the notion above that some BOL support lackey got the email then tossed it aside without reading is by far the most likely possibility here. If I got an email written like that, my mind would immediately assume it came from some scammer in Nigeria. (In fact, I DID get two such scam emails last week, and both were written in clearer English than what we see in this thread.)
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
06-18-2024 , 10:14 PM
Hear me out, this belongs in BBV:

Beat - BOL and everybody else thinks I'm annoying. Result: no sympathy, no payout
Brag - I (supposedly) hit the BBJ.
Variance - flunking English, living in the digital age (life is hard for a cowboy)
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
07-02-2024 , 05:21 AM
[QUOTE=Dale3380;58463374]Anyone that knows anything about the bad beat jackpot at all casinos. Should have a understanding of the rules .It normally starts out with casino making player get four Jack's or better in order to win jackpot .How ever as the pot gets bigger and bigger the lowest minimum four of a kind continues to drop from jack all the way down to dueces. Also at some casinos a full house getting best can win jackpot . Not sure how many players have played poker at betonline? I wish that someone would have warned me about this company not paying big jackpot wins to certain players and paying to others .The others that do get paid big jackpots could actually be them posing as a player our hands are kind of tied in the online poker world and why fairness is more important than anything else . Betonline is not fair and will steal any players jackpot wins at any given time .I will tell you what happened to me ? June 14,2019 had quad tens lose to a strait flush winning BBJ!!.They have ben telling me that the card had not yet ben lowered from Jack's with almost a million bucks in pot ?The card had not only ben lowered once but five or six times at this point .Th
. I have concrete proof the card was lowered more than once .There bad beat rules plainly state as the pot grows they make it easier to win bye lowering the card all the way down to dueces .The odds of hitting a bad beat jackpot are one in 2 million and betonline wants to steal this from me .This is and may already has cost them more money than they ever thought about owing me .Bad publicity and going viral will help to shut this site down if they cannot be fair .If what betonline said was true then why did they not put money back in jackpot ?,They made it look like they did pay me and might have paid everyone else ?Betonline thought i was a brand new customer but had ben playing scents it started.When i joined betonline they made me delete my sportsbetting account making me look brand new.I did not know they are exactly the same just different names .Betonline thought they could tell a brand new player he needed quad jacks to.lose to bettef hand and he would not.know difference ?I also changed my screen name so they thought they could just tell me anything and that is exactly what they did .Instead of putting money back they kept it for themselves but wanted customers to think they paid me or where did all that money go ,?B1597718 Dale3380 player number is B1597718 and poker screen name is Dale3380. My real name is Larry Young and I am 54 years old from Cincinnati Ohio but living in Brandon ]
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
07-02-2024 , 12:11 PM
Another wall of gibberish text.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
07-02-2024 , 05:57 PM
ChatGPT says since print this out and change the names, send it to them, and bingo! Check should be in the post....

[Law Firm's Letterhead]


John Smith
CEO, BetOnline
[BetOnline's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Mr. Smith,

RE: Demand for Payment of Bad Beat Jackpot Win for Larry Young (Player Number B1597718, Poker Screen Name Dale3380)

I represent Mr. Larry Young, a longstanding and loyal player on your platform, BetOnline, with the player number B1597718 and poker screen name Dale3380. I am writing to demand the immediate payment of the bad beat jackpot that my client won on June 20, 2019.

On the aforementioned date, Mr. Young was participating in a poker tournament on BetOnline. During his play, he was informed that the bad beat jackpot qualifying hand had been lowered multiple times, and the pot had reached nearly one million dollars. At approximately 4:00 PM, Mr. Young's four tens were beaten by a straight flush, which, according to your site's rules, qualifies him for the bad beat jackpot.

Despite this, BetOnline has refused to pay Mr. Young the jackpot amount, citing an erroneous claim that the qualifying hand had not been lowered from four jacks. This assertion is demonstrably false, as the previous bad beat jackpot was won with four fives, and the pot was significantly lower at that time.

Mr. Young has provided concrete evidence, including emails from BetOnline, confirming that the bad beat jackpot qualifying hand had indeed been lowered multiple times. Furthermore, your platform's own rules stipulate that as the jackpot grows, the criteria for winning are adjusted accordingly.

Failure to honor this legitimate jackpot win constitutes a breach of your company's obligations to its players and is a clear act of bad faith. Such actions not only undermine the trust and integrity of your platform but also expose BetOnline to significant reputational and legal risks.

We demand that BetOnline:

Immediately pay Mr. Larry Young the full amount of the bad beat jackpot that he rightfully won.
Provide a written apology for the inconvenience and distress caused by this issue.
Review and amend any internal policies or practices that led to this unjust withholding of winnings.
Should you fail to comply with these demands within ten (10) business days from the date of this letter, we will have no choice but to pursue all available legal remedies, including but not limited to, filing a complaint with relevant gambling regulatory bodies, seeking legal action for breach of contract and bad faith, and publicizing this matter to warn other potential players about BetOnline’s unfair practices.

We trust that BetOnline will act promptly and honor its commitments to its players.


[Lawyer's Name]
[Lawyer's Title]
[Law Firm's Name]
[Law Firm's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Lawyer's Email Address]
[Lawyer's Phone Number]
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
07-02-2024 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by BrickMMA
Another wall of gibberish text.

This text is about a player's experience with an online poker site called Betonline and their bad beat jackpot (BBJ) policy. The player claims to have hit a qualifying hand for the BBJ on June 14, 2019, but was denied the payout by Betonline. The site allegedly told the player that the qualifying hand had not been lowered from four Jacks, despite the player's belief that it had been lowered multiple times as the jackpot grew. The player accuses Betonline of unfair practices, stealing jackpot wins, and misleading players about payouts. They are seeking to raise awareness about their situation and the perceived unfairness of the site.
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
07-14-2024 , 06:54 AM
They said i need jacks or better to lose to a better hand in order ro win BBJ. Okay this statement is false for two real good reasons .The first one being on Nov.2018 betonline had back to back winners real close together and betonline had to use some of there money to.make starting jackpot amoint where it is suppose to be ?Because of this betonline raised the reseed amount .This in turn dropped starting qualifying quads to 8s and poker news wrote a big article about this and chico network.After Nov.2018 the BBJ never started at quad jacks again.I won the BBJ on June14,2019.There is no possible way that i needed jacks or better to win BBJ!!Second reason is the fact this was a real big jackpot so even if it would have started with quad jacks would never end with quad jacks and a jackpot that big .So this email from.betonline player services is completly false and.bogus reason to take my BBJ winnings .I have ben practicley begging betonline to let me talk to a supervisor or CEO named Eddie Robbins.But bet online will not let me talk to managment and act ignorant to fact they stoled a half milliom dollars from me ?This also would have ben paid out in bitcoin so that half million dollars in bitcoin then is now worth 2.5 million dollars after bitcoin price kept rising after my.BBJ win.This company wants people to think they are honest and safe but i am.proof thst they are really.just a bunch of crooks!!They might bots that money goes to.betonlne win there bots win?To rip so openly when it is so easy to tell they cheated me.out of.winnings says a lot.about what betonline is really.about and that is taking as much of your money as they can and not give nothing back.I had ben trying to win BBJ for years then i finally do get a break makes up a bogus lie and fraudelauntly awsy then never explain why?
Betonline refuses to pay bad beat jackpot winnings . Quote
