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Ben Lamb appreciation thread Ben Lamb appreciation thread

11-09-2011 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by atthebottom77
^hind sight is 20/20, so i won't disagree.
lol ben lamb played the worst FT ever,

Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by nemodonk
You've had the best WSOP run, ever. You played world-class poker and displayed unbelievable focus under an extraordinary amount of pressure. But your exit interview was horrendous.

Poker is in a tough spot. Virtually everyone is worse off with the combination of Black Friday and the broad decline in poker interest. We no longer have large corporations generating consistent exposure and even fewer opportunities to generate interest in the game for ourselves. Except, of course, in moments like this.

Was what you said wrong? Absolutely not. Gaining relative stack equity from a folded three-bet that shallow would give you more flexibility with a sizeable skill edge and winning a flip gives you a great chance to win. Sound reasoning, got it. But it's the absolute worse thing to say.

You were marketed as a rising star; a worthwhile symbol of the younger poker generation. Your results were unheard of and your amazing run had just come to an end. People who didn't really know poker, but had enough of an interest to watch the final table, wanted to hear your words.

And you miserably talked about strategy. No one cares, except us--and that's the last thing we want you to say. It's destructive. Casual fans can't empathize with your disassociated analysis and muted reaction after what was, to them, a devastatingly "abrupt" exit.

In their minds, you just lost a hand for millions and employing game theory was your natural reaction. This simply does not encourage people to play. Your systematic logic and emotionally-absent disposition are important reasons why you're an excellent player. But, difficultly, most people are not built this way: casual players can't envision themselves in your shoes and, by extension, your situation. And if they can't do that, then they won't play.

So, please do us a favor next time-- you're a talented player blessed by aliens. Talk about the emotional run, even if there was none. Talk about how you were praying for a Jack or King to hit on the river and how disappointed you were that it didn't come, even though you knew your equity was low. Or talk about how you love your girlfriend, how you can't wait to go celebrate with your friends, how lucky you are to be there. Just please, say something they can relate to: make the people think they have a chance, even if they don't. . Save the strategic explanation and, perhaps, ego salvation for the forums and not the cameras.
good post

same goes for the A6o vs AA n-bet suckout in which shaun deep busted vs heinzelmann. he explained it in detail like a robot why Max played it like he did and it was std for them.
he should just have said "yea its some german idiot and i hate him "blablablabla"" and buy him a beer afterwards.

if you want to sell something like poker to an audience you have to run a show. if you ask random ppl about poker they will know PH and DN who are great for TV and sell a product perfectly.

all that said he is a great player but noone who plays poker really doubted that even a year ago.
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 05:47 AM
Ok i am a fan of Ben Lamb and picked him and Phil Collins to win.

Great series Ben.

Ok so no more ass kissing. I am blown away. I would say Bens skill post flop to me seemed to be some of the best at the table. I am not entirely sure about his stack sizes, but couldn't the best post flop player play post flop? I really thought he had a huge edge compared to Hienz and Stazko. Also i didn't think Stazko would be 3 betting to light 1st hand there. I can't knock his 4 bet jam there as i know it takes alot of heart to make that play. Why not pick another spot there. I do agree he had tons of fold equity.

Also i have to be quite honest. I can't say i hated the play as if i was sitting in Stazkos seat i would of been like wtf. 1 st hand? And as a Nit i actually might of folded there. Which is why i think Ben is a sicko in that spot. But i think Ben had quite a big edge.

Anyone else feel the same way as i do.

Also i wonder how many people who are newbs. Are going to try and emulate these players play?
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by nemodonk
You've had the best WSOP run, ever. You played world-class poker and displayed unbelievable focus under an extraordinary amount of pressure. But your exit interview was horrendous.

Poker is in a tough spot. Virtually everyone is worse off with the combination of Black Friday and the broad decline in poker interest. We no longer have large corporations generating consistent exposure and even fewer opportunities to generate interest in the game for ourselves. Except, of course, in moments like this.

Was what you said wrong? Absolutely not. Gaining relative stack equity from a folded three-bet that shallow would give you more flexibility with a sizeable skill edge and winning a flip gives you a great chance to win. Sound reasoning, got it. But it's the absolute worse thing to say.

You were marketed as a rising star; a worthwhile symbol of the younger poker generation. Your results were unheard of and your amazing run had just come to an end. People who didn't really know poker, but had enough of an interest to watch the final table, wanted to hear your words.

And you miserably talked about strategy. No one cares, except us--and that's the last thing we want you to say. It's destructive. Casual fans can't empathize with your disassociated analysis and muted reaction after what was, to them, a devastatingly "abrupt" exit.

In their minds, you just lost a hand for millions and employing game theory was your natural reaction. This simply does not encourage people to play. Your systematic logic and emotionally-absent disposition are important reasons why you're an excellent player. But, difficultly, most people are not built this way: casual players can't envision themselves in your shoes and, by extension, your situation. And if they can't do that, then they won't play.

So, please do us a favor next time-- you're a talented player blessed by aliens. Talk about the emotional run, even if there was none. Talk about how you were praying for a Jack or King to hit on the river and how disappointed you were that it didn't come, even though you knew your equity was low. Or talk about how you love your girlfriend, how you can't wait to go celebrate with your friends, how lucky you are to be there. Just please, say something they can relate to: make the people think they have a chance, even if they don't. . Save the strategic explanation and, perhaps, ego salvation for the forums and not the cameras.
That's a super sweet cyber fist-f*ck.

Top marks.
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:49 AM
Didn't see his exit interview but those paying out on him should remember he just exited within touching distance of the Holy Grail of poker in third place. How is he meant to feel and what is he meant to say? Who annointed Lamb as a spokesperson for poker? He probably just voiced what was on his mind - is he meant to make some great speech like Martin Luther King or something? What are you people expecting? He's had a sick run and should be happy, but to those paying out on him at the end of the day you should know he's a just a poker player, albeit a very talented one. Well done Benba, hope to see you back next year, but obviously work on your exit interview when you bust out and are steaming else you'll get ripped to pieces on 2 + 2.
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 09:17 AM
video of the exit interview?
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by astro39
Didn't see his exit interview but those paying out on him should remember he just exited within touching distance of the Holy Grail of poker in third place. How is he meant to feel and what is he meant to say? Who annointed Lamb as a spokesperson for poker? He probably just voiced what was on his mind - is he meant to make some great speech like Martin Luther King or something? What are you people expecting? He's had a sick run and should be happy, but to those paying out on him at the end of the day you should know he's a just a poker player, albeit a very talented one. Well done Benba, hope to see you back next year, but obviously work on your exit interview when you bust out and are steaming else you'll get ripped to pieces on 2 + 2.
I'm in complete agreement here. After busting from the main, I'm nearly certain the last thing on lamb's mind was adopting a diplomat's role for poker. He shouldn't have to alter his personality to gain more interest for the game of poker. Poker has always, and will continue to be, a game of individual wit, temperate, and skill. If not, most call that collusion.
GG, Lamb!
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 01:19 PM
wheres ben lambs exit interview?
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
11-09-2011 , 02:24 PM
I like how he criticizes "old" players. Defined by what age I'm not sure. Loved his play with KJ. Next tournament starts in five minutes so why not?
Ben Lamb appreciation thread Quote
