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Annie Duke a Celebrity Apprentice!!!!!! Annie Duke a Celebrity Apprentice!!!!!!

10-07-2008 , 01:21 PM
That may be a good point. I am mostly a live player. I have not been following that story very closely, but I know there were superusers and they gave a bunch of money back. I would still be willing to think it possible to think that she has contract obligations to satisfy with UB, speaking on their behalf. I will still go with my read live that she has an ego to be sure, but is intensely moral.
There is a basic definition difference between saying things one believes true and being mistaken, and intentional deception. I would say she is a favorite not to be the latter. We'll all know soon. That will be the end of any clout she would have with players if she did intentionally lie about it though. I know she would know that, I KNOW (note emphasis) she isn't an idiot. I just don't think she would be that stupid. Smart people can behave in stupid ways....i.e. Bill Clinton. I just think it makes sense to wait and see.
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