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Behind the scenes at UBs Best Damn Poker Show Behind the scenes at UBs Best Damn Poker Show

09-16-2008 , 05:49 PM
lol this 'tirade' will be way better in the long term for scott than doing nothing would be

and, fwiw, I like the internet-persona hollywood dave - I really think he's levelling the world with his bad boy schtick

I would for millions of dollars
09-16-2008 , 06:28 PM
wow, I didn't think this would be possible, but this guy named Scotty Clark is making Hollywood Dave look mature by comparison.
09-16-2008 , 06:49 PM
TOOT TOOT this threads a HOOT
09-16-2008 , 07:00 PM
Did you get a good look at Annie's tattoo?
09-16-2008 , 07:30 PM
I would like to address some points made by other posters in this thread specifically.

A) Hollywood Dave portrays the show as a ‘freeroll or opportunity’.

B) Some posters have questioned my sanity to walk away from an Aruba package, a chance for a Main Event seat, or risk looking silly on television due to an inability to accept that I had broke the rules.

C) Some people simply condemn me based on the fact that I called an opponent a ‘phucker’ during the filming of a televised poker reality show.


(point A) I auditioned in July and EARNED my place on the show. I’m no shill buddy! Once filming began, I played poker correctly, and was directable. I remained dependable, timely, pleasant, and respectful. I played a role in the show, and I think the fact that I made the Final Table is testament to that. Keep in mind that team members had a say in the matter.

(point B) ‘Opinions are like azzholes, every azzhole has an opinion.’ To posters that take view B (on the issue on the monetary) I would say ‘Is it always about the money for you personally? (on the issue of the looking bad on television) I never wanted to be the HERO or the VILLIAN…I’m so greedy, I always wanted to be BOTH!

(point C) Well, I’m certainly sorry I said it NOW. Maybe I should have known, maybe they should have informed us that penalties could/would be imposed for infractions, or maybe I just should have kept in mind that my mother and sweet little baby Poker Jesus was watching this…

Haters, please remember, WHEN I walked on set, with my little ole security pass, my pass said TALENT. And FYI, there are so many Aruba entries lying around that the price is said to be going for as little $2500 according to my sources. Scott Montgomery contacted me via email 2 months ago asking if I was interested in his seat.

Did anyone even watch last year’s show? There was no ‘get in your face camera work...because the show was full of shills and celebrities. So, NO, I was not prepared for reality television.

Below is my personal favorite. I can not stop laughing.
Phil Laak will be sending your prize in the mail...

Good Luck and Enjoy!

Scott Clark

Originally Posted by thehotspur
OP may very well be the most pathetic person ever to post on 2+2 (and I include Brandi in that), that is an achievement that blows away any Aruba package or staking deal. Very well done sir, please post more examples of emotionally maladjusted life failures, maybe start with your Senior Prom where the beeatchs just "didn't get" Scotty Clark and how you schooled one of them by beating her to death.
09-16-2008 , 08:04 PM


so Annie is mark and shawn's BOSS? wow thought she was just helping with tourney schedules.....Like anyone believes her constant bs.
to think that a show put on by UB was anything but a cluster F*** should not shock anyone

F ub and AP

Re:Behind the scenes at UB's Best Damn Poker Show In reply to
By annie duke on 09-15-2008 5:53 PM Reply Quote

Just FYI...I am not H0 or Shawn's Boss.

Re:Behind the scenes at UB's Best Damn Poker Show In reply to

By scottyclark on 09-15-2008 6:13 PM Reply Quote

NOT what Phil Hellmuth Jr said. there were witnesses...and i am 100% sure that he in fact said that on set. i also witnessed the discussion between you and Hollywood Dave online today. laughable damage control. are you alledging i am a liar, PH is a liar, or that PH or myself is mistaken? please be clear in your reply...

Re:Behind the scenes at UB's Best Damn Poker Show

By harpoon on 09-15-2008 2:40 PM Reply Quote

Every one loves Scotty!


Last edited by scottyclark; 09-16-2008 at 08:11 PM.
09-16-2008 , 08:10 PM
i recall a hilarious story of shawn rice scamming some guy out of a hundred bucks

wish i could remember the details or where i read it ... it involved smoking the chronic in a hotel room and a rigged heads up game of holdem
09-16-2008 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Gambear
i recall a hilarious story of shawn rice scamming some guy out of a hundred bucks

wish i could remember the details or where i read it ... it involved smoking the chronic in a hotel room and a rigged heads up game of holdem
found it on neverwinpoker

It started off as a seemingly regular night. We woke up in the middle of the afternoon played video games then nonchalantly decided to play cards targeting the 8pm Binions tourney. Buxx and I headed to the slowly deteriorating, nan-a-gan-a-rific Freemont Street (also known as the Home of the Poker Dome). We bought in and after losing to some old Chinese man with Queens I took home $275 for 4th place, ship it, but not really.

With hours to kill before work the next morning we decided to play in the Plaza 12am Tourney. 9 people joined us, and in the last minute of the first hour Shawn Rice walks by, and after little debate decides to pick up the last stack and play. We go on break and talk with Shawn joined by his wingman Steve (who had a very little brother feel about him). Break ends and within an hour Shawn emerges as the chip leader. Steve who stands directly behind Buxx and me doesn't stop talking. He tells us about this one time he got the AA a few weeks ago adding this story about getting "the two red-pointy ones" and losing a $2500 pot to a set on the river back in California. Moments later I pick up the ?red-pointy ones? busting some heehaaw. An hour later Buxx, Shawn and I decided to split it up 3 ways, and leave. Steve the talker goes on about this medicinal weed he just picked up and invited us up to Shawn's room to have a few drinks and try it.

We head up to the room where we wait for Steve to grab some stuff from his car... A bellhop and Steve arrive shortly thereafter with enough accessories to furnish a small apartment, and enough old, tacky shirts to last a year. Duffel bags are placed through out the suite. Steve explains how he loves the hotel blankets and how he always orders extras: using one to cover the side table (one of the first accomplishments upon his arrival to the suite). With much enthusiasm Steve unpacks poker memorabilia from the Ninja Turtle, Ghostbusters era: a 25c chip set from the Plaza, numerous deck setups from Harrah's Casino (known as Binions today) and the deck of cards Johnny Chan won a 1988 WSOP Omaha event with; he managed to casually sneak these from the table with the old paper-over-object trick. We sample his medicinal "enhancement" and eventually agree to play a heads-up match ($50 between Steve and me with Buxx and Shawn taking $100 on the side). I dealt the first hand limp/folding to his raise. The second hand some confusion arouses in terms of who was to deal (rather than argue I just dealt) I look down at AcQc and make a raise. Steve made it 15, and I shoved. He clearly had a decision, and after I told him I had a good hand, he reminded me of this one time in California where he lost this big pot with "the red-pointy ones"... he called. I flipped over my hand; Steve laid out the flop, not yet turning over the cards. Buxx, Shawn and I asked to see his hand, but instead he flipped over the flop cards, followed by the turn card. At this point it seemed odd that he persisted to hold on to his cards, and continue an already well documented yarn. All three of us demanded to see his cards, and after Steve finished his "red-pointy ones" speech he flipped over just that: the red-pointy ones.

Both Buxx and I in somewhat disbelief looked at each other. WTF? And perhaps it was the expression on his face that made the next moment awkward, but he just didn't seem surprised at all. "You had a big hand" he added. We, almost immediately left, declining to finish the two reserved beers in the icebox.

It wasn't until the elevator ride down that we really said anything about it. "Did they just do what I think they did?" "Yes" Buxx replied.

Both of us were confused. Why the hell would Shawn Rice or his obvious very close friend need $100 that badly? It wasn't just that unanswered question. From this stemmed numerous other questions: was this planned? Why the hell would someone choose to cheat for such an insignificant amount of money, and do so in such a bizarre manner? AA, better known on this night as "the red-pointy ones", I mean really? And to completely slow roll me, as well as Buxx... Why not KK given all the history and annoying anecdotes during the course of the night? To not show his hand until the turn... to argue it was my deal (he did cut)... to take the deck and put the flop out himself (which coincidentally was just in front of his hole cards)... for it to be the second hand ensuring that I didn't win a pot, or develop any chip lead whatsoever... it just seemed so unreal, so obvious.

We were both now hungry. We went back to Binions to get some late night, early morning dinner, and at that time, really began to expand not only on that one instance, but the entire night. Previously to his arrival, Buxx picked up the two red aces, and got all in and won. I later on, did the same, and now it happened again (since when do aces ever win? And when did they ever go 3/3? What was with this man's obsession with the red aces?

At this point there are still a handful of unanswered questions. We are 83% sure that we were in fact hustled out of $150 (about the amount we won in the previous tourney) and that the reputation corresponding to Shawn Rice, a well traveled Texan, is very true.
09-16-2008 , 08:39 PM
op went from hero to total moron in a few pages
09-16-2008 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Hollywood Dave
As the host of this season of the BDPS season 2 -- and a new UB pro -- i was on set for the duration of the shooting last week. And without getting into the specifics of details better left unspoiled for the viewing audience, i do need to correct some misinformation here.

You said UB trimmed the prizes from last year, which is untrue. UB only offered 3 Aruba seats last year, not 6. I would know -- i played the final table and won one of the 3 packages.

In fact, UB ADDED a 2nd main event seat this season, in addition to the 3 Aruba packages. This is why the production staff was not 'forthcoming' until the final table was set -- this additional prize was a bonus from last year, meant to be a positive surprise for the lucky 6 who made it that far.

As far as the 'overwheming schedule,' i hardly think that anyone minded a few long days to have a 4-in-24 shot into the WSOP or Aruba main events. Plenty of other people would kill for a chance at a freeroll like that!

Lastly, I'm a bit confused why you are disclosing all the details of the show months before it airs. Having worked in television for many years now, I can tell you that its extremely unprofessional to disclose these types of details about a show before it airs. It really discredits a lot of the hard work and effort that all of the production, cast, crew, and other staff (UB and otherwise) put into creating the new TV series that you seem so intent on spoiling right now.

Just some thoughts to mull over before you decide to continue disclosing every detail of the final conflict and drama of this show.

**** the tv producers, stations, etc. If we have learned anything from tv it's that they distort everything to make the most money. it's not like it will even resemble anything close to what really happened, so pretty irrelevent. I hope UB and every corporation involved in this goes bankrupt because of this spoiler. SPOIL ON MY FRIEND.
09-16-2008 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gambear
Did you get a good look at Annie's tattoo?
Not to derail current thread, but- did she ever state what her tattoo meant?

Back to our thread already in progress...
09-16-2008 , 10:29 PM
What about the Silly Texan and the Minnesota Fat Boys?
09-17-2008 , 01:22 AM
Wow scotty are you really in your 40's?

Were you ****faced or strungout? Or just bat**** crazy?
09-17-2008 , 01:43 AM
Dayum. I wished I knew Shawn burned! No wonder he is always in such a good mood. Instead of burning Shawn’s or his 'friends', I was resigned to having 5 doods up to my room after we closed the Lounge at the Hilton on Night 2. We blazed, slammed beers, bragged, and told lies in typical male bonding fashion. My room looked like a college dorm after they left…how a poker game didn't break out, I'll never know. Guess it was already too much fun.

Did you know that 2 of the contestants on the show went ridiculously deep in this years Main Event? Did you know one of the contestants has won over $200000 specializing in multi tabling $100/$200 Sit and Gos online? Did you know that another 'nut' had graduated Law School at Washington University in Saint Louis (very good school)? There was much poker talent on this years show as opposed to the
celebrity/crony/shill version of the show last year.

Real poker players, real life reality. Does that answer your question Plano? We're poker players NOT Priests or Teachers.

Last edited by scottyclark; 09-17-2008 at 01:59 AM. Reason: to respond to Plano?
09-17-2008 , 09:46 AM
This thread makes me want to play on UB.
09-17-2008 , 10:06 AM
Well Annie Duke could be the boss. She joined IELOGIC, the company that let E-world Holdings, which owned the UB name, use it's software around 2000. UB Didn't start taking real money bets until 2001, then IELOGIC was sold to Excapsa Software. IELOGIC founder Greg Pierson got rich, started IOVATION, a crap security compnay that didn't catch cheating on UB or AP. Wonder how m uch Annie Duke got from this deal. Her buddy Phil Hellmuth loves Greg Pierson and Iovation, so much so he is an investor. So Annie and Phil, also Russ Hamilton and Mansor M. (Roles in E-world and Excapsa not really known) run a reality show, lol, maybe they should look at the reality that for years UB players have been ripped off by cheaters. All 88 usernames are still unknown. Now we all are waiting on the KGC, LOL, who after closing the UB case, chose not to release the NameS OF ALLEGED cheaters/ AP owners, A.J. Green and Scott Tom. An the rest of the Frat boys. The only people Absolute/Tokwiro told were KGC and Gaming Associates or whatever the "3rd party" was. AP made a deal not to release the names, and the other "independent overeerers" chose not to either.

Scotty, please more on the Montana Frat Boys, Hollywood Dave's relationship with Russ Hamilton, etc. I don't like Annnie or Phil, AND THEY HAVE GOTTNE OFF WAY TOO EASY ON THE UB CHEATING.
09-17-2008 , 10:12 AM
Well at least his absolute insanity is now 100% confirmed.
09-17-2008 , 01:35 PM
I was also a contestant on Season II. Scotty is a very nice, cool guy from what I've seen; he just lost his temper at the wrong time. The thing that frustrated me is the fact that myself, as well as 20 others, would have loved to be in Scotty's seat and it is a shame that the seat ended up being blinded out. I wish Scotty the best of luck.

As far as Hollywood Dave goes, I understand his image has a negative connotation. To be honest, I expected him to be a real ass. In reality though, I was surprised to find he was a very laid-back, down-to-Earth, genuinely cool guy.

I'm sorry that all this went down this way, but I'm sure you all would enjoy this season of the show. There are lots of interesting twists and turns. (Although most you have just read about) Also, I thought it was a plus that we didn't have celebrities on the show to make it fairer. (I feel like I got shorted on the show, but that's another story that I will be happy to discuss after the show airs)

I just ask that you all give the show a chance and check out at least the first episode, which airs on October 27.

09-17-2008 , 02:36 PM
I just knew Mookman would show up in this thread. Welcome Mookie. Good work on all you do for the 2+2 forum. Well done.

I WILL NOT tell the story you desire as far as the BDPS is concern, but I will relate a chance encounter that occurred in July in Las Vegas. Hang in there Mook.

So I’m playing NL at the Shoe, when I meet a young man named Jason King. Jason was a solid player and seemed like a good guy, as I rambled about this fun filled trip I was having. I spoke of UB, my BDPS audition, a second place cash in a Binions Classic event, hanging out in Poker Stars Champions Lounge (Chris Moneymaker gave me a pass) and finally, the UB/AP scandals.

Jason then stated, that HE TOO had met Phil Hellmuth Jr. also. Jason went on to tell ‘partying with Phil stories’, and explained one of his dear school chums was an ‘Oakley Representative’ and a close personal friend of Phil’s. He then asked, ‘What about the scandals? I have never heard that.’ Of course he hadn’t. I went on to tell the story in a fashion that would make Mookman proud, going as far as mentioning the Scott family and how the father had won a bracelet this year. AND at this point, Jason said ‘ I met Philip Scott’. I said where? He said, ‘Partying with Phil.’

Two points. What do YOU find unusual about the Mr. Tom’s biography? And my second point, WOLITZER, please list your degrees in psychology next time you diagnose me. Kid, I have had my hood looked under, and my motor is sound. Now, take that dime store psychology of yours and…oh never mind.

On the issue of the Tonz. To know me is to love me.

Originally Posted by TheTonz
The thing that frustrated me is the fact that myself, as well as 20 others, would have loved to be in Scotty's seat and it is a shame that the seat ended up being blinded out. I wish Scotty the best of luck.
I understand the point your making, but I have to say that I won that final table appearance fair and square. It was a competition. Last years show, (not fair and square) coaches were allowed the option of replacing a player at the FT with a another member of the team. As I walked away from the set, I wondered, and hoped, that someone would be allowed to replace me. Understand, my tirade over the ruling was acting, and my true concern was what my teammates and Mark 'Poker Ho' Kroon would think. Mark said to me that morning, 'Make me proud Scotty', as I assured him I would.

Last edited by scottyclark; 09-17-2008 at 02:56 PM. Reason: for puctuation
09-17-2008 , 03:14 PM
crazies itt
09-17-2008 , 03:29 PM
I know you won the seat Scotty, and you worked hard to get it. I was just saying I would have loved to see you stay there as it would have been interesting to see how it would have all played out.
09-17-2008 , 03:50 PM

First, about your situation, I personally like you walking off, taking a stand.

Please, though, more on those SAE Montana Fraternity Boys.
Scott Tom (CEO) Brent Beckley (Director of Payments & Risk Management) Oscar Hilt Tatum IV (CFO) A.J. Green?

I just love stories about rich kids who have rich parents, in the case of Scott Tom, a Dad who is an "investor" according to his BIO. Do you think he gave/invested money into his sons company Absolute Poker? The ownership roles at AP are very unclear and Many more names that what I mentioned may be linked to both the Frat Boy Connection/ AP superusers, more than just POTRIPPER and Steamroller/ Lack of Anything happening to any of them.

Scotty, were you a superuser planted by UB or Fox, and got found out?
09-17-2008 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Hollywood Dave
As the host of this season of the BDPS season 2 -- and a new UB pro -- i was on set for the duration of the shooting last week. And without getting into the specifics of details better left unspoiled for the viewing audience, i do need to correct some misinformation here.

You said UB trimmed the prizes from last year, which is untrue. UB only offered 3 Aruba seats last year, not 6. I would know -- i played the final table and won one of the 3 packages.

In fact, UB ADDED a 2nd main event seat this season, in addition to the 3 Aruba packages. This is why the production staff was not 'forthcoming' until the final table was set -- this additional prize was a bonus from last year, meant to be a positive surprise for the lucky 6 who made it that far.

As far as the 'overwheming schedule,' i hardly think that anyone minded a few long days to have a 4-in-24 shot into the WSOP or Aruba main events. Plenty of other people would kill for a chance at a freeroll like that!

Lastly, I'm a bit confused why you are disclosing all the details of the show months before it airs. Having worked in television for many years now, I can tell you that its extremely unprofessional to disclose these types of details about a show before it airs. It really discredits a lot of the hard work and effort that all of the production, cast, crew, and other staff (UB and otherwise) put into creating the new TV series that you seem so intent on spoiling right now.

Just some thoughts to mull over before you decide to continue disclosing every detail of the final conflict and drama of this show.

Who gives a **** if UB's show gets tainted. **** UB.
09-17-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Mookman5
Scotty, were you a superuser planted by UB or Fox, and got found out?

omg. Mookie you have lost your mind! lol.

Through all of this, I have continually stated I am no UB shill or insider. I began playing UB last summer, and I am a successful low limit MTT multi-tabler, and have won UBs weekly tournament board 7 times since Christmas of last year. Winning the TLB, entitled you to a headsup match versus a 'house pro' announced on the MAIN SCREEN of the site. (Sundays at 4:00 PM) Having your name on the marquee of the main page 7 times in a few months gives you a certain amount of credibility and respect with other low limit tournament grinders on the site. The TLB was a preoccupation for me, and I once played 160 MTTs in a week to win it. I lost $86 that week, but defeated Debo for a grand that Sunday. My average buyin is less than $13.00 Super User? lol.

I would go on to win 4 of the 7 heads up matches against the likes of Poker HO, Kanuck (James Worth), Shawn Rice, and Debo 34 (Gary Debernardi). I would net $9900 through my TLB pursuits at UB from December 07 to July 08.

MY take? The UB staff was 'at the least' familiar with my reputation as a solid tournament player on the site. FAST FOWARD. I auditioned for the show just like hundreds of others in Las Vegas during the WSOP. Like Allen Kessler said at the donkament at Binions the night after the audition, 'My friend was on that show. You would be PERFECT for that show! You got a good personality'.

So relax Mookman. I set the pace in this thread. My thread. My pace. Your silly theory makes no sense and lacks solid thought process. Run the LIUNA and work on that conspiracy for a day or two. lol

Good Luck and ENJOY!

Scott Clark

Last edited by scottyclark; 09-17-2008 at 04:39 PM. Reason: because Scotty lacks punctuation skills
09-17-2008 , 04:48 PM
Anyone that walks of the set on Fox due to trying to be bullied into staying deserves a round of applause IMO. Well done OP... good to see you didn't sell out!
