Originally Posted by Annette_15
I didnt know how to handle the media, or the attention that I was getting at the time.
Funny to read this, never would have guessed it. I'd say you handled it quite well, especially given a tougher-than-usual situation: your age at the time, being a female in a game that's 95 percent male, plus the know-it-all nature of the audience. Not sure if you had a manager/agent helping to coordinate the media circus – my least favorite part of the PR profession – but again, you put a good face forward throughout all of it.
Anyway, good luck to you!
Also, now that I think about it, I wonder if Manny MUA and Jeffree Star faced similar challenges in the female-dominated field of beauty vlogging as women deal with in the male-heavy arena of poker? (I can envision some long-timer grousing, "I've been grinding GRWM vids since 2009, yet that luckbox James Charles comes in and gets a sponsorship deal after two months.")
EDIT: Annette, if you ever do a GRWM while blinded by Post-Its, let us know... would be a must-watch.