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*** April High Stakes Thread *** *** April High Stakes Thread ***

04-29-2010 , 07:23 PM
I missed most of the match but I'm going to take a guess that Cole raped him. Was Cole lucky in the match though anyone know?
04-29-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by enryblrak
Cada just seems to love getting it in way behind and hoping as always he hits his miracle cards...
Is this one of those "levels" all the kids are talking about?
04-29-2010 , 07:55 PM
who are these guys playing high stakes on stars? are they anyone we know from ftp?
04-29-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by prescottburgess
who are these guys playing high stakes on stars? are they anyone we know from ftp?
gandolf, hastings, i know raiseonce is a mystery. was going to ask who hamsa and ktrieu are. hamsa broke up hastings/cada hu.
04-29-2010 , 09:18 PM
based on nothing at all, could RaiseOnce be David Benyamine?
04-29-2010 , 09:21 PM
durrrr $-771.747,00
04-29-2010 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Neocom
durrrr $-771.747,00
since when
04-29-2010 , 09:30 PM
good to see some 100/200NL deep ante 6max games running on FT in NLHE...usually don't see anything about 25/50 for 6max.
04-29-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Neocom
durrrr $-771.747,00
Details please.
04-29-2010 , 10:24 PM
ouch jungleman. 4bets ah4h, double barrels ai on a 6d 2c 8h 9h, observer84 uses full timebank and calls with jj. 90k pot @ 100-200.
04-29-2010 , 10:29 PM

URnotINdanger2: $85k
tibster24: $163k

UR: 3x's btn to 1800, tibster calls

Flop: $3600

Tib checks, UR bets 2400, Tib craises to 10800, UR calls

Turn: $25200

tib bets 19000, UR calls

River: $63200

Tib shoves, UR calls $55474

04-29-2010 , 10:31 PM
watching that as it happened was so so so so so soo sick ^
04-29-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by CherIzDaBest
watching that as it happened was so so so so so soo sick ^

04-29-2010 , 10:38 PM
I just don't understand the hand. I'm trying to think of a hand that he can beat on the river but wtf.
04-29-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
I just don't understand the hand. I'm trying to think of a hand that he can beat on the river but wtf.
well its headsup, he has a pair, and turn/river are huge scare cards so its not completely unreasonable
04-29-2010 , 11:22 PM
Some v nice high stakes NLHE 6max action tonight! it's been like forever on ft. Hope this will keep up (we need handhistorians!)
04-30-2010 , 12:17 AM
URnotINdanger2: who ru btw?
URnotINdanger2: i realise this probly isnt tibster
URnotINdanger2: or the plo tibster
tibster24: yes i play holdem too
URnotINdanger2: y playu
URnotINdanger2: play
URnotINdanger2: highstakes holdem when youve never played highstakes plo
URnotINdanger2: not complaining
URnotINdanger2: i love ur action
URnotINdanger2: just saying
URnotINdanger2: also
URnotINdanger2: ur not multitabling
tibster24: gg
URnotINdanger2: niot
URnotINdanger2: going to answer
URnotINdanger2: me on asking who ur?
URnotINdanger2: i hihgly doubt it is tibster
URnotINdanger2: but
URnotINdanger2: idk rly know
URnotINdanger2: just sketchy to me
tibster24: can play later
tibster24: gg
URnotINdanger2: gg
04-30-2010 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by nickduke5
URnotINdanger2: who ru btw?
URnotINdanger2: i realise this probly isnt tibster
URnotINdanger2: or the plo tibster
tibster24: yes i play holdem too
URnotINdanger2: y playu
URnotINdanger2: play
URnotINdanger2: highstakes holdem when youve never played highstakes plo
URnotINdanger2: not complaining
URnotINdanger2: i love ur action
URnotINdanger2: just saying
URnotINdanger2: also
URnotINdanger2: ur not multitabling
tibster24: gg
URnotINdanger2: niot
URnotINdanger2: going to answer
URnotINdanger2: me on asking who ur?
URnotINdanger2: i hihgly doubt it is tibster
URnotINdanger2: but
URnotINdanger2: idk rly know
URnotINdanger2: just sketchy to me
tibster24: can play later
tibster24: gg
URnotINdanger2: gg

I was about to post here that I didn't think this was the real tibster, but then I noticed he has some previous 200/400 sessions.

But THEN I noticed PTR sessions only go back to 4/15.

The play of that hand alone, regardless of the stakes and it being NL, is very very untibsteresque.
04-30-2010 , 01:20 AM
Observer84: yo guys I can barely see straight anymore
Observer84: 7 am here
Observer84: going to bed gg
jungleman12: must be nice
jungleman12: to perpetually win
aejones: you talking to urnot or observer?
aejones: haha
URnotINdanger2: not me
URnotINdanger2: im stuck 400k 2day
aejones: dang
aejones: to who
URnotINdanger2: tibster24
jungleman12: im stuck about 250
aejones: you guys suck !
URnotINdanger2: clearly
jungleman12: yes
URnotINdanger2: wutever
URnotINdanger2: no point in playing this game
URnotINdanger2: if its 3handed
Observer84: sry guys I am just awfully tired right now, I started to play 20h ago

gotta love AE MF Jones
04-30-2010 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by vaqerro
gandolf, hastings, i know raiseonce is a mystery. was going to ask who hamsa and ktrieu are. hamsa broke up hastings/cada hu.
I'm pretty sure ktrieu is mrTEA on 2p2, think just a grinder that went from 1/2 to 25/50 in like a year or smth. seen him playing plo lately but used to play only holdem as far as i'm aware.
04-30-2010 , 03:39 AM
Someone should really get urinotindanger to stop NOW, down 700k and tilting his money away to ashman... not pretty...

Cant have that big of a roll to afford this, or?
04-30-2010 , 03:47 AM
I doubt he's tilting much, ashman is in god-mode.
but not a bad idea to quit being down 700k.

Last edited by dude1238; 04-30-2010 at 03:53 AM.
04-30-2010 , 03:51 AM
theyre only 4 tabling 200/400. it doesnt seem down that much.

who is urnotindanger2 anyways? just some reg who moved up? its not like urindanger has been a big name for a very long time or anything.
04-30-2010 , 04:39 AM
URnotINdanger2 3672 hands $-818,268 (Last 24 hours)

04-30-2010 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by D.S.
URnotINdanger2 3672 hands $-818,268 (Last 24 hours)

Wow thats ****ed up and he had such a beautiful graph!
