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Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room

01-30-2015 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by BEANO52
Do like the majority of 2+2 and put petjax on ignore. Trust me, it makes NVG much (less frustrating).
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am shooting for the whole 2+2, but i will still tell it like i think it is, and that can hurt does it not?, and for beano he can't take to much frustration, his brain-capacity is a little small, he can't take a little troll once and a while.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 11:25 AM
This thread is BBV quality.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Isn't this a little like following a bout between George Foreman and Larry Holms? Both these guys are older than me. Can they really be playing at that high of a level poker? You can probably pick a random 22 yr old online HU grinder who would destroy either of them in a HU match.
Are there a lot of 22 year olds playing limit holdem?
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
This thread is BBV quality.
I think there's a nifty polarization effect in NVG where the larger the sums of money being discussed in a thread are, the greater the degeneration.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 05:45 PM
Ok-so we have all learned how terribad it is to take advantage of petjax's family at the table, I am really more interested in the point of this thread:

Did Andy Leave town?-if so and since he really has no respect for Todd-when is he coming back to play more?

more gossip....less moralizing......better poker
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
WTF, really oh well
Its a strange world indeed but it is what it is.
The tipping thing in America is strange to some ppl from europe but i must admit not seen to many in fact very rare to see the person u describe in said post in UK.
And i would bet that the dealers in vegas would rather deal there regular games than the highstakes as they get more tips from the lower games.
The 1st time i went to vegas a friend told me to always tip the waitresses $5 for our "free" drinks & see what happens, well it went like this as we are in belligiao & we were giving the waitresses there $5 for 4 drinks at a time, she was always finding us when we needed a refil, asked us when were were leaving casino & would we like to go to the Ghost bar later, ofc we accept, the waitress got us in for free bought us a bottle of brandy, also arrange for her friends to meet us their, & told us that v rarely do americans tip more than a dollar for anything in casino unless looking for something more & was glad to party with real ppl, we had a ball & it was prob the best holiday i ever had, well except for ibiza.

tipping reds for every drink at your average casino and a 45 year old bald guy from Idaho gets treated like a rock star. corruption in it's most fun form.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
tipping reds for every drink at your average casino and a 45 year old bald guy from Idaho gets treated like a rock star. corruption in it's most fun form.
Hey-this stripper in my lap keeps saying how much she loves my bald head-its because she loves me, right?
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-30-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
asked us when were were leaving casino & would we like to go to the Ghost bar later, ofc we accept, the waitress got us in for free bought us a bottle of brandy, also arrange for her friends to meet us their, & told us that v rarely do americans tip more than a dollar for anything in casino unless looking for something more & was glad to party with real ppl, we had a ball & it was prob the best holiday i ever had, well except for ibiza.

WTF? Did you just watch Swingers or something? This **** doesn't happen. Tipping $5 for 4 drinks at a time isn't all that swinging, and not enough for her to buy you a bottle of booze at the bar unless you ordered 200 drinks.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
WTF? Did you just watch Swingers or something? This **** doesn't happen. Tipping $5 for 4 drinks at a time isn't all that swinging, and not enough for her to buy you a bottle of booze at the bar unless you ordered 200 drinks.
British accent never fails.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 06:15 AM
I think he has left town right after the match with brunson, or he played some private games of the grit,because i think that he saw there were any serious reliable players around since they are all in Australia, and only the dodgie not so reliable players were in vegas, and the other respectable players don't have the money or can get the money to play him.

I think he rather plays against players like P. Antonius, Eric Seidel, john juanda to name a few, players like that that are considered honest and honorable, but who knows maybe he turns up in australia.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by SqredII
Not sure. I was trying to be funny in my original post and got slammed by petjax. He was not really a mentally challenged guy. He was actually, pardon the phrase, a mental case. Like needed to be institutionalized and on heavy psychotropics. Talking to himself, you get it. We were pissed when the floor and security removed him for his own good, considering they let him play slots and booked him long enough to let him hit a jackpot. Casino management scum.
yes, because every slot player is put through a mental exam by the minute. maybe they figured it out and a responsible manager made the decision for his best interest. you sound like a greedy pig, just like the casinos.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 10:12 AM
^ It's hard to say. From a certain point of view anyone who is -EV should be sent out for their own best interest. But if the person is having a good time then they are rational to decide to stay. sqredII's hypothetical - as it turned out to be - isn't a slamdunk that the person shouldn't be there.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 10:59 AM
How the *%#^ has a thread about one of the highest stakes games ever played devolved into a tipping thread/poo flinging thread about 22 yo Internet wizards? You morons are ruining this forum
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by GiggityGoo70
How the *%#^ has a thread about one of the highest stakes games ever played devolved into a tipping thread/poo flinging thread about 22 yo Internet wizards? You morons are ruining this forum
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by GiggityGoo70
How the *%#^ has a thread about one of the highest stakes games ever played devolved into a tipping thread/poo flinging thread about 22 yo Internet wizards? You morons are ruining this forum
You need to email Bill Gates and tell him to stop playing 3/6 limi and contact Warren for a game of 1M/2M limi so you guys will have something more to jerk to.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
WTF? Did you just watch Swingers or something? This **** doesn't happen. Tipping $5 for 4 drinks at a time isn't all that swinging, and not enough for her to buy you a bottle of booze at the bar unless you ordered 200 drinks.
It musta been the accent, the american ladys do love the scottish accent.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
Not sure. I was trying to be funny in my original post and got slammed by petjax. He was not really a mentally challenged guy. He was actually, pardon the phrase, a mental case. Like needed to be institutionalized and on heavy psychotropics. Talking to himself, you get it. We were pissed when the floor and security removed him for his own good, considering they let him play slots and booked him long enough to let him hit a jackpot. Casino management scum.
Well it was not funny to me and i did slam on you for saying that, and if the guy was mentally ill i still think that you and the other players shouldn't have taken his money, but like i said i volunteer for 20+ years in a house for people with down syndrome and people with the mind of a 5/10 year old in a grown body, and i love to do it because those people are so goodhearted and kind and i almost never heard them say anything bad about anyone, and it is a very grateful and humbling thing to do, and so rewarding if you help them with anything or they have finished a job they are so thankful and happy it makes me happy and i think it is something everybody should do something like this.
But that being said i do admit that i was too harsh and to insulting too you and i do apologize for that , i was very mad when i wrote that, but it is personal to me, and yes i do hate racism and all that other stuff you wrote, but hey i just think it is a waste of time to be ignorant and hating people for the color of their skin or religion or whatever, i have other things i want to do and keep myself busy with like have a good night of poker or play some pool or whatever, life is to short, and trying to have a good life and trying to have a good time takes time enough, don't you think?.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Can we get this discussion back on track?

Who would win in two on two hoops match, a high stakes dealer who just got a dollar tip on a 2m pot and a mentally challenged gentleman vs a random 22 yo and drunk single mother?

And would you watch it?
Depends on your perspective and how you define winning...I think you have to be able to find different ways to win depending on the matchup you get and you have to devise a game plan that you think is going to work.Once you get in there, you see if it works and if it's going good, you kind of stay with it but you've got to be able to adjust. But I would definitely watch it if it isnt on pay per view, because HBO is filled with racist nazi slaveowners.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
Not sure. I was trying to be funny in my original post and got slammed by petjax. He was not really a mentally challenged guy. He was actually, pardon the phrase, a mental case. Like needed to be institutionalized and on heavy psychotropics. Talking to himself, you get it. We were pissed when the floor and security removed him for his own good, considering they let him play slots and booked him long enough to let him hit a jackpot. Casino management scum.
Willfully reading Petjax's posts is like letting a woodpecker peck away at the side of your head.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by petjax
Well it was not funny to me and i did slam on you for saying that, and if the guy was mentally ill i still think that you and the other players shouldn't have taken his money, but like i said i volunteer for 20+ years in a house for people with down syndrome and people with the mind of a 5/10 year old in a grown body, and i love to do it because those people are so goodhearted and kind and i almost never heard them say anything bad about anyone, and it is a very grateful and humbling thing to do, and so rewarding if you help them with anything or they have finished a job they are so thankful and happy it makes me happy and i think it is something everybody should do something like this.
But that being said i do admit that i was too harsh and to insulting too you and i do apologize for that , i was very mad when i wrote that, but it is personal to me, and yes i do hate racism and all that other stuff you wrote, but hey i just think it is a waste of time to be ignorant and hating people for the color of their skin or religion or whatever, i have other things i want to do and keep myself busy with like have a good night of poker or play some pool or whatever, life is to short, and trying to have a good life and trying to have a good time takes time enough, don't you think?.
Three words come to mind..."use a period"
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 04:07 PM
is there a way to ban other peoples quotations of petjax? i accidentally read the first two lines of the above.. the horror.....the horror
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Three words come to mind..."use a period"
But he surrounded the question mark with periods. That makes up for the one period in the 10k word post.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
It musta been the accent, the american ladys do love the scottish accent.
Can +1 this
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 09:25 PM
Is there a way to put someone on ignore using your phone? I only ever look at this site on my phone. Thanks.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
01-31-2015 , 11:41 PM
Is it any coincidence that he's playing after the game's been solved? I wouldn't play anybody in HU LHE anymore without studying the conclusions from GTO play first.
Andy Beal v Todd Brunson - 50k/100k limit hold'em in Bobby's Room Quote
