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Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge

11-28-2010 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by maximose
Hey all,

I dont post too often but I do have considerable poker knowledge that I would like to share in regards to the reasons why Durrrr is losing the Durrrr challenge.
I am a live and internet player so know both worlds and obviously you need to know the HU internet side game world to understand what is going on.

First off we know that Durrrr is very aggressive and bluff happy. This has worked in the past because he would get players to lay down hands in flip type situations and would win "ev" in a lot of spots. Whats happening in this particular match is something quite different. Jungleman is not willing to sacrifice his EV and will call light on certain board textures. This has caused lots of coin flips and even though Durrrr uses the run it twice feature (which helps drawing type hands) he still is slightly behind with his draws.

Another reason durrrr is losing is because he is not use to opponents range merging. Jungleman has continually double (and sometimes triple) range merged so Durrrr is basically clueless to his tendencies. This has caused Durrrr to beome even more "lag" against jungleman.

The last reason is more psychlogical. Durrrr is quickly becoming more enamored with the live scene and even won 470 million dollars (hong kong dollars) in a recent heads up side game. He no longer is as hungry to fend of these internet kids coming up. Durrrr is almost exactly like dewey tomko in the way of his poker theory but has a little bit of tj cloutier in the way of his lack of drive at the moment.

Anyway just wanted to share some views and hear some feedback

Cliffs: Reasons why durrrr is losing

1. He is no longer winning "ev" with his draw shoving technique.

2. He is being victimized by double (sometimes triple) range merges

3. Depite his Dewey Tomko like knowledge, he is adopting a tj cloutier type mindset.

I stopped reading somewhere through your post and read no replies.

He is losing either because:

1.) He is running bad; or

2.) He's the 2nd best player in the challenge

Note that 1 and 2 can both be true.


Before the challenge started I was attempting to bet $1K to $2K on Dwan. Never got it done. If anyone is still looking I may still be interested. Of course now I will need to be given odds. And I'm not sure if I'll put up as much.


I read a little more of the original post and wow .... tons of stuff in there that is just factually wrong (including some poker math about running it twice and draws), other stuff that is just silly, and some really weird analogies that make no sense. Hmm.

Last edited by Lego05; 11-28-2010 at 04:08 AM.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 04:40 AM
thread is worth reading Lego
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 04:56 AM
Lego must triple merge his reading range imo
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 05:47 AM
nh op
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 06:27 AM
lol Hong Kong dollars.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 06:43 AM
triple range merge across the sky
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 06:47 AM
because being the best is never a permanent thing...

Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1

this guy is either serious or hes been planning this elaborate level for months.
I really hope this. What a genius if this is the case
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:07 AM
Can we merge this thread with another? Perhaps 2?
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by Soner
OP how come Dwan is not quadruple range merging?
because he is too much like Dewey Tomko
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by maximose
Exactly. Your 15 minutes is up man. Don't act like you ride a transluscent stead in these threads where commoners nip at your horses heels proclaiming,"There he goes! There goes the man that beat some 39 year old live pro in 5000 hands hu online for 13k!"

You have no following. Go back to your regular night of beating off to the original dn 2eazy challenge thread.
Jizzed in ma pants
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:23 AM
all pics ITT are great
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by maximose
Exactly. Your 15 minutes is up man. Don't act like you ride a transluscent stead in these threads where commoners nip at your horses heels proclaiming,"There he goes! There goes the man that beat some 39 year old live pro in 5000 hands hu online for 13k!"

You have no following. Go back to your regular night of beating off to the original dn 2eazy challenge thread.
2easy: jungleee! welcome to the jungleeee!!!
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 08:49 AM
What the hell is a triple range merge? Sometimes people assign goofy labels to poker concepts and it's funny but you have some idea what they're talking about. I actually have no idea what that's even supposed to mean.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 09:03 AM
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 09:06 AM
Dewey never triple merged anything except his nit box. I always liked watching him play though
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 09:09 AM
Sounds like something outta Inception.

P.S Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge because Jungleman is out-Durrrring him.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 09:11 AM
I really doesn't even matter cause Tom is up 4700 million jackie chan dollars
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:04 AM
He's losing because jungleman is better than him.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:17 AM
it seems like jungleman may be a bit better than durrrr heads up but is also running way way better so far in this challenge
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by MikeGotNuts
hahaah that is such an ignorant response. yes it takes a lot of cohones to step up to the plate and play in the big game, but as we have seen time and time again (look for the poker stars big game loose cannons, or full tilt million dollar challenge or even recreational players like tony g, gus hansen, or phil laak) you dont need to be a good player to play at those high stakes! i am in no way saying that jungle man is a bad player, but to say that he is a good poker player just because of the stakes he plays is very ignorant and just plain wrong.

just take a couple minutes and read the posts in the durrr challenge thread or the high stakes poker thread, you will see many many suspect plays that even a good live 1/2 player would not make. so yes jungleman has got the money to play int he big leagues but perhaps he still has much to learn

Yeah, but Jungleman does actually play poker, and he has posted in this thread. amirite ?

Also he can triple range merge, and that is awesome.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:43 AM
Durrr is letting his standards online slip from all the live play over the last couple of years and has lost his hunger and edge playing online imo and also jungleman is a beast.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:46 AM
not that this matters but i guess tripple range merge
is preflop (in 3bet pots and whatnot)
during postflop action (pre river)
on the river

flame on
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:48 AM
I think I can explain....

Alright look, Durrr and Jungleman are trapped within a range. We need to go in and put them under so they can go into a range within a range. Because in a range within a range we can protect them from getting quintuple range merged (empty, scary, rangespace). The problem is someone inside the range has to keep them away from the merge. So we're going to take Dewey Tomko's range and merge it with TJ Cloutier's range, within durrrr's range. But Jugleman will think durrrr is in Hasselbeck's range. So basically OP is saying durrr can win the challenge if he can go into a range, and take hands from that range and make them into their OWN range, but not all the time, just this once. Most of you just don't get it because you're not smart enough.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
11-28-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by was_sick
I think I can explain....

Alright look, Durrr and Jungleman are trapped within a range. We need to go in and put them under so they can go into a range within a range. Because in a range within a range we can protect them from getting quintuple range merged (empty, scary, rangespace). The problem is someone inside the range has to keep them away from the merge. So we're going to take Dewey Tomko's range and merge it with TJ Cloutier's range, within durrrr's range. But Jugleman will think durrrr is in Hasselbeck's range. So basically OP is saying durrr can win the challenge if he can go into a range, and take hands from that range and make them into their OWN range, but not all the time, just this once. Most of you just don't get it because you're not smart enough.

thank you sir.
Basic reasons why Dwan is losing the Durrrr challenge Quote
