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Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!!

12-31-2011 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bumbaclat
I know more than one coke dealer who is anti-drug. One guy won't even sell it to his friends and gives them **** if he sees them doing it.
Or maybe he doesn't want people around him with drugs that could draw attention to him and land him in jail for 14 years, because a friend scared of doing 6 months for getting caught with an 8 ball suddenly thinks flipping is a good idea. There's more than a few forfeited cars up for auction with D.A.R.E. bumper stickers on them.

With the stigma and propaganda surrounding drugs, to most people there's no difference between drug use and drug abuse. When something is legal, the burden is placed on the user, and rightfully so. There won't be any bartenders or execs from alcohol companies waking up in the morning facing 14 years. 2.5 million a year die from alcohol related deaths.

Once the amount of money made from legalizing drugs surpasses the amount of money made from prohibition, will people be able to make their own stupid decisions and live or die with the consequences.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
Highly doubt he was only gonna get $110,000 for bringing in that much blow.

Only way I see that possible is if someone set him up with that shipment. While they investigated and caught him and his friends with this shipment, another shipment worth 100 million came in at another port. The main guys lost 7-10% by him getting busted but the main shipment made it in to the country and Saab was the unlucky patsy to go down with the ship and take the fall.
You have to cut through the "street value" bulls%^ the cops put out there and look at the real numbers. The article claims "$6.5-8.5 MIRRION!!" was the worth, but they are liars and use fuzzy math(understatement of the century) to get those numbers to make them look better. Matter of fact that number is preposterous and a work of fiction.

Saab tried to import 14.6 kilos, which HE paid roughly 20-25k per kilo for on the wholesale market. Probably closer to 20 being it was 14 of them. Is that anywhere near $8 million? Of course not, it is around 300-350k, just a SLIGHT difference in value.

Saab making around $100k is right about what it should be a for a broker in that situation bringing in around 325k of product.

I can't even wrap my head around the lies these cops tell, this case is especially egregious. 14.6 kilos is about 514 ounces.

An ounce at a premium price would net roughly $1200, or 616,000. Hell let's just say $1400 or $719,600 for the heck of it.

Break it down in 8 balls for $200 a piece, and you can scratch out $822,400

In order to make the say $7million they claim, you would need to sell 14,392 individual grams at about $500 a piece. A gram sells for about $80 on the street.

It is flat out comical how they try to make it look like a massive life altering bust to make themselves look good.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 02:44 PM
this happened recently in socal, there was this dude that met someone on craigslist. allegedly they were partying, she over-dosed on drugs, he panicked, and dumped her body somewhere (they never found the body). this dude served two and a half years in jail and he's about to get out.

this dude got 14 years for trying to help people have a good time? where's the justice? big pharma just trying get rid of their competition...
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878
You have to cut through the "street value" bulls%^ the cops put out there and look at the real numbers. The article claims "$6.5-8.5 MIRRION!!" was the worth, but they are liars and use fuzzy math(understatement of the century) to get those numbers to make them look better. Matter of fact that number is preposterous and a work of fiction.

Saab tried to import 14.6 kilos, which HE paid roughly 20-25k per kilo for on the wholesale market. Probably closer to 20 being it was 14 of them. Is that anywhere near $8 million? Of course not, it is around 300-350k, just a SLIGHT difference in value.

Saab making around $100k is right about what it should be a for a broker in that situation bringing in around 325k of product.

I can't even wrap my head around the lies these cops tell, this case is especially egregious. 14.6 kilos is about 514 ounces.

An ounce at a premium price would net roughly $1200, or 616,000. Hell let's just say $1400 or $719,600 for the heck of it.

Break it down in 8 balls for $200 a piece, and you can scratch out $822,400

In order to make the say $7million they claim, you would need to sell 14,392 individual grams at about $500 a piece. A gram sells for about $80 on the street.

It is flat out comical how they try to make it look like a massive life altering bust to make themselves look good.
hmmm these may be what prices are in your local market, but they are MUCH higher in Australia where there is a smaller supply available. Plus you can't be certain of the quality of the cocaine itself.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 06:11 PM
Saab Automobiles and David Saab both busted.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Stoop Kid
hmmm these may be what prices are in your local market, but they are MUCH higher in Australia where there is a smaller supply available. Plus you can't be certain of the quality of the cocaine itself.
Those numbers are for good coke right from a cartel source, which is where it all comes from. Sure the price/quality is going to vary not that much at that level. That stuff has only touched a few hands when it is that much, and they aren't stepping on it like a street level dealer would.

It would be one thing if the numbers were close, but they aren't. Even if you double the prices I listed for the Australian market, you still don't even get 1/4 of what they claim.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 07:06 PM
not really a poker pro if he has to smuggle drugs
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 07:22 PM
Wow that is so sick -
Poker players as a whole /// we r some crafty ones lol -
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Stoop Kid
hmmm these may be what prices are in your local market, but they are MUCH higher in Australia where there is a smaller supply available. Plus you can't be certain of the quality of the cocaine itself.
Yes cocaine has to be brought from the other end of the world to Australia. The price is probably double of what it is in the US. Heroin is probably cheaper as it only has to travel from Thailand to Australia.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878
You have to cut through the "street value" bulls%^ the cops put out there and look at the real numbers. The article claims "$6.5-8.5 MIRRION!!" was the worth, but they are liars and use fuzzy math(understatement of the century) to get those numbers to make them look better. Matter of fact that number is preposterous and a work of fiction.

Saab tried to import 14.6 kilos, which HE paid roughly 20-25k per kilo for on the wholesale market. Probably closer to 20 being it was 14 of them. Is that anywhere near $8 million? Of course not, it is around 300-350k, just a SLIGHT difference in value.

Saab making around $100k is right about what it should be a for a broker in that situation bringing in around 325k of product.

I can't even wrap my head around the lies these cops tell, this case is especially egregious. 14.6 kilos is about 514 ounces.

An ounce at a premium price would net roughly $1200, or 616,000. Hell let's just say $1400 or $719,600 for the heck of it.

Break it down in 8 balls for $200 a piece, and you can scratch out $822,400

In order to make the say $7million they claim, you would need to sell 14,392 individual grams at about $500 a piece. A gram sells for about $80 on the street.

It is flat out comical how they try to make it look like a massive life altering bust to make themselves look good.
This is a common tactic used by police. There are several cases of people being charged with massive marijuana possession for having only a water bong. Since the water contained traces of marijuana they weighed all the water and counted it all as marijuana, bumping a tiny possession charge to a major felony.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878
Those numbers are for good coke right from a cartel source, which is where it all comes from. Sure the price/quality is going to vary not that much at that level. That stuff has only touched a few hands when it is that much, and they aren't stepping on it like a street level dealer would.

It would be one thing if the numbers were close, but they aren't. Even if you double the prices I listed for the Australian market, you still don't even get 1/4 of what they claim.
You're right that the gov't numbers are high, but from everything I've heard through the years, a gram in Australia goes from $250-$350. Be curious to hear a few Aussies chime in if that's accurate, or tourist prices. I'm pretty sure it's standard as those I know laughed at the number, and then researched it and found it to be standard there.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
12-31-2011 , 11:53 PM
Yeah $300 is a standard price for a gram down here, and it would be heavily cut too - prolly 60% pure at best.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878
You have to cut through the "street value" bulls%^ the cops put out there and look at the real numbers. The article claims "$6.5-8.5 MIRRION!!" was the worth, but they are liars and use fuzzy math(understatement of the century) to get those numbers to make them look better. Matter of fact that number is preposterous and a work of fiction.


It is flat out comical how they try to make it look like a massive life altering bust to make themselves look good.
Thank you, most people swallow any ridiculously inflated "street value" for drugs, anytime you do the math you find out MJ goes for $200 an eighth and heroin for $1,500 a gram.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 12:58 AM
I have a feeling you guys are discounting the amount of filler that goes into drugs, still probably somewhat of an exaggeration though. You would have to be an absolute ****** to take that sort of risk for $100K (maybe he is, but doubt it).
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 01:22 AM
14 years is a joke. More people will die tonight from alcohol poisoning than from OD'ing on cocaine. And as far as David being a drug dealer, it does not surprise me one bit. The skills that it takes to succeed in the d-game are the same skills that are required to succeed in poker, and I can bet you that some of your favorite pros on TV have been in the game at one point.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Squibz
I have a feeling you guys are discounting the amount of filler that goes into drugs,
I specifically mentioned MJ for that reason, they don't pad weed out with sugar or powdered milk and the "street values" are still BS.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by bigslick7878
Those numbers are for good coke right from a cartel source, which is where it all comes from. Sure the price/quality is going to vary not that much at that level. That stuff has only touched a few hands when it is that much, and they aren't stepping on it like a street level dealer would.

It would be one thing if the numbers were close, but they aren't. Even if you double the prices I listed for the Australian market, you still don't even get 1/4 of what they claim.
Flow of drugs:

Columbia > Mexico > USA > Canada (Saab) > Australia

Price (value) goes up significantly along the way.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:13 AM
400 a gram in oz is not unheard if
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 02:13 PM
Amazing how many drug addicts play poker.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
This is a common tactic used by police. There are several cases of people being charged with massive marijuana possession for having only a water bong. Since the water contained traces of marijuana they weighed all the water and counted it all as marijuana, bumping a tiny possession charge to a major felony.
This sounds a lot like stoner folklore repeated while smoking a bong and every brain dead fool nodding their head in agreement.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by DuaneJoseph
Wow that is so sick -
Poker players as a whole /// we r some crafty ones lol -
1. The vast majority of poker players are not mid level cocaine importers so the Saab case has little representation of the poker playing population at large.
2. Getting caught for it and then getting sentenced to 14 years for it (wow, what a **** lawyer he must have had) is the antithesis of "crafty".
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
14 years is a joke. More people will die tonight from alcohol poisoning than from OD'ing on cocaine.
Convert those numbers to a per capita basis and coke is ruining way more lives than alcohol.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bumbaclat
Convert those numbers to a per capita basis and coke is ruining way more lives than alcohol.
I'm not saying you are wrong, but do you have some hard numbers to back that up? Much as I love teh booze, it has many deleterious effects upon individuals and society.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
You should come to the netherlands, lots cheaper here, rofl
WRONG. Yes, this is completely off topic, but I simply had to clarify. Cocaine, no matter who you know, no matter what connections you have, will NEVER be cheaper in Holland as opposed to USA and even Canada. Never. This is not a brag, and I am in no way proud of some of the things I've done, but if you seriously believe this, and aren't just talking nonsense, you have absolutely no idea about cocaine prices in the North American market.

The gigantic difference in prices for all types of illegal narcotics between Europe and North America is dictated by simple supply and demand. Literally every scheduled drug is cheaper in North America. This is because the drug market is ridiculously larger in North America than even the highest, most polluted European country. The streets are flooded with it, compared to Europe. The price per gram of high-purity cocaine can be as low as 40 dollars, and the same goes for heroin. Finding the same cocaine with the same purity would not only be next to impossible in Europe, but the price would be astronomical. The pharmaceutical black-market is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in parts of Canada and the USA; yet this is an almost non-existent market in Europe.

The fact is this. There is, quite inevitably, millions of European drug users. The problem a European drug user faces, is that the European drug market pales in comparison to the sheer size of the American market. Most of the illegal drugs, at least the big drugs, like cocaine and heroin, are getting sent to the states, and not Europe. Whatever drugs that do make it onto the European market are of a lower quality and a higher price. Sorry about the rant, and it's just my two cents. And I don't know why, but I do take issue when I see Europeans claiming they can get way better sh|t at a cheaper price than in America. It just couldn't be more inaccurate.
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
01-01-2012 , 08:19 PM
wtf did he really get 14 years ?
Aussie poker pro David Saab BUSTED!! Quote
