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Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT

07-30-2018 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma

fact: dumb people jump to personal attacks (however thinly veiled they may be) when challenged.

FACT: I checked snopes and there was no proof your allegation is true.

If you want to post "FACTS" perhaps you could justify your conclusion with....."FACTS!"
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by TehTex
So someone else shoots for her?
They get it from a donor or ask somebody to donate the sperm to them.

On the flip side I knew a girl who had a baby for a couple where the woman wasn't able to to get pregnant. So in that case the guy donates his sperm and they impregnated her. I asked her about it and she said she was given a large amount of $$ and she would be anonymous to the child.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by The Big Pickle
Agreed! With affirmative action...who really knows if they earned the degree or were just GRANTED a degree. A degree from an Ivy league school isn't what it used to be.
The undergrad from MIT was very likely not gifted to her...MIT and Yale is a helluva combo when it comes to employment opportunities. While the Yale standards may have changed (as have a number of Ivy's), it still carries the prestige to get in the door where others may not even have seen the door open at all...

I dare say most who want to trash her have never actually met her or even had so much as a 'hello, how are you' in the hallways. Just as some love to hate the Hellmuth's and Negreanu's of the poker world, so to are there going to be those who hate Vanessa if for no other reason than she has accomplished much more than the haters ever will have. That she is a female (and lesbian) just adds fuel to the fire given the misogyny that is commonplace at live tables...

Caveat: I don't agree with all of the positions that she has adopted, but my bank account never complained about the money that she made me in the Super High Rollers. But reasonable people can also agree to disagree...and we have done that on more than one issue.
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07-30-2018 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by illdonk
You think that the most intelligent/educated always come out ahead in poker?

And you don’t see the difference between a poker game where people voluntarily choose to play and everybody has to play by the same rules, and some aspects of the corporate system? You consider somebody losing a $10k poker tournament and a parent working minimum wage jobs to be equal victims?

That’s an interesting take. I might still go with the Times reporter and the legendary financial firm that have actually met her, though.

Parts of your rebuttal has some merit, however . . .

Yes, the smarter, more disciplined players win far more often over the long term than those who are not. To argue otherwise is just silly. I know people who cant sit still for 20 minutes in a row, cant add fractions, and are wildly impatient. Think they would succeed over those who are calm, patient, and intelligent over the course of a year of poker?

Do gambling addicts "choose" to play? We all know a few people who come back to the tables over and over and never win and never improve and cant go 5 hands without finding a 6X pre-flop raising hand. Those people make me feel awkward to say the least, but you cant stop an addict (or anyone) who doesnt want, or is ready to accept, help. My job shows this me this hourly.

When the people who lose $10K tourneys go bankrupt they are far worse off than the single parent working two jobs, since they actually have jobs and a legit resume in comparison (people in the 10K tourneys do not have an unlimited bankroll, this is why so many names come and go)

By Vanessa's rules it is wrong (and in fact, makes you a "NAZI!!!" hey those are her words, not mine) to support any system that hurts the little people. It's tough to make the case that the thousands of local 1-2 nlh tables are a net positive for the typical minimum wage worker who comes in with $200 every other Friday with a significant part of their paycheck and loses it, sure you can claim "entertainment value," but that's a bit of stretch when they could have spent it on community college courses towards an Associate's degree to improve themselves out of minimum wage situations

So supporting a system where $10K is redistributed (or $200 at a time) from the many to the few is just wrong and she built her life "on the backs" of that. (I know the SJW lingo)

She can do whatever she likes, I dont really "hate" her, I laugh at the incredible hypocrisy of her life. I think she is academically brilliant, an MIT degree is one of the top academic achievements possible. I value that degree higher than the Yale Law degree. In fact, I'll bet at 3AM when she is exhausted and her guard is lowered she would be wonderful to discuss life with in a one-on-one conversation when she knows no one is watching out for her to be a loyal member of the SJW tribe.

I laugh at the blind spot she has regarding her views contradicting her actions.
It's not uncommon.
The tech world in particular is filled with SJW's who made their millions and billions destroying the futures of poor people by creating phones/games/apps that have them clinically addicted to the point they cant pass a basic skills test and cant get a good night's sleep. These tech SJW's have dedicated their most productive years working on how to get teens to stay on their phones all day and click on ads so corporations can get rich off them.

I dont waste my time "hating" but I do love me some message-board-hypocrisy-exposing. It's entertainment to me.

I'm no better than anyone else . . . except maybe at finding the hypocrisy.
That's my thing.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Raistlin16
Parts of your rebuttal has some merit, however . . .
Maga props to you for actually spending an hour of your time trying to convince somebody with 0% percent chance of changing their position to your side. I used to do that back in the day, but then I realized some people are SO entrenched in their position that NOTHING can sway their opinion. Points of view on life topics are subjective....almost nothing can change a persons mind. Points of view on poker, however, are more likely OBJECTIVE because they are based on logic and math.

In summary, waste time on the objective....dismiss the subjective.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 11:56 AM
[QUOTE=michelle227;54104110]The undergrad from MIT was very likely not gifted to her...MIT and Yale is a helluva combo when it comes to employment opportunities.

Totally agree with this.

If you are running a business and one of the resume's says "MIT/Yale Law degree" you are absolutely calling them in for an interview.

The credentials get you to the top of anyone's list of prospective hires, now what you say and how you say it in the interview is another issue.

I'd hire the State U grad with strong people skills and work-ethic over the Ivy U grad who has bad people skills and questionable work-ethic every time.

It's like good looks, it'll get you more first dates, but if that's all you got, you wont be around for too long. Who would keep a cold, mean, 10, over a warm, fun, affectionate 8?

Vanessa's condescending personality is not an issue at a poker table where it's just you, a corporation of one, but if she acts like that condescending-SJW we so often see while working with others, she may not be there too long. Very few take being looked down upon well.

I wish her well, and she is still young, give her 15 to 20 more years and she may look back at herself and think, "Wow, was I a judgemental, condescending piece of work back then"
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
fact: dumb people jump to personal attacks (however thinly veiled they may be) when challenged.
question: so basically what you just did in this sentence?
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 01:13 PM
Anyone who uses the term SJW is guaranteed to be a bigger POS in real life than the person they're attacking. FACTS! Also, she doesn't have a degree from MIT.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Anyone who uses the term SJW is guaranteed to be a bigger POS in real life than the person they're attacking. FACTS! Also, she doesn't have a degree from MIT.
FACT: calling an opinion a fact does not make it a fact.

This might actually be the only actual fact in this thread of facts.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Glennis
question: so basically what you just did in this sentence?
i'm a confirmed dummy, but also smart enough to not engage in discussion with someone who has now twice re-directed a conversation into something else.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
i'm a confirmed dummy, but also smart enough to not engage in discussion with someone who has now twice re-directed a conversation into something else.
Well, you did say that "dumb people jump to personal attacks (however thinly veiled they may be)", a not so thinly veiled personal attack. If that's not hilarious then I don't know what is.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Glennis
FACT: calling an opinion a fact does not make it a fact.
PROOF you are wrong.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Glennis
Well, you did say that "dumb people jump to personal attacks (however thinly veiled they may be)", a not so thinly veiled personal attack. If that's not hilarious then I don't know what is.
okay cool. it was fun participating in this 'glennis streams his consciousness' thread but i have a nation to run, later.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
keep repeating yourself
It's considered well-mannered to acknowledge a self-burn graciously.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
hating someone because they come off as annoying in TV poker games is a sad take. there is no way around this.
In fairness, her TV persona represents only a small percentage of the hate in this thread.

Raistlin16's "let me count the reasons" post above sums up the overall vitriol quite well, whether or not you agree with the premise of each point. And you'll notice that her onscreen behavior is not mentioned.
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Registered 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't already managing a small amount ($10,000,000 or less) of the fund's !65 Billion. They would have to be hiring her because of her betting and raising experience and ability to handle swings. She could secretly be also a recruiter looking for talent within the poker community.

They would have her making betting and money management decisions ASAP after minimum orientation. Only way to really test her. No way she would just be a pure analyst. That would be a job for finance graduates.

Decades ago, there was a trader named Richard Dennis who hired anything but financial people to trade for his firm. Chess players, backgammon players, and scientists were getting hired. This practice by Dalio isn't new. Dennis called his recruits "turtles".
But what does this mean exactly? What does one do when they manage $10M of a hedge fund?
Article about Vanessa Selbst in NYT Quote
07-30-2018 , 06:55 PM
Quoting this for a bunch of basic answers the thread seems to have completely glossed over

Originally Posted by GoldenBears
I'll try to engage in some reasonable discussion before this goes off the rails:

I agree that the HF industry is littered with all sorts of nonsense, survivorship bias, packaging beta as alpha and outright scams. I think we do our best to call this out as much as possible, although our incentives are obviously skewed.

I think that Bridgewater is different. The firm has been around for around 40 years, essentially has only had two products for this entire time (alpha and beta, packaged separately) and has made more money for its clients than any hedge fund in history.

Our clients are primarily pension funds (Teachers unions, company pensions, etc.) and sovereign wealth funds. It's more like an economic think tank than a hedge fund, and a lot of our resources go towards advising the economic leaders of the world on how we think markets work. We also publish a lot of this work, which helps people in general manage money more sensibly.

You can read some things we've produced here:

We certainly aren't curing cancer, but as far as Hedge Funds go, it's more similar to getting an Econ PhD than it is to Axe Capital

None. We don't have Portfolio Managers running their own capital. We have one giant expert system which that we have built over 40 years that describes how global markets operate. All of us contribute to trying to improve that system and compounding all of our knowledge, rather than having a bunch of people re-doing the same work to run their own books.

I won't speak for V, but there's a difference between thinking Communism is better than Capitalism and thinking that our current system of Capitalism can be greatly improved.

Lodden Thinks, mostly.
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